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Old 01-11-2018, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10
And yet more of your redeeming qualities come out. You fool no one but yourself, but keep trying if you must.
Like so many other Trump Cultists, I bet you felt a great sense of relief when he was elected...now that you don't have to hide your heretofore suppressed and pent-up racism and bigotry.

By the way, I meant to compliment you on an earlier post...where you proved me correct again.

The vast majority of racists & bigots try to deny their true nature with the typical... "I can't be racist because I have black friends/coworkers/relatives."

You were dead true to form...so thanks for that.
Old 01-11-2018, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Like so many other Trump Cultists, I bet you felt a great sense of relief when he was elected...now that you don't have to hide your heretofore suppressed and pent-up racism and bigotry.

By the way, I meant to compliment you on an earlier post...where you proved me correct again.

The vast majority of racists & bigots try to deny their true nature with the typical... "I can't be racist because I have black friends/coworkers/relatives."

You were dead true to form...so thanks for that.

I have explained my Trump vote more than once on this forum. He was not my first choice by far, but he did win the Repub nomination, so that is who I voted for. As far as supporting him, I will do so as long as he is President just as I did any other President in office, hoping for the best for the Presidency and our country. If extenuating circumstances dictate, in fact, that he is unfit for office than so be it. I will support that decision as well, for the sake of the country. You see, my allegiance to this county is not beholden to any one person or party. I have voted for Dems in the past as well. Hopefully we all vote for who we think is the best at the time - it is a very subjective thing - that's why I try not to judge anyone for who or how they vote.

I don't believe I said "I can't be a racist....", the fact is I'm NOT a racist. I truly wonder if you have any experience at all with race relations. You seem to be very ignorant of the whole subject.

Now, if you would quit following me around the forum, both here and the regular one, like a stalker I would greatly appreciate it.
Old 01-11-2018, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Jamaican blacks have different attitudes compared to American born blacks. Number one difference is the lack of a chip on their shoulders. They also consider themselves “superior” to American blacks. Just like white people, blacks have established a pecking order specific to their race and heritage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
None of them...generally..can compare/compete with whites...THAT is WHY we HAVE to have quotas.

What f@cking business ISN'T going to hire the BEST they can get?

The NBA and NFL is FULL of blacks...but nowhere else is...why?...because blacks are GOOD at basketball and football...but NOT much else.

Originally Posted by Guest
Like so many other Trump Cultists, I bet you felt a great sense of relief when he was elected...now that you don't have to hide your heretofore suppressed and pent-up racism and bigotry.

By the way, I meant to compliment you on an earlier post...where you proved me correct again.

The vast majority of racists & bigots try to deny their true nature with the typical... "I can't be racist because I have black friends/coworkers/relatives."

You were dead true to form...so thanks for that.
SHOW me equality...show me. WHERE is it? WHAT statistic puts blacks at the top? Where ARE their successful places? WHERE? Where is their Einstein? Newton? Ford? Gates? Musk? Rockefeller? Edison? Westinghouse? Tesla? HOW many do I have to list? a few million?

Where is YOUR list of GREAT blacks? NOT MLK, he talked and did little else. Not Mandela, he talked and did little else. I didn't list "talkers", I listed doers...people who MADE a LOT of things. People who changed the world...are white...how many blacks can you name?

You KEEP telling me I'm contemptible, I'm wrong...well...put up.

PROVE equality...right now. Give me the PROOF that negros are human. Show me the EVIDENCE of equality.

I keep offering you MY proof but you refuse it. MLK Blvd...ANY city. A 90% blacks school...ANY city. ANY 90% black ghetto. THERE is the 99%...there are the REAL blacks. NOT the 1%. You are seeing/meeting the "black geniuses"...not the 99%. The 1% are OK...the 99% they bring with them isn't worth it.

The planet would be a better place if they were all back in Africa.

Disagree? Why? What is BETTER between Wildwood/Leesburg and the villages because the former have black people living there? Name me a reason those two are better than the villages. IS there ANYTHING better in those two compared to the villages. If you HAD to...where would you send your daughter to live ALONE? There or here?

There's ONE thing in common between those two places and here...they have a good number of black people...we don't.
Old 01-11-2018, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Abby10
I have explained my Trump vote more than once on this forum. He was not my first choice by far, but he did win the Repub nomination, so that is who I voted for. As far as supporting him, I will do so as long as he is President just as I did any other President in office, hoping for the best for the Presidency and our country. If extenuating circumstances dictate, in fact, that he is unfit for office than so be it. I will support that decision as well, for the sake of the country. You see, my allegiance to this county is not beholden to any one person or party. I have voted for Dems in the past as well. Hopefully we all vote for who we think is the best at the time - it is a very subjective thing - that's why I try not to judge anyone for who or how they vote.

