America Is Dying Before Our Eyes

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Old 08-18-2017, 04:54 AM
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Default America Is Dying Before Our Eyes

America is Dying Before Our Eyes
While the left continues its shortsighted, shallow and counterproductive obsession over Trump Rome burns

D JollyAugust 17, 2017
I’m 65-years-old and the America I was born into is not the America of today and sadly, I’m convinced that for some reason, I was born at this time in history, to witness the death of the America I was born into.

The America I was born into still had many of the foundational principles that our Founding Fathers established. To start with, America was a republic, not a democracy and was never intended to be. The difference between the two has been totally lost on many Americans today. What’s the difference? A republic is where the people elect leaders to do the bidding of the majority of the people. A democracy is where the people elect leaders who rule and dictate over them. A republic is a free nation whereas a democracy is the first step towards socialism.

Secondly, the America I knew was one where the majority of the people ruled, not a whining perverted minority like today. Politicians, for the most part, did what the majority of their constituents wanted them to do, not what a few minorities demanded.

Thirdly, the America I knew still adhered to many of the biblical and Christian principles and laws that our Founding Fathers believed were important. Did you know that our Founding Fathers quoted from the Bible eight times more than from any other book or document?

Today, many of those biblical and Christian principles and laws have been abandoned due to the catering to liberal anti-biblical self-centered, hedonistic minorities.

Fourth, the America I knew was patriotic and proud, not ashamed and turning to globalism instead. The American flag was allowed anywhere in this country, not banned from schools, people’s home or mailboxes. It wasn’t trampled upon or defaced without repercussions. Everyone stood for the playing of the National Anthem, because it stood for something good and great and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by every kid in school.

Fifth, the America I knew respected other people. We respected other’s property and their person. It wasn’t uncommon for people leave their cars and front doors unlocked at night. It was safe for kids to play outside and walk to school, a park or the store.

Sixth, in the America I knew, gay meant happy, pride was how you felt about an accomplishment, achievement, about your parents, and America. Marriage was one man and one woman. Anything else was adultery. Living together or having sex before marriage was fornication. Murders and traitors were executed, not elected to office. Illegal aliens were deported, not given the keys to the city and more benefits than American citizens.

Lastly, our nation’s history, the bad and the good, were important to everyone. Historic monuments were viewed upon as reminders of bad and good times. Families used to travel on vacation to visit many historic places, Union and Confederate. No one looked upon these historic monuments and places as being symbols of racism, but as reminders to the many men and women who sacrificed themselves during one of our nation’s darkest times.

Today’s America has turned away from everything that it was founded on. Biblical and Christian principles have been rejected. Marriage is no longer one man with one woman. Sex outside of marriage is deemed acceptable to many. The American flag, National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance are despised and seen as symbols of oppression. It’s no longer safe to let our children play outside unattended or to walk anywhere away from their home.

The cancer of liberalism has spread too far to save our America. After the way so many have reacted to the election of Donald Trump and now after Trump dared to speak the truth about who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, I truly believe that we are witnessing the dying gasps of the America I knew.

Only God can save America, but why would He after our nation has turned our back on Him?

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-18-2017, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
America is Dying Before Our Eyes
While the left continues its shortsighted, shallow and counterproductive obsession over Trump Rome burns

D JollyAugust 17, 2017
I’m 65-years-old and the America I was born into is not the America of today and sadly, I’m convinced that for some reason, I was born at this time in history, to witness the death of the America I was born into.

The America I was born into still had many of the foundational principles that our Founding Fathers established. To start with, America was a republic, not a democracy and was never intended to be. The difference between the two has been totally lost on many Americans today. What’s the difference? A republic is where the people elect leaders to do the bidding of the majority of the people. A democracy is where the people elect leaders who rule and dictate over them. A republic is a free nation whereas a democracy is the first step towards socialism.

Secondly, the America I knew was one where the majority of the people ruled, not a whining perverted minority like today. Politicians, for the most part, did what the majority of their constituents wanted them to do, not what a few minorities demanded.

Thirdly, the America I knew still adhered to many of the biblical and Christian principles and laws that our Founding Fathers believed were important. Did you know that our Founding Fathers quoted from the Bible eight times more than from any other book or document?

Today, many of those biblical and Christian principles and laws have been abandoned due to the catering to liberal anti-biblical self-centered, hedonistic minorities.

Fourth, the America I knew was patriotic and proud, not ashamed and turning to globalism instead. The American flag was allowed anywhere in this country, not banned from schools, people’s home or mailboxes. It wasn’t trampled upon or defaced without repercussions. Everyone stood for the playing of the National Anthem, because it stood for something good and great and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by every kid in school.

