Bruce Springsteen calls Donald Trump a Moron.

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Old 09-24-2016, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Oh no! I sure hope Trump doesn't lose by two votes. I guess those democrats had no intention of voting for a Republican anyway. No loss. Look at all the Dems that are intending to vote for Trump. Bobble head is losing votes on the left every day. And Trump is gaining votes from the left everyday. I guess the media is going to be pretty bored next year reporting on President Trump since he won't have all those celebrities hanging around the White House like Obie has for the past 8 years.
The polls are slowly looking better for Hillary Clinton.
Old 09-24-2016, 12:03 PM
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Who believes the financial world? Their so clever at avoiding bank and market crashes!
However on this occasion?
Old 09-24-2016, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Well said. I believe fear, racism, and stupidity are the most powerful magnets attracting Trump supporters.
Trump for years has tried to find an audience for his ego to thrive. Where he could lie, overstate and be his pompous self.

He has searched for someone to listen to his manufactured conspiracy theories

Meanwhile his "team" has been doing the same thing. Their radical websites, constant lying, and enabling of people who used to believe in UFOs was all they had. They made up stuff to get readers. Truth was not something they even pretended to know about.

Perfect storm....they found an audience, who are even mixed up about who they are angry at.

Their anger should be aimed at congress, but it is not.

They are now on the verge of electing a man who stands for everything they say they do not want. He is the least honest candidate ever (despite his opponent)..he is the least transparent...least caring...most meanspirited candidate ever.

He understands very little. He never speaks of working with congress...he never speaks of our constitution. He attacks any opponent personally, not on the issue.

All of these things are what Trump followers say is important.

It is a huge con, and as in cons, those people are following this "piper" to our economic ruin. He is a man who will increase terrorism, not lessen it. His term will allow run away inflation.

He found his audience.

If he is elected, that audience will be the subject of many many books on group hysteria and loss of reasoning.
Old 09-24-2016, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The polls are slowly looking better for Hillary Clinton.
If that is true, then she should consider moving there (Poland) ...
Old 09-24-2016, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who believes the financial world? Their so clever at avoiding bank and market crashes!
However on this occasion?
Clever? They borrowed $10 trillion through Obama and stuck it to debt. Every man woman and child "owes" over $60,000 as "their share". While they have private jets, mega yachts, mega mansions...all ILL gained.

They certainly ARE clever.
Old 09-24-2016, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Clever? They borrowed $10 trillion through Obama and stuck it to debt. Every man woman and child "owes" over $60,000 as "their share". While they have private jets, mega yachts, mega mansions...all ILL gained.

They certainly ARE clever.
"Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump has a plan to reduce the national debt, but a new analysis has concluded that one candidate would increase it far more than the other.

The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said Trump's proposals would boost the debt by $5.3 trillion over the next decade. Meanwhile, Clinton would keep the country on its current trajectory, increasing the debt by about $200 billion over the same time period."

Put another way, the national debt would rise more than 25 times faster under Trump."

Donald Trump would increase national debt far more than Hillary Clinton, new analysis says - LA Times

"If you add up all of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s preliminary policy proposals—from increasing defense spending to creating a new childcare program—then subtract the amount of money he plans to raise with his tax plan, the result is some serious red ink.

According to an analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Trump’s plans would contribute $5.3 trillion dollars to the national debt. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans, by comparison, would only increase the debt by $200 billion."

Donald Trump Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to National Debt
Old 09-24-2016, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Donald Trump on Thursday reiterated his promise to roll back regulations and unleash "a treasure trove of untapped energy" in the United States, but economists seriously doubt his numbers.

"Producing more American energy is a central part of my plan to making America wealthy again, especially for the poorest Americans," Trump told a conference organized by the Marcellus Shale Coalition, an industry group, in Pittsburgh.

"It's all upside for this country. More jobs, more revenues, more wealth, higher wages, and lower energy prices," he said. "I'm going to lift the restrictions on American energy and allow this wealth to pour into our communities."
The Republican presidential candidate has repeatedly claimed that he will boost economic output, create millions of new jobs and put coal miners back to work. But the windfalls Trump touts fail to take into account the real reason the coal industry is struggling, and originate from an industry-linked report whose findings rely on a forecasting model that often overstates the economic benefits of drilling, according to economists who study U.S. shale oil and gas."

