AARP Doesn't Protect Seniors

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Old 08-01-2009, 08:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Talking AARP Doesn't Protect Seniors

Seniors are going to lose Medicare coverage under the proposed health reform plans circulating in congress, which are endorsed by AARP. We need a new organization to protect our interests and we should cancel our AARP memberships.
Old 08-01-2009, 09:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by alevine513 View Post
Seniors are going to lose Medicare coverage under the proposed health reform plans circulating in congress, which are endorsed by AARP. We need a new organization to protect our interests and we should cancel our AARP memberships.
Alevine513 is absolutely correct. For many years, AARP's behavior has demonstrated that they do not work in the best interests of Seniors. They have refused to endorse the Medicare Advantage Plans, which cost less than the traditional Medicare and offer greater benefits. When one looks at the possible reasons, one fact stands out - AARP does not offer a Medicare Advantage plan to its members. They do, however, offer a traditional Medicare health plan through United Healthcare. Not widely understood is that United Healthcare pays a royalty to AARP for the use of the AARP logo when they advertise their plans. Surely we have a conflict of interest here, don't we. Profit before member service.

Another feature of the proposed health reform plan that is not reported widely in the media is that this proposed plan is not good enough for members of Congress and their staffs, members of the Executive Branch of the government (read that as the President and his staff), political appointees, and all employees of the Federal Government. These people will continue to have the same generous healthcare plan that they have enjoyed for decades.
Old 08-01-2009, 09:46 AM
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Dave & Alevine:

You are both so right on the money. I am stunned at how many seniors are still propping that organization up with money and support.

I'm going to find our if indeed there is already an organization that has seniors rights and interests as their core values.
Old 08-01-2009, 09:51 AM
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Add me to the anti-AARP list.
Old 08-01-2009, 10:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Aarp

A couple of point..The AARP has become the spokeperson for the Democratic party. I don't care if you are Republican or Democrat since it is suppose to be a voice for Senior Citizens over 55 and it cannot serve two masters. That group and a political party. Another observation. I don't know how many travel but we do quite a bit and when you register for a discount at a hotel the AAA is almost if not always less than AARP and in some cases AARP is about list price. Try setting up a reservation at a Marriott and marking AAA as a discoount and then change to AARP. You will see the difference.
Years ago I took out an Insurance Policy with AARP and within a couple of years it was significantly raised with some T's & C's which were terrible. I ended up cancelling and taking a loss on the investment.
It is a shame since the Senior's need and independent voice and unfortunately the AARP is not one of them.
Old 08-01-2009, 03:07 PM
Posts: n/a

I have already mentioned to a friend that I will not be renewing my membership with AARP. They have gone in the wrong direction.
Old 08-01-2009, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by REH7380 View Post
A couple of point..The AARP has become the spokeperson for the Democratic party. I don't care if you are Republican or Democrat since it is suppose to be a voice for Senior Citizens over 55 and it cannot serve two masters. That group and a political party. Another observation. I don't know how many travel but we do quite a bit and when you register for a discount at a hotel the AAA is almost if not always less than AARP and in some cases AARP is about list price. Try setting up a reservation at a Marriott and marking AAA as a discoount and then change to AARP. You will see the difference.
Years ago I took out an Insurance Policy with AARP and within a couple of years it was significantly raised with some T's & C's which were terrible. I ended up cancelling and taking a loss on the investment.
It is a shame since the Senior's need and independent voice and unfortunately the AARP is not one of them.
REH7380 ( you need a shorter handle, lol ) I told my wife the same thing only you said it better then I did.
Old 08-01-2009, 08:03 PM
Posts: n/a

I've thought AARP has been in the business of selling all kinds of things and doesn't have the interest of Sr's as their prime goal. I stopped my AARP membership.

aarp, cancel, healthcare reform, membership

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