Universal Masking for Source Control

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Old 09-16-2021, 10:31 PM
Swoop Swoop is offline
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
This may be an unpopular opinion but here goes..........

OK, children may not "need" the vaccine to protect them but those children need to be vaccinated to contribute to a much needed herd immunity. Our country will never reach herd immunity without vaccinated children. There are adults who can not be vaccinated due to medical reasons and they need the protection of herd immunity.
Finally someone has actually posted the real reason people are pushing to vaccinate kids, who are in no real danger from Covid. To save themselves! They would rather have a child, with an infinitesimal chance of dying from Covid, receive a vaccine with no data on the long term side effects, just to make themselves safer! I find that thinking to be totally abhorrent.
Old 09-16-2021, 10:32 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by toeser View Post
"A mask mandate for children in school is necessary to slow the spread of this Covid virus."

That's all it will do, is slow it somewhat. Masks (I wear one) are for transitory contact. They help you in grocery stores, brief meetings, etc. They will do next to nothing to stop the spread when people are sitting a few feet from each other for hours per day five days a week. Some schools have even mandated masks for outdoor sports like track. There is ZERO science for requiring something so stupid.

Google "phycological effects of child masking" and read a few articles. Perhaps you will change your mind.
Not sure if you know this, but the one-room schoolhouse has been replaced. Nowadays, kids have to walk through hallways to get from one class to the other. In some schools, they have lockers all along the walls, where you might see 5-6 kids all standing shoulder-to-shoulder to try and get their books in and out, pick up their gym clothes, grab their lunch from the shelf, etc.

In addition, the desks are close enough within the classrooms that school-origin flu and cold is (and has always been) a thing. When one kid gets mono, the whole class gets mono. When one kid comes down with the flu, the whole class comes down with it.

That's because of a virus being passed through droplets from their nose and mouth, shooting through the air and landing either on someone's hand, or in their eyes, nose, mouth. A single sneeze while the kids stand up when the bell rings for the next class, can hit 1, 2, 3, even 4 kids who are all in the process of turning to reach for their books, or grab their sweater, or crowding near the doorway on the way out, etc. etc. etc.

One person needs to sneeze - that's all it takes. Just one person infected with COVID-19, with a little dust in their nose - to infect a few dozen kids out of a school full of them. And each of THOSE kids - has the potential to continue the spread once the infection gets into their system and becomes contagious.

Masking isn't guaranteed to keep every kid in school from getting sick. But it will REDUCE THE RISK. It reduces the risk, it's safe, it's inexpensive, and it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience MOSTLY to adults. Kids tend to be fine with the idea of masking, as long as their parents don't teach them that they should have a problem with it.

Teach your kids fear, and they'll be afraid. Teach them that this is just part of their school uniform, and they'll come up with inventive ways to comply. Maybe a "decorate your own mask" project at home, for the cloth masks with the paper filters inside them.

This isn't even an issue in some parts of the country. Kids just wear the masks, they don't make a fuss over it, it doesn't bother them in the least, it doesn't prevent them from learning, or socializing. It's no different to them from wearing gloves when it's cold outside.
Old 09-17-2021, 12:38 AM
Escape Artist Escape Artist is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Not sure if you know this, but the one-room schoolhouse has been replaced. Nowadays, kids have to walk through hallways to get from one class to the other. In some schools, they have lockers all along the walls, where you might see 5-6 kids all standing shoulder-to-shoulder to try and get their books in and out, pick up their gym clothes, grab their lunch from the shelf, etc.

In addition, the desks are close enough within the classrooms that school-origin flu and cold is (and has always been) a thing. When one kid gets mono, the whole class gets mono. When one kid comes down with the flu, the whole class comes down with it.

That's because of a virus being passed through droplets from their nose and mouth, shooting through the air and landing either on someone's hand, or in their eyes, nose, mouth. A single sneeze while the kids stand up when the bell rings for the next class, can hit 1, 2, 3, even 4 kids who are all in the process of turning to reach for their books, or grab their sweater, or crowding near the doorway on the way out, etc. etc. etc.

One person needs to sneeze - that's all it takes. Just one person infected with COVID-19, with a little dust in their nose - to infect a few dozen kids out of a school full of them. And each of THOSE kids - has the potential to continue the spread once the infection gets into their system and becomes contagious.

