Golf Courses Return To Normal Hours Starting Tomorrow

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Old 05-03-2020, 12:56 PM
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Default Golf Courses Return To Normal Hours Starting Tomorrow

All golf courses in The Villages will resume normal operating hours beginning Monday, May 4. Check-ins will continue outdoors. Tee times will begin after 7 a.m., and will run until 90 minutes before dusk on executive courses. Whereas, championship courses will continue with straight tee times for 18 holes, and check-ins will take place at starter buildings. Golf shops will reopen for retail traffic only with limited occupancy, and all customers will be required to wear masks. In addition, masks will be required at the Golf Academy office as well. Protocols on the courses will remain the same: PVC inserts in the holes, no bunker rates or single users for all golf carts unless coming from the same household, and no water coolers.
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check-ins, courses, golf, masks, normal

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