What is Essential? Where does the money come from?

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Old 04-07-2011, 09:14 AM
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Default What is Essential? Where does the money come from?

Sounds like shutdown.. NOW the big questions..
Who is essential? Who decides who is essential?
Where does the money come from to pay "essential" workers if Congress has not appropriated any money for them? That makes no sense..
We are not being told the truth..
How can a blue collar worker in DC be essential.. and get paid, but soldiers in Afghanistan being shot at not? Supposedly essential means to protect persons or property..
This shutdown is a scam. If the gov can pay people without Congress appropriating the money.. what do we need Congress for and what the heck happened to the Constitution that says Congress controls the purse strings..
Old 04-07-2011, 09:46 AM
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Default Hmmmmmmmm?

Been rather wondering about that myself........
Old 04-07-2011, 11:24 AM
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Cool down and take a deep breath (not too deep if you are near an Iowa hog farm).

The government agencies have all their contingency plans going into place at this very moment. There are going to be some disruptions of services and pay. It was determined a long time ago which employees will contiue on their jobs as though nothing happened and who will stay home. All will be paid after the shutdown is through. It will be difficult for some families who go paycheck to paycheck but in the end - all will be paid for the entire time of the shutdown - even though they stayed home.

Blame Republicans, blame Democrats, blame teaparties, but the voting public is going to blame teaparties and Republicans and the Democrats will will in 2012 - just like the government shutdown put Bill Clinton's re-election a sure thing in 1996.
Old 04-07-2011, 12:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The very reason the domceatic controlled congress

very handily avoided any action on a budget for two years. They stated that before the elections in 2010 would not be a good time to do so as there were so many embarassing issues they wanted to avoid. Many dems have been quoted they may have lost the elections in 2010 but what they gained was to now push the budget process aggressively and have the issues now come to light as well as the known in advance (as usual) government shutdown....then let the republicans take the heat and set the dems up for 2012.

Only one problem with their thinking ()....they still think the majority of Americans remain stupid enough to believe or buy into the business as usual blame game....and keep on spending game now that they have no budget or responsibility.

Politicians....all of them...very self centered dummies!!!

Old 04-07-2011, 12:19 PM
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Default The voice of reason

Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
Cool down and take a deep breath (not too deep if you are near an Iowa hog farm).

The government agencies have all their contingency plans going into place at this very moment. There are going to be some disruptions of services and pay. It was determined a long time ago which employees will contiue on their jobs as though nothing happened and who will stay home. All will be paid after the shutdown is through. It will be difficult for some families who go paycheck to paycheck but in the end - all will be paid for the entire time of the shutdown - even though they stayed home.

Blame Republicans, blame Democrats, blame teaparties, but the voting public is going to blame teaparties and Republicans and the Democrats will will in 2012 - just like the government shutdown put Bill Clinton's re-election a sure thing in 1996.
once again. Thanks.
Old 04-07-2011, 12:31 PM
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Default you just made my point..

Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
Cool down and take a deep breath (not too deep if you are near an Iowa hog farm).

The government agencies have all their contingency plans going into place at this very moment. There are going to be some disruptions of services and pay. It was determined a long time ago which employees will contiue on their jobs as though nothing happened and who will stay home. All will be paid after the shutdown is through. It will be difficult for some families who go paycheck to paycheck but in the end - all will be paid for the entire time of the shutdown - even though they stayed home.

Blame Republicans, blame Democrats, blame teaparties, but the voting public is going to blame teaparties and Republicans and the Democrats will will in 2012 - just like the government shutdown put Bill Clinton's re-election a sure thing in 1996.
That is my point.. Who says they will get paid later? The CONSTITUTION is the ultimate law and it says Congress decides what the gov spends..
they will not get paid until Congress passes a budget, and if the congress does not appropriate money to pay them, there is no money to pay them. A contingency plan by a Gov agency does not guarantee them payment.

