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Old 08-07-2017, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As most here have noted, CNM is nothing more than just another internet troll. He contributes NOTHING to a discussion. Put him on your ignore list and spare yourself the visceral tripe that he continues to spew. Any response to his posts just feeds his needy ego.
Thanks, I just may have to do that if I'm going to continue on this forum. Just can't stand the downright nastiness of some. I'm sure that a lot of people don't post on here because of this. It's a shame, but as in most things it seems a few always have to ruin it for the rest.
Old 08-07-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks, I just may have to do that if I'm going to continue on this forum. Just can't stand the downright nastiness of some. I'm sure that a lot of people don't post on here because of this. It's a shame, but as in most things it seems a few always have to ruin it for the rest.
His posts are factual and linked to give credence.

What is not liked is that he is so often correct and not of the liking of so many and their positions.

You all do know that ignoring facts does not make them any less facts
Old 08-07-2017, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thanks, I just may have to do that if I'm going to continue on this forum. Just can't stand the downright nastiness of some. I'm sure that a lot of people don't post on here because of this. It's a shame, but as in most things it seems a few always have to ruin it for the rest.
Abby you see "nastiness" in some strange places.

You never criticize the language of some; you never criticize those run and gun posters, with the one line smart ass remarks; \

You are becoming a bit of a want every one to agree with your position or shut them out. Not a way to learn. I am sure you belong to that "invitation only" facebook page where I can only assume they trade conspiracy theories and need not worry about giving any back up for what they say.

These folks who are telling you how bad I am and how bad COLDNOMORE are...they are the ones who call us names....attack whatever we say, and no matter the links and info we provide for DISCUSSION they simply ignore and attack the poster.

Old 08-07-2017, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
His posts are factual and linked to give credence.

What is not liked is that he is so often correct and not of the liking of so many and their positions.

You all do know that ignoring facts does not make them any less facts
No, what is not liked is that his 'facts' as you call them, are presented in a context which is purposely demeaning and meant to belittle others opinions.

His posts would probably be better received without the name calling and visceral tripe ...and what's with his overuse of emojis, ellipses, and yellow-orange highlighted text?

I guess with his ego, he just has to be noticed...a cry for attention.
Old 08-07-2017, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
No, what is not liked is that his 'facts' as you call them, are presented in a context which is purposely demeaning and meant to belittle others opinions.

His posts would probably be better received without the name calling and visceral tripe ...and what's with his overuse of emojis, ellipsis, and yellow-orange highlighted text?

I guess with his ego, he just has to be noticed...a cry for attention.
well, as someone who is getting pretty used to the insults hurled at me because I do not support the persons morals or character in the White not the point of this forum to share accurate information and engage in conversation about current events.

I get snippy because I get sick and tired of being called names and very unfarily. You folks seem to have quite the patience with the bad mouthing, cursing, foul talking trash that come on here. They get a bye.....wonder why ??
Old 08-07-2017, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
His posts are factual and linked to give credence.

What is not liked is that he is so often correct and not of the liking of so many and their positions.

You all do know that ignoring facts does not make them any less facts
Was going to respond to this but I see that another poster beat me to and I couldn't say it any better than he did. So see post #19 and I'll just say I concur.

Originally Posted by Guest
Abby you see "nastiness" in some strange places.

You never criticize the language of some; you never criticize those run and gun posters, with the one line smart ass remarks; \

You are becoming a bit of a want every one to agree with your position or shut them out. Not a way to learn. I am sure you belong to that "invitation only" facebook page where I can only assume they trade conspiracy theories and need not worry about giving any back up for what they say.

These folks who are telling you how bad I am and how bad COLDNOMORE are...they are the ones who call us names....attack whatever we say, and no matter the links and info we provide for DISCUSSION they simply ignore and attack the poster.

Come on, Rocky, now you are beginning to sound paranoid. First off, you are totally wrong about me wanting people to agree with my position only. Not so at all! In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as well informed as many of you. If you remember way back when I told you that you were one of my go to people for information, and how much I enjoyed your posts on the past political forum. Believe me, i have a lot of diversity in my family from politics, to religion, to you name it, so i can't afford to shut people out because they dont agree with me. If we can't find comon ground we just agree to disagree and move on. As far as shutting anyone out, I think you did that to me when I didn't agree with you.......will have to see if I can figure out which thread that was, but you said you probably would not be able to have further discussion with me because of my beliefs.

Secondly, no one has told me anything about you and/or CNM. In fact, I have never met nor facebooked with anyone on the political forum. I just see what I read on here and base my opinions on that. Other than you always taking sides with CNM, I never thought you were anything like him and still don't. Sorry you are disappointed, but my reasons for coming on here were not necessarily to make friends and certainly not to make enemies. I'm just really tired of the nastiness and negativity and I find CNM's to be the harshest.......maybe it's because it is so unrelenting and deeply personal. Maybe it's the hypocrisy of the so-called defender of those being bullied, being the actual bully himself. I often don't engage with him because as poster #19 so aptly put it, he tends to purposely demean and belittle other's opinions. Personally, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.....getting too old for that crap.

