Boone County KY and Donald John Trump.

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Old 04-09-2017, 04:12 AM
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Default Boone County KY and Donald John Trump.

Donald Trump at the Mine Cold Open - SNL - YouTube

The man is all show and no substance.
Old 04-09-2017, 05:43 AM
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Alex Baldwin was becoming a" has been" until he latched on to this ridiculous and poorly constructed version of Donald Trump. I say ridiculous and poorly constructed because his goal is not to entertain, to make one laugh, his sole purpose, is to pass along the hate he has for Trump and traditional America onto his viewers.

The above -referenced SNL video once again demonstrates a progressive elitist view of conservatives as being country bumpkins, stupid and as Clinton described them a basket of deplorables only.

What is it about progressives such as Alex Baldwin, Michael Moore,
Bill Maher, and a host of other talk show people , celebrities even the so called intelligentsia that cause them to hate, ridicule and try and shame other people. What drivers their hate? What sort of decent person makes serious sport of others.?

Serious people in the democratic party simply won't sit still for this continuing hate campaign because its wrong, destructive and becoming very inhuman. Most people are moderate in their views and this radical nonsense simply won't hold.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-09-2017, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Alex Baldwin was becoming a" has been" until he latched on to this ridiculous and poorly constructed version of Donald Trump. I say ridiculous and poorly constructed because his goal is not to entertain, to make one laugh, his sole purpose, is to pass along the hate he has for Trump and traditional America onto his viewers.

The above -referenced SNL video once again demonstrates a progressive elitist view of conservatives as being country bumpkins, stupid and as Clinton described them a basket of deplorables only.

What is it about progressives such as Alex Baldwin, Michael Moore,
Bill Maher, and a host of other talk show people , celebrities even the so called intelligentsia that cause them to hate, ridicule and try and shame other people. What drivers their hate? What sort of decent person makes serious sport of others.?

Serious people in the democratic party simply won't sit still for this continuing hate campaign because its wrong, destructive and becoming very inhuman. Most people are moderate in their views and this radical nonsense simply won't hold.

Personal Best Regards:
You should watch that skit again. They are anything but stupid in Boone County, KY.

Donald John Trump deserves all the animosity directed at him because of how much damage he has done to this already Great Country because of his extremely poorly thought policies, ideas, and re-actions.

The all show bombing of Syria where planes are flying out of the airfield 24 hours later at a cost of this bombardment of missiles of probably $125,000,000 if more considering all the Naval labor and fuel also.

Global warming seems to be getting even worse. Just watch the weather and Trump is stripping the EPA of power and regulations needed to prevent Global Warming.

Women's right to choose what to do with bodies without invasive procedures carried out by the state. Probably in danger now because of Trump's Supreme Court pick.

The mess that is ObamaCare. He takes all or nothing stances rather than doing something.

The idiotic reliance he is putting on coal mining for jobs.
Old 04-09-2017, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You should watch that skit again. They are anything but stupid in Boone County, KY.

Donald John Trump deserves all the animosity directed at him because of how much damage he has done to this already Great Country because of his extremely poorly thought policies, ideas, and re-actions.
The message being sent by progressives via SNL is that the Trump agenda is stupid and hence people who voted for and support the Trump agenda are stupid deplorables .

Let me ask should the government determine the fate of coal or should the market, advances in technology etc?

Let me ask is it stupid to believe that nature created a binary species, male, female?

Let me ask you is the judge in Oregon that who ruled in favor of the plaintiff who claimed no gender based on a scientific reality? This ruling presents some very bad consequences down the road.

Let me ask you if progressive are so concerned about the environment why do they allow wind turbines that kill thousand of birds of prey annually. Or California's solar panel project that fries birds in mid-air?

My friend you are an intelligent individual and one whom I respect for your accomplishments and conquered struggles . So I am surprised that you seem not to be able to get past Trump and look at his platform, especially his law and order agenda

Finally an objective look at television in general has been undermining family values for so long that people hardly notice .

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-09-2017, 06:42 AM
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Baldwin's portrayal of Chump is so dead on...heads are exploding everywhere.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 04-09-2017, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Baldwin's portrayal of Chump is so dead on...heads are exploding everywhere.

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Loved it.
Old 04-09-2017, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The message being sent by progressives via SNL is that the Trump agenda is stupid and hence people who voted for and support the Trump agenda are stupid deplorables .

Let me ask should the government determine the fate of coal or should the market, advances in technology etc?

Let me ask is it stupid to believe that nature created a binary species, male, female?

Let me ask you is the judge in Oregon that who ruled in favor of the plaintiff who claimed no gender based on a scientific reality? This ruling presents some very bad consequences down the road.

Let me ask you if progressive are so concerned about the environment why do they allow wind turbines that kill thousand of birds of prey annually. Or California's solar panel project that fries birds in mid-air?

My friend you are an intelligent individual and one whom I respect for your accomplishments and conquered struggles . So I am surprised that you seem not to be able to get past Trump and look at his platform, especially his law and order agenda

Finally an objective look at television in general has been undermining family values for so long that people hardly notice .