I've been keeping a running tab, he's gonna be busy his first hour. Not enough MINUTES. I think he should stop while he's ahead. "MY FIRT HOUR" LMFAO" I can not believe the people fling for that line!
Old 09-24-2016, 12:44 PM
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"For Trump, it's straightforward. The Republican presidential candidate is unequivocal on his position: He would renegotiate NAFTA and impose a 35% tariff, a tax on imports, from Mexico. Or, he'd rip up the trade agreement entirely.

With China, Trump says he would impose a 45% tariff on Chinese imports.

Let’s consider what this would mean with a real-world example. Let’s say an American consumer goes out to buy a refrigerator from Mexico. For simplicity, let’s say that refrigerator normally costs $100. Under Trump’s plan, that refrigerator from Mexico would now cost 35 percent more, or $135. The thinking behind a tariff is that an American shopper would gravitate toward an American-made refrigerator selling for less. Here’s the problem: Mexico would certainly retaliate and levy tariffs on American

products coming into Mexico. And then you have a possible trade war.

Further, tariffs prevent American companies from bringing in foreign goods they need to build products."

Trump’s trade policies worry economists

Interesting read especially the history of when others tried what he proposes.

If that guy is correct on his prediction about Trump winning, and all the worlds economists are also correct, it sure sounds gloomy but if you listen to the terror experts warnings on Trump it may not matter...we will be dealing with other things.

It is actually admirable to want change. It is actually admirable to oppose Clinton.

Here is the problem.....the alternative is so very very much worse and that is not political chit chat....these people who are scared of Trump are much smarter and richer than he and know more about world economy than he ever hopes to know.

Any man who responds to another idea or criticism by attacking personally is someone NOT TO TRUST.
Old 09-24-2016, 12:59 PM
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Who cares what Bruce has to say about anything? Who the hell is he? He's washed up as a performer & now as a person.
Old 09-24-2016, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"For Trump, it's straightforward. The Republican presidential candidate is unequivocal on his position: He would renegotiate NAFTA and impose a 35% tariff, a tax on imports, from Mexico. Or, he'd rip up the trade agreement entirely.

With China, Trump says he would impose a 45% tariff on Chinese imports.

Let’s consider what this would mean with a real-world example. Let’s say an American consumer goes out to buy a refrigerator from Mexico. For simplicity, let’s say that refrigerator normally costs $100. Under Trump’s plan, that refrigerator from Mexico would now cost 35 percent more, or $135. The thinking behind a tariff is that an American shopper would gravitate toward an American-made refrigerator selling for less. Here’s the problem: Mexico would certainly retaliate and levy tariffs on American

products coming into Mexico. And then you have a possible trade war.

Further, tariffs prevent American companies from bringing in foreign goods they need to build products."

Trump’s trade policies worry economists

Interesting read especially the history of when others tried what he proposes.

If that guy is correct on his prediction about Trump winning, and all the worlds economists are also correct, it sure sounds gloomy but if you listen to the terror experts warnings on Trump it may not matter...we will be dealing with other things.

It is actually admirable to want change. It is actually admirable to oppose Clinton.

Here is the problem.....the alternative is so very very much worse and that is not political chit chat....these people who are scared of Trump are much smarter and richer than he and know more about world economy than he ever hopes to know.

Any man who responds to another idea or criticism by attacking personally is someone NOT TO TRUST.
While I admire your attempt to bring facts, reason and sanity to the issue, I've come to the realization that Trumpers are not interested in these things in the least.

They much prefer their newfound freedom to spew in public, their long repressed hatred/bigotry/racism/xenophobia/homophobia/misogyny.

No amount of common sense reasoning, can overcome their emotional attachment to the person who has freed them from their virulent feelings that until now...have ragingly lurked just below the surface.

Even if it affects, in a massively adverse manner...this great nation.