One last thing - my other concern was losing good posters on here. I saw where Carl from Tampa posted the other day how he can't believe the nastiness on here. I guess that is partly what has got me going today. Losing a poster of his caliber would be a damn shame. And I will agree with you that it is other poster's on here as well, not just CNM, but it needs to stop or this forum will be useless and a waste of time.
Old 08-07-2017, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Was going to respond to this but I see that another poster beat me to and I couldn't say it any better than he did. So see post #19 and I'll just say I concur.

Come on, Rocky, now you are beginning to sound paranoid. First off, you are totally wrong about me wanting people to agree with my position only. Not so at all! In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as well informed as many of you. If you remember way back when I told you that you were one of my go to people for information, and how much I enjoyed your posts on the past political forum. Believe me, i have a lot of diversity in my family from politics, to religion, to you name it, so i can't afford to shut people out because they dont agree with me. If we can't find comon ground we just agree to disagree and move on. As far as shutting anyone out, I think you did that to me when I didn't agree with you.......will have to see if I can figure out which thread that was, but you said you probably would not be able to have further discussion with me because of my beliefs.

Secondly, no one has told me anything about you and/or CNM. In fact, I have never met nor facebooked with anyone on the political forum. I just see what I read on here and base my opinions on that. Other than you always taking sides with CNM, I never thought you were anything like him and still don't. Sorry you are disappointed, but my reasons for coming on here were not necessarily to make friends and certainly not to make enemies. I'm just really tired of the nastiness and negativity and I find CNM's to be the harshest.......maybe it's because it is so unrelenting and deeply personal. Maybe it's the hypocrisy of the so-called defender of those being bullied, being the actual bully himself. I often don't engage with him because as poster #19 so aptly put it, he tends to purposely demean and belittle other's opinions. Personally, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.....getting too old for that crap.

One last thing - my other concern was losing good posters on here. I saw where Carl from Tampa posted the other day how he can't believe the nastiness on here. I guess that is partly what has got me going today. Losing a poster of his caliber would be a damn shame. And I will agree with you that it is other poster's on here as well, not just CNM, but it needs to stop or this forum will be useless and a waste of time.
A few things....

If I offended you at all, I apologize. Feeling "put upon" a bit today but that is my problem. Sorry

For COLDNOMORE.....I am not saying anything but he went through quite a bit with some posters on here of a personal nature. I do not know the details, but hoping that he sees this and maybe shares with you.

BECAUSE, listen up....he and I ONLY agree on Trump. We have far differing views on most issues. My view on issues will be closer to yours than his FOR SURE

I keep saying it, and get abused and called a liar on it, but I have been a conservative most of my life. This President....well, his nomination drove me away because they abandonded the principles which brought me to the party in the first place with his nomination

If you read the thread on immigration, you will see that Carl and I agree for the most part on immigration. Where we part ways, I THINK MAYBE, is the handling of those immigrants here illegally for years working, crime free and not involved with gangs.

I also, if you read there, support comprehensive reform and not patch work work with EOs.

Bottom line...CFNM and I do agree on Trump, but not on issues. Thus since we are the very much minority on here, we bond on that issue.
Old 08-07-2017, 04:06 PM
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To make a bit of a point, Abby....

A mosque was bombed in MN. Airman died in Kuwait.

Not a word from the President. He was tweeting to attack the New York Times over and over....or attacking personally a democrat.

Not a word from he or the WH on the bombing or the military death
Old 08-07-2017, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
To make a bit of a point, Abby....

A mosque was bombed in MN. Airman died in Kuwait.

Not a word from the President. He was tweeting to attack the New York Times over and over....or attacking personally a democrat.

Not a word from he or the WH on the bombing or the military death
I do find that disconcerting, for sure.
Old 08-07-2017, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by AJ32162 View Post
As most here have noted, CNM is nothing more than just another internet troll. He contributes NOTHING to a discussion. Put him on your ignore list and spare yourself the visceral tripe that he continues to spew. Any response to his posts just feeds his needy ego.
CNM is a troll? Hardly. Look upon him as a counterbalance to the wingnut populace on this forum.

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Old 08-07-2017, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by AJ32162 View Post
No, what is not liked is that his 'facts' as you call them, are presented in a context which is purposely demeaning and meant to belittle others opinions.

His posts would probably be better received without the name calling and visceral tripe ...and what's with his overuse of emojis, ellipses, and yellow-orange highlighted text?

I guess with his ego, he just has to be noticed...a cry for attention.
Wow, for someone on your ignore list CNM sure is in your head. How is that?

