New Info on Moffitt

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Old 02-15-2011, 12:53 AM
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Default New Info on Moffitt

I learned this afternoon that donating to "The Mission For Moffitt" apparently does not benefit Moffitt Cancer Center. This saddens me.

I've been conflicted about donating. I like that Moffitt will be on campus. Donating to it appeals to me. However, it did concern me that Relay for Life reportedly would not be allowed on campus unless it split donations with the developer's fund raising effort. Some TOTVers seemed to think that the donations would not actually benefit Moffitt. That would concern me even more, except I thought it unlikely.

Like Cabo, I felt Ritchie is too biased a source. Ditto The Daily Sun. So, on Feb. 9, I emailed these questions to Michelle Foley of Moffitt Center:

  1. Will the outcome of the fund-raising effort for the equipment effect Moffitt's decision to locate within The Villages?
  2. Will Villagers' donations for the equipment financially benefit the Moffitt organization in any way? If so, how?
  3. Will Moffitt's costs to locate within The Villages be reduced in any way as a result of the fund raising effort?
After asking time to check with "our general counsel", Ms. Foley responded this afternoon as follows:
"Hi Phyllis, the answer is no to all of your questions. Please let me know if you need anything else."

So, does this mean that by donating to "The Mission for Moffitt," we would be buying merchandise for the developer, that he will turn around and lease for profit at no cost to him? Is this possible? Is the fund-raising justified if Moffitt won't benefit and if it will have no impact on Moffitt locating in TV? In what sense is it a charitable donation if the funds raised don't benefit Moffitt?

Cabo? Russ? GG?
Old 02-15-2011, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
I learned this afternoon that donating to "The Mission For Moffitt" apparently does not benefit Moffitt Cancer Center. This saddens me.

I've been conflicted about donating. I like that Moffitt will be on campus. Donating to it appeals to me. However, it did concern me that Relay for Life reportedly would not be allowed on campus unless it split donations with the developer's fund raising effort. Some TOTVers seemed to think that the donations would not actually benefit Moffitt. That would concern me even more, except I thought it unlikely.

Like Cabo, I felt Ritchie is too biased a source. Ditto The Daily Sun. So, on Feb. 9, I emailed these questions to Michelle Foley of Moffitt Center:

  1. Will the outcome of the fund-raising effort for the equipment effect Moffitt's decision to locate within The Villages?
  2. Will Villagers' donations for the equipment financially benefit the Moffitt organization in any way? If so, how?
  3. Will Moffitt's costs to locate within The Villages be reduced in any way as a result of the fund raising effort?
After asking time to check with "our general counsel", Ms. Foley responded this afternoon as follows:
"Hi Phyllis, the answer is no to all of your questions. Please let me know if you need anything else."

So, does this mean that by donating to "The Mission for Moffitt," we would be buying merchandise for the developer, that he will turn around and lease for profit at no cost to him? Is this possible? Is the fund-raising justified if Moffitt won't benefit and if it will have no impact on Moffitt locating in TV? In what sense is it a charitable donation if the funds raised don't benefit Moffitt?

Cabo? Russ? GG?
Phyllis... In response to your queries to Moffitt, it becomes obvious that the answer is NO, NO, and a resounding NO. I feel that the folks are starting to understand the developer's "game plan" which I just explained in another post.

Moffit will have NO control over the building the developer is LEASING TO Moffitt. The developer is pulling a fast one for his own profit by this donation plan so that he can buy this hi-tech equipment with the donated funds, own outright this equipment (not Moffitt nor the donors) and lease this equipment as well to Moffitt. Moffitt is not receiving ANY monies from those donations and the only one asking for the donations is the developer, NOT MOFFITT, and the developer will OWN this lucrative equipment with the donations as well as reap the rewards of the income this equipment will create. Yes, it's all a huge scam with many loopholes I would imagine where the developer is using these donors for his and his only profit AND WITH THE DONORS MONEY. Get the picture? So shameful and the worse part of it is that these well-intended donors don't seem to understand the scam the developer has going.

AND, this is not the first time that the developer has knowing misappropriated funds due the residents' budget to maintain the common grounds. Referring to the law suit the POA initiated AND WON! Then the final fau pau (sp?) was when the developer kicked out the ACS Relay for Life....proof of the lack of integrity the developer so blatently displays!!

TRUST THE POA; they are your friends. It's all about greed like our government leaders, we must learn who's our friend and who's our foe here in TV as well. Sad....but true.
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Old 02-15-2011, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
I learned this afternoon that donating to "The Mission For Moffitt" apparently does not benefit Moffitt Cancer Center. This saddens me.

