China, N. Korea, Iran, et al toy with humiliating the USA through Obama

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Old 02-19-2016, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Since I have first hand knowledge of intelligence on Korea" Talk is cheap, you were probably playing with dolls when the Korean war was taking place.
No, dolls are for you gays. I was not talking about that far back. Have you ever heard of JICPAC? It's headquarters is in Hawaii, but I was with a detachment of it called JDET in Japan. I am not current with the capabilities of N.Korea, but did know quite a bit about it, mostly classified in the '90's. This is not the forum for indepth details about Korea, but suffice it to say that N.Korea is a tyrant run poverty stricken country that goes through harsh winters and if not for other countries, including the U.S. would starve to death. Every year for decades, they threaten to invade the South until we pay them with ships of rice, and food stuffs. To keep their people from knowing where the supplies are coming from, the ship is commanded to lower it's flags of origin before entering port to unload. The only reason they still exist is solely on the whim and protection of China.
Old 02-19-2016, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Since I have first hand knowledge of intelligence on Korea" Talk is cheap, you were probably playing with dolls when the Korean war was taking place.
So, somehow you came up with "dolls" as your argument on the subject. Is that your thing, dolls? Are you playing with one right now. Perhaps one of Barbie, or would it be dressing GI Joe up in Barbie's clothes? It seems to be your fetish, not that poster's. Hey, different strokes, as they say.

talk, obama, area, ahead, lecture, preach, china, korea, iran, linguine, countries, organizations, spined, inept, diminished, leadership, resolve, kick, absence, america, his/our, knowing, party, die, core

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