Bain Capital

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Old 07-13-2012, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by chachacha View Post
the thing to keep in mind is that nothing bain did was illegal or unusual...the companies taken over by these entities are about to go belly up, and if companies like bain can salvage something from them, it benefits at least some of those who were dependent on the company. if they are unsuccessful, the end result is no worse than the looming bankruptcy. this is capitalism and the economic system that has produced the highest quality of life on the planet. it needs no apologies.
An apology is not enough.
Old 07-13-2012, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by chachacha View Post
the thing to keep in mind is that nothing bain did was illegal or unusual...the companies taken over by these entities are about to go belly up, and if companies like bain can salvage something from them, it benefits at least some of those who were dependent on the company. if they are unsuccessful, the end result is no worse than the looming bankruptcy. this is capitalism and the economic system that has produced the highest quality of life on the planet. it needs no apologies.
Sounds to me as if you would like the USA to retreat back to the days of the Robber Barons like Gould, Frick, Mellon, and Morgan and days of no income tax, no unions, no worker protections, no government safety regulations, no government health regulations, child labor, and sweatshops.
Old 07-13-2012, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
isn't it amazing how an article in the media becomes touted gospel......if it has the message the loyal supporters like....fact or truth is a secondary if any consideration.

Could that be how they were swayed in 2008?

That cuts both ways billie
Old 07-13-2012, 09:45 AM
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[QUOTE=Villages Kahuna;520925]
I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to have little hope for our system of government, maybe more important our national values and intelligence.

Old 07-13-2012, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
Hmmm ... perchance there is a new "Artful Dodger" on the scene? Bain Capital issue plus he will not release tax records? Hmmm ...
buggyone: Appears as conservatives were labeled as being Birthers we now have liberals who can be labeled as "Bainers"

VK gave an accurate;albeit long be justifiable account of the workngs of a Bain.

The reduced version is that Romney's name will appear on documents for sometime for the same reason yours and mine would when we worked in Human Resources...its called lagged time. I'll wager my name remained on many job descriptions for years on end until they decided to scrap it all and start over again. Does it mean because my name was on a job description that I had any authority or even involvement? Its a rhertorical question

Old 07-13-2012, 10:25 AM
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If you all can find something illegal fine.But if you want to dig lets look at Tony Rezko Felon who was Obamas buddy.I'm from chicago and know a little more about the stuff swept under the rug.Explain the property deal.Why would someone sell obama a lot that made the remainder of lot useless and at a huge loss.And just bought at time he sold it to him.Pay back for obamas support on hud properties?It just funny how the far left seems to go thru life with blinders on just unaware of what goes on around you.They have a goal and nothing will stop them from it including the truth.When obama leaves Rezko will get his pardon and the left won't care.
Old 07-13-2012, 12:05 PM
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Default Not On The Subject, But I Wonder...

Originally Posted by hdh1470 View Post
If you all can find something illegal fine.But if you want to dig lets look at Tony Rezko Felon who was Obamas buddy.I'm from chicago and know a little more about the stuff swept under the rug.Explain the property deal.Why would someone sell obama a lot that made the remainder of lot useless and at a huge loss.And just bought at time he sold it to him.Pay back for obamas support on hud properties?It just funny how the far left seems to go thru life with blinders on just unaware of what goes on around you.They have a goal and nothing will stop them from it including the truth.When obama leaves Rezko will get his pardon and the left won't care.
How does Bill Clinton feel about giving Marc Rich a complete pardon for his tax evasion conviction? Rich had already denounced his U.S. citizenship in favor of Spain and was living in Switzerland. Rich now holds Belgian, Israeli and Spanish passports.

Arguably, the pardon was the result of some major campaign contributions from Rich's wife, Denise, who is wealthy in her own right from inheritance of her father's shoe fortune and as a Grammy-winning song writer. Earlier in 2012, Denise Rich denounced her U.S. citizenship in favor of Austria in order to avoid U.S. taxes.

I wonder how Bill feels about having been so kind and generous to Denise?
Old 07-13-2012, 12:13 PM
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Bain Capital another Obama directed disattraction. Will voters ever learn or will voters keep take the bait like a fish jumping high above the water?Hmmmmmmmmmm
Old 07-13-2012, 01:27 PM
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""All this attack [is] maybe hurting the president's brand too. I think our supporters went a little bit too far with the felony business," fmr. Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) said on MSNBC this afternoon."

And the word is that Romney will be on all three networks today.

This WH has gone crazy !!!
Old 07-13-2012, 01:35 PM
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Nothing is going come from whether or not Romney still had control of Bain in 200, 2001, or 2001.

Much more important things to be actually discussed and not attacking the opponent - on both sides.
Old 07-13-2012, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
Nothing is going come from whether or not Romney still had control of Bain in 200, 2001, or 2001.

Much more important things to be actually discussed and not attacking the opponent - on both sides.
Not sure to whom you are speaking but this board was alive with such hatefilled anticipation last evening !

And when will this WH talk about issues....he does not even want to talk about his health care act, which is actually LOSING in approval polls
Old 07-13-2012, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Not sure to whom you are speaking but this board was alive with such hatefilled anticipation last evening !

And when will this WH talk about issues....he does not even want to talk about his health care act, which is actually LOSING in approval polls
I was not speaking to anyone specific. I did post a couple of hot headed comments last night but have now reconsidered them.

Both sides need to talk issues instead of the rampant attacking that creates nothing good.
Old 07-13-2012, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
Nothing is going come from whether or not Romney still had control of Bain in 200, 2001, or 2001.

Much more important things to be actually discussed and not attacking the opponent - on both sides.
Got to agree.But some want avoid the issues
Old 07-13-2012, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
Not sure to whom you are speaking but this board was alive with such hatefilled anticipation last evening !

And when will this WH talk about issues....he does not even want to talk about his health care act, which is actually LOSING in approval polls

What's to discuss about the health care act?

That fight is over - Obama won - SCOTUS said it is constitutional. It is the law of the land.

Polling data on it means nothing - what's your point here?
Old 07-13-2012, 03:52 PM
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Default The sheriff of Nottingham

Originally Posted by coralway View Post
What's to discuss about the health care act?

That fight is over - Obama won - SCOTUS said it is constitutional. It is the law of the land.

Polling data on it means nothing - what's your point here?
coralway: The majority of the Supreme Court said that the individual mandate, in relationship to the Commerce Clause was unconsitutional if a penalty because the power to police belonge to the states However on review again the majority stated the the individual mandate under the commerce Clause was a tax and hence constitutional.

However a closer look at the ruling left much room for Congress to repeal this law. Keep in mind that the chief Justice and his majority had a legal obligation not to render a decision once they ruled the indvidual mandate a tax because under the Taxing Laws the tax had to be imposed before the Supreme court continued its review and that would not have happened until 2014.

The practical affect of this decision leaves open the door for the federal government to impose further taxes. That being the case I am dumbfounded that liberals believe this was a good thing. what has just happened is that the Supreme Court has released the Sheriff of Nottingham on America and Americans

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