AHCA your thoughts...

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Old 05-06-2017, 09:04 AM
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Default AHCA your thoughts...

Now that the dust has settled and the balloons and confetti has been swept up, and all the congressmans pockets are full, how do you feel about your fellow Americans, who, if this comes to being, and the Senate doesn't clean up the Houses version of Trumpcare, will lose their healthcare so our wealthier Americans have a tax break. Try as you might, making this legislation look good, if you defend this, you don't have an ounce of compassion in your bones, period!!!
Old 05-06-2017, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now that the dust has settled and the balloons and confetti has been swept up, and all the congressmans pockets are full, how do you feel about your fellow Americans, who, if this comes to being, and the Senate doesn't clean up the Houses version of Trumpcare, will lose their healthcare so our wealthier Americans have a tax break. Try as you might, making this legislation look good, if you defend this, you don't have an ounce of compassion in your bones, period!!!
Why don't you stick to the ladies only forum?
You are an emotional basket case...
Old 05-06-2017, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now that the dust has settled and the balloons and confetti has been swept up, and all the congressmans pockets are full, how do you feel about your fellow Americans, who, if this comes to being, and the Senate doesn't clean up the Houses version of Trumpcare, will lose their healthcare so our wealthier Americans have a tax break. Try as you might, making this legislation look good, if you defend this, you don't have an ounce of compassion in your bones, period!!!
Been listening to the liberal girls in congress screaming hysterically that millions are going to die because of this?

Don't be so stupid, and learn something about what you are speaking of.

And this is me trying to be nice. WOW, some folks are so trying in their ridiculous idiocy.

Instead of producing diarrhea of the mouth, why don't you start by telling us what you DON'T like about the bill. Then we can discuss it with you. Hysterical sobbing because of the death of Obama's total/only legacy does not count as relevant.
Old 05-06-2017, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Now that the dust has settled and the balloons and confetti has been swept up, and all the congressmans pockets are full, how do you feel about your fellow Americans, who, if this comes to being, and the Senate doesn't clean up the Houses version of Trumpcare, will lose their healthcare so our wealthier Americans have a tax break. Try as you might, making this legislation look good, if you defend this, you don't have an ounce of compassion in your bones, period!!!
Well right out of the chute your statement "now that the dust has settled " is incorrect. In fact what the House did was stir up more dust.

Don't misinterpret my meaning because I am relieved that this health bill is getting much debate by competitive parties, unlike Obamacare that was passed under the cover of darkness with the stipulation "we have to pass it before we know what is in it"

As to what posters think will depend on where their political ideology lies, their soci-economic status, etc.

The better question in my view is what type of plan will meet people's needs at affordable prices and without sticking it too badly to taxpayers. Essentially the guaranteed issue is a very emotional issue and the House's support of a risk pool is the only way to retain guaranteed issue.

Risk pools are the only viable options in order to this because they will provide the funding that was inadequate in Obamacare. Obamacare was unsustainable in part because it severely penalized the young in order to subsidize those who insured because they were already sick.

However, even within this topic of subsidies is the need for rational judgment as to who or whom need a subsidy...do all senors need a handout or only the poor ones?.....

Insurance companies should be given the opportunity to sell insurance across state lines, and to taylor policy benefits to meets customers pocketbooks.

Another factor to consider are the consumers of healthcare. Policies and insurance regulations must maintain a balance of being effective (meet consumers needs)yet operate such that consumers do not overspend

In summary to respond to your real question yes I have more faith in the business decisions made by Republicans then I do democrats and the state of Obamacare supports that opinion.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-06-2017, 10:53 AM
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This is the first part of the overall health care program. This is limited because it is restricted as to how it can be voted upon. This will not have all the benefits that the second or third parts will have included. This first part can be passed with a simple majority vote. The other parts will require a super majority vote to pass. This has been repeated, but no one seems to listen including congress. Either that or they do not wish to hear it.
Old 05-06-2017, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Been listening to the liberal girls in congress screaming hysterically that millions are going to die because of this?

Don't be so stupid, and learn something about what you are speaking of.

And this is me trying to be nice. WOW, some folks are so trying in their ridiculous idiocy.

Instead of producing diarrhea of the mouth, why don't you start by telling us what you DON'T like about the bill. Then we can discuss it with you. Hysterical sobbing because of the death of Obama's total/only legacy does not count as relevant.
1. Being a WOMAN is a pre-existing condition.
2. It repeals Medicare tax a 0.9 surcharge on >200,000.00 for singles or 250,000 married earners. That would cost the Medicare trust fund 17 billion in 10 years.
3. Preexisting conditions are NOT covered as states may opt out of this requirement.
Old 05-06-2017, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This is the first part of the overall health care program. This is limited because it is restricted as to how it can be voted upon. This will not have all the benefits that the second or third parts will have included. This first part can be passed with a simple majority vote. The other parts will require a super majority vote to pass. This has been repeated, but no one seems to listen including congress. Either that or they do not wish to hear it.
No....we have hear this nonsense before. Paul Ryan and the Republicans dream is to gut all social programs including Medicare, Social Security, Welfare and Medicaid.
Old 05-06-2017, 12:36 PM
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The House version is going to almost unrecognizable from what the Senate will put together. The Senate will send it back to the House for even more changes and back to the Senate.

