33% of Millenials live with their parents

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Old 01-09-2018, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Wiotte View Post
You raised him well.

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Let's all brag.

Two with doctorates
One in Peace Corp
Old 01-09-2018, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
His LIFE is his work...instead of the other way around...working to live.

His choice...others choose to have roots and find employment where they can.
You're right.....my husband and I probably taught him that by example and it has it's consequences. The only thing about staying around here is so few jobs and a lot of competition. As a result, many of his peers are having to do the part-time and/or $10/hour gig and you can't afford to live on your own around here on that amount.
Old 01-09-2018, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
Let's all brag.

Two with doctorates
One in Peace Corp
O... and all three very independent.

I forgot Talt proves educmacation and independence are different animals
Old 01-09-2018, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
O... and all three very independent.

I forgot Talt proves educmacation and independence are different animals
Talt failed the bar multiple times and never disclosed what he got on his SAT and LSAT. Most likely he never belonged in college and should have went straight to McDonald's.

Trouble with schools, they will take anyone's money, yours or the taxpayers.

Today idiots have too much self esteem
Old 01-09-2018, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Am I reading that correct, did he move back in with you and he has a job?

IF So, why doesn't your adult son have to pack up and move out?

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So that's where it gets complicated and there are various reasons. His move happened very recently. One is that as soon as he got the job transfer and relocated, he recognized that the position may not be long lasting and he might be moving again, sooner rather than later. We are waiting too, to see if he does end up staying as it could facilitate our being able to retire and move to our TV home a lot sooner. We have been unable to sell our house up here for the past 4 years - not that it's not salable from the standpoint of being desirable, but to make a long story short let's just say the EPA standards have gotten ridiculous over the last 5+ years and our township is being a PIA. So essentially, as my husband says, we are prisoners in our own house until something gives. NOW, if my son ends up staying here, the cost to carry this house and stay in it is about 30% less than what he would pay for a studio apartment near where he works. He is not looking to buy right now (and would not want this big house anyway) because he has his money tied up in the rental market elsewhere. When he left, he moved to a very up and coming area that has a very low cost of living. While there he bought multiple properties and now has them all on the rental market, so essentially he was working 2 full-time jobs out there building a financial future for himself. So now here we all are, biding time to see what the next best move is for all of us.

Sorry for the long story, but you asked.
Old 01-09-2018, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
They are the typical "white debt slaves". They will have one child and work forever.

Negros and Hispanics go the other route...total dependence on government...making up to $60,000 a year in total government benefits. Popping out kids with reckless abandon.

They are the majority now...51%...and growing...minorities have most of the children now.

You SHOULD tell your kids to have LOTS of kids themselves...take back America...make it white again.
I agree with you, Don, about the points you make about our kids. It frightens me sometimes how driven my son is about work and financial independence. I wish that he had more balance in his life. I fear how not having that will affect his future happiness.
Old 01-09-2018, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let's all brag.

Two with doctorates
One in Peace Corp
I hope they bring LOTS of birth control. Helping minorities who have overpopulated their own lands...to have more kids and come here...isn't a smart thing in my book.

Originally Posted by Guest
Talt failed the bar multiple times and never disclosed what he got on his SAT and LSAT. Most likely he never belonged in college and should have went straight to McDonald's.

Trouble with schools, they will take anyone's money, yours or the taxpayers.

Today idiots have too much self esteem
Yes they will...there are 100,000 graduates for 10,000 jobs...with 20% going to minority and women quotas...it's slim pickings for a white guy.

YOU taught them they were great! YOU did it with "everyone's a winner" bullsh!t. Everyone get's a trophy. WOMEN did this...because women NEVER get a trophy unless the deck is stacked...either with decreased standards, their own leagues...SOMETHING to give them an edge over men.

Originally Posted by Guest
I agree with you, Don, about the points you make about our kids. It frightens me sometimes how driven my son is about work and financial independence. I wish that he had more balance in his life. I fear how not having that will affect his future happiness.
The thing is...the whole "financial system" is a corrupt ponzi. I think it WILL come crashing down. As America's demographics change...so will America.

