Can we at least agree on this...

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Old 11-28-2017, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Reading your hate filled posts about anyone not white makes his post to you very tame, almost civic minded.
I don't recall ever making hateful posts about non whites. You must have me confused with someone else.
Old 11-28-2017, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't recall ever making hateful posts about non whites. You must have me confused with someone else.
I apologize profusely.

I made an assumption I never should have.

I thought for sure it had to be Baldwin.

Please accept my apologies. No way is anyone on a par with Baldwin.

I am sincerely sorry.

I still believe his "wishes" for blacks make the post in question trivial.
Old 11-28-2017, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't recall ever making hateful posts about non whites. You must have me confused with someone else.
Hateful? ALL I do is tell you the truth about them. Can you HATE dogs and cats?

Originally Posted by Guest
I apologize profusely.

I made an assumption I never should have.

I thought for sure it had to be Baldwin.

Please accept my apologies. No way is anyone on a par with Baldwin.

I am sincerely sorry.

I still believe his "wishes" for blacks make the post in question trivial.
Yes...few here are on're still delusional believing the propaganda.

SHOW me ANY EQUALITY between the black PEOPLE as a group and white people as a group.
Old 11-29-2017, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you feel that strongly..."adopt them" for their way it's SUPPOSED to work!

I feel that only those who are deserving should get help. A bum, a criminal...WHY should "we" keep them alive? So they can steal/take some more? The poor...we support their entire lives providing housing, food, phones, TV, WHY would I spend a $ million to give them a "lifesaving" operation? So I can KEEP paying for everything in their lives???

It's insanity. We give and give to them and get nothing but aggravation in return.
Bravo! ! !

If you're so goddamn compassionate, you write the check!

Femo-Fascists are too stupid to comprehend the ethical problem with Type 2 laws...

Old 11-29-2017, 03:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My Thanksgiving wish wasn't answered. You didn't choke to death on a turkey bone.

How Femo-Fascists manipulate: "Oh honey I'm so disappointed in you..."

Femo-Fascists are too stupid to comprehend the ethical problem with Type 2 laws...

Old 11-29-2017, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I’m very familiar with Maine and know for a fact unharnessed healthcare costs have contributed greatly to loss of manufacturing, although it was not the only cause. The 15 million you quote amounts to squat when you consider what the cost of healthcare has done to the state. Say what you want but ACA did nothing to increase healthcare cost but shifted costs around and made healthcare available to more people. I made have missed it but what is your suggestion to address healthcare’s spiraling cost besides “let them eat cake”.
first again people ought to stop with the scare mongering.

"Again removing the individual mandate can serve to meld the cause of tax and healthcare reform.

Again Obamacare under delivered CBO predictions were wrong and Obamacare is 60% below its enrollment target

The mandate translated into a tax between $695 ans $13,380 imposed on 6.5 million American households

While ACA provided coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions it did so by yielding plans that are well above the needs of most consumers. The average
premium was $5,712 in 2016

a recently released study by the Manhattan Institute demonstrates that the ACA's mandate is superfluous to the the ACA's core guarantee of affordable coverage for individuals with pre-exiting conditions

the ACA deliberately carved out the healthiest upper middle class out of the exchange risk pools by giving adults under 26 the right to claim coverage under their parents employer-sponsored plans. so much for shared responsibility.

Of the 18 million people enrolled in the individual mandate , only two million are estimated to have pre-existing conditions.

Repeal of the individual mandate would allow the bulk of them to choose soon to be deregulated insurance at half the cost of the ACA complaint plans "

Chris Pope, senior Fellow Mnhattan Institute

In my view health insurance providers ought to be able to market across state lines. they ought to be able to market products that fit people's needs.

for those individuals truly destitute shared risk pools should be established and shared in proportion of an insurance companies health insurance population.
Also medicaid subsidies ought to be block granted out to individual states to be used as they situations deem vis a vis being held by the fed.

Personal Best Regards;
Old 11-29-2017, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
first again people ought to stop with the scare mongering.

"Again removing the individual mandate can serve to meld the cause of tax and healthcare reform.

