Boone County KY and Donald John Trump.

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Old 04-09-2017, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The take away from the SNL skit is that Trump's rural base that supported him has a lot to lose.

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I would say they have the most to lose. The people who actually voted for Donald John Trump believing he would drain the swamp and make America Great Again. He has just brought in some HUGE crocodiles to compete with the alligators and other creatures in there. And one of these crocodiles is probably Russian.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Donald Trump at the Mine Cold Open - SNL - YouTube

The man is all show and no substance.

Boone County, Kentucky is part of greater Cincinnati and where the Cincinnati Airport is, in Northern Kentucky. It is adjacent and contiguous to the Cincinnati area. Not rural, a bustling busy area.

Harlan County in Southeastern Kentucky is usually thought of as the center for the Coal Industry.

Harlan County, Kentucky - Wikipedia

Harlan County Map, Kentucky

I have been to both places and they have a lot of warm, intelligent, caring, polished and responsible people.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
SNL is not a factual presentation. It is just amusing to use liberals who happen to live in an area that is about 70% Republican.

I have had a lot of dealing with bureaucrats since 1987 or so. First trying to help prisoners or former prisoners and then trying to find employment while a small group of very powerful law librarians had put a blacklist on me for pointing out a rather self-evident problem in their libraries with respect to practical materials for survivors/victims of crimes. This group of Law Librarians was/is connected to the then Law Librarian of Congress M. Kathleen Price whom I had worked under while she had been the Law Library Director at the University of Minnesota. I could never break the blacklist but someone was trying to help me around 2001 and after and still is.

I tried running my problems through the bureaucrats connected with ObamaCare in KY and they called me telling me to stop playing games with them.

Bureaucrats are a huge problem for this country and I had hoped that Trump would actually do something about them but he just seems to be shifting their priorities around to reflect what he wants his bureaucrats to focus on. And things are looking really bad for the ordinary Joe under Trump's Presidency. They look great for huge corporations and billionaires though like Donald Trump and his companies as well as his friends' companies.
Well, I guess I just don't get your humor. I saw it as not only non-factual, therefore pretty much a waste of my time, but also a demeaning picture of a large number of good, honest hardworking Americans. Not funny to me.
Old 04-09-2017, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by wackadoodle
And when in military history has a nation spent $125,000,000 sending 30 missiles away for a publicity stunt? I have talked with many people in the military and my impression was that they often do not know what they are doing all that well. I mean the higher-ups. I would love to know what some active military people actually think of wasting 60 missiles on an airfield that is up and running the next day.

The problem ....blah, blah, blah QUOTE]

Assad felt it in his pocketbook!
How much do you think the 20 MIG jets, that were destroyed were worth? How much do you think the refueling and hangers, that were destroyed are worth?

Angelfire - error 404
Huh? "Money" is just numbers on a computer. Sovereigns make their own money. Syria, Iran, N want to know WHY "they are the enemy"?

They have their OWN central banks and don't play with the rest of the world's fraud bankers.

syrian central bank - Google Search
Old 04-09-2017, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Abby10 View Post
Tal, like others on here have already mentioned, I too think you are an intelligent man and probably a kind and caring one as well. That is why it confounds me that you often link to erroneous websites and now this - discussing an SNL skit as if it is factual information?

And since you mentioned the EPA, should we ever have the chance to meet, remind me to tell you the story of how the EPA, due to it's inordinate power and excessive regulations, is holding me (and others) hostage to my house up north so that I cannot sell and move to TV. Won't go on about it here because it is off topic, but until you have to deal with these types of bureaucracies first-hand, you don't realize how screwed up things really are and how they can effect people's lIves in negative and sometimes devastating ways.

Keep posting, but don't let your emotions rule your God-given intelligence.
Yeah Abby10, we all agree, Tal is smart like the older brother Freddy from the Godfather. Lol

When anyone says "I think you are smart, but" they are calling you what you are..... a WACKADOODLE!!!!


Someone quote me to be sure Tal sees it.
Old 04-09-2017, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, I guess I just don't get your humor. I saw it as not only non-factual, therefore pretty much a waste of my time, but also a demeaning picture of a large number of good, honest hardworking Americans. Not funny to me.
Actually it looked like they were starting to catch on that maybe voting for Donald Trump had not been a very good idea. Perhaps you have to be a liberal/progressive to like SNL? I went to the U of MN Law School which was when I was there probably one of the most liberal of the law schools. The U of Denver was more balanced but the University of Nevada, Reno was also rather left. BYU Law School was quite a bit more right but I was only there for 10 days in 1982. And I lived near San Francisco for about seven years.

Palm Harbor was rather mixed and we were there from 1996-2005.

Reno, Nevada has people from all over like the Villages. My block was quite mixed in politics. One of my neighbors flew 31 sorties over Iraq in the 1991 invasion. He was a lawyer/pilot/law professor who then became a Pentagon based Air Force General for long term planning and now does Security Work. Used to mow his lawn. Operation Desert Storm: 25 Years Since the First Gulf War - The Atlantic There was Grand Jury Foreman across the street and a news anchor for KOLO a Reno major network affiliate as well a few doors down from the Grand Jury Foreman.
Old 04-09-2017, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well, I guess I just don't get your humor. I saw it as not only non-factual, therefore pretty much a waste of my time, but also a demeaning picture of a large number of good, honest hardworking Americans. Not funny to me.
Dear Guest:

It had occurred to me after I responded a second time to this thread that only a true progressive would get Baldwin's SNL skit.

Given they have all been struck down with Trump Derangement Syndrome only they could find such relevance. Its like, nationally, they all inhaled laughing gas .

Cést la vie

Personal Best Regards:
Old 04-09-2017, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

It had occurred to me after I responded a second time to this thread that only a true progressive would get Baldwin's SNL skit.

Given they have all been struck down with Trump Derangement Syndrome only they could find such relevance. Its like, nationally, they all inhaled laughing gas .

Cést la vie

Personal Best Regards:
In all the places where Hillary Clinton won the Popular Election by about 2,900,000 votes. And quite a bit more too if not for James Comey, Anthony Weiner and the Russian hackers.

county, show, john, trump, donald

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