After canning Ugly Debbie why did they not put the Philadelphia mayor in instead

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Old 07-25-2016, 06:29 PM
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Default After canning Ugly Debbie why did they not put the Philadelphia mayor in instead

of the racist from Baltimore.

Another quid quo pro of course.

Whoever is in charge is either stupid or just do not give a $hit.

I vote the latter.
Old 07-25-2016, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
of the racist from Baltimore.

Another quid quo pro of course.

Whoever is in charge is either stupid or just do not give a $hit.

I vote the latter.
Because HELLary is seeking the black vote and also has the added benefit of alienating the white dominated law enforcement. That black mayor will undoubtedly get reelected like Mayor Barry in D.C. even though he was a convicted felon, coke head. That's the way those type of cities operate.
Old 07-25-2016, 06:58 PM
Posts: n/a

The Dems pander to get votes, it is their MO!
Their other ploy is to promise stuff for votes,
but of course it's all at tax payer expense!
Old 07-25-2016, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Dems pander to get votes, it is their MO!
Their other ploy is to promise stuff for votes,
but of course it's all at tax payer expense!
Yes, we know about Obama's experience with promising "stuff" for votes. That didn't work out very well with voters, but they gave him a second chance. They have interviewed some of those folks and they said they are still waiting for some of that free stuff from his "stash."
Old 07-25-2016, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
of the racist from Baltimore.

Another quid quo pro of course.

Whoever is in charge is either stupid or just do not give a $hit.

I vote the latter.
I think she is quite a you need glasses?

Or are you just a A**hole?

I vote the latter as well!!!!
Old 07-25-2016, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Dems pander to get votes, it is their MO!
Their other ploy is to promise stuff for votes,
but of course it's all at tax payer expense!
I'm going to build a wall is NOT pandering for votes? How about deporting all the Mexicans how is he going to pay for that?
Old 07-25-2016, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm going to build a wall is NOT pandering for votes? How about deporting all the Mexicans how is he going to pay for that?
Maybe not you, but there are even a lot of Dems
that want secure borders.
Plus apparently you have no idea of the cost
of social, schooling and medical services provided to illegals!
Old 07-25-2016, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm going to build a wall is NOT pandering for votes? How about deporting all the Mexicans how is he going to pay for that?
Maybe the same way other presidents have deported thousands of illegals in the past? You do know that there have been other presidents that have gathered up illegals and deported them right? Or, are you once again going to demand that I give you proof because you education is so limited?
Old 07-25-2016, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe not you, but there are even a lot of Dems
that want secure borders.
Plus apparently you have no idea of the cost
of social, schooling and medical services provided to illegals!
They don`t care because they will not be paying for it .

They just get the funds they give away from the evil Republicans .

Just look at the audience at the DNC and it says it all for you .
Old 07-26-2016, 04:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
They don`t care because they will not be paying for it .

They just get the funds they give away from the evil Republicans .

Just look at the audience at the DNC and it says it all for you .
Oh, was that the DNC? I thought I was on the wrong channel because all I saw was what I thought was BLM, minus the "L." I did hear a lot of booing. I also heard PokaNOTus scream about "fear mongering" as she went about fear mongering.

So far, HELLary is going to try to take credit for women making the same as men, which is already a federal mandate, so I find it disingenuous. She is also going to stop the oceans from rising, which Obama promised also. She is going to make black lives matter to someone, which wouldn't be necessary if not for Obama. Things were OK before he started poking. She is going to mandate wage levels, even though private industry is not a gov program. She is going to open the borders and she is going to make the wealthy share their wealth with the lazy. I believe that about sums it up. Oh, and M. Obama says her kids grow up and play in the yard of a home built by slaves, even though that home is not the original home built by slaves. It's been totally rebuilt with safer standards. Not that I care who built the White House, because it no long means anything to me, other than it's being public housing.

So, in summary HELLary is going to promise to do the exact same things that Obie promised, and the lemmings will vote for her. And then they will complain about life's inequities.

Too bad there are more needy takers than motivated earners today. By the time the libtards get done, there won't be a recognizable America anymore. It will just be a nation consisting of a few elite politicians with the wealth and the masses of the needy, standing in line for toilet paper. Where have we seen that before? Our new America will be the USSA (United Socialist States of America) but not so United.
Old 07-26-2016, 05:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm going to build a wall is NOT pandering for votes? How about deporting all the Mexicans how is he going to pay for that?
If HELLary promised it, YES it would be pandering because we know she would be lying. If Trump promises it, he follows through. Big difference. He means it, she doesn't.

The difference between failed promises(lies) by politicians, and doers of real job creators. Trump has a record of creating thousands of jobs. HELLary has a record of stealing thousands of dollars from jobs.

Trump helps millions of people.
HELLary helps herself to millions of bucks.
Old 07-26-2016, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Because HELLary is seeking the black vote and also has the added benefit of alienating the white dominated law enforcement. That black mayor will undoubtedly get reelected like Mayor Barry in D.C. even though he was a convicted felon, coke head. That's the way those type of cities operate.
No, that's the way BLACKS operate. Blacks kept voting for the corrupt coke head.
Old 07-26-2016, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe the same way other presidents have deported thousands of illegals in the past? You do know that there have been other presidents that have gathered up illegals and deported them right? Or, are you once again going to demand that I give you proof because you education is so limited?
Yes, and we know who the first president to give Mexicans amnesty. Would you like to tell us his name?
Old 07-26-2016, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes, and we know who the first president to give Mexicans amnesty. Would you like to tell us his name?
Do I give a rat's @ss??? Do I ???

You liberals are afraid that you will be at the bottom of the food chain if we get rid of the illegals.
Old 07-26-2016, 02:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes, and we know who the first president to give Mexicans amnesty. Would you like to tell us his name?
And do you know that from age 6 down THEY are the majority?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Do I give a rat's @ss??? Do I ???

You liberals are afraid that you will be at the bottom of the food chain if we get rid of the illegals.
They'll soon be back to being the bottom, there's a NEW majority coming to town, the Hispanic majority.

That's what makes me question their sanity the most...why encourage your own destruction by welcoming a people who want to "take back" your country to start with. It's NO secret Mexicans still hold a grudge over losing the SW, it's no secret they've wanted it back. Well, county by county they ARE taking it back. They make it SO MISERABLE for others that everyone else leaves. the same way blacks take over neighborhoods ans cities. They make it so horrible that everyone else moves out.

WHY would ANYONE want diversity? When they can see what always happens? Diversity always degrades an area.

give, vote, put, philadelphia, mayor

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