Alabama election

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Old 11-22-2017, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
[SIZE="3"]To those who are still registered to vote in Alabama please vote for the pedofile.[/SIZE] It is important. Otherwise we will be stuck with a liberal. He is too old now to be any threat to our granddaughters so lets elect him to pass tax cuts. Plus as a Christian I am sure Mr. Moore has asked Jesus for forgiveness and his slate has been wiped clean.
God bless the USA, the Republican Party and Mr. Roy Moore.

There is some reasonableness to this argument in terms of seeking protection from Type 2 attacks by liberal government. If the Democrat wins, Alabama will suffer more Type 2 oppression. People who don't want to be attacked by government should vote for the representative most inclined not to have government attack them.



Old 11-23-2017, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

There is some reasonableness to this argument in terms of seeking protection from Type 2 attacks by liberal government. If the Democrat wins, Alabama will suffer more Type 2 oppression. People who don't want to be attacked by government should vote for the representative most inclined not to have government attack them.



Bog...they BOTH work WITHIN and FOR...the "system". It doesn't MATTER who you elect IF they are a D or an R. They ARE beholden to their party. They WILL be told how to vote...what to say...etc...etc.

Voting is picking the PERSONALITY of your rulers...they still rule you...irregardless of which one you choose.

The difference in the parties are ONLY social differences and differences in which business sectors get priority. We'll borrow over a $ trillion again this year...D or doesn't matter..the money will be borrowed and spent.

They are slowly making more and more DEPENDENT on government for their well being...purposely. People who depend on another...often don't bite their benefactor.


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