33% of Millenials live with their parents

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Old 01-11-2018, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now on to you, Don....you have said a lot in your post and I have more to say about it than I can post on here. Probably a lot of it will surprise you because there are many points on which I agree.

Your first few sentences, I totally agree with. I think the thing that really threw my son for a loop was when one of the happiest, most successful, most committed couple we knew (or so we thought) ended up getting divorced right before their 25th wedding anniversary and she raked him over the coals. My son was just as close to this couple as my husband and I were, and my son was at a very impressionable age at the time in regards to marriage. I can see to this day how profoundly that affected him.

Regarding, men and women, I also agree with you. There is no doubt there are more differences between the 2 than meets the eye. From a biological/scientific perspective, take into consideration the hormone differences alone and how much a woman's fluctuates versus a man's in a lifetime. Then there's the biblical perspective which may not be relevant to you but it is to some, and that is that God made woman to be a companion to man not a competitor. I'm not saying women can not have successful careers, and may be even better than some men in their respective fields, but the idea of women taking over the world is as unsettling to me as I'm quite sure it is to you.

As far as your views on races, etc, all I can say is what others have said - I might not agree with some of your views in that regard, but I cannot argue your facts either. Having grown up in a very lily white small town and then moving on to 2 major cities from there, I have experienced quite a lot. Living where I do currently, in the suburbs of a large city, there are 2 smaller cities close by. One is 75% black and rated as one of the top 10 highest crime cities in the US. The other is also in the top 10 and is 56% black. I do not dislike blacks/African Americans. I have friends, co-workers, and even cousins who are black - you and I went around about that before. But there is a culture in some neighborhoods that seems to breed contempt. It is palpable in cities such as the first one I mentioned, so much so that I would not even go there in broad daylight. It is sad in a way because I think it stems from people not knowing any better and crowd mentality thinking. I know good people who live there as well, but they tend to live on the outskirts and keep their children close, sending them to private schools and keeping them busy in productive activities. I have seen some great kids come out of areas like that, but not without a lot of hard work from attentive parents.

I could go on and on with personal experiences, etc, but I don't want to belabor the point on here. I think the real issue is that many people have little to no experience in dealing with different races and cultures. Being in the medical profession and working near or in a city, you get a lot of exposure. I can only speak of what I know. If that makes me a racist to some, so be it. I know in my heart I am not, as do my friends, co-workers and family, and that's all that matters to me. I try to treat everyone with the same amount of respect, no matter their race, religion, socio-economic status, etc. To me everyone has value.
That is actually a good post with heart. My sister-in-law is Jamaican and was married to my late brother from around 2006 onward. So I am rather familiar with people who are seen as African-American especially by nephew the Jamaican sister-in-law's son.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So Abby10 has now came completely out of the closet and proved my assertion earlier (the one she tried and failed to refute)...that most Trump Cultists are racists/bigots.

I really hate to say I told everyone so, but......I DID tell everyone so.

You're welcome.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
What YOU call racist/bigot...is telling the truth.

WHERE IS the black villages? Black Oxford? A MLK Blvd that ISN'T dangerous? A black school WITHOUT metal detectors and armed security? YOU CLAIM they are equal...put up. SHOW me their greatness.

Originally Posted by Guest
So right on.

These endorsers of white supremacy and followers of Baldwin....perhaps they can tell us from what country he is posting, who he represents, etc.
Negros ARE a different species. Would you trade your Fifi for a wolf? Blacks are MORE different from EVERY race than dogs to wolves.

I represent f@cking AMERICA...that WHITE SUCCESSFUL place that I call home. WHY do YOU want to destroy "America" and replace it with Mexico II?

Originally Posted by Guest
"The child gets a lifelong right to live and work and collect benefits in the U.S. And when they turn 21 they can sponsor their parents' application for an American green card."

This refers to the flock of people coming to Miami to have their babies in this country.....


Birth tourism brings Russian baby boom to Miami - NBC News

Not a problem, right
EXACTLY...the propaganda "news" will NEVER tell you that. Just like ALL women living in America...drop a kid or two and you're pretty much set for life.

Originally Posted by Guest
I don't think what you say is true. You continue to float the narrative that all Trump supporters are white supremacists and your friend calls us all deplorables. All from the group who insists that people should not be spoken of as groups and that name-calling is inappropriate.

