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Old 03-14-2013, 12:09 AM
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Calorie intake is inconsequential if balanced by physical activity.

If the government wants to be involved in the obesity epidemic, why not put "real" physical education back in our schools.
Real Name: Steven Massy Arrived at TV through Greenwood, IN; Moss Beach, CA; La Grange, KY; Crystal River, FL; The Villages, FL
Old 03-14-2013, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Indydealmaker View Post
Calorie intake is inconsequential if balanced by physical activity.

If the government wants to be involved in the obesity epidemic, why not put "real" physical education back in our schools.
Gosh Steven, just when I think I have "heard it all" you come up with a very sensible post!

I should let it end there but can't resist this one! I see many "obese" people at the several Dunkin Donuts locations here in the villages. They appear to be drinking coffee instead of colas BUT the round pastries may be the culprits. Perhaps that can be "nanny" B's next target!

As for insurance one of my doctors let it slip that the out of pocket costs for care may soon be tied to ones BMI!
Old 03-14-2013, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Indydealmaker View Post
Calorie intake is inconsequential if balanced by physical activity.

If the government wants to be involved in the obesity epidemic, why not put "real" physical education back in our schools.
Can you define "real" physical education????

Florida law requires each district school board to provide 150 minutes of physical education each week for students in kindergarten through grade 5 and for students in grade 6 who are enrolled in a school that contains one or more elementary grades so that on any day during which physical education instruction is conducted there are at least 30 consecutive minutes per day. Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year, the equivalent of one class period per day of physical education for one semester of each year is required for students enrolled in grades 6 through 8.

Florida's Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Physical Education specify the content standards
student should know and be able to do as the result of a quality physical education program.
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Old 03-14-2013, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by wendyquat View Post
Gosh Steven, just when I think I have "heard it all" you come up with a very sensible post!

I should let it end there but can't resist this one! I see many "obese" people at the several Dunkin Donuts locations here in the villages. They appear to be drinking coffee instead of colas BUT the round pastries may be the culprits. Perhaps that can be "nanny" B's next target!

As for insurance one of my doctors let it slip that the out of pocket costs for care may soon be tied to ones BMI!
Sorry Wendy, I fail to see the connection between what you refer to as "obese" people eating round pastries in The Villages to Physical Education in our schools. Could you explain?
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Old 03-14-2013, 06:14 AM
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Old 03-14-2013, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Villages PL View Post
If you live in New York City, you have a right to drink as much sugary-soft-drinks as you want, not to mention your right to consume other high calorie processed foods. And, if all of that makes you overweight or obese, you have a right to be that way. And if being that way causes you to have a stroke or heart attack, you may have a right to get a "free" bypass operation or whatever treatment you may need (compliments of New York City).

The above rights are untouchable. It may cost the average New Yorker upwards of $500,000,000 per year to supply the "free" medical services but that makes no difference. You may have to give up some of your money to pay for those services if you live there, but so what? What makes you think you have any rights?

You may have to give up some of your money but don't expect soda drinkers to give up even 4 ounces of their cherished soda. It's just too big of a sacrifice, and you have no right to expect it.

Let's talk about the rights of those who pay the bills! What rights do we have?
As I understand your posts (starting with this one, for example) your beef is that you are being forced to foot the bill for health costs for people who have medical problems related to obesity.
It would appear that you are greatly upset with these individuals because they are causing your 'rights' to be trampled upon by indulging in high calorie/non nutritional food consumption.
When Gomoho mentioned that there are many other medical expenses that we as a nation are paying for that we may not be on board with personally, you considered it a 'change of topic'. (I agreed with Gomoho, by the way)

It's NOT a change of topic, if your beef is about footing the bill when you don't want to. (your rights being trampled)

To be honest, over time in reading your posts (here and in other threads you have generated recently), the message I get is that you really have distain for people who are fat. To focus on this brings more of it to your attention and you bang your drum and push against it and get your innards in a twist.

That's not healthy.... and personally, I don't want to pay for the medical problems this negativity may cause your body down the road.... when it shouldn't be necessary, as you have a choice not to INDULGE in this behavior ......... but I probably will anyway. See?

