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Old 03-06-2016, 09:30 AM
Posts: n/a

And the bumbling repubs continue to babble, gee everything was so great while they were in office. No wars, economy in high gear, illegal immigrants were non-existent. Give me those good old days lol.
Old 03-06-2016, 09:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And the bumbling repubs continue to babble, gee everything was so great while they were in office. No wars, economy in high gear, illegal immigrants were non-existent. Give me those good old days lol.
And the last seven years have really proven how great the mighty liberal party has been to this country. Racial divide, slowest economic recovery in history, lack of world respect, increased terrorism, more wars than ever, Christians allowed to be executed, bad negotiated deals with terrorists, largest party divide in congress than ever, PC, immorality legitimized, unethical conduct encouraged, lack of loyalty from political leaders to those hung out to dry in foreign we really need to list more? Highest poverty level in history, highest food stamp distribution in history, highest black unemployment in history....etc, etc.
Old 03-06-2016, 10:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And the last seven years have really proven how great the mighty liberal party has been to this country. Racial divide, slowest economic recovery in history, lack of world respect, increased terrorism, more wars than ever, Christians allowed to be executed, bad negotiated deals with terrorists, largest party divide in congress than ever, PC, immorality legitimized, unethical conduct encouraged, lack of loyalty from political leaders to those hung out to dry in foreign we really need to list more? Highest poverty level in history, highest food stamp distribution in history, highest black unemployment in history....etc, etc.
It is a good start as the saying goes.
Hope and change? Obama meant he hoped America would like the change he was about to bring upon us.

Don't forget open, bold faced, two faced liar!

And for those who will respond with the usual BS of what he inherited....let's assume you are right.... did he do about it?
Old 03-06-2016, 11:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is a good start as the saying goes.
Hope and change? Obama meant he hoped America would like the change he was about to bring upon us.

Don't forget open, bold faced, two faced liar!

And for those who will respond with the usual BS of what he inherited....let's assume you are right.... did he do about it?
A big ZERO !!!
Old 03-06-2016, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
By almost every measure the stimulus package, which I assume you are referring to, has been an abysmal failure. And, for all practical purposes, the Fed Fund rate HAS been at zero for the last several years, forcing investors to seek higher returns in the stock market; hence, the increase in the market indices despite an overall decrease in corporate earnings due to a Obama's sluggish economy.

I also think that you may be confusing fiscal policy with monetary policy. Obama has tried to take credit for the results of the Fed's monetary policy on the stock market...policy and action that he had/has NO control over.
Dear Guest:

I agree. I also believe the FED is out of control. The large investors have been on a sugar high thanks to the FED. While us commoners struggle to gain any capital appreciation, etc given expenses, inflation, etc. We are actually paying banks to hold our money. Its clear that the Keynesian model has failed. Since Obama sticks his nose in everything (think FCC ruling on net neutrality) it my well be he did so with the FED.

The FED along with the IRS, EPA Depts of Energy and Education would be gone if I were emperor. In fact a good house cleaning is what we need at both the federal and state levels

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-06-2016, 11:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It is a good start as the saying goes.
Hope and change? Obama meant he hoped America would like the change he was about to bring upon us.

Don't forget open, bold faced, two faced liar!

And for those who will respond with the usual BS of what he inherited....let's assume you are right.... did he do about it?
Dear Guest: Hope and change come with caveats people often neglect.
HOPE --Caveat Be careful what you wish for you just may get it.
Change-- Not all change is good nor is it necessary always.
As the corporate story goes the first thing you can expect from a new supervisor are new forms

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-06-2016, 04:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Not to mention we have more czar than Russia.

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