Any second thoughts about your vote !

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Old 01-08-2017, 11:39 AM
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Default any second thoughts......

After submitting a response to a poster this AM, this question remained in the back of my mind.

And I am thinking is single question really relates as to how we respond generally.

Any second thoughts about your vote? Any second thoughts about things you did in the past ( ie) would you live your life differently?

In fact at a program I once attended that very question was posed.

Realistically the fact is you can't go back.

Philosophically I have always tried to do my due diligence when making choices but once made I did not look back.

Psychologically it is simply unhealthy to have lingering regrets.

As I age it becomes increasingly obvious to me that its best to ignore both the past and the future and look only to the present

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-08-2017, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
After submitting a response to a poster this AM, this question remained in the back of my mind.

And I am thinking is single question really relates as to how we respond generally.

Any second thoughts about your vote? Any second thoughts about things you did in the past ( ie) would you live your life differently?

In fact at a program I once attended that very question was posed.

Realistically the fact is you can't go back.

Philosophically I have always tried to do my due diligence when making choices but once made I did not look back.

Psychologically it is simply unhealthy to have lingering regrets.

As I age it becomes increasingly obvious to me that its best to ignore both the past and the future and look only to the present

Personal Best Regards:
You always accuse me of things when I disagree with you, but I read your post and ask these questions...

If you mean what you say, why are your posts almost strictly about the past, never directed to present issues, and ignoring the future.

If I bring up Trumps ridiculous lies of NOW, you react with Clinton's lies of the past or the Clinton Foundation..if I bring up Trumps current positions, whether the wall, the increase in debt, or Medicaire, you react with you feeling he can change the future somehow.

Not sure I get it, but as you say, I gotta get with it and "up my game and aim higher"

I ask this specific because it is in fact a common characteristic. Almost all conversations in this forum or in the news relate to PRESENT Trump words and/or actions. The responses are predictably about PAST Clinton or Obama actions..

If a question is asked about PRESENT Trump policy suggestions it is answered with stories of Clinto/Obama past.
Old 01-08-2017, 01:21 PM
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Rocky if you would realize the media you're prescribing to is your real problem not understanding Trump.

Try watching Fox for a few days to get yourself upto speed, did you know you can get it from the horses mouth direct on Twitter, but you likely don't use new tech stuff.

I feel bad for you being kept in the dark about the facts kinda like mushroom.
Old 01-08-2017, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rocky if you would realize the media you're prescribing to is your real problem not understanding Trump.

Try watching Fox for a few days to get yourself upto speed, did you know you can get it from the horses mouth direct on Twitter, but you likely don't use new tech stuff.

I feel bad for you being kept in the dark about the facts kinda like mushroom.
I certainly understand the differences in media, and often get verbally shouted at for pointing that fact out.

This has nothing to do with media...I certainly do not allow anyone to make up my mind..

I simply submit that lying is lying. He lies..simply said. Gosh, I have pointed that out with many variations of the lie on different networks, from different news sources, etc.,

I am not sure what your post even means, as I was responding to Rubicon about ignoring the past...when you speak if the present in here, you are met most certainly by a post speaking if the past.

Trump is President...when is HE held accountable for lying, both to all Americans and to his followers. How long is the President being defended by a diatribe on Clinton or Obama. When does pointing out the possible ramifications of his actions today, not met with another lecture on Clinton or Obama.

When is he made to confront what he says ?
Old 01-08-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't feel I made a mistake.

Who would have thought so many seniors were so unhappy with their Medicare that they would vote to get rid of it.
Old 01-08-2017, 01:40 PM
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so what did you see or read that was a lie, and where did you see it.

And don't go back into ancient history
Old 01-08-2017, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Who would have thought so many seniors were so unhappy with their Medicare that they would vote to get rid of it.
when did congress past that legislation?

Must tell my doctor next week
Old 01-08-2017, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
so what did you see or read that was a lie, and where did you see it.

And don't go back into ancient history

January 5

"President-elect Donald Trump continued his Twitter tirade against the auto industry on Thursday, slamming Toyota for investing in Mexico but appearing to misstate key details of the company’s operations.

Trump warned the Japanese carmaker over Twitter that it could face hefty fines for building a plant in Baja, Mexico, to sell the popular Corolla sedan to American consumers. But Trump’s tweet looks to be incorrect: Toyota’s factory in Baja assembles Tacoma trucks, according to the automaker. A new plant in Guanajuato, Mexico, will manufacture Corollas.