Last edited by Uptown Girl; 03-15-2013 at 08:21 AM.
Old 03-14-2013, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Vinny View Post
There are always those eager to take away freedoms that do not affect them. The whole concept of insurance is shared risk. How would you like to pay for health insurance based on your diet, amount of exercise and prior health problems? Be careful of what you wish for because you may get it. I can say that based on the lack of driving skills I see every day around TV, many should be paying much more for auto insurance. Why should I subsidize their accidents since I am a good driver who never had an accident? Why should young people pay into Social Security when they may not be alive to collect? Your thinking leads down a very slippery slope indeed.
Abso-F-ing-Lutely brilliant!!!! Thank-You.

As far as the driving goes a couple years ago the insurance company called Progressive came up with an option called "Snapshot" where you plug a little unit into your car's diagnotic port and it tattles on how you drive. If Progressive LIKES the way you drive then you get a discount. If it DOESN'T like the way you works AGAINST you. According to stories that have been written by the AP, the NY Post & the Baltimore Sun the other insurance companies and the GOVERNMENT like this little item so much that there is serious consideration being given to making it MANDATORY for you to get car insurance. The system uses a lot of interesting nonsense to "grade" you like if you drive at night. Under their assumption you are out partying if you are driving at night. Thus they charge you more. Unfortunately it makes no provision for people who are WORKING at night and driving to & from their jobs.

All of this stuff is a most slippery slope indeed. Thank-you Mr. Vinnie for a most insightful post!
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Old 03-14-2013, 08:25 AM
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the big gulp is just one very small aspect of the obesity problem. The major problem is the amount of food, good/bad and junk that some keep jamming in their pie hole....along with being couch potatoes.....and no doubt the lack of needing to work to live by so many in the entitlement life style.

The big gulp issue is symbolic with no real impact to be made on the real reasons for our tonnage.

Old 03-14-2013, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Indydealmaker View Post
Calorie intake is inconsequential if balanced by physical activity.

If the government wants to be involved in the obesity epidemic, why not put "real" physical education back in our schools.
Absolutely correct. When Michael Phelps is training for the Olympics he eats 20,000 calories a day. Anybody seen Michael Phelps lately? Sorry..I couldn't find his beer gut from all that eating.

Most people on this board are old enough to remember that when we were anywhere from grade school to 20-somethings our parents required us to MOVE. They wanted us out of the house playing or doing chores or whatever. We were not allowed to sit in front of the TV forever, not allowed to yak on the dial-up wall phone for hours in the kitchen, and there was no such thing as a computer in your house to play with. I.D.M makes the point that if PE classes in school actually were "physical", that would go a long way toward working against obesity. Back then you looked at the gym teacher cross-eyed and you spent your 45 minutes running gym laps. Today kids have "rights" and the PE teachers can't make them do anything.

In those days you could eat like a horse and you didn't put on a pound because you were MOVING. Today kids come home and parents allow them to park their butts in front of the TV and/or computer and lock themselves in their rooms. If you don't move you can eat grass clippings and gain weight.

We keep hearing about the link to weight and diabetes. Yes, that's true. However, there are many other factors relating to diabetes. A great deal of it is genetics. I am diabetic. I was adopted as an infant. I was never at all interested in finding my "birth" family. A couple of years ago by accident they found me. I found that I had 7 bio-brothers & sisters. Virtually everyone with a dose of that family's blood has diabetes. Everyone. Doesn't matter if they are as skinny as a broom handle or big as a house. If you're in that family you will develop diabetes.

I've had two doctors tell me that genetics plays a huge part in whether or not you contract diabetes. Genetics also plays a large role in diseases such as autism, food allegies and so on. Would some people here who are so angry towards heavy and/or diabetic people for "costing them money" show the same anger & hatred for someone with autism or other diseases that have genetic triggers?