America IS bankrupt...$30 trillion ($20,000,000,000,000) in debt and going deeper more than $1 trillion every year. Trump WILL add to it...a LOT. How high CAN it go? We already spend $500,000,000,000 a year in INTEREST and the rates are HISTORICALLY and artificially low.

I wish him luck...I truly do.

p.s. Tell him to NEVER marry without an ironclad prenup. Otherwise he WILL lose it all. MOST marriages end in divorce and women these days get windfall paydays.
Old 01-09-2018, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hope they bring LOTS of birth control. Helping minorities who have overpopulated their own lands...to have more kids and come here...isn't a smart thing in my book.

Yes they will...there are 100,000 graduates for 10,000 jobs...with 20% going to minority and women quotas...it's slim pickings for a white guy.

YOU taught them they were great! YOU did it with "everyone's a winner" bullsh!t. Everyone get's a trophy. WOMEN did this...because women NEVER get a trophy unless the deck is stacked...either with decreased standards, their own leagues...SOMETHING to give them an edge over men.

The thing is...the whole "financial system" is a corrupt ponzi. I think it WILL come crashing down. As America's demographics change...so will America.

America IS bankrupt...$30 trillion ($20,000,000,000,000) in debt and going deeper more than $1 trillion every year. Trump WILL add to it...a LOT. How high CAN it go? We already spend $500,000,000,000 a year in INTEREST and the rates are HISTORICALLY and artificially low.

I wish him luck...I truly do.

p.s. Tell him to NEVER marry without an ironclad prenup. Otherwise he WILL lose it all. MOST marriages end in divorce and women these days get windfall paydays.
Thank you. Yes, he is well aware - in fact, I think that has been the reason for dragging his feet on that one. It's not like the opportunity has not been there. As much as I would love for him to have a mate, I know there is nothing worse than the wrong one.
Old 01-09-2018, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10 View Post
So that's where it gets complicated and there are various reasons. His move happened very recently. One is that as soon as he got the job transfer and relocated, he recognized that the position may not be long lasting and he might be moving again, sooner rather than later. We are waiting too, to see if he does end up staying as it could facilitate our being able to retire and move to our TV home a lot sooner. We have been unable to sell our house up here for the past 4 years - not that it's not salable from the standpoint of being desirable, but to make a long story short let's just say the EPA standards have gotten ridiculous over the last 5+ years and our township is being a PIA. So essentially, as my husband says, we are prisoners in our own house until something gives. NOW, if my son ends up staying here, the cost to carry this house and stay in it is about 30% less than what he would pay for a studio apartment near where he works. He is not looking to buy right now (and would not want this big house anyway) because he has his money tied up in the rental market elsewhere. When he left, he moved to a very up and coming area that has a very low cost of living. While there he bought multiple properties and now has them all on the rental market, so essentially he was working 2 full-time jobs out there building a financial future for himself. So now here we all are, biding time to see what the next best move is for all of us.

Sorry for the long story, but you asked.
I understand how life can become difficult with our children. I also understand the rental market as well.

My son went out of state to college, earned an associates degree and decided college was not for him (we were not thrilled), and he returned back home.

That was supposed to be till he got a job and made enough money to get his own place, so we charged him $200 a month to live in our house. A few months later one of our tenants in an apartment moved out and our son expressed a desire to move to that $800 a month apartment, but said he did not think he could afford $800 a month with his other expenses (auto insurance, health insurance, fuel)

We told him that we were not going to take a cut in pay and he would pay us $500 a month and give us 16 hours labor a month (lawn care, snow removal, etc). He agreed and lived there for about 3 years and worked 4 hours a week on the maintenance of properties (most time Saturday mornings).

A few months into the arrangement my mother in law complains to me about charging my son for the rent. She states I don't need the money...I pointed out that it was $500 and 16 hours less a month that he could pi$$ away with his buddies that live with their parents and pay nothing. She asked would he do that? I said anyone, including me, would do that if they could.

I also pointed out that she of all people should not be giving parenting advise (she has a 60 year old son living with her that has not had a job in 30 some years - the original wackadoodle in my life- and he has never paid her a dime for anything...she even pays for his cigarettes!).

