AR-15 style rifles

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Old 06-13-2016, 08:12 AM
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Default AR-15 style rifles

This seems to be a very popular weapon among mass shooters. High capacity magazines that can be taped back to back for easy reloading. .223 bullets that are lightweight and have high velocity do massive damage.

Not a sporting rifle by any means. No, not an assault rifle due to tiny tweaks made by manufacturers. Can be converted to full automatic by some minor reworking but not necessary.

Full background checks plus several day waiting period should be required. Possibly, this terrorist event would not have happened if the background check had turned up the domestic abuses and the FBI interviews before allowing the terrorist to take posession.
Old 06-13-2016, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This seems to be a very popular weapon among mass shooters. High capacity magazines that can be taped back to back for easy reloading. .223 bullets that are lightweight and have high velocity do massive damage.

Not a sporting rifle by any means. No, not an assault rifle due to tiny tweaks made by manufacturers. Can be converted to full automatic by some minor reworking but not necessary.

Full background checks plus several day waiting period should be required. Possibly, this terrorist event would not have happened if the background check had turned up the domestic abuses and the FBI interviews before allowing the terrorist to take posession.

I guess a lot of folks fail to remember that guy in D.C. that went on a shooting rampage in the Navy Yard, using a SHOTGUN. If someone wants to kill, they will kill. Rather they use a gun than a pressure cooker bomb.
Old 06-13-2016, 11:37 AM
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The issue is not the type of rifle, pistol or shotgun or knife or bomb.

It is the USA pemissiveness, don't hurt anybody's feelings lack of due enforcement.

And while it is convenient, the categorizing of weapons based on the most recent event is political media anti gunner BS.

Anyone with half a brain in positions of authority have by now enough information to profile and categorize the persons and the weapons. They have had the information for years. Yet what has been done to change the lack of enforcement?


We have become an anti enforcement, with a blind tolerance for the obvious violators.

And oh by the way....all the political and media and anti gunner BS has no effect on those intent on doing harm.

The other 99% of us who obey the rules and act responsibly DO NOT need any more laws than are on the books.

And the case study of all case studies that proves day after day that more gun rules do not fix anything. The csae study? Chicago, ILL....strictes gun controls in the country. Highest gun murder rate in the country.

So what is the point again?

Old 06-14-2016, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The issue is not the type of rifle, pistol or shotgun or knife or bomb.

It is the USA pemissiveness, don't hurt anybody's feelings lack of due enforcement.

And while it is convenient, the categorizing of weapons based on the most recent event is political media anti gunner BS.

Anyone with half a brain in positions of authority have by now enough information to profile and categorize the persons and the weapons. They have had the information for years. Yet what has been done to change the lack of enforcement?


We have become an anti enforcement, with a blind tolerance for the obvious violators.

And oh by the way....all the political and media and anti gunner BS has no effect on those intent on doing harm.

The other 99% of us who obey the rules and act responsibly DO NOT need any more laws than are on the books.

And the case study of all case studies that proves day after day that more gun rules do not fix anything. The csae study? Chicago, ILL....strictes gun controls in the country. Highest gun murder rate in the country.

So what is the point again?

The point that EVERYONE fails to see is that 90% of gun crimes are committed by minorities. Ban THEM from having weapons. The crime and death rate will drop by 90%. Why does nobody ever mention the REAL violence problem?
Old 06-14-2016, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The point that EVERYONE fails to see is that 90% of gun crimes are committed by minorities. Ban THEM from having weapons. The crime and death rate will drop by 90%. Why does nobody ever mention the REAL violence problem?

Put that in your politically correct, permissive, do not offend anybody (especially if not white) pipe and smoke it!

That deserves another....
Old 06-14-2016, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The point that EVERYONE fails to see is that 90% of gun crimes are committed by minorities. Ban THEM from having weapons. The crime and death rate will drop by 90%. Why does nobody ever mention the REAL violence problem?
Shhhh, don't tell anyone. Do you want to offset the balance?
Old 06-14-2016, 08:33 AM
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Timothy McVeigh was a minority? He was a Muslim?

No, McVeigh was white and an Army veteran.
Old 06-14-2016, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Timothy McVeigh was a minority? He was a Muslim?

No, McVeigh was white and an Army veteran.
Oh, he does not count. McVeigh used a fertilizer bomb and bot a gun.

The Columbine students used guns. The Sandy Hook shooter used a gun.

Oh, they do not count. They were crazy.
Old 06-14-2016, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Oh, he does not count. McVeigh used a fertilizer bomb and bot a gun.

The Columbine students used guns. The Sandy Hook shooter used a gun.

Oh, they do not count. They were crazy.
Crazy? Someone is crazy alright.
Old 06-14-2016, 08:44 AM
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Gotta love it when liberals stick up for Muslim terrorists. Blame it all on the gun. Do not blame it on radical Muslims that hate gays. That couldn't be. And to top it with a cherry, many of them are blaming it on Trump...ha,ha.
Old 06-14-2016, 08:44 AM
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And they wonder why we call them "libtards."
Old 06-14-2016, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And they wonder why we call them "libtards."
And the Regressives wonder why they will lose the Presidential election!
Old 06-14-2016, 11:08 AM
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I have no issue with banning AR-15 rifles.

But what would be the discussion if the killer used an explosive vest? Or poison gas? Or drove his car into the club? Or set fire to the place? Or used a pressure cooker bomb?

Could we then freaking figure out that we need to control 18-30 year old radical Muslims!!!!
Old 06-14-2016, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have no issue with banning AR-15 rifles.

But what would be the discussion if the killer used an explosive vest? Or poison gas? Or drove his car into the club? Or set fire to the place? Or used a pressure cooker bomb?

Could we then freaking figure out that we need to control 18-30 year old radical Muslims!!!!
Once again, the Regressive redirects to a "what if" situation.

What are you going to do? Build interrment camps for all Muslims - even American born Muslims?
Old 06-14-2016, 11:34 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Once again, the Regressive redirects to a "what if" situation.

What are you going to do? Build interrment camps for all Muslims - even American born Muslims?
How about we stop importing them, and the ones that are in GITMO, keep them in GITMO.

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