Another Bad Week For Trumpf

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Old 05-28-2017, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Isn't it interesting Hillary's clearly violated a number of statutes and so the authorities had clear sailing
( jurisdiction and authority) to pursue an indictment. Yet these same people cannot and have not named one statute that has been violated by Kushner ( Trump's son-in law) and yet here we are. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
and the guy is a democrat no less. His disqualification was because he married Trump' s daughter. that will teach him

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A Court of Law disagrees with your conclusion about Hillary.
Funny, how Trumpsters keep digging the old, debunked accusations and keep referring to them as truth....
Old 05-28-2017, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by wjboyer1 View Post
A Court of Law disagrees with your conclusion about Hillary.
Funny, how Trumpsters keep digging the old, debunked accusations and keep referring to them as truth....
What court of law? There was never a true investigation if you recall.

Boy O boy, boy has no memory.
Old 05-28-2017, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A Court of Law disagrees with your conclusion about Hillary.
Funny, how Trumpsters keep digging the old, debunked accusations and keep referring to them as truth....
Which court of law? Hillary has not been indicted YET.

Funny how naive libtards that do not know anything about what she did, including the statutes she violated, have a lot to say that isn't anything more than hearsay and liberal talking points put out for the naive and too lazy to research or even read.
Old 05-28-2017, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Bill Clinton would have walked. And half in this forum think he's dying of AIDS

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Naw,,,,he just looks like he is dying of AIDS. Although, who knows?

Interesting that someone on HERE thinks it is bad for Trump to use a golf cart. Can't deny being a hypocrite for that view.
Old 05-28-2017, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What court of law? There was never a true investigation if you recall.

Boy O boy, boy has no memory.
Hmmmm....Congressional committee for 3 years and the committee report concluded no criminal offenses, DC District Court(just announced).....there was an investigation and no criminal charges were warranted....

Evidently you only believe the noise that Faux Noise tells you.....their truthfulness has been reported at less than 40% of the time in their reporting....but Trump believes them and ALL the rest of the media is lying.....what is wrong with that picture?

Old 05-28-2017, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by wjboyer1 View Post
Hmmmm....Congressional committee for 3 years and the committee report concluded no criminal offenses, DC District Court(just announced).....there was an investigation and no criminal charges were warranted....

Evidently you only believe the noise that Faux Noise tells you.....their truthfulness has been reported at less than 40% of the time in their reporting....but Trump believes them and ALL the rest of the media is lying.....what is wrong with that picture?

Attachment 68951
You don't know what a true investigation is. Period, end of story boy.
Old 05-28-2017, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hmmmm....Congressional committee for 3 years and the committee report concluded no criminal offenses, DC District Court(just announced).....there was an investigation and no criminal charges were warranted....

Evidently you only believe the noise that Faux Noise tells you.....their truthfulness has been reported at less than 40% of the time in their reporting....but Trump believes them and ALL the rest of the media is lying.....what is wrong with that picture?

Attachment 68951
That's nothing more than liberal talking points B.S.

Hillary broke several felony laws. No one was indicted yet. Weiner may get indicted out of this whole thing. The Benghazi thing was a civil suit by the victim's family that was turned down.

Hillary lied under oath, a crime. Hillary admitted to illegally using a personal server to handler her State Dept business, a crime. Comey said she had classified on her sever, a crime. Hillary gave classified information to uncleared personnel, a crime. I have posted the statutes in other threads in case you REALLY wish to know the truth. It is you leftards that refuse to live in the real world. You are in denial.

And by the way, they NEVER said there was no criminal offenses. They said that Comey and Lynch said they were not going to indict. Two Obama people covering for Obama, most likely.
Old 05-28-2017, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's nothing more than liberal talking points B.S.

Hillary broke several felony laws. No one was indicted yet. Weiner may get indicted out of this whole thing. The Benghazi thing was a civil suit by the victim's family that was turned down.

Hillary lied under oath, a crime. Hillary admitted to illegally using a personal server to handler her State Dept business, a crime. Comey said she had classified on her sever, a crime. Hillary gave classified information to uncleared personnel, a crime. I have posted the statutes in other threads in case you REALLY wish to know the truth. It is you leftards that refuse to live in the real world. You are in denial.

And by the way, they NEVER said there was no criminal offenses. They said that Comey and Lynch said they were not going to indict. Two Obama people covering for Obama, most likely.
If what you say is true, she should have been arrested and tried....but this did not, evidently your brand of justice is that of a lynch mob...don't believe the facts, just the mob mentality. This reeks of the The Dunning-Kruger Effect for which you now are the poster-boy
Old 05-28-2017, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by wjboyer1 View Post
If what you say is true, she should have been arrested and tried....but this did not, evidently your brand of justice is that of a lynch mob...don't believe the facts, just the mob mentality. This reeks of the The Dunning-Kruger Effect for which you now are the poster-boy
Boy be the boy, boy
Old 05-31-2017, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If what you say is true, she should have been arrested and tried....but this did not, evidently your brand of justice is that of a lynch mob...don't believe the facts, just the mob mentality. This reeks of the The Dunning-Kruger Effect for which you now are the poster-boy
You really should think before you post. If you are ignorant of a subject (and you are VERY ignorant) it is best that you keep folks guessing, rather than posting and alleviating all doubt.

Yes, she SHOULD have been arrested and tried AND imprisoned for treason, or at the very least some lesser felonies. But, this just proves how corrupt D.C. is and how they protect the chosen.

president, trumpf, week, bad

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