I don't believe I said "I can't be a racist....", the fact is I'm NOT a racist. I truly wonder if you have any experience at all with race relations. You seem to be very ignorant of the whole subject.
You can try and minimize your alliance and shared beliefs with Racist Boy Baldwin and that you're not a racist all you want...but your own words say differently.

As for me, I have worked/lived with blacks and other minorities all of my life.

My formative years (those that predominately establish prejudices/racism/bigotry), unlike your own admission...weren't spent in a "lily-white community."

Regardless of your attempt to present a 'civil facade' and your pathetic protestations to the contrary...you've shown the board your true racist/bigoted nature.

So why are you so afraid of...accepting the obvious?

Originally Posted by Abby10
Now, if you would quit following me around the forum, both here and the regular one, like a stalker I would greatly appreciate it.
Now you're just flat out lying.

Show where I have been "following you around" on the regular forum. And as far as here, I've only quoted/posted behind you...after you've shown your true nature.

Are you really so ignorant to believe that others can't see what you've written...or what I've written?

Now that you've been outed...your desperation is palpable.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 01-11-2018, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You can try and minimize your alliance and shared beliefs with Racist Boy Baldwin and that you're not a racist all you want...but your own words say differently.

As for me, I have worked/lived with blacks and other minorities all of my life.

My formative years (those that predominately establish prejudices/racism/bigotry), unlike your own admission...weren't spent in a "lily-white community."

Regardless of your attempt to present a 'civil facade' and your pathetic protestations to the contrary...you've shown the board your true racist/bigoted nature.

So why are you so afraid of...accepting the obvious?

Now you're just flat out lying.

Show where I have been "following you around" on the regular forum. And as far as here, I've only quoted/posted behind you...after you've shown your true nature.

Are you really so ignorant to believe that others can't see what you've written...or what I've written?

Now that you've been outed...your desperation is palpable.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Hey Coldsore...where's MY reply? Where's the answer to MY questions?

Well then Coldsore...WHAT the f@ck are you doing living here in "whiteville"? If black people are so great...WHY don't you live among them? Not THAT great. Not THAT good of friends.

Did you "go native" Coldsore?

I'll ask YOU that Coldsore...WHY are you so afraid of the obvious? Negros are NOT "us"...they're NOTHING like us. They're a different species. Why are you so afraid of the obvious?

Why are you so afraid to go to MLK Blvd to SEE the 99%? Why are you so afraid to go to a black school and SEE the obvious?

You are wrong Coldsore.

Shut me up...show me the black villages. The black TOP anything.
Old 01-11-2018, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You can try and minimize your alliance and shared beliefs with Racist Boy Baldwin and that you're not a racist all you want...but your own words say differently.

As for me, I have worked/lived with blacks and other minorities all of my life.

My formative years (those that predominately establish prejudices/racism/bigotry), unlike your own admission...weren't spent in a "lily-white community."

Regardless of your attempt to present a 'civil facade' and your pathetic protestations to the contrary...you've shown the board your true racist/bigoted nature.

So why are you so afraid of...accepting the obvious?

Now you're just flat out lying.

Show where I have been "following you around" on the regular forum. And as far as here, I've only quoted/posted behind you...after you've shown your true nature.

Are you really so ignorant to believe that others can't see what you've written...or what I've written?

Now that you've been outed...your desperation is palpable.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
I have checked out some things on Abby's friend Don Baldwin.

If you go to Stormfront which is a White Nationalist web site, you will be amazed at the information on there, most of which will remind you of Baldwin's posts.

They actually have a permanent thread entitled "Strategy and Tactics" and there you will for sure find familiar graphs and charts he has used on here. They have a thread specifically to demean Martin Luther King, and interesting one that supplies "pictures" as in many we have seen on this forum.

It is international and I keep asking from what country he is posting from, with no response.

But those who way they cannot argue with him....well, first he has a built in advantage as he has access to lots of stuff to bewilder you. Secondly, when you say you cannot argue with him, to me, that means you have already built in that it is just fine to judge another human being by the color of their skin. From there, it is a short walk to use any statistic to make your point. FIRST you gotta be open to the idea that skin color makes you different.
Old 01-11-2018, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You can try and minimize your alliance and shared beliefs with Racist Boy Baldwin and that you're not a racist all you want...but your own words say differently.

As for me, I have worked/lived with blacks and other minorities all of my life.

