ACA and immigration rallies

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Old 02-23-2017, 08:51 AM
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Default ACA and immigration rallies

Once the government starts providing a benefit without fully paying for it you can't pull it back. ACA was implemented with all the benefits up front and no payment, that was to come later. Regardless if you support it or not it is now an unfunded entitlement with no way out. Again the ability to spend now and pay later has dug us into a much deeper hole. If taxpayers had to pay up real time for all government spending you would see a different group of protesters. We all know but refuse to face the facts that Medicare, Social Security, SS Disability, state and federal retiree benefits, welfare both justified and fraudulent, the cost of illegal immigration,etc etc cannot be paid for but are woven into our society. I hope I'm wrong but I sincerely believe we have gone beyond the tipping point. Any thought or movement towards a balanced budget will accelerate our movement down the drain. Protesting and rioting are on the upswing. Can we recover?
Old 02-23-2017, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Once the government starts providing a benefit without fully paying for it you can't pull it back. ACA was implemented with all the benefits up front and no payment, that was to come later. Regardless if you support it or not it is now an unfunded entitlement with no way out. Again the ability to spend now and pay later has dug us into a much deeper hole. If taxpayers had to pay up real time for all government spending you would see a different group of protesters. We all know but refuse to face the facts that Medicare, Social Security, SS Disability, state and federal retiree benefits, welfare both justified and fraudulent, the cost of illegal immigration,etc etc cannot be paid for but are woven into our society. I hope I'm wrong but I sincerely believe we have gone beyond the tipping point. Any thought or movement towards a balanced budget will accelerate our movement down the drain. Protesting and rioting are on the upswing. Can we recover?
Sure there is a way out. Stop funding it. Eliminate it.'s gone. What the 50 million people who depended on it do...well THAT is the question. So in may be correct.

It comes to about $3,000 a year for EVERY man woman and child. $12,000 for each family of 4. When you consider about 1/3 of the population pays for everyone's over $35,000 a year that would be passed to the actual workers who PAY taxes. Quite a chunk...agreed?

Only those are unfuded by taxes...SS and medicare ARE paid for by those who work through deduction.

We have already gone beyond the tipping point...Hispanics ARE the majority within 30 years and we DO become "Mexico II".

Where do you cut over $ trillion a year? It's about 25% of the budget...borrowed. Welfare costs that much. But what do you do when they revolt? Quit supporting them and they'll go nuts.

Sure it is...they're jealous and they have others who are jealous joining forces with their cause. Women are joining up with the other minorities under an "everyone deserves equality" banner.

We MUST stop it before we can recover. Merit based EVERYTHING. RAISE the standards back up. STOP quotas. Stop LYING to the public. ADMIT the sexes and "races" are VERY different and work WITH those differences and not against them. THROW OUT THE ANCHOR BABIES. They are here illegally, they are NOT citizens. Make the proper ruling and get them out.

Or...all will be lost.
Old 02-23-2017, 10:57 AM
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ObieCare was deliberately constructed to fail. And it IS failing. Liberals can hold on to it with all their might but it IS going to fail if not replaced. It is already failing and will be a disaster by the end of the year if not replaced. Of course, a little patching by congress now is helping. Obama WANTS to ruin America, and that is why he is staying in D.C. He is not finished and Soros demands that the job gets done.
Old 02-23-2017, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
ObieCare was deliberately constructed to fail. And it IS failing. Liberals can hold on to it with all their might but it IS going to fail if not replaced. It is already failing and will be a disaster by the end of the year if not replaced. Of course, a little patching by congress now is helping. Obama WANTS to ruin America, and that is why he is staying in D.C. He is not finished and Soros demands that the job gets done.
Yes, we all know it is failing but your opinion of Obama or Soros is just fluff and not addressing how do we recover from promising more than we can pay. Let me suggest that we either increase taxes instead of cutting them or we cut spending. If cutting spending is the choice who is going to get cut back and name a Senator or Representative who will lead the charge, Florida sure in hell doesn't have any.
Old 02-23-2017, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yes, we all know it is failing but your opinion of Obama or Soros is just fluff and not addressing how do we recover from promising more than we can pay. Let me suggest that we either increase taxes instead of cutting them or we cut spending. If cutting spending is the choice who is going to get cut back and name a Senator or Representative who will lead the charge, Florida sure in hell doesn't have any.
Start by getting rid of Obiecare. That will save about a trillion bucks.
Old 02-23-2017, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
ObieCare was deliberately constructed to fail. And it IS failing. Liberals can hold on to it with all their might but it IS going to fail if not replaced. It is already failing and will be a disaster by the end of the year if not replaced. Of course, a little patching by congress now is helping. Obama WANTS to ruin America, and that is why he is staying in D.C. He is not finished and Soros demands that the job gets done.
Obama wanted much more than the Affordable Care Act turned out to be but that is all he could get. Now the really truth is the Republican governors made a mistake when they allowed the ACA to take over Medicaid. It was good for them at the time even KY liked it so much Mitch had to lie about Kentucky Care just being a website. But now they know the truth....did you see Mitch and that woman from the coal districts....they will turn on him if he takes away the ACA.

The Republicans have made this problem by failing to have a plan to replace the ACA on day 1.

Now all we have to do is sit by, watch and enjoy the popcorn!!!
Old 02-23-2017, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Obama wanted much more than the Affordable Care Act turned out to be but that is all he could get. Now the really truth is the Republican governors made a mistake when they allowed the ACA to take over Medicaid. It was good for them at the time even KY liked it so much Mitch had to lie about Kentucky Care just being a website. But now they know the truth....did you see Mitch and that woman from the coal districts....they will turn on him if he takes away the ACA.