Probably not.. because there is a feeling..touted by many..that people who are overweight are lazy and of a "lower class". So overweight=diabetes which=people of a lower class, and because "WE" of a higher class know better & are thus superior "WE" have the right to force our superior knowledge on these people because "WE" know better. Hogwash!
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Old 03-14-2013, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Mack184 View Post
Absolutely correct. When Michael Phelps is training for the Olympics he eats 20,000 calories a day. Anybody seen Michael Phelps lately? Sorry..I couldn't find his beer gut from all that eating.

Most people on this board are old enough to remember that when we were anywhere from grade school to 20-somethings our parents required us to MOVE. They wanted us out of the house playing or doing chores or whatever. We were not allowed to sit in front of the TV forever, not allowed to yak on the dial-up wall phone for hours in the kitchen, and there was no such thing as a computer in your house to play with. I.D.M makes the point that if PE classes in school actually were "physical", that would go a long way toward working against obesity. Back then you looked at the gym teacher cross-eyed and you spent your 45 minutes running gym laps. Today kids have "rights" and the PE teachers can't make them do anything.

In those days you could eat like a horse and you didn't put on a pound because you were MOVING. Today kids come home and parents allow them to park their butts in front of the TV and/or computer and lock themselves in their rooms. If you don't move you can eat grass clippings and gain weight.

We keep hearing about the link to weight and diabetes. Yes, that's true. However, there are many other factors relating to diabetes. A great deal of it is genetics. I am diabetic. I was adopted as an infant. I was never at all interested in finding my "birth" family. A couple of years ago by accident they found me. I found that I had 7 bio-brothers & sisters. Virtually everyone with a dose of that family's blood has diabetes. Everyone. Doesn't matter if they are as skinny as a broom handle or big as a house. If you're in that family you will develop diabetes.

I've had two doctors tell me that genetics plays a huge part in whether or not you contract diabetes. Genetics also plays a large role in diseases such as autism, food allegies and so on. Would some people here who are so angry towards heavy and/or diabetic people for "costing them money" show the same anger & hatred for someone with autism or other diseases that have genetic triggers?

Probably not.. because there is a feeling..touted by many..that people who are overweight are lazy and of a "lower class". So overweight=diabetes which=people of a lower class, and because "WE" of a higher class know better & are thus superior "WE" have the right to force our superior knowledge on these people because "WE" know better. Hogwash!

All good points mack

And how about the jobs you took as a kid.
I walk beans, detasseled corn, mowed yards.
And dad alway had a list ready for the lazy boy.
All hot an sweaty
Never did have a I-pod stuck in front of my face for hours on in.
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Old 03-14-2013, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Cisco Kid View Post
All good points mack

And how about the jobs you took as a kid.
I walk beans, detasseled corn, mowed yards.
And dad alway had a list ready for the lazy boy.
All hot an sweaty
Never did have a I-pod stuck in front of my face for hours on in.
I worked for a guy who had a small milk company. Worked on the trucks with him from the time I was about 12. I worked for a couple of local farmers as well helping to bring in the hay & corn. And yo're right. My dad always had a list for this lazy boy too!!
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Old 03-14-2013, 09:15 AM
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when ever I address a subject like obesity, I alway, always exclude those with conditions beyond their control for what ever the reason or cause. My commentary is alwys aimed at the other 95% who voluntarily continue to stuff their face.

How can we ever expect to change what people do? Smoking as another example odf what is proven to be bad enough to kill one and yet far too many still smoke....especially the young parents with favorite is the do good Mom in a car with the windows up, smoking, with kids in infant seats in the back.

Testimony to the fact there is a large...too large number of people who just do not care....and unfortunately in that number is a lot of stupid as well. And we all know ya can't fix stupid!!

Old 03-14-2013, 09:23 AM
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Seem to me that intolerance of others is also hard to fix...
Old 03-14-2013, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Mack184 View Post
I worked for a guy who had a small milk company. Worked on the trucks with him from the time I was about 12. I worked for a couple of local farmers as well helping to bring in the hay & corn. And yo're right. My dad always had a list for this lazy boy too!!
I forgot about hay.
That one was just about to much for me.
Every time I was not looking there was a snake.
My alarm doesn't have a snooze button. It has a paw.

Old 03-14-2013, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by memason View Post
Seem to me that intolerance of others is also hard to fix...

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