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Old 08-07-2017, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Come on, Rocky, now you are beginning to sound paranoid. First off, you are totally wrong about me wanting people to agree with my position only. Not so at all! In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as well informed as many of you. If you remember way back when I told you that you were one of my go to people for information, and how much I enjoyed your posts on the past political forum. Believe me, i have a lot of diversity in my family from politics, to religion, to you name it, so i can't afford to shut people out because they dont agree with me. If we can't find comon ground we just agree to disagree and move on. As far as shutting anyone out, I think you did that to me when I didn't agree with you.......will have to see if I can figure out which thread that was, but you said you probably would not be able to have further discussion with me because of my beliefs.

Secondly, no one has told me anything about you and/or CNM. In fact, I have never met nor facebooked with anyone on the political forum. I just see what I read on here and base my opinions on that. Other than you always taking sides with CNM, I never thought you were anything like him and still don't. Sorry you are disappointed, but my reasons for coming on here were not necessarily to make friends and certainly not to make enemies. I'm just really tired of the nastiness and negativity and I find CNM's to be the harshest.......maybe it's because it is so unrelenting and deeply personal. Maybe it's the hypocrisy of the so-called defender of those being bullied, being the actual bully himself. I often don't engage with him because as poster #19 so aptly put it, he tends to purposely demean and belittle other's opinions. Personally, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.....getting too old for that crap.

One last thing - my other concern was losing good posters on here. I saw where Carl from Tampa posted the other day how he can't believe the nastiness on here. I guess that is partly what has got me going today. Losing a poster of his caliber would be a damn shame. And I will agree with you that it is other poster's on here as well, not just CNM, but it needs to stop or this forum will be useless and a waste of time.
I see you as exhibiting at least one, and possibly more, of the following personal characteristics in your posts.

1. You are either purposely lying (for whatever reason).

2. You have magically avoided the unceasing nasty, cruel, abhorrent and personal attacks on Taltarzac and his parents and also (although not as bad) toward RockyRd, Sandtrap, WJBoyers (and a few other left-leaners) the right-wing bully clique led by Graceless.

3. You agree with, or find no problem with, the outright lying racists and constant nastiness from those like MDLNB, Baldwin, larbud & a whole bunch of others that share your politics, but I'll admit that they are much crasser and cruder than what you've shown (so far).

4. You are a flaming hypocrite and all of those negative traits you ascribe to fully embrace from those who share your political viewpoint.

You may choose more than one.

Or, as highly unlikely as it is, prove me completely wrong, by taking to task those who I've mentioned...when they act exactly as I described.

I'll bet you won't though.

You also don't know the history of the personal attacks that came form those same people almost immediately after I joined (have you had to scan your drivers license to prove to the admin's here that you're not who that passive-aggressive twit GG accused you of being? Nahh, I didn't thinks so. ).

The hatred directed my way, is primarily driven from me supplying links to prove what I say. So if you've even been trying to pay a little attention, you'll notice that the usual suspects almost never supply links (especially RubiTHECon, who has NEVER provided a link for ANY OF THE LIES he spews from his soapbox).

Nothing hurts worse, than stating a lie (hoping no one notices)...but then having someone it shove it right back down your throat with actual facts.

And in case you didn't know, you can hit 'quote post' in any posts, scroll way down and see who posted the last 10 posts. so please start keeping track of who the real scumbags are...and start tracking the nastiest attacks, I dare you.

Which all leads me to believe that you've chosen me, who has simply taken the tact that I give what I being better than your large crowd throws my way.

So I thank you for that inadvertent compliment.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 08-07-2017, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town
Wow, for someone on your ignore list CNM sure is in your head. How is that?

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Chit-Town, how many murders so far this year in your wonderful city of Chit-Town? More than LA and New York combined?
Old 08-07-2017, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
His posts are factual and linked to give credence.

What is not liked is that he is so often correct and not of the liking of so many and their positions.

You all do know that ignoring facts does not make them any less facts
You must be talking about me...

Originally Posted by Guest
Chit-Town, how many murders so far this year in your wonderful city of Chit-Town? More than LA and New York combined?
And MOST of those murders...90%? Chicago, LA and NY...were committed by...drum roll...minorities!
Old 08-07-2017, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
To make a bit of a point, Abby....

A mosque was bombed in MN. Airman died in Kuwait.

Not a word from the President. He was tweeting to attack the New York Times over and over....or attacking personally a democrat.

Not a word from he or the WH on the bombing or the military death

No tweet on the Mosque bombing or the airman in Kuwait....


"Early Saturday morning, President Trump tweeted his gratitude to a social-media super-fan, *Nicole Mincey, magnifying her praise of him to his 35 million followers.

Here’s the problem: There is no evidence the Twitter feed belongs to someone named Nicole Mincey. And the account, according to experts, bears a lot of signs of a Russia-backed disinformation campaign.

On Sunday, Twitter suspended the Mincey account, known as @ProTrump45, after several other users revealed that it was probably a fake, created to amplify pro-Trump content."

The curious case of ‘Nicole Mincey,’ the Trump fan who may actually be a Russian bot - The Washington Post

You would never believe this if you read this in a novel

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