My formative years (those that predominately establish prejudices/racism/bigotry), unlike your own admission...weren't spent in a "lily-white community."

Regardless of your attempt to present a 'civil facade' and your pathetic protestations to the contrary...you've shown the board your true racist/bigoted nature.

So why are you so afraid of...accepting the obvious?

Now you're just flat out lying.

Show where I have been "following you around" on the regular forum. And as far as here, I've only quoted/posted behind you...after you've shown your true nature.

Are you really so ignorant to believe that others can't see what you've written...or what I've written?

Now that you've been outed...your desperation is palpable.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
You are truly hopeless and I see that as sad. Anyone who would defend you and your vile and nasty ways, well, I don't even know what to think about them. I don't think there are many.

You exemplify everything that is wrong with this great country of ours and is exactly the reason I have refused to engage with you up to this point. I had already figured you were too deep-seated in your hatred for others to have any kind of back and forth exchange without spewing your vitriol.

You "talk" as if you know so much, even about others. Your inability to engage as a normal human being "speaks" otherwise. You have given a great example of this by just your comments above, although I don't think most people on here needed any more evidence of that, as you have already given so much prior to this.

Just within recent days it seemed as if every thread I engaged in you popped up, usually to say something unkind. Many of the posts have since been deleted. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it was just coincidence, but will certainly be on guard because I don't think you are a person to be trusted with the truth.
Old 01-11-2018, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have checked out some things on Abby's friend Don Baldwin.

If you go to Stormfront which is a White Nationalist web site, you will be amazed at the information on there, most of which will remind you of Baldwin's posts.

They actually have a permanent thread entitled "Strategy and Tactics" and there you will for sure find familiar graphs and charts he has used on here. They have a thread specifically to demean Martin Luther King, and interesting one that supplies "pictures" as in many we have seen on this forum.

It is international and I keep asking from what country he is posting from, with no response.

But those who way they cannot argue with him....well, first he has a built in advantage as he has access to lots of stuff to bewilder you. Secondly, when you say you cannot argue with him, to me, that means you have already built in that it is just fine to judge another human being by the color of their skin. From there, it is a short walk to use any statistic to make your point. FIRST you gotta be open to the idea that skin color makes you different.
Rocky, you really disappoint me. CNM means NOTHING to me with a capital N, but I did not think you were known to be so cruel as well. You know darn well that Don B is not someone I know, so therefore how could he be my friend? Are you trying to tell me that you and CNM are 2 peas in a pod? Trying to post innuendos as an attempt to fit your own narrative? How in the world do you ever expect to have any kind of political discussion with that kind of attitude? You know darn well that I had a much higher regard for you. I am not only disappointed, but hurt, as you have made many attempts to be friendly with me on this forum and I took that to mean something. If this is how you treat people you like, well you can be sure I want NOTHING to do with you or CNM. I will just classify both of you in the same category and be done with it.

You could have merely presented your information without interjecting my name - a tactic CNM would use to insinuate that these are my beliefs too. Again, shaking my head that you too could be so nasty.
Old 01-11-2018, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Abby10
You are truly hopeless and I see that as sad. Anyone who would defend you and your vile and nasty ways, well, I don't even know what to think about them. I don't think there are many.

You exemplify everything that is wrong with this great country of ours and is exactly the reason I have refused to engage with you up to this point. I had already figured you were too deep-seated in your hatred for others to have any kind of back and forth exchange without spewing your vitriol.

You "talk" as if you know so much, even about others. Your inability to engage as a normal human being "speaks" otherwise. You have given a great example of this by just your comments above, although I don't think most people on here needed any more evidence of that, as you have already given so much prior to this.

Just within recent days it seemed as if every thread I engaged in you popped up, usually to say something unkind. Many of the posts have since been deleted. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it was just coincidence, but will certainly be on guard because I don't think you are a person to be trusted with the truth.
I'm simply an excellent observer and you're certainly not the first...to take great umbrage with me having that skill.

I'm not the one that forced you to show everyone your true, despicable and loathsome nature and alliance with Baldwin...you did that all on your own.

And doubling down on your lying about posts proving that I was following you, have now been somehow magically deleted...tells me even a bit more about you.

You are not only a racist/bigot and a hypocritical fake...you also have no compunction with lying.

Once again, I thank you for the insights.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 01-11-2018, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are truly hopeless and I see that as sad. Anyone who would defend you and your vile and nasty ways, well, I don't even know what to think about them. I don't think there are many.