Again Obamacare under delivered CBO predictions were wrong and Obamacare is 60% below its enrollment target

The mandate translated into a tax between $695 ans $13,380 imposed on 6.5 million American households

While ACA provided coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions it did so by yielding plans that are well above the needs of most consumers. The average
premium was $5,712 in 2016

a recently released study by the Manhattan Institute demonstrates that the ACA's mandate is superfluous to the the ACA's core guarantee of affordable coverage for individuals with pre-exiting conditions

the ACA deliberately carved out the healthiest upper middle class out of the exchange risk pools by giving adults under 26 the right to claim coverage under their parents employer-sponsored plans. so much for shared responsibility.

Of the 18 million people enrolled in the individual mandate , only two million are estimated to have pre-existing conditions.

Repeal of the individual mandate would allow the bulk of them to choose soon to be deregulated insurance at half the cost of the ACA complaint plans "

Chris Pope, senior Fellow Mnhattan Institute

In my view health insurance providers ought to be able to market across state lines. they ought to be able to market products that fit people's needs.

for those individuals truly destitute shared risk pools should be established and shared in proportion of an insurance companies health insurance population.
Also medicaid subsidies ought to be block granted out to individual states to be used as they situations deem vis a vis being held by the fed.

Personal Best Regards;
You wrote a very lengthy reply but did not answer my simple question. We are either going to reduce the amount of healthcare that is currently being delivered now or we are going to change where the money comes from to pay for it. You speak of risk pools and tailoring insurance policies to allow people to buy coverage they need. That sounds good but does not change the amount of healthcare needed or being used in this country. You have to limit care or come up with money to pay for it regardless of what the Manhattan Institute said.
Old 11-29-2017, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You wrote a very lengthy reply but did not answer my simple question. We are either going to reduce the amount of healthcare that is currently being delivered now or we are going to change where the money comes from to pay for it. You speak of risk pools and tailoring insurance policies to allow people to buy coverage they need. That sounds good but does not change the amount of healthcare needed or being used in this country. You have to limit care or come up with money to pay for it regardless of what the Manhattan Institute said.
Good luck on getting a direct answer.
Old 12-02-2017, 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
YOU help who YOU decide to help...I help who I decide to help. IF they "struggle and try"...they deserve help. If they don't, if they sit home and party all day...they DON'T deserve help and "we" should NOT be FORCED to give them up to $60,000 a year in benefits.

We spend all this money on trying to get the poor out of doesn't work because we've made welfare too generous...they don't want to leave it.

Let me add...the poor are coming from all over the world to live in America...for more struggling, plenty of food...a TV! 100 million "American's" are either a born out of country immigrant themselves or their children. 1/3 of the American population is "new"...they themselves arriving here or their child. And MOST are Hispanics! They ARE breeding us out!
Bravo! Femo-Fascists and their two-faced politicians are soooo compassionate with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.

Old 12-02-2017, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You wrote a very lengthy reply but did not answer my simple question. We are either going to reduce the amount of healthcare that is currently being delivered now or we are going to change where the money comes from to pay for it. You speak of risk pools and tailoring insurance policies to allow people to buy coverage they need. That sounds good but does not change the amount of healthcare needed or being used in this country. You have to limit care or come up with money to pay for it regardless of what the Manhattan Institute said.
First, need I remind you that Obamacare didn't succeed, in fact it failed miserably in gaining healthcare coverage for its target group. All Obamacare did was increase the cost of health insurance for everyone else.

And need I remind you again it was an intentional failure because all Obama wanted to do was start with Obamacare and as a means to implement a single payer plan.

You make light of risk pools but that is how substandard risk are covered in auto, commercial and personal lines of insurance. You make light of interstate marketing but that provides more opportunity for reasonable pricing and hence more affordable insurance with policies that meet people's needs You make light of medicaid block grants to states but they are more effective reduce fraud and abuse and assist in meeting the objective.

You may know healthcare but your reaction to the aforementioned seems to indicate that you know little about insurance. But then, that was the problem with Obamacare and we are all feeling the intentional consequence of "a policy that had to be passed before we knew what was in it".