The news pundits are saying it will be several more months before a final version is ready.

Until then, the Affordable Care Act stands as is.
Old 05-06-2017, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by copuff View Post
1. Being a WOMAN is a pre-existing condition.
2. It repeals Medicare tax a 0.9 surcharge on >200,000.00 for singles or 250,000 married earners. That would cost the Medicare trust fund 17 billion in 10 years.
3. Preexisting conditions are NOT covered as states may opt out of this requirement.
Being a woman might be considered as a handicap.

Lets see your math on the 17 billion...

I believe you meant to say pre existing conditions are covered unless the state decides to opt out...what's a matter, don't you trust the state politicians that were elected by the residents of the state??

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Old 05-06-2017, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No....we have hear this nonsense before. Paul Ryan and the Republicans dream is to gut all social programs including Medicare, Social Security, Welfare and Medicaid.
B.S. Show me some evidence of your liberal talking points. Facts, not words repeated from hysterical pundits and libtard congress. Why do you bother spreading lies? Just to defend the losers in congress?
Old 05-06-2017, 02:53 PM
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I would just like to say to all of them S. M. D. they are hired to help not hurt people. They need to be covered by exactly the same coverage as they are dishing out. I never thought I'd say it but I really miss George Bush. That's Sr. or Jr.
Old 05-06-2017, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I would just like to say to all of them S. M. D. they are hired to help not hurt people. They need to be covered by exactly the same coverage as they are dishing out. I never thought I'd say it but I really miss George Bush. That's Sr. or Jr.
I agree!
Old 05-06-2017, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Being a woman might be considered as a handicap.

Lets see your math on the 17 billion...

I believe you meant to say pre existing conditions are covered unless the state decides to opt out...what's a matter, don't you trust the state politicians that were elected by the residents of the state??

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Being a woman might be considered as a handicap. Not good to start with a sexist statement Dirt!

Lets see your math on the 17 billion... not my math that number came from a Washington Post story and was only for 10 years. Here is another link for you!


I believe you meant to say pre existing conditions are covered unless the state decides to opt out...what's a matter, don't you trust the state politicians that were elected by the residents of the state??

Seriously??? Did you see that gathering at the White House it was a bunch of old frat boys. They are NOT is the business of looking out for the middle class or the poor!

Old 05-06-2017, 08:32 PM
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The first thing that needs to happen is honest discussions about healthcare, it's cost, advanced treatments, profit, etc. None of that has happen. Take risk pools, regardless if you are in a risk pool or not the cost of your healthcare will be the same. The difference is the AHCA as written will limit teartment by default therefore reduce costs. That is an option but it should be honestly discussed. Can the government subsidize "basic health care" and require advanced procedures be available only to those with means? Our healthcare systems are the best in the world because of the free market but those same forces have made it affordable to very few who pay for it themselves and to those who's care is paid for by someone's tax dollars. Health insurance costs were one of the nails in US manufacturing's coffin. Our elected politicians have become very comfortable standing in front of a microphone and repeating boldface lies. The sad part is 50% of us back them up when they do. No better example than this forum.
Old 05-07-2017, 05:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The first thing that needs to happen is honest discussions about healthcare, it's cost, advanced treatments, profit, etc. None of that has happen. Take risk pools, regardless if you are in a risk pool or not the cost of your healthcare will be the same. The difference is the AHCA as written will limit teartment by default therefore reduce costs. That is an option but it should be honestly discussed. Can the government subsidize "basic health care" and require advanced procedures be available only to those with means? Our healthcare systems are the best in the world because of the free market but those same forces have made it affordable to very few who pay for it themselves and to those who's care is paid for by someone's tax dollars. Health insurance costs were one of the nails in US manufacturing's coffin. Our elected politicians have become very comfortable standing in front of a microphone and repeating boldface lies. The sad part is 50% of us back them up when they do. No better example than this forum.
I agree and beside an honest discussion we need a frank discussion about healthcare. From your comments its difficult to see where you clearly stand on this issue.

For any discussion we need to separate health care and insurance because they are very different issues in their entirety.

Healthcare issues include people's lifestyles, preventive care, new technologies, organizational models, fees, efficacy in treatment, DNA etc

On the Insurance side it includes such things as who has the financial /payer obligation, if any and in what form , benefit plans, costs, fraud and abuse and the mother of all realities people's "expectations"

Then of course there are the political and financial realities overriding all of this and in constant tension to one another

In my view we were better off before Obamacare. what Obamacare did was throw the baby out with the dishwater.

There was an easy fix for the so called "uninsured" but Obama was aiming for a single payer system and total control of the health market. Well government is not at all good at managing things and fraud and abuse prevail over most government programs. fraud and abuse will kill any program

Simply stated this has become such a political football interfering with a rational solution

Personal Best Regards:

tax, thoughts, ahca

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