How conservative is the Villages?

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Old 02-07-2011, 09:15 PM
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Skyguy, barring a few, I think you really only hear the words mentioned here by either side during elections. To say things got ugly in TV if you mentioned you were not voting the McCain-Palin ticket was puting it mildly. Also, just so you know the comments made about conservatives in this thread are mild compared to some of things I've heard about us disgusting, ill-advised, stupid liberals and democrats. You can always read the political forum to see just ugly it gets on both sides. (Fortunately, the same people posting in that forum are usually some of the nicest people you'll get to meet in real life.)
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention
Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay)

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Old 02-07-2011, 10:00 PM
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I know liberals, conservatives and moderates and like most of them.

I don't find the broad generalizations accurate regarding which "side" is closed-minded and which isn't. I know from experience that you cannot judge an entire "side" by the posts of individuals on that "side".

I've met people on both sides who listen and read thoughtfully and broadly across the spectrum, and consider individual issues on their merits. I've met people people on both sides who are not open to considering the merits of different opinions and who are dismissive of opinions and evidence alike that contradict their beliefs.

Frankly, it's the broad generalizations about the other side that seem ... closed minded.
Old 02-07-2011, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Skyguy, barring a few, I think you really only hear the words mentioned here by either side during elections. To say things got ugly in TV if you mentioned you were not voting the McCain-Palin ticket was puting it mildly. Also, just so you know the comments made about conservatives in this thread are mild compared to some of things I've heard about us disgusting, ill-advised, stupid liberals and democrats. You can always read the political forum to see just ugly it gets on both sides. (Fortunately, the same people posting in that forum are usually some of the nicest people you'll get to meet in real life.)
Be it true or not, I cannot take it for gospel nor can I judge that it represents the whole story since I wasn't around here them, but either way it makes little difference in what I've stated, nor does it excuse the current behavior. I guess that I'll just have to wait until the next election and see if it happens then for myself. As for reading the political forum, I cannot access it since I'm not a member of it and not interested in joining, at least at this time!
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Old 02-07-2011, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by nitakk View Post
I've lived here almost 7 years and as a proud liberal democrat from SoCal, it was a shock to the system. It seems to me that the conservative republican is far more prevalent here, and vocal. During the 08 elections, I had Obama stickers ripped off my golf cart while parked at Glenview and it boggled my mind that people this age would do such a thing. The newspaper is a bad joke, the developer's political leanings couldn't be more in your face - but given all that, I still love living here. I don't agree with a lot of people here, but I play golf with them, go to dinner with them and like quite a few of "them". I do, however, stand up for my beliefs and love to debate them on all issues. There are democrat clubs you can join to meet people of like mind, which sometimes is quite a welcome relief! When Palin, Beck and Bush come to town, I find other useful things to do that day and get quite a kick out of the local paper the next day. Until this country learns it's not "us" versus "them", we're not going anywhere.

So come join us and add to the discussion - Lord knows we could always use another democrat!
This whole post sounds like us versus them.
Old 02-08-2011, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
..............(Fortunately, the same people posting in that forum are usually some of the nicest people you'll get to meet in real life.)
red, I believe you've hit on something there. Makes me think of a friend of mine. I've known him for probably 35 years, dating back to when we used to work at the same place. Face-to-face - nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. But in any type of 'written' format, he comes across as almost schizophrenic. Most of the time, you'll see his great sense of humor in his writings. But other times, he expresses himself in ways that really make you wonder - extremely pushy with his views on things (particularly politics), outspoken to the point of being very rude and demeaning, and so forth. At the risk of upsetting the apple cart between us as friends, I ended up resorting to telling him - as politely as possible - that I preferred not to have any of those things pointed my way in the future, that it just wasn't my cup of tea. No problems- he understood. I think it's just the way some people are........and that's fine. For some, it's easier to write things than it is to express them face-to-face.

Old 02-08-2011, 02:08 AM
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Default Hi Bill n Brillo

I could not agree with you more.....

I've said many times, that some are more diplomatic when face to face....Even driving a car....You are in a "safe zone".....Can flip someone off and feel no repercussions or post a personal attack on an individuals political beliefs and then go to CHURCH with a clear conscience...