I agree those that worked should be paid. I do not think anyone furloughed should be paid. I, as a supervisor, was furloughed many times last year to save money, more than my staff, and I did not get paid.
P.S. PLEASE do not tell me to cool down. It sounds like a back handed way of insinuating something is wrong with me.. like I am a out of control, or too emotional, or childish. .. It sounds like a putdown. I have a right to be concerned about the state of our country. What exactly did I say that indicates I need to cool down?

P.P.S. This is not 1996. In the last election the president's party (in his own words) took a shellacking because they were they perceived as the party of big spending and the Republicans promised (again) to reduce spending. This budget fight is over spending.
Old 04-08-2011, 01:35 PM
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JimJoe - there was a law passed in 1870 (according to an article I read yesterday) that allows for the whole 'essential personnel' situation.

How do you know if you're essential? You look it up on a website. I work for the Air Force and I can see it right in my personnel profle online. Where does the money come from for those who ARE essential? It's already been collected. From what I heard, there's over $50B in various accounts. The soldiers overseas WILL get paid. The question becomes who else will and when.

So now we have the 'extension' that has SIXTY FIVE policy riders on it tacked on by the Republicans including trying to defund Planned Parenthood - I guess poor women can just go without cancer screening and forbidding D.C. from using LOCALLY GENERATED taxes to pay for abortion services for poor women. Yeah - de-funding people who CANNOT VOTE for anyone in Congress (it's been my position that the residents of D.C. should be allowed to vote in national elections as if they were in Maryland as opposed to full statehood but that's another debate)

So let's see.. The GOP, whom I used to vote for, has gone to the mat for banking executives and billionaires while trying to strip chump-change funding for fuel assistance to the elderly and women's health services for the poor.

Today, Ronald Reagan would be considered a left wing radical.

I'm disgusted by all this. The hypocritical governor in Ohio, the fascist governor in Florida (random drug testing for state workers????)

If I was slightly disenchanted with the GOP before, they turn my stomach today.

And it's not like the Democrats are paragons of virtue. I've long had many bones to pick with them. Wishy washy weasels, the lot of them, these days.
Old 04-08-2011, 01:41 PM
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http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/op...v&ref=homepage The Republicans are playing a dangerous game and if voters are as aware of things as some of you always say then they are going to be voted out in 2012 again. If you are opposed to abortion bring it up in a seperate amendment and see what happens,don't hold the country hostage. This is garbage.
Old 04-08-2011, 01:51 PM
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Default What Is Essential

Well folks we know one thing for sure the present Administration and Congress will be defined as "essential" I lean in favor of that old saw " too many cooks in the kitchen, spoil..." when it comes to Congress and so again I say that with the advances in technology we could about half Congress because all we have now going on is a Chinese Fire Drill. I also am not concerned about a shutdown even obama understands he can't leave the Country vulnerable, or does he?
Old 04-08-2011, 06:44 PM
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Default Congress will still get their paychecks.

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of all of this B.S. Our elected leaders are all acting like children that have just been told they can't have any candy while standing in line at the candy store. We are in the process of being a part of at least 3 wars to try to impress our morals and values on other nations. This is, by the latest garfunkle ,the only kind of morals and values that Congress knows. Is it any wonder why the rest of the world laughs at the U.S. I would welcome any kind of common sense in Congress. Oh, I forgot, common sense and Congress will never be a part of the legislative process. NEVER REELECT ANYONE, by the time they are elected they all are corrupt. You don't see their paychecks being held up over this budget B.S. Time to recall all of them.
Old 04-08-2011, 08:47 PM
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I was watching NBC Nightly News tonight and it showed all the National Parks getting ready to close down for a government shutdown. This is taking place during many families and schools spring vacation time. All those people who were going to Washington DC to see the Smithsonian museums, National Zoo, and government sites like Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial will all be denied their visits due to the shutdown.

The people affected said they were going to remember that this was due to Republicans being stubborn on items like no federal funding for clinics that performed abortions. RIDICULOUS, I say. Those tea--- Republicans have sealed their own fate and the Democrats are going to win big time in 2012 with President Obama getting re-elected.

The majority of the country is far more liberal than most of the posters on this fourm.

