Can we at least agree on this...

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Old 12-02-2017, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Well didn't you pay attention to the Democrats mantra. "Its your patriotic duty to pay taxes and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay..................

Personal Best Regards:
Do you know what the deficit is ? Really ?

I have been preaching and preaching...I thought the democrats were devious and just spending, but the GOP, which used to stand for something has outdone them with this bill.

You refuse to accept what almost every economist is saying about this bill, and how much American citizens oppose it.

This bill is an exact opposite of what my ex Party preached for so long.
Old 12-02-2017, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
First, need I remind you that Obamacare didn't succeed, in fact it failed miserably in gaining healthcare coverage for its target group. All Obamacare did was increase the cost of health insurance for everyone else.

And need I remind you again it was an intentional failure because all Obama wanted to do was start with Obamacare and as a means to implement a single payer plan.

You make light of risk pools but that is how substandard risk are covered in auto, commercial and personal lines of insurance. You make light of interstate marketing but that provides more opportunity for reasonable pricing and hence more affordable insurance with policies that meet people's needs You make light of medicaid block grants to states but they are more effective reduce fraud and abuse and assist in meeting the objective.

You may know healthcare but your reaction to the aforementioned seems to indicate that you know little about insurance. But then, that was the problem with Obamacare and we are all feeling the intentional consequence of "a policy that had to be passed before we knew what was in it".

Actually all Obama had to do was focus on the so called uninsured and provide a risk pool to meet their needs but again his intention wasn't about healthcare it was about more control and healthcare covers 1/6 of our economy

You also confuse this topic (insurance) with actual healthcare. Healthcare will improve with growing technology and the changing paradigms being constructed by healthcare providers thus increasing case loads at reduced costs. Actually this area should be where government needs to focus vis a vis stealing more money from taxpayers for their lame ideas.

Based on your comments I am left with the impression that you favor a single payer system. I can't think of a better manner in which to control peoples lives than have nanny government decide every facet of a citizens life. Government picks winners and losers and their choices always seem to favor the political class and the 1% of the 1% and with terrible results.

Why is it progressives are always more generous with other people's money but not their own?

I have answered your questions, but essentially we are never going to agree because we are on different ideological and philosophical levels.

Personal Best Regards:

Obamacare is a huge Type 2 screwing. What are you going to do about Type 2 screwing?

Old 12-02-2017, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Do you know what the deficit is ? Really ?

I have been preaching and preaching...I thought the democrats were devious and just spending, but the GOP, which used to stand for something has outdone them with this bill.

You refuse to accept what almost every economist is saying about this bill, and how much American citizens oppose it.

This bill is an exact opposite of what my ex Party preached for so long.
Well there are at least two EX conservative republicans on this forum. Anyone with children and grandchildren that supports this so called jobs bill should wear dark glasses so they don’t have to look these kids in the eye. You have picked poorly elevated Trump to hero status.
Old 12-02-2017, 06:17 PM
Join Date: n/a
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Originally Posted by Guest
Do you know what the deficit is ? Really ?

I have been preaching and preaching...I thought the democrats were devious and just spending, but the GOP, which used to stand for something has outdone them with this bill.

You refuse to accept what almost every economist is saying about this bill, and how much American citizens oppose it.

This bill is an exact opposite of what my ex Party preached for so long.
You HAD to vote for a D or an just HAD to...because THEY told you..."ours is the ONLY viable candidate". You're ALL stupid fools. YOU make a candidate viable by VOTING for him!

The spending will go'll double. I've been telling you it'll double under Trump. Since before the election.

cut, tax

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