After this morning we will see if this is still the Republican Mantra as far as Trump

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Old 06-08-2017, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your above statement "everything I heard" says it all. Obviously/ you didn't watch. The " 4 guys", refused to answer questions, having "no legal reason" not to answer. REPUBLICAN Richard Burr chastized them for not answering unclassified questions. Guess they have something to hide.
What you have to realize that in one way there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats in Congress. What they all have in common is that they play the Washington game. They will cross party lines in order to keep people out who will not go along.

President Trump represents a threat to that good old boy's club. There are a lot of Republicans that fear that this administration could mean an end to their term of service. They will join with Democrats to defeat any threat to their closed club.

That is what draining the swamp is all about.
Old 06-08-2017, 12:12 PM
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In order to understand what a ridiculous dog and pony show this is, you might consider that a special prosecutor has been appointed to look into all of these matters. He will call all of the same witnesses and ask many of the same questions that these clowns were asking today.

This begs the question if the special prosecutor is going to get to the bottom of this, what is the point of these congressional hearings?

The answer; the point is to get publicity for these senators in order to help them get re-elected and maintain the Washington establishment and status quo. Keep in mind that this is what they are spending your money on.

I'll repeat myself. Members of Congress will do anything to get free publicity, avoid voting on legislation and keep themselves and other incumbents, regardless of party, that go along with the game, in office.

That is the sole purpose of these hearings. They don't care what happened. They only care about staying in power.
Old 06-08-2017, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I truly hope that you are correct. It seems like we spent the last 8 years going backward, and this year at a complete stand still. Progressive seems to be a contradictory label for what has been actually occurring these past 8+years. Every election cycle the opposition party seems to get less cooperative than the last.
We've spent the last 60 YEARS going backward...from the 1960s on...we've been going backwards. We WERE #1, now we're #25...we've "progressed" all right.

Originally Posted by Guest
One of the things that we all need to realize and that we really should be upset about is that these hearings are all a sham. They always are. Nothing will come from any of them.

Congressional hearings are nothing more than a vehicle for members of Congress to get their faces in front of the voting public and try to convince us that they are actually doing something. In fact, they are a distraction and a way for Congress to avoid doing their primary job which is legislating.

You will notice that most of these questions are not actually questions. Rather, they are a statement by the person asking the question.

Hearings are political and the members hope that they will assist them in future elections.

In the meantime, so many important things that Congress and the president should be working on for the good of the American public are going by the wayside. Nothing is getting done that helps the American people and that's the way Congress wants it.

Every time a member of Congress votes on something, they alienate half of their constituency. There is a huge downside. By conducting hearings, there is no downside. They are viewed by the public of trying to bring someone or something to justice. It is all a sham.
They get to grandstand...push an agenda.

EVERYTHING in government is political and ultimately someone profits.

Yup...the Hispanics majority continues to grow...white people are becoming a minority...WHY does Congress WANT this? They know what's happening.

Originally Posted by Guest
Comey did say the same thing. Yes, they did refuse to answer questions and their reason should have been articulated better.

But I'm listening to this sham that's going on now and I am shocked that everyone is allowing Comey and some of the Democrats to say that he was positively, fired because of the Russian investigation. And that the president said so.

That is simply not factual. The president on numerous occasions stated that Comey was fired because he was not doing a good job. And then as an afterthought, he said that he was thinking about the Russian investigation when he decided to fire Comey. That in no way translates into Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation or that his firing was an attempt to either slow down or stop the investigation. This could be interpreted in many different ways but does not state categorically that the firing had anything to do with the Russian investigation. In fact, the president has also stated that he had been considering replacing Comey for a long time.

The statement that he was thinking about the Russian investigation when he decided to fire Comey could be interpreted as this might slow the investigation, but he has to do it anyway.

This is exactly is what is wrong with our news media today. and it's evidently what is wrong with the FBI and possibly Congress. People in all three entities hear something, interpret it the way they want and then state that their interpretation is fact.
People in GENERAL do that...they interpret it their way...and nothing will change them.

Originally Posted by Guest
In order to understand what a ridiculous dog and pony show this is, you might consider that a special prosecutor has been appointed to look into all of these matters. He will call all of the same witnesses and ask many of the same questions that these clowns were asking today.

This begs the question if the special prosecutor is going to get to the bottom of this, what is the point of these congressional hearings?

The answer; the point is to get publicity for these senators in order to help them get re-elected and maintain the Washington establishment and status quo. Keep in mind that this is what they are spending your money on.

I'll repeat myself. Members of Congress will do anything to get free publicity, avoid voting on legislation and keep themselves and other incumbents, regardless of party, that go along with the game, in office.

That is the sole purpose of these hearings. They don't care what happened.
They want to feel important.
Old 06-09-2017, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Actually, those testifying yesterday did NOT say there was no pressure. Inquiries into that area were shrugged off for closed door testimony.
Yes, they did. Each one was asked and denied.
Old 06-09-2017, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your above statement "everything I heard" says it all. Obviously/ you didn't watch. The " 4 guys", refused to answer questions, having "no legal reason" not to answer. REPUBLICAN Richard Burr chastized them for not answering unclassified questions. Guess they have something to hide.
I didn't hear that they were charged with contempt of Congress. If they refused to answer questions unless they take the fifth or there is a claim of executive privilege, they are bound to answer the question or be found in contempt. Why would they not have been found in contempt?

Maybe because the whole thing is a dog and pony show put on in an effort to get these senators re-elected. None of them are really interested in finding out anything. They are just interested in getting their faces in front of the American public and trying to convince us that they are actually doing something other than wasting out time and money on a re-election scam.
Old 06-09-2017, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Comey did say the same thing. Yes, they did refuse to answer questions and their reason should have been articulated better.

But I'm listening to this sham that's going on now and I am shocked that everyone is allowing Comey and some of the Democrats to say that he was positively, fired because of the Russian investigation. And that the president said so.

That is simply not factual. The president on numerous occasions stated that Comey was fired because he was not doing a good job. And then as an afterthought, he said that he was thinking about the Russian investigation when he decided to fire Comey. That in no way translates into Comey was fired because of the Russian investigation or that his firing was an attempt to either slow down or stop the investigation. This could be interpreted in many different ways but does not state categorically that the firing had anything to do with the Russian investigation. In fact, the president has also stated that he had been considering replacing Comey for a long time.

The statement that he was thinking about the Russian investigation when he decided to fire Comey could be interpreted as this might slow the investigation, but he has to do it anyway.

This is exactly is what is wrong with our news media today. and it's evidently what is wrong with the FBI and possibly Congress. People in all three entities hear something, interpret it the way they want and then state that their interpretation is fact.

Do you think we should go with what he told theRUSSIANS
in our OVAL OFFICE that our FBI director was a "nut job".

Heck, sharing that along with having a joke about it with the RUSSIAN media is certainly the way to handle it,
Old 06-09-2017, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Do you think we should go with what he told theRUSSIANS
in our OVAL OFFICE that our FBI director was a "nut job".

Heck, sharing that along with having a joke about it with the RUSSIAN media is certainly the way to handle it,
I was going to congratulate you on a short post, but then saw the hanging comma.

Just the dementia I guess.
Old 06-09-2017, 07:33 AM
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Liberals are very upset with Comey. He vindicated Trump and dug himself a nice fresh grave. On top of that, he further showed how corrupt the Hillary investigation was. For being a "weak" director, he probably did his best work during his testimony, even though it was purely by accident on his part.

morning, republican, mantra, trump

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