You exemplify everything that is wrong with this great country of ours and is exactly the reason I have refused to engage with you up to this point. I had already figured you were too deep-seated in your hatred for others to have any kind of back and forth exchange without spewing your vitriol.

You "talk" as if you know so much, even about others. Your inability to engage as a normal human being "speaks" otherwise. You have given a great example of this by just your comments above, although I don't think most people on here needed any more evidence of that, as you have already given so much prior to this.

Just within recent days it seemed as if every thread I engaged in you popped up, usually to say something unkind. Many of the posts have since been deleted. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it was just coincidence, but will certainly be on guard because I don't think you are a person to be trusted with the truth.
Abby, I have a question for you.

Have you ever taken a stand like this on the foul mouthed posters who denegrate our country daily and our free press ?

Have you ever taken offense to posters ignoring topic in order to attack Hillary Clinton and or Obama, not in any kind of defense of Trump, but just to attack them out of the blue ?

Have you ever taken offense at a poster, who I think is not even in this country doing what the Russian bots did in dividing people along racial lines or spreading anti government sentiments ?

I am seeing your wrath and stellar character is reserved and very narrowly doled out, or at least it seems that way.

The posters you embrace with LOL, etc are those with the dirty mouths, the complete and total racist posts, the little cartoons (many flat out obscene).....you "seem" to like that kind of thing but anything other is blamed on the media, and which I still wait for an example of them lying in delivering the news.

Your reason for voting for Trump is that he was nominated is what you said. I voted with a write in, because I have a conscience and in any kind of good conscience neither candidate had the morals to deserve to be in the oval office. It had nothing to do with policies, and frankly you are so close minded as to how you are being conned as was pointed out yesterday in speaking of the wall. You did not even approach the subject of him lying to you...you just went after a statement on who voted for him as a moral stand. You are not, however, upset at all the our country may dish out millions to honor Trump ?

During the campaign, Trump maligned personally and in every way possible the talked about and much worked on comprehensive immigration reform...it did it in almost every rally....he made fools of Rubio and Jeb Bush and yesterday as he said he would support maybe 5 different things, one was the one....comprehensive immigration reform that he told you followers would never happen.

Well, lots of words..sorry.....but CFNM at least is talking facts and not anything else. It IS upsetting to be lectured to by someone who seems to avoid all issues EXCEPT race...I realize I am generalizing you have made yourself "read" by lecturing.

And I fully expect an all out attack by your buddies
Old 01-11-2018, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are a very smart and articulate lady. I don’t know why you would want to hang with the NOTHINGS especially since it’s core is unredeemable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sometimes it takes me awhile - finally understanding your post. Maybe it's because I always hope to make a difference, bring people together in some way but still hold onto individuality. This is all reminding me why I stuck to the NOTHING thread in polltical - it was the only thread where one had to be nice.

Evil pervades this forum in many ways.
Old 01-11-2018, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rocky, you really disappoint me. CNM means NOTHING to me with a capital N, but I did not think you were known to be so cruel as well. You know darn well that Don B is not someone I know, so therefore how could he be my friend? Are you trying to tell me that you and CNM are 2 peas in a pod? Trying to post innuendos as an attempt to fit your own narrative? How in the world do you ever expect to have any kind of political discussion with that kind of attitude? You know darn well that I had a much higher regard for you. I am not only disappointed, but hurt, as you have made many attempts to be friendly with me on this forum and I took that to mean something. If this is how you treat people you like, well you can be sure I want NOTHING to do with you or CNM. I will just classify both of you in the same category and be done with it.

You could have merely presented your information without interjecting my name - a tactic CNM would use to insinuate that these are my beliefs too. Again, shaking my head that you too could be so nasty.
Well, if you are correct, your discussions I have read "with" or on his posts, I read incorrectly but you seemed to warm to his position on black people.

I abhor racism of any kind....it is illogical no matter how much you say you cannot disagree with him. You CAN if you dismiss the fact the the color of your skin does not define you. That takes care of whatever he has to say...period.
Old 01-11-2018, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I'm simply an excellent observer and you're certainly not the first...to take great umbrage with me having that skill.

I'm not the one that forced you to show everyone your true, despicable and loathsome nature and alliance with Baldwin...you did that all on your own.

And doubling down on your lying about posts proving that I was following you, have now been somehow magically deleted...tells me even a bit more about you.

You are not only a racist/bigot and a hypocritical fake...you also have no compunction with lying.

Once again, I thank you for the insights.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
You had quite a few posts deleted and you know it. Anyone who was on those threads knows it too, but you go ahead and continue YOUR LIES.

