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Old 11-24-2017, 05:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you ever get tired of just venting, pontificating, and just hearing yourself talk, I invite you to:


my friend you post is #4 and mine was #3. So to you and to those who followed and participated in their favorite sport of "get rubicon" let me say in my view one of us has to be the adult. look at your response and those that followed and they all act like emotional and petulant children.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-24-2017, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You crack me the heck up.

You basically describe and diss yourself, but aren't smart enough...to even realize it.

Not to mention that your demigod only wishes he could mold the FBI/CIA into the FSB (formerly known as KGB)...so that he could play dictator like his pal Putin.

I'll bet Chump gets so envious of Putin and his absolute power...that he becomes apoplectic in private.

As for Trump's so-called "accomplishments"...can you please provide a list of his legislative achievements?

Oh wait...there are NONE.

The only thing he's done so far, is to follow Obama around to try and undo anything good that was done to protect the environment and citizens...simply because it had Obama's name on it.

Wait a minute, I almost forgot...that's not all he's done.

Chump has also publicly lowered the status of POTUS to that of a scorned little bitch...by punching down toward anyone who doesn't buy his lies and embellishments.

And some people actually think that's a good thing?

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
You have got to stop flirting with me as I am a happily married man to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Personal best Regards:
Old 11-24-2017, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are really in love.

With Trump and your words, WHICH NEVER EVER SAY ANYTHING.

You speak in nothing but hateful generalities. You general comments on black people on another thread are not just distasteful, but simply insulting.

You always say you want to talk issues, BUT NEVER EVER DO..you run from them.

I am shocked frankly.....I have realized your were a phony hypocrite, but not to this degree. You made a sarcastic remark in another thread where you spoke of black people as if they were a piece of chattel...the thread where you proudly proclaimed you heard someone on the Laura Ingraham show, then were snide about MY viewing habits.

You also have posted that you watch no network tv news. You previously said CNN and MSNBC were out. That leaves you with Fox.

My "friend".... the term you like to demean others with...you are really a snob...my "friend" I read and I read a lot. Enough to know the Ingraham show is pure BS entertainment. She has people in there to be used for YOUR ENJOYMENT.

Speaking of which. You have said many times all MSM lie, yet you have been challenged over and over and never give an example. Now, since you quote Fox and Alex Jones, along with a Russian web site. We know your academic sources.

You actually called the United States Intelligence agencies treasonous, and you have completely adopted the Russian message.

Your love for Trump and your disgust for anything American is noted.

You can't go much lower.
The kindest thing I can say about all of your threads is that they lack an epistemic curiosity . Essentially your response to my above-stated post is telling and that tell is that my entire post based on your interpretation was lost on you . Please if you are going to criticize and this applies to all then at least have a clear understanding and substantiated reasons as to why. Inferences simply do not count. and so I as in the past I am no longer going to explain a second time as to what I posted

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-24-2017, 09:09 AM
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almost two full pages of responses totally unrelated to the subject of the thread.......hence....normal!!
Old 11-24-2017, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The kindest thing I can say about all of your threads is that they lack an epistemic curiosity . Essentially your response to my above-stated post is telling and that tell is that my entire post based on your interpretation was lost on you . Please if you are going to criticize and this applies to all then at least have a clear understanding and substantiated reasons as to why. Inferences simply do not count. and so I as in the past I am no longer going to explain a second time as to what I posted

Personal Best Regards:
I will allow you that you are a good writer BUT, you speak in platitudes ("the quality or state of being dull or insipid") always couched in hate of someone or something.

You support the President with all your heart and soul, to the point of saying this...."People should be concerned that leaders in our intelligence community politicized their positions and their agency. Essentially the CIA/FBI morphed into the KGB" When called on that anti american, terrible statement and then imply that you were "misinterpreted" to which you respond that any respond must supply a "why".

Of all the posters to request a "why", you are certainly not in a position to do so.

I have read your posts for over a year now, and you have absolute no basis for your hateful remarks, at least you never supply them and yet you have the nerve to ask for someone to supply why someone would be bothered, angry or troubled by your SAYING VERY CLEARLY that our intelligence agencies are in fact NOT acting in the best interest of our country and have become like the KGB. I will supply no reason other than to say, I , unlike you, love my country. I, unlike you, welcome investigations (especially to determine how and who attacked my country). I, unlike you, do not bow to any one man or party or even a political philosophy.

Your post on here may be the ugliest, most un american post I have ever read on here and that includes your allies who pollute this forum daily with the same message as you albeit, not as well worded.

Your loyalties and devotion are clear and they are not my country.
Old 11-24-2017, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I will allow you that you are a good writer BUT, you speak in platitudes ("the quality or state of being dull or insipid") always couched in hate of someone or something.

You support the President with all your heart and soul, to the point of saying this...."People should be concerned that leaders in our intelligence community politicized their positions and their agency. Essentially the CIA/FBI morphed into the KGB" When called on that anti american, terrible statement and then imply that you were "misinterpreted" to which you respond that any respond must supply a "why".

Of all the posters to request a "why", you are certainly not in a position to do so.

I have read your posts for over a year now, and you have absolute no basis for your hateful remarks, at least you never supply them and yet you have the nerve to ask for someone to supply why someone would be bothered, angry or troubled by your SAYING VERY CLEARLY that our intelligence agencies are in fact NOT acting in the best interest of our country and have become like the KGB. I will supply no reason other than to say, I , unlike you, love my country. I, unlike you, welcome investigations (especially to determine how and who attacked my country). I, unlike you, do not bow to any one man or party or even a political philosophy.

Your post on here may be the ugliest, most un american post I have ever read on here and that includes your allies who pollute this forum daily with the same message as you albeit, not as well worded.

Your loyalties and devotion are clear and they are not my country.
""People should be concerned that leaders in our intelligence community politicized their positions and their agency. Essentially the CIA/FBI morphed into the KGB""

It has...it's worse...they can and supposedly do...monitor EVERYTHING now.

Which country? The 1950s version? Or the minority majority version we have now? I love the old America.

Who'd ya vote for there...villageperson? A D or an R? Both/either work for the "system" and are beholden to the mega wealthy who run the country like a board of directors. NOTHING will "improve" for "us" unless/until they're ALL removed from office.

You're being fooled by propaganda...JUST like the people in N Korea, China, Russia, Iran...etc. We're ALL fed propaganda by our own governments.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but...what you THINK "America" is...what you THINK our government does...is ALL lies, propaganda, and disinformation...with just a sprinkling of truth to make it "believable".

You LAUGH at the people of Russia for believing their governments lies...you laugh at the people of Iran and N Korea for believing their governments lies. Well guess what...they laugh at you too for believing YOUR governments lies.

Take equality...the PROOF is right there...along MLK Blvd...in ANY town/city...it's a sh!thole...it's where the 99% of blacks live. It sucks there BECAUSE it's full of blacks...NOT because of anything white people do/did. They'd be on the streets starving if not for white peoples generosity...welfare costs over a $ trillion each year...money we GIVE to black people...HALF of whom are on welfare and not working.

quality, solved

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