Fifth, the America I knew respected other people. We respected other’s property and their person. It wasn’t uncommon for people leave their cars and front doors unlocked at night. It was safe for kids to play outside and walk to school, a park or the store.

Sixth, in the America I knew, gay meant happy, pride was how you felt about an accomplishment, achievement, about your parents, and America. Marriage was one man and one woman. Anything else was adultery. Living together or having sex before marriage was fornication. Murders and traitors were executed, not elected to office. Illegal aliens were deported, not given the keys to the city and more benefits than American citizens.

Lastly, our nation’s history, the bad and the good, were important to everyone. Historic monuments were viewed upon as reminders of bad and good times. Families used to travel on vacation to visit many historic places, Union and Confederate. No one looked upon these historic monuments and places as being symbols of racism, but as reminders to the many men and women who sacrificed themselves during one of our nation’s darkest times.

Today’s America has turned away from everything that it was founded on. Biblical and Christian principles have been rejected. Marriage is no longer one man with one woman. Sex outside of marriage is deemed acceptable to many. The American flag, National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance are despised and seen as symbols of oppression. It’s no longer safe to let our children play outside unattended or to walk anywhere away from their home.

The cancer of liberalism has spread too far to save our America. After the way so many have reacted to the election of Donald Trump and now after Trump dared to speak the truth about who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, I truly believe that we are witnessing the dying gasps of the America I knew.

Only God can save America, but why would He after our nation has turned our back on Him?

Personal Best Regards:

Good post.

But, America always survives the leaches of the left. We made them dependent on the gov nanny. Or, rather our parents did, out of sympathy for their plight (being lazy). Rich liberals decided that it was time for the government to take over as nanny for the lazy, but only at the expense of the tax payer. Surely the taxpayer can afford to carry the lazy. And of course, the libtards will accuse those that worked for their earnings, of being stingy and heartless for not wishing to share their wealth.

I just wish that the left would be honest and change their title to show the truth. Be honest about what they believe in like Bernie and rename their party to something such as the National Socialist party of reformed Democrats.
Old 08-18-2017, 05:29 AM
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Originally Posted by RubiTHECon
America is Dying Before Our Eyes
While the left continues its shortsighted, shallow and counterproductive obsession over Trump Rome burns

D JollyAugust 17, 2017
I’m 65-years-old and the America I was born into is not the America of today and sadly, I’m convinced that for some reason, I was born at this time in history, to witness the death of the America I was born into.

The America I was born into still had many of the foundational principles that our Founding Fathers established. To start with, America was a republic, not a democracy and was never intended to be. The difference between the two has been totally lost on many Americans today. What’s the difference? A republic is where the people elect leaders to do the bidding of the majority of the people. A democracy is where the people elect leaders who rule and dictate over them. A republic is a free nation whereas a democracy is the first step towards socialism.

Secondly, the America I knew was one where the majority of the people ruled, not a whining perverted minority like today. Politicians, for the most part, did what the majority of their constituents wanted them to do, not what a few minorities demanded.

Thirdly, the America I knew still adhered to many of the biblical and Christian principles and laws that our Founding Fathers believed were important. Did you know that our Founding Fathers quoted from the Bible eight times more than from any other book or document?

Today, many of those biblical and Christian principles and laws have been abandoned due to the catering to liberal anti-biblical self-centered, hedonistic minorities.

Fourth, the America I knew was patriotic and proud, not ashamed and turning to globalism instead. The American flag was allowed anywhere in this country, not banned from schools, people’s home or mailboxes. It wasn’t trampled upon or defaced without repercussions. Everyone stood for the playing of the National Anthem, because it stood for something good and great and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by every kid in school.

Fifth, the America I knew respected other people. We respected other’s property and their person. It wasn’t uncommon for people leave their cars and front doors unlocked at night. It was safe for kids to play outside and walk to school, a park or the store.

Sixth, in the America I knew, gay meant happy, pride was how you felt about an accomplishment, achievement, about your parents, and America. Marriage was one man and one woman. Anything else was adultery. Living together or having sex before marriage was fornication. Murders and traitors were executed, not elected to office. Illegal aliens were deported, not given the keys to the city and more benefits than American citizens.

Lastly, our nation’s history, the bad and the good, were important to everyone. Historic monuments were viewed upon as reminders of bad and good times. Families used to travel on vacation to visit many historic places, Union and Confederate. No one looked upon these historic monuments and places as being symbols of racism, but as reminders to the many men and women who sacrificed themselves during one of our nation’s darkest times.

Today’s America has turned away from everything that it was founded on. Biblical and Christian principles have been rejected. Marriage is no longer one man with one woman. Sex outside of marriage is deemed acceptable to many. The American flag, National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance are despised and seen as symbols of oppression. It’s no longer safe to let our children play outside unattended or to walk anywhere away from their home.

