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Old 02-15-2017, 04:19 PM
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To the Trump supporters whom really believed Obamacare was going to be replaced with something better and cheaper, those two descriptors don't go together. It is going to be Medicare for all or it is going to be rationing according to income. Americans are addicted to government spending and our congress hasn't had the courage to stop it. I personally believe the protests and rioting are just starting and will escalate with any spending reduction by Feds.
Old 02-15-2017, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sandy, you are pretty funny....really.

I AM a convert. I was a Democrat when I turned 18 and then converted shortly after. My Dad was a REAL Democrat from the old DemocratIC party. Before it went socialist. My dad would turn over in his grave to see what it is today. I was a Democrat in my first election, but ended up voting for more Republicans than Democrats so I converted. Now, I ONLY vote for Republicans or Independents. Once you start working for a living, it's a pretty easy choice.
I worked all my life for a living and I vote for the best or in some cases the least worst candidate. I consider myself a Kennedy Democrat as that is when I was introduced to politics. I have voted for Republicans including Ronnie.

Not sure why you would claim the party is socialist....
Old 02-15-2017, 05:00 PM
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I wonder if he servers fries with his assBURGERS! LOL seriously something is wrong with the Chimp. If he were still in the jungle he would be dead! I don't know who brought him here?
Old 02-15-2017, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I wonder if he servers fries with his assBURGERS! LOL seriously something is wrong with the Chimp. If he were still in the jungle he would be dead! I don't know who brought him here?
You wouldn't be calling the former President of the United States a chimp now would you? And certainly you still don't believe Trump's lie that he was born in Kenya.

Cause if you did mean that we would have a first, wait second racist outed on Talk of the Villages!
Old 02-15-2017, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So give us some CURRENT DAY examples!

And don't bother with the laughable Obama is a racist!

I'll give you a low bar....2-3. Include examples of their racist behavior!
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Obama family

According to your definition, all of them are racists. The list is pretty long if continued. According to the left, everyone is a racist that does not agree with them.
Old 02-15-2017, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You wouldn't be calling the former President of the United States a chimp now would you? And certainly you still don't believe Trump's lie that he was born in Kenya.

Cause if you did mean that we would have a first, wait second racist outed on Talk of the Villages!
You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's the only RATIONAL position to hold. I've yet to hear anyone really refure anything I've said. You THINK you are with opinion, but you have NO facts. No black villages, no black best school... THEY are becoming the majority...a VERY scary thought.
Old 02-15-2017, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Obama family

According to your definition, all of them are racists. The list is pretty long if continued. According to the left, everyone is a racist that does not agree with them.
Not by any definition of the word....its laughable!
Old 02-15-2017, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's the only RATIONAL position to hold. I've yet to hear anyone really refure anything I've said. You THINK you are with opinion, but you have NO facts. No black villages, no black best school... THEY are becoming the majority...a VERY scary thought.
Calling any human being a CHIMP? You think that is OK?

Not sure what you are ranting about black villages....
Old 02-16-2017, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Calling any human being a CHIMP? You think that is OK?

Not sure what you are ranting about black villages....
Who called a "human" a chimp? They called a "chimp" a chimp...they're not us...the proof is all around.

There is NO "black villages". There is no place full of blacks even CLOSE to the villages. It was to make a point that NOWHERE are they us.
Old 02-16-2017, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Republicans talked and talked about repealling Obamacare. They had 7 years to come up with a replacement plan. However, where is that plan now? It was all just talk.

If Obamacare is repealed without a new plan to kick in at the same time, you are going to be losing the pre-existing conditions prohibition, the annual free health assessment, and go back to the donut hole of Part D.

The Trumpanzee has been in office less than a month and his administration is now in a scandal with Russia. VP Pence is a clueless trained monkey. Get Speaker Ryan ready to take over!
It wouldn't matter to you if the "Republicans" did everything just right and even in agreement with your so called beliefs. You just want to fight. OPEN YOUR MIND. Have some patience. Stop with the silly name.

The scandal that you speak of is manufactured by the biased press it seems to me. I see no wrong doing. Russia isn't the same Communist country it was when we were growing up.

The last thing most of us want is to have Speaker Ryan, the "old style very conservative Republican" in control We assuredly don't need all the foolish extreme left either.
Old 02-16-2017, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Who called a "human" a chimp? They called a "chimp" a chimp...they're not us...the proof is all around.

There is NO "black villages". There is no place full of blacks even CLOSE to the villages. It was to make a point that NOWHERE are they us.
Check the previous posts for the Chimp comment....

