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Old 08-19-2017, 01:06 PM
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Did anyone on here enjoy Rockface's long winded copy and paste? If so, please let him know as he could use an "atta boy" about now.

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Old 08-19-2017, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Dirtbag
Did anyone on here enjoy Rockface's long winded copy and paste? If so, please let him know as he could use an "atta boy" about now.

He (nor anyone else) needs any pats on the back for providing legitimate links and back up what they're saying.

It's the ignorant trolls that provide only one or two sentence lies & talking points (and even the occasional longer bloviating, of pseudo-intellectuals cultists like RubiTHECon)...that aren't smart enough to prove the BS they spew.

Sucks to be you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 08-19-2017, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

He (nor anyone else) needs any pats on the back for providing legitimate links and back up what they're saying.

It's the ignorant trolls that provide only one or two sentence lies & talking points (and even the occasional longer bloviating, of pseudo-intellectuals cultists like RubiTHECon)...that aren't smart enough to prove the BS they spew.

Sucks to be you.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
This is the scenario that I spelled out to CARLINTAMPA. These are the definitive definition of ignorant trolls. They don't disagree, because they do not know how.

They simply are immature people who have no knowledge, and probably were kicked of the main board at some time.

They are now polluting and soiling this board

I do not know, but assume CARL fits the same pattern spas most on here. Trolls are tolerable as long as they are Trump,supporters.....OTHERWISE, and we both have received this.....a lecture from the one or two on here who feel this forum is theirs.
Old 08-19-2017, 01:53 PM
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Why don't you two get a room?

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Old 08-19-2017, 01:59 PM
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Rockface- you are the one that knows little. Your not posting your own words, most times it is some liberals opinion that you agree with, and you feel it makes a point against Trump, so you then copy and paste it!!!

Anyone that calls you out on your lack of personal knowledge and your flawed thought process is then charged as a "troll"...

Cripes, your so stupid you voted Dopey Smurf for does not get any dumber than that.

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Old 08-19-2017, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Why don't you two get a room?

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Can always count on you for intelligent and adult remarks.

Do you say that to the trolls who support Trump and spend their time on here, NOT SUPPORTING TRUMP, but attacking Clinton/OBama/democrats with whatever the current troll lingo might be.

You would think that our President, as reported on here, has done so much you would be hear touting his legislative wins, his ability to bring our country together, etc and would have no time for your gibberish.
Old 08-19-2017, 02:01 PM
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(unt- you keep working Rockface and wackadoodle for friendship...your on equal ground with those two idiots!

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Old 08-19-2017, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
(unt- you keep working Rockface and wackadoodle for friendship...your on equal ground with those two idiots!

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Every time, I think it is impossible for you to make yourself look stupider and less adult, you get it done somehow.
Old 08-19-2017, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockyrd View Post
Every time, I think it is impossible for you to make yourself look stupider and less adult, you get it done somehow.
Says the idiot with "50 years experience in the political arena" that voted Dopey Smurf for clown!

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Old 08-19-2017, 02:07 PM
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Going for a ride on the boat, you two enjoy yourselves rubbing up on one another!

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Old 08-19-2017, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This is the scenario that I spelled out to CARLINTAMPA. These are the definitive definition of ignorant trolls. They don't disagree, because they do not know how.

They simply are immature people who have no knowledge, and probably were kicked of the main board at some time.

They are now polluting and soiling this board
Even worse, are those who would take the most repugnant of a group (such as those within the Black Lives Matter movement, who promote violence against law enforcement) paint the entire group as the same so as to justify their own racism and bigotry.

Carl In Tampa is only the tip of the iceberg and the perfect example of why movements/groups like BLM (minus the small % of those advocating violence)...are even needed in the first place.

I would bet that CIT doesn't think a single one of the incidents of young black males murdered by law enforcement, whose primary crime was being a young black male...was law enforcement's fault.

Not a single fvcking one.

Not to say by any means, that a death of a black person presenting a risk to LEO's isn't justified in some cases, but if there weren't so many that were NOT justified...a Black Lives Matter movement would never be needed in the first place.

And yet, here we have a person who should be educated and fair, as a taxpayer paid servant supposedly protecting ALL Americans, using the justify their own prejudices, racism and bigotry.

Now multiply Carl In Tampa times thousands and it makes all of us white people damned glad we are white, because we know our lives would be in much more daily danger...had we been unlucky enough to have been born with black skin.

And then you have gutter scum like Baldwin, who think they did something special to have been lucky enough to have been born white...and then act as if they're superior due to pure luck.

All the while, good old boy Carl is the reminder that what BLM, the Southern Poverty Law Center (of which I'm a proud monthly contributor) and other groups stand for...are desperately still needed.
Old 08-19-2017, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Even worse, are those who would take the most repugnant of a group (such as those within the Black Lives Matter movement, who promote violence against law enforcement) paint the entire group as the same so as to justify their own racism and bigotry.

Carl In Tampa is only the tip of the iceberg and the perfect example of why movements/groups like BLM (minus the small % of those advocating violence)...are even needed in the first place.

I would bet that CIT doesn't think a single one of the incidents of young black males murdered by law enforcement, whose primary crime was being a young black male...was law enforcement's fault.

Not a single fvcking one.

Not to say by any means, that a death of a black person presenting a risk to LEO's isn't justified in some cases, but if there weren't so many that were NOT justified...a Black Lives Matter movement would never be needed in the first place.

And yet, here we have a person who should be educated and fair, as a taxpayer paid servant supposedly protecting ALL Americans, using the justify their own prejudices, racism and bigotry.