The cancer of liberalism has spread too far to save our America. After the way so many have reacted to the election of Donald Trump and now after Trump dared to speak the truth about who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, I truly believe that we are witnessing the dying gasps of the America I knew.

Only God can save America, but why would He after our nation has turned our back on Him?

Personal Best Regards:
And you're still too supply a simple link.

America is dying BECAUSE of Trump, fake Christians, his cultists like you (who are only 1/3 of this great nation)...and who keep excusing this man-child's behavior and mental instability.

Trump only wanted the praise, didn't really want the job (too much work), was shocked when he won and deep down knows he is too much of an intellectual hold the office.

He will resign...and then declare victory.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 08-18-2017, 06:22 AM
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America is dying because it's filling up with black/brown minorities...they are 50% of the population now and WILL be 75% within 30 years. There is NO successful 75% minority country in the world...we WON'T be the first.
Old 08-18-2017, 07:36 AM
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However, if one does not pick up the paper and not turn on the television, iPhone/laptop/etc.......and just go outside and smell the roses......take a drive across the quickly comes to the conclusion America is still as great as it ever was.

The media and all other communications devices only portray a microcosim of what is taking place at any given time.....and unfortunately what is delivered is highly distorted by the minority, special interest group and partisan messages amplified by the main stream media.

Most of what folks believe or talk about is not first hand knowledge. And most is usually parroting of today's headlines.

America is better than the headlines portray.....for now.

There is no doubt about the ongoing demoralization of America.....the ongoing loss of core values.....the ongoing attacks on the roots of America (the good and the bad)....and fueling and allowing it all a very distorted American minority that wins too many issues due to the all consuming permissiveness of the few.

Is the America of today better than it was 50 years ago?
Technologically yes. Morally and spiritually and heritage/historical roots and values wise.....NO and decaying.
Old 08-18-2017, 10:53 AM
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Great job of plagiarizing, Rubicon, but what else could we expect from you?

Maybe you have just outlived your usefulness.

Get out of the way of progress or get run over and left by the side of the road like roadkill.
Old 08-18-2017, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Great job of plagiarizing, Rubicon, but what else could we expect from you?

Maybe you have just outlived your usefulness.

Get out of the way of progress or get run over and left by the side of the road like roadkill.
Progress? What progress? America...when it was white...was #1 in the world. America today is 49% white and #25 in the world. What progress? Progressively decaying?

We're being run minority losers running to grab free sh!t.
Old 08-18-2017, 01:20 PM
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What has happened to America is the "Great American Dream", is now "Something for Nothing". It drives everything in this country today throughout all segments of our society. As we anxiously await our tax cuts and giant infrastructure spending program paid for by our grandkids we continue to swirl around the toilet bowl. IMHO
Old 08-18-2017, 02:03 PM
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America may have been resuscitated. Here in the suburbs of north east Ohio the number of high end homes being built ($500,000+) is far beyond anything I've seen in decades. The only element in America that is dying is the generation of Americans who failed to pass on their values to the generations that follow.
Old 08-18-2017, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
However, if one does not pick up the paper and not turn on the television, iPhone/laptop/etc.......and just go outside and smell the roses......take a drive across the quickly comes to the conclusion America is still as great as it ever was.

The media and all other communications devices only portray a microcosim of what is taking place at any given time.....and unfortunately what is delivered is highly distorted by the minority, special interest group and partisan messages amplified by the main stream media.

Most of what folks believe or talk about is not first hand knowledge. And most is usually parroting of today's headlines.

America is better than the headlines portray.....for now.

There is no doubt about the ongoing demoralization of America.....the ongoing loss of core values.....the ongoing attacks on the roots of America (the good and the bad)....and fueling and allowing it all a very distorted American minority that wins too many issues due to the all consuming permissiveness of the few.

Is the America of today better than it was 50 years ago?
Technologically yes. Morally and spiritually and heritage/historical roots and values wise.....NO and decaying.
the people you reference are the people that should count, the people our government is suppose to work for.

while they ignore he reality enemies of our traditional America continue to educate our children who become educators, journalist, corporate leaders and politicians whose only purpose is to serve their needs.

Those corporate leaders who disbanded from the White House did so without regard for the effect it would have on the bottom line. Target as yet to recover owing to its bathroom policy.

Educators from kindergarten to post graduate work teach our youth anti-capitalism, secularism neutral gender identity politics, etc

Journalist simply stated I have come not to trust any of them including many on FOX

Politician the word speaks for its self

What this nation needed after 8 years of Obama was another Reagan but there is not a Reagan-like politician in any party here

Personal Best Regards:

knew, people

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