Old 09-24-2016, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
While I admire your attempt to bring facts, reason and sanity to the issue, I've come to the realization that Trumpers are not interested in these things in the least.

They much prefer their newfound freedom to spew in public, their long repressed hatred/bigotry/racism/xenophobia/homophobia/misogyny.

No amount of common sense reasoning, can overcome their emotional attachment to the person who has freed them from their virulent feelings that until now...have ragingly lurked just below the surface.

Even if it affects, in a massively adverse manner...this great nation.

I agree that his election will unleash the most negative period in hundreds of years.

How do you support any person with a track record like this....

"All politicians bend the truth to fit their purposes, including Hillary Clinton. But Donald J. Trump has unleashed a blizzard of falsehoods, exaggerations and outright lies in the general election, peppering his speeches, interviews and Twitter posts with untruths so frequent that they can seem All politicians bend the truth to fit their purposes, including Hillary Clinton. But Donald J. Trump has unleashed a blizzards of falsehoods, exaggerations and outright lies in the general election, peppering his speeches, interviews and Twitter posts with untruths so frequent that they can seem flighty or random — even compulsive.

However, a closer examination, over the course of a week, revealed an unmistakable pattern: Virtually all of Mr. Trump’s falsehoods directly bolstered a powerful and self-aggrandizing narrative depicting him as a heroic savior for a nation menaced from every direction. Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist, described the practice as creating “an unreality bubble that he surrounds himself with.”

The New York Times closely tracked Mr. Trump’s public statements from Sept. 15-21, and assembled a list of his 31 biggest whoppers, many of them uttered repeatedly. This total excludes dozens more: Untruths that appeared to be mere hyperbole or humor, or delivered purely for effect, or what could generously be called rounding errors. Mr. Trump’s campaign, which dismissed this compilation as “silly,” offered responses on every point, but in none of the following instances did the responses support his assertions.

The New York Times closely tracked Mr. Trump’s public statements from Sept. 15-21, and assembled a list of his 31 biggest whoppers, many of them uttered repeatedly. This total excludes dozens more: Untruths that appeared to be mere hyperbole or humor, or delivered purely for effect, or what could generously be called rounding errors. Mr. Trump’s campaign, which dismissed this compilation as “silly,” offered responses on every point, but in none of the following instances did the responses support his assertions.

If you read this and if you think, having someone in the WhiteHouse so out of touch with any reality is simply horrifying.

I can honestly understand being anti Clinton...I truely can. But at the expense of your country ?

Do you know, if anyone but Clinton was the opponent, Trump would have simply quit months ago.

I can only hope people wake up...I also want change, but he does not offer change in anyway. He is actually an anti USA candidate and is simply conning everyone.

Why ? You ask. I was perplexed but doing some homework, I believe very strongly his close personal financial ties to Russia, Turkey AND Iran are answers. His flat out refusal to allow his taxes, hypocritically defended by his supporters, simply validate it.
Old 09-24-2016, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Who cares what Bruce has to say about anything? Who the hell is he? He's washed up as a performer & now as a person.
If you say so.
Old 09-24-2016, 02:20 PM
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Opinions are like a holes, cnm like Bruce have only one each, both worthless.
Old 09-24-2016, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
While I admire your attempt to bring facts, reason and sanity to the issue, I've come to the realization that Trumpers are not interested in these things in the least.

They much prefer their newfound freedom to spew in public, their long repressed hatred/bigotry/racism/xenophobia/homophobia/misogyny.

No amount of common sense reasoning, can overcome their emotional attachment to the person who has freed them from their virulent feelings that until now...have ragingly lurked just below the surface.

Even if it affects, in a massively adverse manner...this great nation.

White men are a minority I guess it's our turn to bitch. All that "unfair" stuff you whined about, well now you're doing it to us.

The future won't be kind to women...a future YOU wrought...the minority majority future.

You turned your men into pussies, now you'll be dominated by those men. And I MEAN dominated.

You bit the hand that fed you. You bit the hand that allowed you to bite. You made a big mistake.
Old 09-24-2016, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Opinions are like a holes, cnm like Bruce have only one each, both worthless.
Right on!

calls, ideas, moron, trump, donald

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