I've been conflicted about donating. I like that Moffitt will be on campus. Donating to it appeals to me. However, it did concern me that Relay for Life reportedly would not be allowed on campus unless it split donations with the developer's fund raising effort. Some TOTVers seemed to think that the donations would not actually benefit Moffitt. That would concern me even more, except I thought it unlikely.

Like Cabo, I felt Ritchie is too biased a source. Ditto The Daily Sun. So, on Feb. 9, I emailed these questions to Michelle Foley of Moffitt Center:

  1. Will the outcome of the fund-raising effort for the equipment effect Moffitt's decision to locate within The Villages?
  2. Will Villagers' donations for the equipment financially benefit the Moffitt organization in any way? If so, how?
  3. Will Moffitt's costs to locate within The Villages be reduced in any way as a result of the fund raising effort?
After asking time to check with "our general counsel", Ms. Foley responded this afternoon as follows:
"Hi Phyllis, the answer is no to all of your questions. Please let me know if you need anything else."

So, does this mean that by donating to "The Mission for Moffitt," we would be buying merchandise for the developer, that he will turn around and lease for profit at no cost to him? Is this possible? Is the fund-raising justified if Moffitt won't benefit and if it will have no impact on Moffitt locating in TV? In what sense is it a charitable donation if the funds raised don't benefit Moffitt?

Cabo? Russ? GG?
I am saddened by this. I am satisfied to see someone who is a journalist by trade and someone I respect mightily and trust utterly has researched this issue and posted here.

I am pleased that you wrote this without venom and sarcasm. So much has been seen here that has been written with venom and sarcasm including my own postings.

It is obvious that by donating to Moffit that the developer would benefit financially.

I wonder why Moffitt would allow this.

Last edited by graciegirl; 02-15-2011 at 08:36 AM.
Old 02-15-2011, 07:05 AM
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Can someone accurately identify the name of the 501 c3 organization to which the "Moffit" contributions are going? Further can someone cite facts relating this charity to the "Developer?
Old 02-15-2011, 07:07 AM
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I wish I could say this surprises me, but it doesn't. It really is more or less what I expected to hear. When I first heard that Moffitt Center was coming here, that the Morses were donating the land and building, I was thrilled. Then I heard about the Leesburg Moffitt and it quickly became apparent to me that Moffit in TV was only about the status of having it here, not any real need. Moffitt got an offer they couldn't refuse is what I thought. Now, I'm not even sure of that. Since Moffitt will have to pay rent and won't own the equipment, what in heck are they getting out of this deal? Why would they want two centers so close together? Just doesn't make sense.

So, the Morses' clay feet are showing. They get a nice tax writeoff; rent paid for the land and building they "donated;" probably a lease for the equipment they are getting with donations (be interesting to get the facts on this aspect, if at all possible). We get a cancer center -- one that is duplicative of one less than 20 miles from TV. We do not necessarily get the physicians and staff of Moffitt -- we get ones "trained" by Moffitt but that's not really the same thing. We or our insurance companies get to pay for the treatment -- it is not free or at a reduced cost. We lost the Relay. Other charities suffer by having to donate a portion of their proceeds to the Moffitt charity. Sounds like a very sweet deal for the Morses. I am beginning to wonder what makes it work for Moffitt.

Somewhere, somehow, we are missing some facts. I'm just not sure how we find them out. So, I guess we need to research if there is a Moffitt/Morse entity. What benefits Moffitt does get by building two centers so close together. What inducements were made/given to have them agree to come to TV after committing to Leesburg? It might be interesting to know the deal Leesburg made with Moffitt just for comparison. Anyone have any clues how we can find out some of these things?
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Old 02-15-2011, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post

I wonder why Moffitt would allow this.

Gracie, that's the million dollar question. I, too, have e-mailed Michelle Foley and asked her why Moffitt is associated with this and the fund-raising going on here in their name is doing nothing but sullying their reputation. That was two weeks ago, and even though I re-send the e-mail (second, third request), I get no reply. One can only assume they know exactly what is going on and how they get the equipment is of no concern to them, just that they get it. I find this whole thing a "senior scam" where donations are made by good and decent people who think they are helping cancer patients. In my discussions with people who donated, they were told by fund-raising personnel that even though you make the check out to Villages Health System, the money was going to Moffitt - a direct contradiction to Michelle's e-mail. Isn't this the definition of fraud?
Old 02-15-2011, 07:44 AM
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One other thing I forgot to put in my post for everyone's consideration -