Personal Best Regards:
Law and order agenda? What I have seen are measures that will create far more victims of crimes not less. He is ISIS's perfect propaganda tool and is driving a wedge through various groups of people with his often hateful rhetoric. He gets people to do things based on their emotions and not by looking at the facts or doing research.

He disrespects our intelligence community and thinks he is smarter than them. He is not by a long shot. Human contacts and moles and the like stop terrorism more than anything else not the Great Wall of Trump nor his other idiotic measures to build this Wall by taking control of budgets for the very governmental entities stopping terrorists from coming into the US. I mean the Coast Guard which it seems to want to cut their budget.
Old 04-09-2017, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You should watch that skit again. They are anything but stupid in Boone County, KY.

Donald John Trump deserves all the animosity directed at him because of how much damage he has done to this already Great Country because of his extremely poorly thought policies, ideas, and re-actions.

The all show bombing of Syria where planes are flying out of the airfield 24 hours later at a cost of this bombardment of missiles of probably $125,000,000 if more considering all the Naval labor and fuel also.

Global warming seems to be getting even worse. Just watch the weather and Trump is stripping the EPA of power and regulations needed to prevent Global Warming.

Women's right to choose what to do with bodies without invasive procedures carried out by the state. Probably in danger now because of Trump's Supreme Court pick.

The mess that is ObamaCare. He takes all or nothing stances rather than doing something.

The idiotic reliance he is putting on coal mining for jobs.
"Damage" he has done to this country? Like what? I know you are trying to make a decent debate, but considering the fact that Trump has been in a little over two months, that statement is ludicrous.

The attack on the air field was not intended to KILL. It was a show of force and a warning. Since you have never been in the military, you would not understand.

There is NO evidence of global warming that is caused by man. What little warming there is will not effect mankind adversely for hundreds of years. I am sure that man will kill man off long before the weather harms him.

A woman's right to murder a child is not in jeopardy. You are crying "the sky is falling" chicken little. Quit listening to liberal talking points and do some intelligent reasoning.

America wanted Obamacare gone. That's why there is total Republican majority throughout the country.

Hillary promised to take away coal mining jobs and that made a difference in her losing votes. Trump promised to bring back coal jobs and he is living up to his promise. What's the problem with that? Just more liberal talking points that you need to get over.

You are supposed to be an educated and intelligent person, so why do you get Conned by radicals to believe the liberal rhetoric that is obviously flawed if not false?
Old 04-09-2017, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"Damage" he has done to this country? Like what? I know you are trying to make a decent debate, but considering the fact that Trump has been in a little over two months, that statement is ludicrous.

The attack on the air field was not intended to KILL. It was a show of force and a warning. Since you have never been in the military, you would not understand.

There is NO evidence of global warming that is caused by man. What little warming there is will not effect mankind adversely for hundreds of years. I am sure that man will kill man off long before the weather harms him.

A woman's right to murder a child is not in jeopardy. You are crying "the sky is falling" chicken little. Quit listening to liberal talking points and do some intelligent reasoning.

America wanted Obamacare gone. That's why there is total Republican majority throughout the country.

Hillary promised to take away coal mining jobs and that made a difference in her losing votes. Trump promised to bring back coal jobs and he is living up to his promise. What's the problem with that? Just more liberal talking points that you need to get over.

You are supposed to be an educated and intelligent person, so why do you get Conned by radicals to believe the liberal rhetoric that is obviously flawed if not false?
And when in military history has a nation spent $125,000,000 sending 30 missiles away for a publicity stunt? I have talked with many people in the military and my impression was that they often do not know what they are doing all that well. I mean the higher-ups. I would love to know what some active military people actually think of wasting 60 missiles on an airfield that is up and running the next day.

The problem with coal is it is bad for the environment, bad for the workers, and any number of other reasons. We should not being using coal. Environmental impact of the coal industry - Wikipedia

And Clinton lost mainly because of James Comey's interference with the election with his extremely badly timed announcement about the Anthony Weiner e-mail investigation, the Russian hackers, fear of a woman President, and a lot of other stuff.

And then there is Donald John Trump's complete lack of a moral character. This man has had hundreds of lawsuits made against him including those involved alleged sexual harassment and assault of women. And I sincerely think he will be nailed for connections to the Russians and their interference with the US Elections.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The message being sent by progressives via SNL is that the Trump agenda is stupid and hence people who voted for and support the Trump agenda are stupid deplorables .

Let me ask should the government determine the fate of coal or should the market, advances in technology etc?

Let me ask is it stupid to believe that nature created a binary species, male, female?

Let me ask you is the judge in Oregon that who ruled in favor of the plaintiff who claimed no gender based on a scientific reality? This ruling presents some very bad consequences down the road.

Let me ask you if progressive are so concerned about the environment why do they allow wind turbines that kill thousand of birds of prey annually. Or California's solar panel project that fries birds in mid-air?

My friend you are an intelligent individual and one whom I respect for your accomplishments and conquered struggles . So I am surprised that you seem not to be able to get past Trump and look at his platform, especially his law and order agenda

Finally an objective look at television in general has been undermining family values for so long that people hardly notice .