Masking isn't guaranteed to keep every kid in school from getting sick. But it will REDUCE THE RISK. It reduces the risk, it's safe, it's inexpensive, and it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience MOSTLY to adults. Kids tend to be fine with the idea of masking, as long as their parents don't teach them that they should have a problem with it.

Teach your kids fear, and they'll be afraid. Teach them that this is just part of their school uniform, and they'll come up with inventive ways to comply. Maybe a "decorate your own mask" project at home, for the cloth masks with the paper filters inside them.

This isn't even an issue in some parts of the country. Kids just wear the masks, they don't make a fuss over it, it doesn't bother them in the least, it doesn't prevent them from learning, or socializing. It's no different to them from wearing gloves when it's cold outside.
I don't even like wearing a mask at the grocery store for an hour so I can't imagine having to wear one all day long. It's unnatural to have half your face covered! Don't you realize that? The harm it does to a child is far worse than possibly getting Covid or being a spreader.

Why not concentrate on masking the adults, teachers and administration, whether they're vaccinated or not? That's what everyone is really worried about, right? Not the kids, but that adults might get it and become ill or whatever it is so many people are cowering in fear over.

Last edited by Escape Artist; 09-17-2021 at 01:12 AM.
Old 09-17-2021, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
Finally someone has actually posted the real reason people are pushing to vaccinate kids, who are in no real danger from Covid. To save themselves! They would rather have a child, with an infinitesimal chance of dying from Covid, receive a vaccine with no data on the long term side effects, just to make themselves safer! I find that thinking to be totally abhorrent.
Interestingly, when Swine Flu/H1N1(I think we all remember that) hit the U.S. in spring of 2009 it was mainly children who were affected. Adults had acquired some immunity through contracting similar viruses throughout their lifetime so if they got it it usually was mild. A vaccine wasn't available to the public until December 2009 but the majority of vaccinations took place the following year. It was classified as a worldwide pandemic, and Pres. Obama declared it a national emergency in the fall of 2009.

Even though children were at risk for illness, sometimes of a serious nature, only one school ever closed due to an outbreak, and at no time did the Obama administration, state officials/governments, or the CDC mandate that children wear masks at school even though their risk of exposure and infection was often high.
Old 09-17-2021, 03:56 AM
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Old 09-17-2021, 05:33 AM
John Mayes John Mayes is offline
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
Finally someone has actually posted the real reason people are pushing to vaccinate kids, who are in no real danger from Covid. To save themselves! They would rather have a child, with an infinitesimal chance of dying from Covid, receive a vaccine with no data on the long term side effects, just to make themselves safer! I find that thinking to be totally abhorrent.
Bingo!! Hit the nail on the head.
Old 09-17-2021, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by drducat View Post
Mask are more psychologically helpful than physically helpful.

For decades we have been told by the medical community that keeping your hands away from you face will minimize your chance of being infected. So now we have millions of people touching their face in the process of putting on a mask, adjusting a mask, removing a mask, which, in many cases that mask is worn improperly anyway.

If you are a healthy individual you have an IMMUNE system. That system is better than any injection, mask, booster you can conjure. If that statement were not true the human race would have become extinct thousands of years ago. All Covid statistics are exaggerated to fit some other agenda, and that agenda is not the welfare of us citizens. <IMO>
Old 09-17-2021, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
Finally someone has actually posted the real reason people are pushing to vaccinate kids, who are in no real danger from Covid. To save themselves! They would rather have a child, with an infinitesimal chance of dying from Covid, receive a vaccine with no data on the long term side effects, just to make themselves safer! I find that thinking to be totally abhorrent.
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Old 09-17-2021, 06:39 AM
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IMO children are more vulnerable to the FLU than Covid, and yet NO ONE has suggested masks in schools in the past.