The Republicans have made this problem by failing to have a plan to replace the ACA on day 1.

Now all we have to do is sit by, watch and enjoy the popcorn!!!
Unfortunately, ObieCare only took temporary control of Medicaid by offering to pay for it for a year or two. Then the state would have to find the funding to pay for it after that. That means EVERYONE would see increased property taxes to pay for the increased Medicaid requirements. Smart states understood this and were not tempted by greed of offered funding from the Feds. Now, the states that agreed to participate are finding out that they are going to have fun attempting to convince their voters that an increase in their taxes to pay for it, is a good thing. Good luck on that.
Old 02-23-2017, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by MPOCD
Unfortunately, ObieCare only took temporary control of Medicaid by offering to pay for it for a year or two. Then the state would have to find the funding to pay for it after that. That means EVERYONE would see increased property taxes to pay for the increased Medicaid requirements. Smart states understood this and were not tempted by greed of offered funding from the Feds. Now, the states that agreed to participate are finding out that they are going to have fun attempting to convince their voters that an increase in their taxes to pay for it, is a good thing. Good luck on that.

ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

States opting out of the expansion of Medicaid under ObamaCare will most likely both drive up insurance costs and not save the States much money. Some states, like Minnesota, showed up to a billion in new revenue under the program.

States That Declined To Expand Medicaid Face Higher Costs : Shots - Health News : NPR

In many states, legislators have been battling over whether to accept the federal money to pay for health care for more of their poor residents or continue to refuse on principle because they opposed the Affordable Care Act.
Old 02-23-2017, 06:09 PM
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Wrong. And if you are using NPR do not ever disparage anything I link to again. WOW, libtard junction the NPR.
Old 02-23-2017, 06:18 PM
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Enhanced Matching Rates. In some instances, Medicaid provides a higher matching rate for select services or populations, the most notable being the ACA Medicaid expansion enhanced match rate. For those states that expand, the federal government will pay 100 percent of Medicaid costs of those newly eligible from 2014 to 2016.1 The federal share gradually phases down to 90 percent in 2020 and remains at that level. There is no deadline to adopt the expansion; however, the federal match rates are tied to specific years.

Medicaid is the third largest domestic program in the federal budget following Medicare and Social Security.
Old 02-23-2017, 06:22 PM
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For he 3rd time, how do we get out of this mess. After we repeal Obamacare do we replace it with anything? What do we replace it with? Who is going to take the hit, poor people, healthcare industry, insurance companies? In order to make the system cheaper and better as promised during campaign someone is going to lose, this is not a win win problem.
Old 02-23-2017, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by MDOCP
Wrong. And if you are using NPR do not ever disparage anything I link to again. WOW, libtard junction the NPR.
Proving you wrong, is about as shooting fish in a barrel.

Forbes Welcome

...while Fox News viewers were the least informed.

In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Readers of The New York Times, USA Today and listeners to National Public Radio were better informed about international events than other media outlets.
NPR listeners in fact, were the MOST informed of actual facts.

Go look it up yourself...and weep.

If it makes you feel any better, those who only watched MSNBC were ignorant as Faux News viewers.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 02-23-2017, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Enhanced Matching Rates. In some instances, Medicaid provides a higher matching rate for select services or populations, the most notable being the ACA Medicaid expansion enhanced match rate. For those states that expand, the federal government will pay 100 percent of Medicaid costs of those newly eligible from 2014 to 2016.1 The federal share gradually phases down to 90 percent in 2020 and remains at that level. There is no deadline to adopt the expansion; however, the federal match rates are tied to specific years.

Medicaid is the third largest domestic program in the federal budget following Medicare and Social Security.
Where did you plagiarize that from?
Old 02-23-2017, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Unfortunately, ObieCare only took temporary control of Medicaid by offering to pay for it for a year or two. Then the state would have to find the funding to pay for it after that. That means EVERYONE would see increased property taxes to pay for the increased Medicaid requirements. Smart states understood this and were not tempted by greed of offered funding from the Feds. Now, the states that agreed to participate are finding out that they are going to have fun attempting to convince their voters that an increase in their taxes to pay for it, is a good thing. Good luck on that.
That maybe the case however, the pay now have good healthcare for the first time in their lives. Again I point to the woman screaming at Mitchie...... he looked like a deer in the headlights.

I have my popcorn ready cause the "Freedom party is going to tie this up in knots"
Old 02-23-2017, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For he 3rd time, how do we get out of this mess. After we repeal Obamacare do we replace it with anything? What do we replace it with? Who is going to take the hit, poor people, healthcare industry, insurance companies? In order to make the system cheaper and better as promised during campaign someone is going to lose, this is not a win win problem.
Those are excellent questions.

The root problem of course, is as long as there are for-profit health insurance companies...then healthy people will also have to be part of the covered.

Everyone likes (or should) the preexisting condition exclusion and a lot of conservatives even like keeping their children on their policies.

The obvious issue is that if preexisting conditions cannot be used to determine rates, then you have to have a pool of covered people who are not likely to use their insurance.

There is no other way it can a for-profit model.

It really boils down to whether you have a fundamental and humane belief that a government taking care of their citizens health, is more important than fighting wars, having a military that equals the next 7 combined, giving corporations a handout by allowing them to underpay their workers and therefore allowing the workers to qualify for benefits...and supporting the military-industrial complex.

Most of the civilized world long ago decided, that taking care of their the most important function a country's government can do.

That we have people basically screaming that if one person is getting health benefits that they don't think should, then 'scrap it all'...says pretty much all you need to know about the self-centered right.

As for what the Repub's come up to replace the ACA, I foresee a push by the Trump extremists/cultists to push for a lack of a replacement that basically says...'tough $hit for you.'

movement, pay, aca, government, benefits

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