I think you would agree the all humans tend to seek the company of like minded others. I came here for the sun and GOLF. If you play golf, how many black golfers have you seen on golf courses? Its like the recent Grammy's Adele vs Beyonce both are excellent singers but I prefer Adele.

There are African Americans here in TV and I have played golf with some of them.

However, if you look at other sports whites are in the minority....does that mean we are not successful? Hardly?

To help with this:

Who get Medicaid
Distribution of the Nonelderly with Medicaid by Race/Ethnicity | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Check out Florida

And now the stats on welfare

Welfare Statistics and Demographics – Statistic Brain

Look at the stat for people receiving welfare for more than 5 years.

All I am trying to say is I have learned, overtime, it is never good to paint anything with a broad brush.

Now before you broadside me as a liberal.... I don't think non disabled people should be on welfare for life!
Old 02-16-2017, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by cologal View Post

Now before you broadside me as a liberal.... I don't think non disabled people should be on welfare for life!
How long do you think non disabled people should be on welfare??

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Old 02-16-2017, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It wouldn't matter to you if the "Republicans" did everything just right and even in agreement with your so called beliefs. You just want to fight. OPEN YOUR MIND. Have some patience. Stop with the silly name.

The scandal that you speak of is manufactured by the biased press it seems to me. I see no wrong doing. Russia isn't the same Communist country it was when we were growing up.

The last thing most of us want is to have Speaker Ryan, the "old style very conservative Republican" in control We assuredly don't need all the foolish extreme left either.
You want us to open our minds and yet your mind is closed.
You firmly believe you can't trust the press. In this case that claim just doesn't work.
Gen. Flynn contacted the Russians before the election, thats a fact. But thats NOT the problem Gen. Flynn then LIED to the Vice President about his activities. Because he LIED to the VP he could no longer be trusted! Here is President Trump's Press Secretary explaining why the President ASKED Gen. Flynn to resign.

Sean Spicer Press Conference over Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser, 2/14/17 - YouTube

You ask us for patience from us and I ask you how much patience did you give to President Obama? In fact how much patience did President Trump give Obama. He started the birther movement.
Old 02-16-2017, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How long do you think non disabled people should be on welfare??

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I guess that would depend on why they needed welfare.
Old 02-16-2017, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Check the previous posts for the Chimp comment....

I think you would agree the all humans tend to seek the company of like minded others. I came here for the sun and GOLF. If you play golf, how many black golfers have you seen on golf courses? Its like the recent Grammy's Adele vs Beyonce both are excellent singers but I prefer Adele.

There are African Americans here in TV and I have played golf with some of them.

However, if you look at other sports whites are in the minority....does that mean we are not successful? Hardly?

To help with this:

Who get Medicaid
Distribution of the Nonelderly with Medicaid by Race/Ethnicity | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Check out Florida

And now the stats on welfare

Welfare Statistics and Demographics – Statistic Brain

Look at the stat for people receiving welfare for more than 5 years.

All I am trying to say is I have learned, overtime, it is never good to paint anything with a broad brush.

Now before you broadside me as a liberal.... I don't think non disabled people should be on welfare for life!
People naturally, children naturally, divide up into racial...species...groups., likes to be with like. The races don't belong together. They don't get along together. Diversity causes tension and destroys everywhere it is tried. They are not us.

Yes...unfortunately...there are a few here...snuck in through the back door I guess...encourage them to leave...NOT bring more here. Do you want the villages to become just another city? Or do you like it the way it is? It's the way it is BECAUSE it is 99% white. Show me ANYWHERE that is mosty black that is anything near what the villages is. They are NOT us.

It means we're NOT AS SUCCESSFUL at that particular sport. Compared to blacks, we suck at basketball and football. But we're better at other sports.

We're ALSO better at THOUSANDS...millions...of other things.

YES...lets take a look at welfare...from YOUR statistics:

"Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % 11,405,000 total

Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % 26,884,000 total

Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic 21.2 % 14,392,000 total"

Almost half of blacks are on welfare...minorities combined are almost 85% of welfare.

I'm just broadsiding you for being wrong. Blacks proportionally receive welfare MUCH higher than whites...almost 3 to 1.

Go into ANY welfare's filled with women minorities...with a sprinkling of white girls with black babies.

NOBODY non-disabled should be on welfare...period. If we kicked out the Hispanics, we could get everyone off welfare by giving them all the jobs the Hispanics took from them. Business would rather hire an illegal Hispanic than hire a black...what does that say about them?

part, plan

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