Posting Guidelines

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Old 08-07-2012, 09:25 PM
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Default Posting Guidelines

I mentioned in a previous post about how the lack of civility on forums can lead to their decrease in participation. We have rules and guidelines we can follow to stop degenerating threads more quickly. Also, we decided to try to act more quickly since we are using these guidelines.

We are implementing "posting bans" of various lengths of time for conduct unbecoming a TOTV poster. Users who we post-ban will be able to log into the forum and read everything but they will not be able to post new messages or replies during the ban. At the end of the ban, their posting privilege will be returned. Notice privilege, not right, to post.

We strive for this forum to be only happiness, fluff and light, but we will be insisting that you post with civility. It is obvious and you all surely know what I mean by civility. It is our sole judgement of when to apply bans. It sounds autocratic, but we all will see its value when a thread gets into an outrageous tailspin.

We want this forum's posts to be honest and independent of any outside influence, but we insist that postings be respectful. That is the only thing we have to offer. Honest discussion, banter, fun and tons of good information for Villagers, new comers and those planning or pondering moving to The Villages.

Our bans will probably be private and will vary like two days, five days, 10 days. Those are our plans for now, and may be altered as we go. If you are banned you will get a message when you try to log in or post. We will try to explain why we banned you.

We hope not to post-ban anybody. We want to continue this as a fun, informative place.

Last edited by Moderator; 08-08-2012 at 06:43 AM. Reason: fix a typo
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