A lot of people have written on this website saying having Moffitt here can only be good for TV. It appears to me from what I have read that they are branching out to various locations, creating lots of "affiliates" with local staff. It's almost starting to sound like the Wal-Mart of cancer care - you have a name-brand that attracts people and the smaller Mom and Pop businesses are quickly put out of business because they just can't compete. So instead of adding to the community, it really reduces our choices in cancer treatment. I will state that given all that I know about their complicity in the fund-raising being done here in their name, I personally would have serious reservations about going there if I were diagnosed with cancer. Cancer treatment is a business and when and if the time comes for me to require it, I really do want a choice in my care.
Old 02-15-2011, 07:55 AM
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Has anybody thought about the fact that selling homes in The Villages is the #1 priority of the developer and that the more renowned names that are associated with The Villages, the more attractive it would be to locate here?
Old 02-15-2011, 08:21 AM
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Good point TH.............
Old 02-15-2011, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
I learned this afternoon that donating to "The Mission For Moffitt" apparently does not benefit Moffitt Cancer Center. This saddens me.

I've been conflicted about donating. I like that Moffitt will be on campus. Donating to it appeals to me. However, it did concern me that Relay for Life reportedly would not be allowed on campus unless it split donations with the developer's fund raising effort. Some TOTVers seemed to think that the donations would not actually benefit Moffitt. That would concern me even more, except I thought it unlikely.

Like Cabo, I felt Ritchie is too biased a source. Ditto The Daily Sun. So, on Feb. 9, I emailed these questions to Michelle Foley of Moffitt Center:

  1. Will the outcome of the fund-raising effort for the equipment effect Moffitt's decision to locate within The Villages?
  2. Will Villagers' donations for the equipment financially benefit the Moffitt organization in any way? If so, how?
  3. Will Moffitt's costs to locate within The Villages be reduced in any way as a result of the fund raising effort?
After asking time to check with "our general counsel", Ms. Foley responded this afternoon as follows:
"Hi Phyllis, the answer is no to all of your questions. Please let me know if you need anything else."

So, does this mean that by donating to "The Mission for Moffitt," we would be buying merchandise for the developer, that he will turn around and lease for profit at no cost to him? Is this possible? Is the fund-raising justified if Moffitt won't benefit and if it will have no impact on Moffitt locating in TV? In what sense is it a charitable donation if the funds raised don't benefit Moffitt?

Cabo? Russ? GG?
I thought the donations were going for equipment that will belong to the Hospital Alliance - not Moffit. If true the answers to the questions are correct.
Old 02-15-2011, 08:38 AM
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Correct Quietman. All the equipment purchased with the donations will belong to The Villages Health System. Therefore the answers to the three questions is no.
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Old 02-15-2011, 09:44 AM
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It just makes me sick on how much they push donations to Moffitt. They are lying to good- hearted people. I can't stand to listen to The Village radio anymore because it is just one big advertisement for donations. Between the paper, the radio, and almost every event, I am so sick of hearing about Moffitt. That's the problem with a Developer having so much power and owning all the media and everything else.
Old 02-15-2011, 10:06 AM
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This will probably generate a lot of responses but here goes anyhow -

The Villages is a great place to live and the Morse family has done a wonderful job of making this slice of Heaven available to us. Where else could you be so happy for such a reasonable cost. $135 monthly amenity fee is almost unheard of anywhere - and for all we get!!

Greed on the part of the developer? The Morse family happens to be wealthy but this is America, folks. They developed The Villages and keep it beautiful. I begrudge them absolutely nothing and anyone would be foolish if they did. If you do not like it here, nothing is keeping you from leaving to go somewhere else.

If you do not want to donate to the Moffit Center - don't donate. No one is forcing you to donate. There are plenty of charities around who are totally separate such as Salvation Army, local food banks, donations directly to Red Cross, Boy Scouts, or whatever. Donate to your churches. Animal shelters need contributions. None of these are connected to the Morse family.

The POA does some good but it is also full of naysayers. Get that good feeling back when you moved to The VIllages and enjoy being here without griping. You never had it so good as you do right now!!!
Old 02-15-2011, 10:17 AM
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You have a positive response from me on your post. I've said the same many times and agree with your statement to donate to whatever charity you wish.

I'm sure interesting replies will follow
Old 02-15-2011, 11:04 AM
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Every time some one posts an opinion questioning the developers ethics they are told "love it or leave it". I don't understand wrong is wrong. The developer has been misleading from the get go and continues even now. I am not against a Moffitt affiliate in TV. I am against donations made by misleading Villagers with false information and innuendos. Even Moffitt in Tampa is trying to distance themselves from this fiasco. At first Michelle Foley only referred emails to the moffitt foundation here, now she is answering emails saying they are not part of this fundraiser and will not receive money form it.

I have no intention of moving, I like living here and enjoying the many amenities we have. I just find it hard to ignore how people are being deceived and feel obligated to voice my opinion.

In a true society the strong protect the weak, here we just call them names and tell them to leave.
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