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Old 06-20-2016, 03:45 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yada yada yada, a decent American wouldn't call someone a scumbag.
A "decent American" as defined by libtards? Do you have a more appropriate descriptor for Hillary, the thief, the felon, the pathological liar, the disloyal traitor to her people? I thought that "scumbag" put all of that together nicely.

Does one's lack of PC disturb you?
Old 06-20-2016, 03:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest;12***12
You must be new here. There are a handful that have no respect for anyone much less those who are in public office. In other countries they would have disappeared. Read all the news sources and despite what the people on this thread say all the candidates support the 10 amendments of the constitution. God bless America.
Yes, and in a country where the Clinton's rule, many also disappear mysteriously.
Old 06-20-2016, 06:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't gamble. I don't even buy lotto tickets. I am putting my faith in decent Americans to realize that Hillary is a scumbag and then vote against her. I find it totally unbelievable that she is still not incarcerated. Obama is playing America for the fools they are.
Decent Americans are being replaced by blacks and hispanics...they're already the majority under age 6...good luck with that.

You ARE fools, you keep voting for Ds and Rs even though they rob and cheat you.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post

What I am presenting is, no matter what one believes or what the odds makers say or what the bookies say all that is important at the end of the day is how many of what they believed or forecasted or booked or bet actaully won.

Statistically it is no different than any other gamble. And the favorites do not prevail or there would be many, many people getting rich placing bets, which there are not.

My position is the elections odds makers and prognosticators or whatever anybody wants to call them have no more insight than those who were predicting Clinton to win MI by double digits. And they all tore up their bets and went home when she lost by double digits.

Political odds making is like measuring passing clouds!!!
Many sports events are "fixed", bookies know this and set the odds appropriately. Elections are also fixed.

Originally Posted by Guest;12***12
You must be new here. There are a handful that have no respect for anyone much less those who are in public office. In other countries they would have disappeared. Read all the news sources and despite what the people on this thread say all the candidates support the 10 amendments of the constitution. God bless America.
Why respect a liar and thief? Because they BOUGHT their way into office?

"News sources"? You mean propaganda sources.

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