Originally Posted by Guest
Well, if you are correct, your discussions I have read "with" or on his posts, I read incorrectly but you seemed to warm to his position on black people.

I abhor racism of any kind....it is illogical no matter how much you say you cannot disagree with him. You CAN if you dismiss the fact the the color of your skin does not define you. That takes care of whatever he has to say...period.
I think you should know me better than that by now. But since you don't care to and would rather continue down the path of your buddy, CNM, by maligning others on this forum in vile ways, then have at it. It appears that I was the last one here to recognize the likeness.

Despite it all, I wish you well, but just do not care to engage again.
Old 01-11-2018, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have checked out some things on Abby's friend Don Baldwin.

If you go to Stormfront which is a White Nationalist web site, you will be amazed at the information on there, most of which will remind you of Baldwin's posts.

They actually have a permanent thread entitled "Strategy and Tactics" and there you will for sure find familiar graphs and charts he has used on here. They have a thread specifically to demean Martin Luther King, and interesting one that supplies "pictures" as in many we have seen on this forum.

It is international and I keep asking from what country he is posting from, with no response.

But those who way they cannot argue with him....well, first he has a built in advantage as he has access to lots of stuff to bewilder you. Secondly, when you say you cannot argue with him, to me, that means you have already built in that it is just fine to judge another human being by the color of their skin. From there, it is a short walk to use any statistic to make your point. FIRST you gotta be open to the idea that skin color makes you different.
And WHAT is that information? True or not true? It's TRUE.

I should have gone there...it would have saved me the trouble of finding it all myself...BTW...what have YOU found to counter me? Nothing? Where is the "Blacks are equals" web site where YOU can find graphs and charts to support YOUR side? There are none? Because there AREN'T any that would support your position.

MLK...like Mandela...DID nothing and afterwards...things are worse than before. BOTH were just agitators with nothing to back it up. AGAIN,,,there's NO shortage of blacks in occupations they're actually GOOD at...the NFL and NBA PROVES it. There are NO blacks...except by quota...in pretty much everything else.

Facts bewilder you? Driving down to MLK Blvd some Saturday night bewilders you? Visiting a black school along MLK Blvd bewilders you? The black crime rate numbers bewilder you? What bewilders me is that you still believe the equality bullsh!t.

There you go AGAIN...genetic DNA mapping has PROVEN that negros are NOT directly related to modern humans. They are a different genetic line...close...but NOT close enough.

Please...use ANY statistic to make YOUR point. You;ve gotta be able to find ONE statistic that favors blacks.

NO...it's GENES...it's you ancestors...THAT is what is different. They are literally NOT in our genetic line...WAY back...millions of years ago...yes...but NOT recently. "Humans" developed OUTSIDE Africa.

Originally Posted by Guest
Well, if you are correct, your discussions I have read "with" or on his posts, I read incorrectly but you seemed to warm to his position on black people.

I abhor racism of any kind....it is illogical no matter how much you say you cannot disagree with him. You CAN if you dismiss the fact the the color of your skin does not define you. That takes care of whatever he has to say...period.
No...YOU are illogical...acting like an emotional woman...IGNORING the evidence...ignoring the proof.

The COLOR of your skin does NOT define you...but your species...your genes...they DO. You just DON'T get it...Negros...blacks are NOT related to us directly...they are a DIFFERENT SPECIES. Black LACK up to 1/20th of the DNA that EVERY "race" shares. Blacks aren't a "race"...they're a species. EVERYTHING about them is different...EVERYTHING.

YOU are ignorant rocky...you LACK the truth. You are calling a wolf a dog. They too are NOT the same species.
Old 01-11-2018, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You had quite a few posts deleted and you know it. Anyone who was on those threads knows it too, but you go ahead and continue YOUR LIES.

I think you should know me better than that by now. But since you don't care to and would rather continue down the path of your buddy, CNM, by maligning others on this forum in vile ways, then have at it. It appears that I was the last one here to recognize the likeness.

Despite it all, I wish you well, but just do not care to engage again.
You have got to be joshing.

AT least tell me about your silence with me on the foul mouth maligning folks (you have said I malign...hmmm). Tell me why you lecture me and engage with the punks who are simply trolls.

You can attack me from any way you want, but do not even try to call me what you did. I simply respond in kind, and YOUR SILENCE does say a lot.

You reserve the holier than thou for others while those who actually plague this forum are ok by you.

Sorry.......it just does not wash.

I am here and always have been to discuss ISSUES, not posters and here we go again.

Enjoy your NOTHINGS and your discussions or the "good black" you have met.

work, money, slaves, live, millenials

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