THIS IS ALL MASS HYSTERIA based on a snowball effect of an idea that has gotten larger and larger as it progresses. I have grandchildren in the public school system and college that have all had Covid and survived with little to no effect in their activities. Now you all are demanding that they wear masks? There was no vaccine for their parents at that time and they also caught Covid with little effect other than quarantine from work. Oh, to be honest with you one adult had a lingering cough that was also gone after a brief period. Out of all the folks I have known that have been infected (including two in their 80's) I have only known of two that passed away and they were both in the hospital for other serious illnesses. The ones in their '80s are still fine.
A mask mandate for children is cruel and will be a slippery slope to mandating masks for the FLU and colds, etc. Sorry, but until someone proves that it will save ALL lives, I am against the idea. If you want definite safety for your children, then keep them at home and never let them out in public. Do not let them travel in any type of transport and never let them outside to play. After all, they might get hit by a baseball or fall from a tree.
I respect the view of our resident doctors on here, but I also have my opinion.
The OP only proves a hypocritical opinion by ALWAYS saying they do not wear a mask and won't, but demanding someone else do it for their (OP'S) safety.
After doing a lot of my own reading, I am also NOW skeptical of the vaccination program for anyone other than seniors and those that might have medical issues. I have my vaccination, but was motivated by protecting my spouse. I have very little doubt that I would be bothered with any infection if I had not been vaccinated. But, I guess I will never know. Hopefully, I will not have any negative effects from the vaccination. If so, oh well.
Oh, and just a side note that might mean nothing to most, but I have been in physical contact with several Covid survivors and none of us were wearing masks. Yes, it was after I was vaccinated. It might mean nothing other than proving that I have not allowed Covid hysteria rule my life.
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Old 09-17-2021, 07:26 AM
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I’ll give you a reason why people in the Villages should worry about children, it’s
Old 09-17-2021, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Robbie0723 View Post
Agree, if nothing else, a mask minimizes children putting their fingers up their noise or in their mouth.
It doesn't stop adults, why would you think it would stop children?
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Old 09-17-2021, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
This may be an unpopular opinion but here goes..........

OK, children may not "need" the vaccine to protect them but those children need to be vaccinated to contribute to a much needed herd immunity. Our country will never reach herd immunity without vaccinated children. There are adults who can not be vaccinated due to medical reasons and they need the protection of herd immunity.
LOL The kids don't need the vaccine to "contribute to a much needed herd immunity"

26 million of them have been infected, 439 have died.

Look, kids under 18 represent 22% of US population

Seniors over 65 represent 16% of US population

80% of seniors have been fully vaccinated.

According to CDC, 2331 fully vaccinated seniors over 65 have died from covid.

COVID-19 Breakthrough Case Investigations and Reporting | CDC

US population = 333 million

Seniors = 16% = 53 million x 80% vaccinated = 42 million fully vaccinated seniors
Kids under 18 = 22% = 73 million unvaccinated kids

So, 2331 over 65 fully vaccinated deaths = 0.005% death rate of vaccinated seniors

439 deaths kids under 18 = 0.0006% death rate of unvaccinated kids under 18

Diference between 0.005% vs 0.0006% death rates?

0.0006% kids die = 3 per 500,000 death rate
0.005% vaccinated seniors die = 1 per 20,000 death rate, or 25 per 500,000

So Fully vaccinated seniors are 8.5 times more likely to die from covid than unvaccinated kids.

Better to focus on booster shots for seniors than inject 74 million kids who are rapidly developing natural immunity that is better than vaccinated immunity.
Old 09-17-2021, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by SkBlogW View Post
LOL The kids don't need the vaccine to "contribute to a much needed herd immunity"


Better to focus on booster shots for seniors than inject 74 million kids who are rapidly developing natural immunity that is better than vaccinated immunity.
That broad-brush statement has not been proven. There may be some examples where that seems to be the case but there are also some examples where death has preempted the development of natural immunity. Even when an individual survives Covid-19 it has not been proven how often, if ever, it is "better than vaccinated immunity." Studies are divided on the issue.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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Last edited by Bill14564; 09-17-2021 at 09:13 AM.
Old 09-17-2021, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Teach your kids fear, and they'll be afraid.
Well, it's certainly worked on the adults...

Did you see the Bill Maher interview, where he talked about two er, "different" groups when asked what the risk of dying from covid was.

The actual risk is somewhere between 1-5%.

One group estimated the risk at 25-50%. The other group was much closer to reality...

He blamed the MSM for trying to "scare the sh!t out of everyone"...

I'll leave you to figure out which group was which...
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Old 09-17-2021, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
Finally someone has actually posted the real reason people are pushing to vaccinate kids, who are in no real danger from Covid. To save themselves! They would rather have a child, with an infinitesimal chance of dying from Covid, receive a vaccine with no data on the long term side effects, just to make themselves safer! I find that thinking to be totally abhorrent.
You have that incorrect. I’m fully vaccinated and will get the booster when I’m eligible. Herd immunity will not benefit me as it would for people who can not be vaccinated. Sorry if I was not more clear about that.
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