One of these days we will all wake-up and realize that life is short, live and let live, and enjoy our life in paradise...

I keep hoping that Graciegirl's kindness will rub off on all of us...
Old 02-08-2011, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
At this point in time I have one life style visit to TV under my belt and most of it was spent looking at the layout, the homes, recreations centers and so on. Although I came into contact with a few people I had no time to get to know them in any deep sense. Most seemed friendly enough. The result is that TV is still on my list of potential active adult retirement communities in which to become a frog. Now that said, I have lived 69 years and I find there are places I want to spend time and places I do not, people with whom I want to spend time and others with whom I do not. I want compatible and agreeable company, not in the sense we necessarily share a common mindset about the various aspects of life but that we are courteous to each other, enjoy what we do together and engage in pleasant, informative and otherwise beneficial discussions. That said, if I decide to move to TV I want to have enough to do, feel welcome and that enough of the people there may want to become friends with me. I want to feel physically safe from crimes against persons and from crimes against property, both real and personal. I want to be somewhere having adequate medical care available. In one of my current two living environments I do not feel physically safe at times and in many places or that my real and personal property are safe whereas in the other I feel safe all ways almost all of the time. Since I now split my time between Albuquerque, NM and Newport Beach, CA, you have three guesses as to which is which and the first two do not count. Again, in one the medical care is substandard and one may have to wait for hours or even over a day in an emergency room because they are overloaded taking care of drug overdoses, stab wounds and the like whereas in the other I can obtain great emergency as well as other medical care as needed. In Albuquerque Ann Coulter was to speak but she had to cancel because of threats against her person whereas in Newport Beach I had to wait in a line for hours to get one of her books signed and it was standing room only at another event in Orange County featuring Ann as a speaker. Guess which community is mostly liberal and which is mostly conservative. I have both liberal and conservative friends. Guess which ones are not open to ideas other than their party's dogma and which are open to new ideas? Guess which ones can not stand for long to not bring up their politics and ruin an evening in which no one else is dicussing politics or religion? Frankly, if most of the residents of TV are conservatives I believe I would be welcome there and find it a pleasant place to live out my life.
For sure one of the better written emails on this subject.
You are welcome here any time my friend.
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Old 02-11-2011, 09:04 AM
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If you like, you can discuss all the Politics you want in the Political forum.

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Old 02-11-2011, 09:22 AM
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Default Interesting that you talk about courtesy

Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
At this point in time I have one life style visit to TV under my belt and most of it was spent looking at the layout, the homes, recreations centers and so on. Although I came into contact with a few people I had no time to get to know them in any deep sense. Most seemed friendly enough. The result is that TV is still on my list of potential active adult retirement communities in which to become a frog. Now that said, I have lived 69 years and I find there are places I want to spend time and places I do not, people with whom I want to spend time and others with whom I do not. I want compatible and agreeable company, not in the sense we necessarily share a common mindset about the various aspects of life but that we are courteous to each other, enjoy what we do together and engage in pleasant, informative and otherwise beneficial discussions. That said, if I decide to move to TV I want to have enough to do, feel welcome and that enough of the people there may want to become friends with me. I want to feel physically safe from crimes against persons and from crimes against property, both real and personal. I want to be somewhere having adequate medical care available. In one of my current two living environments I do not feel physically safe at times and in many places or that my real and personal property are safe whereas in the other I feel safe all ways almost all of the time. Since I now split my time between Albuquerque, NM and Newport Beach, CA, you have three guesses as to which is which and the first two do not count. Again, in one the medical care is substandard and one may have to wait for hours or even over a day in an emergency room because they are overloaded taking care of drug overdoses, stab wounds and the like whereas in the other I can obtain great emergency as well as other medical care as needed. In Albuquerque Ann Coulter was to speak but she had to cancel because of threats against her person whereas in Newport Beach I had to wait in a line for hours to get one of her books signed and it was standing room only at another event in Orange County featuring Ann as a speaker. Guess which community is mostly liberal and which is mostly conservative. I have both liberal and conservative friends. Guess which ones are not open to ideas other than their party's dogma and which are open to new ideas? Guess which ones can not stand for long to not bring up their politics and ruin an evening in which no one else is dicussing politics or religion? Frankly, if most of the residents of TV are conservatives I believe I would be welcome there and find it a pleasant place to live out my life.
and respect for others on the one hand, and on the other hand you admire Ann Coulter a person who personifies the exact opposite virtues. You can have her.
Old 02-11-2011, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by IowaParkersburg View Post
Thanks Mr Tony, I have went in there and read some threads. Looks kind of rough for me. I will just monitor for a while. I am so neutral on politics, I am a registered Independent with Sumter County. I listened to two of my golf friends argue about a talk show host and I thought they both were right, but they ended up pretty mad about the others opinion on the host. That made me realize that if I went with either one, I would still lose one friend.
Dear, dear IowaParkersburg, I truly understand that. It happens to me all of the time. ESPECIALLY about each of them having very good arguments. We don't get older without gaining a lot of information and being very able to articulate.....and somehow being stubborn goes right along with it.