I will agree on one point which is that Don stands out for sure as the one person who appears to be an outward supporter of white supremacy. However, dumb he is not. He does bring facts to his arguments, no matter what the topic. I do not like what he stands for, but I know I can't debate him. Can you? I have seen and experienced that of which he speaks. I call it crowd mentality because I notice that the blacks that do not go along with the crowd think, so to speak, are not like that at all. I love my African American (they don't mind me calling them black either, btw) friends, co-workers, and cousins. We have openly talked about racial issues (which go both ways, by the way) and what it's like to be black vs white, etc. So in one respect, I can agree with some of what Don says about the violence in many majority black neighborhoods (I presented stats too), but I do not judge individuals by the color of their skin, nor by their religion, or anything of the sort. My preference is to seek out what is in their heart and to look at each person as a unique individual. If you knew me, you would see that in the way I live my life and by the diversity of friends that I have.

The shallow-minded on here (hopefully not you) will continue to pick and choose from my narrative and make it their own basket of lies. So be it. I guess we all see what we want to see. Personally, I would rather just get along with everyone because no one is free of faults in their character. To me, life is best when I can bring out the best in another. We all have our redeeming qualities which, when found, can outshine our faults.
Save your breath...you're dealing with retards who are SO stupid...they don't realize just HOW stupid they are.

You skimmed the surface...you've never hung out in the inner city ghettos. You didn't grow up in a black school. You have NO idea how bad it really is.

You "love" the 1%...and face it...they're NOT your "equal" are they? They don't kick your ass in chess or their expansive all encompassing knowledge and wisdom.

You SHOULD judge them...you're a FOOL not to.

But blacks are a different species...look it up! You DON'T treat a wolf like a dog. They're different. Blacks are different too...a different species.

Originally Posted by Guest
Again, more name calling. I will consider what you say and be wary of your precautions. My question to you is, have you considered the same for yourself? You seem like a generally nice man, but you don't hesitate to fall into the traps that you so despise. Could it be the company you keep and defend? Heck, he rarely has to come on here anymore because you fight all his battles for him.

I've said it before - I cannot change the behaviors of others, but I can continue to seek the good in all. I have even caught some glimpses of that in your friend. The thing is though, if you're going to be selective in who you try to find good in, isn't that just being judgmental? I'm far from perfect, but I do try to avoid selectivity as best I can. I know I need to try harder though......
Are you going to find a "good" wolf to be your pet? Probably not...maybe 1% would be docile enough to be a pet? Same with negros...they are a violent SPECIES and only 1% are capable of living in a modern society. SAME as wolves and dogs.

I'll leave you with a story...

The scorpion told the frog...please give me a ride across the river...I promise I won't sting you...frog agrees...as they reach shore...the scorpion stings the frog...as he lay dying...he says...you PROMISED you wouldn't sting me...why did you? The scorpion says...I'm a scorpion, I can't help it.

Blacks ARE black...they CAN'T change WHAT they are. A DIFFERENT species. INCAPABLE of living in ANY modern society. They are ALWAYS the lowest of the low in EVERY country. There is not one successful black place. WHY do you keep thinking they're "equal"? LOOK at them...WHY do you insist they are "us"? They are not and pretending they are is destroying this country.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What YOU call racist/bigot...is telling the truth.

WHERE IS the black villages? Black Oxford? A MLK Blvd that ISN'T dangerous? A black school WITHOUT metal detectors and armed security? YOU CLAIM they are equal...put up. SHOW me their greatness.

Negros ARE a different species. Would you trade your Fifi for a wolf? Blacks are MORE different from EVERY race than dogs to wolves.

I represent f@cking AMERICA...that WHITE SUCCESSFUL place that I call home. WHY do YOU want to destroy "America" and replace it with Mexico II?

EXACTLY...the propaganda "news" will NEVER tell you that. Just like ALL women living in America...drop a kid or two and you're pretty much set for life.

Save your breath...you're dealing with retards who are SO stupid...they don't realize just HOW stupid they are.

You skimmed the surface...you've never hung out in the inner city ghettos. You didn't grow up in a black school. You have NO idea how bad it really is.

You "love" the 1%...and face it...they're NOT your "equal" are they? They don't kick your ass in chess or their expansive all encompassing knowledge and wisdom.

You SHOULD judge them...you're a FOOL not to.

But blacks are a different species...look it up! You DON'T treat a wolf like a dog. They're different. Blacks are different too...a different species.

Are you going to find a "good" wolf to be your pet? Probably not...maybe 1% would be docile enough to be a pet? Same with negros...they are a violent SPECIES and only 1% are capable of living in a modern society. SAME as wolves and dogs.

I'll leave you with a story...

The scorpion told the frog...please give me a ride across the river...I promise I won't sting you...frog agrees...as they reach shore...the scorpion stings the frog...as he lay dying...he says...you PROMISED you wouldn't sting me...why did you? The scorpion says...I'm a scorpion, I can't help it.