Personal Best Regards:
My law and order interest is my 26 year 224 613 Project which is about giving people the tools through education, technology and other means of dealing with the legal system. Trump has always had the ability to deal with the legal system because of army of lawyers who probably often just flaunt it. He seems to be cutting funding for the very institutions which help give people more power over their lives-- libraries. What about his selling of the your Internet searches and the like to big companies so that they can target us with more ads and the like on our computers? Donald Trump Cuts Library Funding - Institute of Museums and Library Services FundingCut Trump signs internet privacy repeal | TheHill
Old 04-09-2017, 08:17 AM
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[QUOTE=wackadoodle]And when in military history has a nation spent $125,000,000 sending 30 missiles away for a publicity stunt? I have talked with many people in the military and my impression was that they often do not know what they are doing all that well. I mean the higher-ups. I would love to know what some active military people actually think of wasting 60 missiles on an airfield that is up and running the next day.

The problem ....blah, blah, blah QUOTE]

Assad felt it in his pocketbook!
How much do you think the 20 MIG jets, that were destroyed were worth? How much do you think the refueling and hangers, that were destroyed are worth?

Angelfire - error 404
Old 04-09-2017, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My law and order interest is my 26 year 224 613 Project which is about giving people the tools through education, technology and other means of dealing with the legal system. Trump has always had the ability to deal with the legal system because of army of lawyers who probably often just flaunt it. He seems to be cutting funding for the very institutions which help give people more power over their lives-- libraries. What about his selling of the your Internet searches and the like to big companies so that they can target us with more ads and the like on our computers? Donald Trump Cuts Library Funding - Institute of Museums and Library Services FundingCut Trump signs internet privacy repeal | TheHill
The search, yahoo, and others...already do that.

This is your ISP selling your browsing history...they already know EVERYWHERE you they can sell it. They know where you went AFTER your search.
Old 04-09-2017, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You should watch that skit again. They are anything but stupid in Boone County, KY.

Donald John Trump deserves all the animosity directed at him because of how much damage he has done to this already Great Country because of his extremely poorly thought policies, ideas, and re-actions.

The all show bombing of Syria where planes are flying out of the airfield 24 hours later at a cost of this bombardment of missiles of probably $125,000,000 if more considering all the Naval labor and fuel also.

Global warming seems to be getting even worse. Just watch the weather and Trump is stripping the EPA of power and regulations needed to prevent Global Warming.

Women's right to choose what to do with bodies without invasive procedures carried out by the state. Probably in danger now because of Trump's Supreme Court pick.

The mess that is ObamaCare. He takes all or nothing stances rather than doing something.

The idiotic reliance he is putting on coal mining for jobs.
Tal, like others on here have already mentioned, I too think you are an intelligent man and probably a kind and caring one as well. That is why it confounds me that you often link to erroneous websites and now this - discussing an SNL skit as if it is factual information?

And since you mentioned the EPA, should we ever have the chance to meet, remind me to tell you the story of how the EPA, due to it's inordinate power and excessive regulations, is holding me (and others) hostage to my house up north so that I cannot sell and move to TV. Won't go on about it here because it is off topic, but until you have to deal with these types of bureaucracies first-hand, you don't realize how screwed up things really are and how they can effect people's lIves in negative and sometimes devastating ways.

Keep posting, but don't let your emotions rule your God-given intelligence.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Tal, like others on here have already mentioned, I too think you are an intelligent man and probably a kind and caring one as well. That is why it confounds me that you often link to erroneous websites and now this - discussing an SNL skit as if it is factual information?

And since you mentioned the EPA, should we ever have the chance to meet, remind me to tell you the story of how the EPA, due to it's inordinate power and excessive regulations, is holding me (and others) hostage to my house up north so that I cannot sell and move to TV. Won't go on about it here because it is off topic, but until you have to deal with these types of bureaucracies first-hand, you don't realize how screwed up things really are and how they can effect people's lIves in negative and sometimes devastating ways.

Keep posting, but don't let your emotions rule your God-given intelligence.
SNL is not a factual presentation. It is just amusing to use liberals who happen to live in an area that is about 70% Republican.

I have had a lot of dealing with bureaucrats since 1987 or so. First trying to help prisoners or former prisoners and then trying to find employment while a small group of very powerful law librarians had put a blacklist on me for pointing out a rather self-evident problem in their libraries with respect to practical materials for survivors/victims of crimes. This group of Law Librarians was/is connected to the then Law Librarian of Congress M. Kathleen Price whom I had worked under while she had been the Law Library Director at the University of Minnesota. I could never break the blacklist but someone was trying to help me around 2001 and after and still is.

I tried running my problems through the bureaucrats connected with ObamaCare in KY and they called me telling me to stop playing games with them.

Bureaucrats are a huge problem for this country and I had hoped that Trump would actually do something about them but he just seems to be shifting their priorities around to reflect what he wants his bureaucrats to focus on. And things are looking really bad for the ordinary Joe under Trump's Presidency. They look great for huge corporations and billionaires though like Donald Trump and his companies as well as his friends' companies.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:04 AM
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The take away from the SNL skit is that Trump's rural base that supported him has a lot to lose.

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county, show, john, trump, donald

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