That factory broke ground in November, and production is expected to begin in 2019. The work is being shifted to the plant from a facility in Canada. In a statement Thursday, Toyota said that there is no change in employment and production in the United States as a result of the new operations."

Donald Trump just threatened Toyota — but it looks like he got the facts wrong - The Washington Post

Not sure what you consider history, but in the last weeks, he lied about his foundation, he lied about "knowing things nobody else knew" and would share, and this is just the few off the top of my head.

As someone who, to my knowledge, has never ever given a link and simply asks for proof of a Trumps idiocy and who always gets it from me..,you have a very short memory, and obviously a narrow mind
Old 01-08-2017, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
so what did you see or read that was a lie, and where did you see it.

And don't go back into ancient history
I sure hope you see the "irony" in even having to discuss boldface immature lies BY THE WEK, for a President, and him getting defended for lying.

Tells you a lot
Old 01-08-2017, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
January 5

"President-elect Donald Trump continued his Twitter tirade against the auto industry on Thursday, slamming Toyota for investing in Mexico but appearing to misstate key details of the company’s operations.

Trump warned the Japanese carmaker over Twitter that it could face hefty fines for building a plant in Baja, Mexico, to sell the popular Corolla sedan to American consumers. But Trump’s tweet looks to be incorrect: Toyota’s factory in Baja assembles Tacoma trucks, according to the automaker. A new plant in Guanajuato, Mexico, will manufacture Corollas.

That factory broke ground in November, and production is expected to begin in 2019. The work is being shifted to the plant from a facility in Canada. In a statement Thursday, Toyota said that there is no change in employment and production in the United States as a result of the new operations."

Donald Trump just threatened Toyota — but it looks like he got the facts wrong - The Washington Post

Not sure what you consider history, but in the last weeks, he lied about his foundation, he lied about "knowing things nobody else knew" and would share, and this is just the few off the top of my head.

As someone who, to my knowledge, has never ever given a link and simply asks for proof of a Trumps idiocy and who always gets it from me..,you have a very short memory, and obviously a narrow mind
There you go again, this is your problem Washington COMPost

Only second to CNN, did Fox report that?
Old 01-08-2017, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
when did congress past that legislation?

Must tell my doctor next week

Watch the confirmation hearing of Rep Tom Price, MD Secretary of HHS nominee on Tues or Wed and he will explain his plan to end Medicare and Obamacare. This could be a very contentious hearing.
Old 01-08-2017, 01:59 PM
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Does not matter when.

A liar is a liar..a person who lies to manipulate is a con artist.

First President where he lies so much and so often, it is studied

"There’s a question journalists have been wrestling with ever since they realized that Donald Trump was more than a flash in the pan: Should they call him a liar, and his statements lies, when he says things that are clearly untrue?

When he said that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 – that wasn’t true, but was it a lie, or did he really believe it?

Or when he said that millions of illegals voted in the presidential election – there’s not a shred of evidence to support the allegation, but again, did Donald Trump lie?

He was a prominent voice in the so-called birther movement, contending Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Another false statement, but if Donald Trump, for whatever nutty reason truly believed it, was he lying?

Trump said Hillary Clinton “soundly slept in her bed” during the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya. The attack happened at 3:30 in the afternoon Washington time."

How Should the Media Handle Trump's Many False Statements?

Old 01-08-2017, 02:01 PM
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"Dan Rather is not fading gently into the night. The 85-year-old former CBS news anchor penned a powerful letter on his Facebook page about how his fellow journalists should handle reporting on Donald Trump’s lies:

“It is not the proper role of journalists to meet lies—especially from someone of Mr. Trump’s stature and power—by hiding behind semantics and euphemisms. Our role is to call it as we see it, based on solid reporting. When something is, in fact, a demonstrable lie, it is our responsibility to say so.”"

Dan Rather Has A Message For Journalists Normalizing Trump’s Lies | GOOD
Old 01-08-2017, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Honestly, when you look that guy in the the mirror, or gal, do you wish you could change your vote?
Honestly would not change my vote.
Old 01-08-2017, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
... did you know you can get it from the horses mouth direct on Twitter...


Chump sticks to Twitter so that he doesn't have to answer any questions...that would point out that he's lying.

He is scared to death of being shown as the fake that he he hides.

He is no different than a scumbag who goes around sucker punching people...and then running off.

Because that is EXACTLY what he's doing with his use of Twitter.

So be proud of your chicken$hit gutter scum while you can...because he won't be around long.

change, thoughts, vote

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