My actions might sound mean to some, but it did reinforce responsibility and commitment. Our son bought his first home last spring and he had no concerns with paying a mortgage, I believe he had enough experience with managing his money at that point (and making sure money for the roof over his head was set aside) that he was comfortable with monthly expenses that had to be paid.

I am not sure if any of that has anything to do with your circumstances, I just wanted to share something that worked well for us.

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Old 01-09-2018, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you. Yes, he is well aware - in fact, I think that has been the reason for dragging his feet on that one. It's not like the opportunity has not been there. As much as I would love for him to have a mate, I know there is nothing worse than the wrong one.
The thing is...it's happening now 30-40 years into a marriage...people in their 60s, 70s getting divorced. You just NEVER know. And what kind of a marriage IS IT...when it becomes a business transaction with lawyers.

It's sad what America has become Abby.

I know as a woman you won't agree...but white men create and run the best societies. We're NOT all the "same", there ARE square pegs and round holes. Round pegs belong in round holes. We should as a society encourage greatness...not treat mediocrity as greatness.

Abby...I know you think I'm a misogynist, you think I'm a racist.

I'm a realist. I've seen this all before. The history books are littered with failed civilizations...and we're making the SAME f@cking mistakes. We're PAYING them to breed us out. An 80% brown/black "America" will NOT be "America". And THAT IS what it WILL be in 30 years.

There is NOT ONE place that went from a white majority to a brown/black majority...and LIVED. When the blacks/browns move in...it ALWAYS turns to sh!t...the black/browns ARE "moving in" and taking over the country. MOST of the children born for the last 8 years are brown/black.

THIS is America's MOST pressing problem and THE most important.

Nothing else matters if America becomes 3rd world full of 3rd worlders.

Look at our cities...80% minority and they SUCK.,,away from the business/tourist centers. Look at the border states...they SUCK now that they're becoming 80% minorities.

You are losing your country...your culture...western civilization. Because the SAME thing is happening in Europe with the Muslim invasion. Paris streets homeless at DuckDuckGo The mostly Muslim homeless in Paris.
Old 01-09-2018, 11:33 AM
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To Dirt and Don -

I have to run to work, but wanted to thank you both for your replies. I will respond to them when I return this evening.
Old 01-10-2018, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I understand how life can become difficult with our children. I also understand the rental market as well.

My son went out of state to college, earned an associates degree and decided college was not for him (we were not thrilled), and he returned back home.

That was supposed to be till he got a job and made enough money to get his own place, so we charged him $200 a month to live in our house. A few months later one of our tenants in an apartment moved out and our son expressed a desire to move to that $800 a month apartment, but said he did not think he could afford $800 a month with his other expenses (auto insurance, health insurance, fuel)

We told him that we were not going to take a cut in pay and he would pay us $500 a month and give us 16 hours labor a month (lawn care, snow removal, etc). He agreed and lived there for about 3 years and worked 4 hours a week on the maintenance of properties (most time Saturday mornings).

A few months into the arrangement my mother in law complains to me about charging my son for the rent. She states I don't need the money...I pointed out that it was $500 and 16 hours less a month that he could pi$$ away with his buddies that live with their parents and pay nothing. She asked would he do that? I said anyone, including me, would do that if they could.

I also pointed out that she of all people should not be giving parenting advise (she has a 60 year old son living with her that has not had a job in 30 some years - the original wackadoodle in my life- and he has never paid her a dime for anything...she even pays for his cigarettes!).

My actions might sound mean to some, but it did reinforce responsibility and commitment. Our son bought his first home last spring and he had no concerns with paying a mortgage, I believe he had enough experience with managing his money at that point (and making sure money for the roof over his head was set aside) that he was comfortable with monthly expenses that had to be paid.

I am not sure if any of that has anything to do with your circumstances, I just wanted to share something that worked well for us.