By the way, have you noticed that Caribou Barbie has not weighed in hardly at all on this issue?
Old 04-08-2011, 09:14 PM
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Default Independents are not impressed with..

Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
I was watching NBC Nightly News tonight and it showed all the National Parks getting ready to close down for a government shutdown. This is taking place during many families and schools spring vacation time. All those people who were going to Washington DC to see the Smithsonian museums, National Zoo, and government sites like Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial will all be denied their visits due to the shutdown.

The people affected said they were going to remember that this was due to Republicans being stubborn on items like no federal funding for clinics that performed abortions. RIDICULOUS, I say. Those tea--- Republicans have sealed their own fate and the Democrats are going to win big time in 2012 with President Obama getting re-elected.

The majority of the country is far more liberal than most of the posters on this fourm.

By the way, have you noticed that Caribou Barbie has not weighed in hardly at all on this issue?
Independents are not impressed with your attitude and name calling.. Please keep it up.
Old 04-08-2011, 09:33 PM
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Default Do you believe there is a debt crisis?... If

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
JimJoe - there was a law passed in 1870 (according to an article I read yesterday) that allows for the whole 'essential personnel' situation.

How do you know if you're essential? You look it up on a website. I work for the Air Force and I can see it right in my personnel profle online. Where does the money come from for those who ARE essential? It's already been collected. From what I heard, there's over $50B in various accounts. The soldiers overseas WILL get paid. The question becomes who else will and when.

So now we have the 'extension' that has SIXTY FIVE policy riders on it tacked on by the Republicans including trying to defund Planned Parenthood - I guess poor women can just go without cancer screening and forbidding D.C. from using LOCALLY GENERATED taxes to pay for abortion services for poor women. Yeah - de-funding people who CANNOT VOTE for anyone in Congress (it's been my position that the residents of D.C. should be allowed to vote in national elections as if they were in Maryland as opposed to full statehood but that's another debate)

So let's see.. The GOP, whom I used to vote for, has gone to the mat for banking executives and billionaires while trying to strip chump-change funding for fuel assistance to the elderly and women's health services for the poor.

Today, Ronald Reagan would be considered a left wing radical.

I'm disgusted by all this. The hypocritical governor in Ohio, the fascist governor in Florida (random drug testing for state workers????)

If I was slightly disenchanted with the GOP before, they turn my stomach today.

And it's not like the Democrats are paragons of virtue. I've long had many bones to pick with them. Wishy washy weasels, the lot of them, these days.
Do you believe there is a debt crisis? Do you see that we are on the very edge or insolvency? Did you notice the dollar index dropped to under $75 today? Do you know that after June 30th there will be no QE money left to buy our debt from ourselves and that no one may buy it? We do not have the European union to bail us out like Iceland, Greece, and Portugal do. What are you going to live on when your dollars and savings are worth nothing? Please do not let them destroy our money.
Old 04-08-2011, 09:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
I was watching NBC Nightly News tonight and it showed all the National Parks getting ready to close down for a government shutdown. This is taking place during many families and schools spring vacation time. All those people who were going to Washington DC to see the Smithsonian museums, National Zoo, and government sites like Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial will all be denied their visits due to the shutdown.

The people affected said they were going to remember that this was due to Republicans being stubborn on items like no federal funding for clinics that performed abortions. RIDICULOUS, I say. Those tea--- Republicans have sealed their own fate and the Democrats are going to win big time in 2012 with President Obama getting re-elected.

The majority of the country is far more liberal than most of the posters on this fourm.

By the way, have you noticed that Caribou Barbie has not weighed in hardly at all on this issue?
You give me so much more hope that I ask for. If you and your fellow liberals are still stuck in 1995 and playing the new game with the old rules, you are going to be in for a big surprise.

By the way 1995 liberals. If you want to hear "Caribou Barbie's" take on the issues you need to get 21st Century and join her Facebook page and maybe her twitter account or her PAC site, or you can watch her on Fox if your technology is as old as your political strategy.
Old 04-09-2011, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
Independents are not impressed with your attitude and name calling.. Please keep it up.

You do really have to wonder about a person who has a need to demean others, whether public officials or other posters.

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