Actually all Obama had to do was focus on the so called uninsured and provide a risk pool to meet their needs but again his intention wasn't about healthcare it was about more control and healthcare covers 1/6 of our economy

You also confuse this topic (insurance) with actual healthcare. Healthcare will improve with growing technology and the changing paradigms being constructed by healthcare providers thus increasing case loads at reduced costs. Actually this area should be where government needs to focus vis a vis stealing more money from taxpayers for their lame ideas.

Based on your comments I am left with the impression that you favor a single payer system. I can't think of a better manner in which to control peoples lives than have nanny government decide every facet of a citizens life. Government picks winners and losers and their choices always seem to favor the political class and the 1% of the 1% and with terrible results.

Why is it progressives are always more generous with other people's money but not their own?

I have answered your questions, but essentially we are never going to agree because we are on different ideological and philosophical levels.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-02-2017, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
First, need I remind you that Obamacare didn't succeed, in fact it failed miserably in gaining healthcare coverage for its target group. All Obamacare did was increase the cost of health insurance for everyone else.

And need I remind you again it was an intentional failure because all Obama wanted to do was start with Obamacare and as a means to implement a single payer plan.

You make light of risk pools but that is how substandard risk are covered in auto, commercial and personal lines of insurance. You make light of interstate marketing but that provides more opportunity for reasonable pricing and hence more affordable insurance with policies that meet people's needs You make light of medicaid block grants to states but they are more effective reduce fraud and abuse and assist in meeting the objective.

You may know healthcare but your reaction to the aforementioned seems to indicate that you know little about insurance. But then, that was the problem with Obamacare and we are all feeling the intentional consequence of "a policy that had to be passed before we knew what was in it".

Actually all Obama had to do was focus on the so called uninsured and provide a risk pool to meet their needs but again his intention wasn't about healthcare it was about more control and healthcare covers 1/6 of our economy

You also confuse this topic (insurance) with actual healthcare. Healthcare will improve with growing technology and the changing paradigms being constructed by healthcare providers thus increasing case loads at reduced costs. Actually this area should be where government needs to focus vis a vis stealing more money from taxpayers for their lame ideas.

Based on your comments I am left with the impression that you favor a single payer system. I can't think of a better manner in which to control peoples lives than have nanny government decide every facet of a citizens life. Government picks winners and losers and their choices always seem to favor the political class and the 1% of the 1% and with terrible results.

Why is it progressives are always more generous with other people's money but not their own?

I have answered your questions, but essentially we are never going to agree because we are on different ideological and philosophical levels.

Personal Best Regards:
But that's their JOB...stealing money from the taxpayers! That's the part you don't get. Their MAIN job is stealing. They "govern" as a means to steal. Most of what the government spends every year goes to the wealthy via the corporations they own/run...through contracts and welfare. Welfare alone provides them with over $1 trillion each year.
Old 12-02-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
But that's their JOB...stealing money from the taxpayers! That's the part you don't get. Their MAIN job is stealing. They "govern" as a means to steal. Most of what the government spends every year goes to the wealthy via the corporations they own/run...through contracts and welfare. Welfare alone provides them with over $1 trillion each year.
Well didn't you pay attention to the Democrats mantra. "Its your patriotic duty to pay taxes and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay..................

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-02-2017, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Good luck on getting a direct answer.
Artful dodger, you wouldn't know or acknowledge a direct answer if your life depended on it.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-02-2017, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
F@cking liberal douches...disagree with their bullsh!t...and they want you dead.

You're such nice and tolerant people.

It's not called Femo-Fascism for nothing...

The Structure Of Politics: Type 1 vs. Type 2 laws

Femo-Fascism 101


Old 12-02-2017, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Artful dodger, you wouldn't know or acknowledge a direct answer if your life depended on it.

Personal Best Regards:
We both know you are now playing the Trump game...accuse them of what you do.

You asked a day or so for examples of Trump lies...I gave you just a short list and you ran, as you will from here.

I don't think The View is on Saturday, so you will need to watch reruns to get caught up on your "news"

You are so divorced from reality, it is scary

I ask you a question on almost every have NEVER responded, and you are so devoid of the world happenings and hung up on the past...

cut, tax

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