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Sorry for the delay in responding to this and thanks again for taking the time to share your story. It sounds like our methods of parenting were somewhat similar. When my son graduated college and was living with us, my husband took the rent idea a step further. Instead of charging him rent per se, he decided to have him pay for the utilities instead. That way my son had the ability, to some extent, to be in charge of the dollar amount that he had to pay each month by being more cognizant of how much he used. My husband and I were already pretty frugal that way ourselves. It worked out pretty well until one day when he was going out for the evening and my husband and I were watching TV. As he walked by, he turned the lights out on us saying he didn't know why we would need them on just to watch TV. That's when we learned the tables had turned in the house.....lol. Anyway, he has always been pretty careful with his money and was about to buy a place of his own and move out when he got laid off from that first post-grad job. Thankfully, he wasn't strapped to a mortgage because 6 months later he ended up packing his bags and moving 10 hours away.

Right now what we have is a pretty symbiotic relationship - one hand helping the other while we all transition. He certainly could well afford to pay the 30% more to rent locally, but with the possibility that he may be transferred again soon, and my husband and I trying to make an eventual move to TV, we just decided to hang tight for right now and see how everything plays out.

Thanks again for sharing your story. I think it is well worth it not to spoil our kids even if we are able. My son is not overly excited about being back in the same household as us, but understands the practicality of it for now. In the meantime, it makes me happy in a sense that he feels that way because I think it shows we have done our job in raising a kid that values independence.
Old 01-10-2018, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The thing is...it's happening now 30-40 years into a marriage...people in their 60s, 70s getting divorced. You just NEVER know. And what kind of a marriage IS IT...when it becomes a business transaction with lawyers.

It's sad what America has become Abby.

I know as a woman you won't agree...but white men create and run the best societies. We're NOT all the "same", there ARE square pegs and round holes. Round pegs belong in round holes. We should as a society encourage greatness...not treat mediocrity as greatness.

Abby...I know you think I'm a misogynist, you think I'm a racist.

I'm a realist. I've seen this all before. The history books are littered with failed civilizations...and we're making the SAME f@cking mistakes. We're PAYING them to breed us out. An 80% brown/black "America" will NOT be "America". And THAT IS what it WILL be in 30 years.

There is NOT ONE place that went from a white majority to a brown/black majority...and LIVED. When the blacks/browns move in...it ALWAYS turns to sh!t...the black/browns ARE "moving in" and taking over the country. MOST of the children born for the last 8 years are brown/black.

THIS is America's MOST pressing problem and THE most important.

Nothing else matters if America becomes 3rd world full of 3rd worlders.

Look at our cities...80% minority and they SUCK.,,away from the business/tourist centers. Look at the border states...they SUCK now that they're becoming 80% minorities.

You are losing your country...your culture...western civilization. Because the SAME thing is happening in Europe with the Muslim invasion. Paris streets homeless at DuckDuckGo The mostly Muslim homeless in Paris.
Now on to you, Don....you have said a lot in your post and I have more to say about it than I can post on here. Probably a lot of it will surprise you because there are many points on which I agree.

Your first few sentences, I totally agree with. I think the thing that really threw my son for a loop was when one of the happiest, most successful, most committed couple we knew (or so we thought) ended up getting divorced right before their 25th wedding anniversary and she raked him over the coals. My son was just as close to this couple as my husband and I were, and my son was at a very impressionable age at the time in regards to marriage. I can see to this day how profoundly that affected him.

Regarding, men and women, I also agree with you. There is no doubt there are more differences between the 2 than meets the eye. From a biological/scientific perspective, take into consideration the hormone differences alone and how much a woman's fluctuates versus a man's in a lifetime. Then there's the biblical perspective which may not be relevant to you but it is to some, and that is that God made woman to be a companion to man not a competitor. I'm not saying women can not have successful careers, and may be even better than some men in their respective fields, but the idea of women taking over the world is as unsettling to me as I'm quite sure it is to you.