Gracie. (Always right and always in the middle.)
Old 02-11-2011, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by actor View Post
Interesting that you talk about courtesy and respect for others on the one hand, and on the other hand you admire Ann Coulter a person who personifies the exact opposite virtues. You can have her.
Actor, well said!
Old 02-11-2011, 12:46 PM
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I don't think the OP has weighed in here lately, but in answer to his/her concerns, there is a good cross section of information here.

Hopefully it will help them in making their decision.
Old 02-11-2011, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Snoopy View Post
As a retiring life-long democrat, I got worried on my recent visit to the Villages. In some of the literature, I noticed Limbaugh, Hannity, GW Bush and Rove pictured and/or mentioned. I saw nothing of Obama, Kennedy, Reid or Pelosi. Is it a ridiculous notion for me to even consider retiring in the Villages. I love the place, but I may hate the politics. Conservatives and liberals alike please advise. Thanks!
Don't confuse Democrats with liberals or progressives. There are a lot of good sensible Democrats in the Villages.They, along with a great many other residents are very concerned with the direction that our present government is taking us. Maybe you didn't read the Thursday (any) edition of the Daily Sun ( our local paper). There is an insert entitled Recreation News. In there you will get a good idea of the diversity that exists here. Something for everyone including you. If you just want to look at people like yourself (in thought, word and deed) then I guess you might as well stay up north.
Old 02-11-2011, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by oldtimecop View Post
Don't confuse Democrats with liberals or progressives. There are a lot of good sensible Democrats in the Villages.They, along with a great many other residents are very concerned with the direction that our present government is taking us.
Very well said OTC! Democrats, Liberals and Progressives are often thought of as one in-the-same whereas that is far from the truth.

I also agree that there are a lot of good sensible Democrats (with a few exceptions) not only in TV but all across our country. Additionally, their being a majority of residence leaning to either side of political beliefs, short of that majority being fringe or extreme, should not deter anyone from enjoying any community like TV that has so much for their residents to enjoy.

As a Republican I can say that I have several Democratic friends that I get along with very well and think very highly of. Well, at least until they start showing signs of being unduly influenced by progressive ideology and/or covertly subversive progressive activities... unless they are are just doing so just to bust my you know whats for fun. The Villages Florida
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Old 02-11-2011, 03:00 PM
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I think that the political climate here is not discussed as much as it should be because we are mostly polite and considerate and because politics aren't usually in a general conversation with people we just have met while we are playing golf or games or having dinner with new people.

Then people will move here and find that the newspaper has a definite political slant and it is Republican. I am used to that. I am from Ohio, but a lot of people are not used to that.

The developer does invite conservative Republicans here to speak and have book signings and Democrats aren't invited to do the same, ever.

If prospective buyers would know this before they buy, than perhaps we wouldn't have all this controversy and bitterness.

This small city is not governed by voting for a mayor or voting for anyone and we have no say as to how things are done. It is a (someone help me here) a CDD form of government. There are several in Florida. It works well as far as I am concerned and I don't care that I can't change things. I like how it is run and I have had my turn being on boards and steering committees.

I read the disdane and hatred on here and I think, how sad that they came here and bought and didn't know this.

Someone will tell it better than I just did.

A persons politics doesn't matter to me, but my politics might matter to them.
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