Blacks ARE black...they CAN'T change WHAT they are. A DIFFERENT species. INCAPABLE of living in ANY modern society. They are ALWAYS the lowest of the low in EVERY country. There is not one successful black place. WHY do you keep thinking they're "equal"? LOOK at them...WHY do you insist they are "us"? They are not and pretending they are is destroying this country.
From what country are you posting ?
Old 01-11-2018, 09:15 AM
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I see Don Baldwin is still posting his racist filth.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That is actually a good post with heart. My sister-in-law is Jamaican and was married to my late brother from around 2006 onward. So I am rather familiar with people who are seen as African-American especially by nephew the Jamaican sister-in-law's son.
Thank you, Tal, for seeing it as I meant it to be. You are right about family - you become much more aware of the real life struggles of being different when it's in your own family.

Btw, I worked with a Jamaican man some years back. He became very friendly with my husband and I. What a great guy he was. Wonderful employee, husband, and father. Haven't talked to him in some time. Your mention makes me want to check in and see how he's doing.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10 View Post
Thank you, Tal, for seeing it as I meant it to be. You are right about family - you become much more aware of the real life struggles of being different when it's in your own family.

Btw, I worked with a Jamaican man some years back. He became very friendly with my husband and I. What a great guy he was. Wonderful employee, husband, and father. Haven't talked to him in some time. Your mention makes me want to check in and see how he's doing.
I know the guy, he is in federal prison.

Old 01-11-2018, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
I see Don Baldwin is still posting his racist filth.
Buddy, you know this thread is also directed at you, right?
Old 01-11-2018, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why do you say that - not a problem? I suspect you say it facetiously, but could you be more specific as to what your motive is for asking in that manner? Are you saying because of where they are from? What difference does that make would be my question. Although it is legal, it is definitely something to look into and possibly change - not for just one group of people but for all. I think the whole idea of immigration to America has been distorted. In talking to friends and former co-workers about this who have emigrated (I call it the hard way), they couldn't agree more.
It WAS in the 1960s by LBJ...he CHANGED immigration from 90% white people from Europe...to 90% minorities from 3rd world countries.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Buddy, you know this thread is also directed at you, right?
I'm sure glad I gave you a job to do the next couple of days or poor W will be up to his ears trying to keep a lasso on you.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you, Tal, for seeing it as I meant it to be. You are right about family - you become much more aware of the real life struggles of being different when it's in your own family.

Btw, I worked with a Jamaican man some years back. He became very friendly with my husband and I. What a great guy he was. Wonderful employee, husband, and father. Haven't talked to him in some time. Your mention makes me want to check in and see how he's doing.
He's the 1%...you "know" the 1%.

The 99% live in the inner cities...they are NOT like the man you know.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He's the 1%...you "know" the 1%.

The 99% live in the inner cities...they are NOT like the man you know.
PLEASE share from what country you are posting from ?
Old 01-11-2018, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm sure glad I gave you a job to do the next couple of days or poor W will be up to his ears trying to keep a lasso on you.
He may be booted off Talk of the Villages before then if there is any justice. Have no idea why the MODERATOR is not acting. It makes no sense why Allegiance is still even allowed to post.
Old 01-11-2018, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10 View Post
Thank you, Tal, for seeing it as I meant it to be. You are right about family - you become much more aware of the real life struggles of being different when it's in your own family.

Btw, I worked with a Jamaican man some years back. He became very friendly with my husband and I. What a great guy he was. Wonderful employee, husband, and father. Haven't talked to him in some time. Your mention makes me want to check in and see how he's doing.

Jamaican blacks have different attitudes compared to American born blacks. Number one difference is the lack of a chip on their shoulders. They also consider themselves “superior” to American blacks. Just like white people, blacks have established a pecking order specific to their race and heritage.

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Old 01-11-2018, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
He may be booted off Talk of the Villages before then if there is any justice. Have no idea why the MODERATOR is not acting. It makes no sense why Allegiance is still even allowed to post.
Your membership is being evaluated as we speak.

Remember no 224 613 in general forum. Etc etc
Old 01-11-2018, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Jamaican blacks have different attitudes compared to American born blacks. Number one difference is the lack of a chip on their shoulders. They also consider themselves “superior” to American blacks. Just like white people, blacks have established a pecking order specific to their race and heritage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My nephew was born here, but my sister-in-law was not. Her other son is the guy that yells "Pizza" in the movie August Rush. He gave up acting though. That was the one with the late great Robin Williams. August Rush (2007) - Rotten Tomatoes Keri Russell - Rotten Tomatoes He, the former actor, I believe was also born in the US.

My sister-in-law used to be one of the straps on the US SEAL teams.

work, money, slaves, live, millenials

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