As far as your views on races, etc, all I can say is what others have said - I might not agree with some of your views in that regard, but I cannot argue your facts either. Having grown up in a very lily white small town and then moving on to 2 major cities from there, I have experienced quite a lot. Living where I do currently, in the suburbs of a large city, there are 2 smaller cities close by. One is 75% black and rated as one of the top 10 highest crime cities in the US. The other is also in the top 10 and is 56% black. I do not dislike blacks/African Americans. I have friends, co-workers, and even cousins who are black - you and I went around about that before. But there is a culture in some neighborhoods that seems to breed contempt. It is palpable in cities such as the first one I mentioned, so much so that I would not even go there in broad daylight. It is sad in a way because I think it stems from people not knowing any better and crowd mentality thinking. I know good people who live there as well, but they tend to live on the outskirts and keep their children close, sending them to private schools and keeping them busy in productive activities. I have seen some great kids come out of areas like that, but not without a lot of hard work from attentive parents.

I could go on and on with personal experiences, etc, but I don't want to belabor the point on here. I think the real issue is that many people have little to no experience in dealing with different races and cultures. Being in the medical profession and working near or in a city, you get a lot of exposure. I can only speak of what I know. If that makes me a racist to some, so be it. I know in my heart I am not, as do my friends, co-workers and family, and that's all that matters to me. I try to treat everyone with the same amount of respect, no matter their race, religion, socio-economic status, etc. To me everyone has value.
Old 01-10-2018, 10:54 PM
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So Abby10 has now came completely out of the closet and proved my assertion earlier (the one she tried and failed to refute)...that most Trump Cultists are racists/bigots.

I really hate to say I told everyone so, but......I DID tell everyone so.

You're welcome.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 01-10-2018, 11:15 PM
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Default 33% of Millenials live with their parents

Originally Posted by Abby10 View Post
Now on to you, Don....you have said a lot in your post and I have more to say about it than I can post on here. Probably a lot of it will surprise you because there are many points on which I agree.

Your first few sentences, I totally agree with. I think the thing that really threw my son for a loop was when one of the happiest, most successful, most committed couple we knew (or so we thought) ended up getting divorced right before their 25th wedding anniversary and she raked him over the coals. My son was just as close to this couple as my husband and I were, and my son was at a very impressionable age at the time in regards to marriage. I can see to this day how profoundly that affected him.

Regarding, men and women, I also agree with you. There is no doubt there are more differences between the 2 than meets the eye. From a biological/scientific perspective, take into consideration the hormone differences alone and how much a woman's fluctuates versus a man's in a lifetime. Then there's the biblical perspective which may not be relevant to you but it is to some, and that is that God made woman to be a companion to man not a competitor. I'm not saying women can not have successful careers, and may be even better than some men in their respective fields, but the idea of women taking over the world is as unsettling to me as I'm quite sure it is to you.

As far as your views on races, etc, all I can say is what others have said - I might not agree with some of your views in that regard, but I cannot argue your facts either. Having grown up in a very lily white small town and then moving on to 2 major cities from there, I have experienced quite a lot. Living where I do currently, in the suburbs of a large city, there are 2 smaller cities close by. One is 75% black and rated as one of the top 10 highest crime cities in the US. The other is also in the top 10 and is 56% black. I do not dislike blacks/African Americans. I have friends, co-workers, and even cousins who are black - you and I went around about that before. But there is a culture in some neighborhoods that seems to breed contempt. It is palpable in cities such as the first one I mentioned, so much so that I would not even go there in the broad daylight. It is sad in a way because I think it stems from people not knowing any better and crowd mentality thinking. I know good people who live there as well, but they tend to live on the outskirts and keep their children close, sending them to private schools and keeping them busy in productive activities. I have seen some great kids come out of areas like that, but not without a lot of hard work from attentive parents.

I could go on and on with personal experiences, etc, but I don't want to belabor the point on here. I think the real issue is that many people have little to no experience in dealing with different races and cultures. Being in the medical profession and working near or in a city, you get a lot of exposure. I can only speak of what I know. If that makes me a racist to some, so be it. I know in my heart I am not, as do my friends, co-workers and family, and that's all that matters to me. I try to treat everyone with the same amount of respect, no matter their race, religion, socio-economic status, etc. To me everyone has value.

You are a very smart and articulate lady. I don’t know why you would want to hang with the NOTHINGS especially since it’s core is unredeemable.

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