Now multiply Carl In Tampa times thousands and it makes all of us white people damned glad we are white, because we know our lives would be in much more daily danger...had we been unlucky enough to have been born with black skin.

And then you have gutter scum like Baldwin, who think they did something special to have been lucky enough to have been born white...and then act as if they're superior due to pure luck.

All the while, good old boy Carl is the reminder that what BLM, the Southern Poverty Law Center (of which I'm a proud monthly contributor) and other groups stand for...are desperately still needed.
I respect folks like Carl who worked as police officers in any capacity.

I also find many of those who actually "hide" behind BLM marches who just want trouble.

I can, however, tell you first hand while living in Carl's city of Tampa, of walking the streets and speaking to young and old out marching...before BLM, but including Occupy Wall, how deaf they find many of our law and enforcement. I walks the streets and also spoke to police, with a pre determined image of most of the young folks.

That is not blaming the police, exonerating marchers or blaming marchers or exonerating police. We, in this country, have made this political and not moral, and that is wrong.

Rubicon speaks of "identity politics" and he is correct that is the basis for much of our hatred in this country, BUT unlike him, I give neither side a pass. He feels when he brings this up, and that is a lot, is is all one sided, and on that he is dead wrong. This is not just liberals, and the last 7 months should show you that the conservative agenda is rife, almost 100% identity politics.

Fact, his attacks are simply identity politics. We stopped discussing issues...we don't care any longer. A white policeman shoots a black youth...immediately, the left wants revenge, the right defends the white officer...all without the facts. It is instant judgement, and it would be funny if not so sad, if those "identity judegements" turn out incorrect, watching both sides covering their backside.

Look, this is a white nationalist crowd in here, and thus I know it is a deaf audience, but we better wake up and start listening to each other rather than preaching as if we were mind readers.
Old 08-19-2017, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I respect folks like Carl who worked as police officers in any capacity.

I also find many of those who actually "hide" behind BLM marches who just want trouble.

I can, however, tell you first hand while living in Carl's city of Tampa, of walking the streets and speaking to young and old out marching...before BLM, but including Occupy Wall, how deaf they find many of our law and enforcement. I walks the streets and also spoke to police, with a pre determined image of most of the young folks.

That is not blaming the police, exonerating marchers or blaming marchers or exonerating police. We, in this country, have made this political and not moral, and that is wrong.

Rubicon speaks of "identity politics" and he is correct that is the basis for much of our hatred in this country, BUT unlike him, I give neither side a pass. He feels when he brings this up, and that is a lot, is is all one sided, and on that he is dead wrong. This is not just liberals, and the last 7 months should show you that the conservative agenda is rife, almost 100% identity politics.

Fact, his attacks are simply identity politics. We stopped discussing issues...we don't care any longer. A white policeman shoots a black youth...immediately, the left wants revenge, the right defends the white officer...all without the facts. It is instant judgement, and it would be funny if not so sad, if those "identity judegements" turn out incorrect, watching both sides covering their backside.

Look, this is a white nationalist crowd in here, and thus I know it is a deaf audience, but we better wake up and start listening to each other rather than preaching as if we were mind readers.
Don't get me wrong, as I too respect those LEO's who are actually here to serve and protect...ALL of us.

And as I mentioned, I find those who use BLM to advocate totally repugnant.

What I have the most problem with, are those in the LEO community who, for whatever reason(s), refuse to condemn those that let their prejudice and bias treat minorities differently.

Most people will agree that the OJ verdict was dead wrong, but they forget that the verdict against the cops in the Rodney King beating...was also dead wrong.

Had those cops who beat King far beyond what was necessary (and who were on video showing it for cripes sake ) been held accountable...I am confident that OJ would have been found guilty.

That's not to say that 'payback' is right or just, but the truth of the matter is that the black community very seldom gets the turn the tables on what happens to a lot of them every day.

That being treated differently...than us whites.

So they sadly took that opportunity to 'turn the tables' and while I don't approve of it by any means...I can certainly understand their built up frustration.

Just as they must feel now, after hearing what the POTUS and so many on the right have now said...about moral equivalency regarding Charlottesville.
Old 08-19-2017, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rockface- you are the one that knows little. Your not posting your own words, most times it is some liberals opinion that you agree with, and you feel it makes a point against Trump, so you then copy and paste it!!!

Anyone that calls you out on your lack of personal knowledge and your flawed thought process is then charged as a "troll"...

Cripes, your so stupid you voted Dopey Smurf for does not get any dumber than that.

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As the dummy, let me ask you what I am positive you consider a stupid quesyption...

If my posts are so not real or true, and you are so smart, why is it that you can NEVER EVER come up with anything but short, obscene, unrelated personal comments ?

Just curious
Old 08-20-2017, 12:46 PM
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As a political junkie, I find these moves in the White House really interesting. Many of the "radicals" leaving and the administration becoming more and more democratic and liberal(see post 14 of this thread), Bannon announcing his activities for Trump from outside the WH, and the President who seems now to be openly embracing the White nationalistic posture. Be interesting to watch.

"An adviser to President Trump will be leaving the White House.

A senior administration official says Sebastian Gorka, a former counterterrorism analyst for Fox News who joined the administration as a counterterrorism adviser, will be leaving the White House in the coming days.

The official says that Gorka had initially been hired to play a key role on the Strategic Initiatives Group, an advisory panel created by Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon to run parallel to the National Security Council.

But that group fizzled out in the early months of the administration. Gorka was unable to get clearance for the National Security Council after he was charged last year with carrying a weapon at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

The official spoke anonymously to discuss private personnel matters. Attempts to reach Gorka by email for comment were not immediately successful.

Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka expected to leave White House, official says - LA Times


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