Confederate statues are about racism

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Old 08-18-2017, 09:25 AM
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Default Confederate statues are about racism

As the great Paul Harvey would say, "Now you know the rest of the story...."

Give It Up, Folks: Confederate Statues Are All About Racism – Mother Jones
Old 08-18-2017, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As the great Paul Harvey would say, "Now you know the rest of the story...."

Give It Up, Folks: Confederate Statues Are All About Racism – Mother Jones're right...we should all endorse turning earth into "planet of the apes". If that doesn't work out...we can try putting dogs in charge.

Black people...Negroids...are up to 5% genetically DIFFERENT from EVERY other race. That is 1/20th of a difference. That's more of a difference than a chimpanzee. We can use some PIG parts in "humans" but we can't cross between black and the other races in many cases.

"What animal has the most similar DNA to humans?
Apes, Monkeys, And Humans. Humans are most closely related to the great apes of the family Hominidae. This family includes orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos. Of the great apes, humans share 98.8 percent of their DNA with bonobos and chimpanzees."

"Neanderthal-derived DNA accounts for an estimated 1–4% of the Eurasian genome, but it is significantly absent or uncommon in the genome of most groups in Sub-Saharan Africa."

EVERY race is as different from blacks as we are to Neanderthals. As different as we are to Chimpanzees.

Go see for yourself...the organ donation centers clamor for minorities to donate organs for their own people who aren't compatible. Even the Red Cross wants minorities to donate so their own can use the blood. Donated blood is often broken down into its component parts where it is recombined to be compatible with the recipient.

"On average, patients from the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities will wait a year longer for a kidney transplant than a white patient, due to the lack of suitable organs. Blood and tissue types need to match for a successful transplant and organs from people from the same ethnic background are more likely to be a close match."

Organ donation and ethnicity | Organ Donation - English

"Although organ transplants can occur between races, matches are more difficult to achieve for blacks. Transplant recipients must have similar genes in their immune systems to those of the donor. Otherwise, the body will reject the organ.

"The genetic makeup is so broad-based in African-Americans," said Dr. Marquetta Faulkner, chief of nephrology at Meharry Medical College. "African-Americans have a big mix of Caucasian, African — it just depends on your genetic makeup.""

Blacks face tougher time finding kidney for transplant
Old 08-18-2017, 10:55 AM
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The statues were not intended to flag racism.
They were and still are a representation of or legacy/history.

The notion that the flags and statues are racially motivated is a product of those who are in fact racially motivated. Those who would exploit racism to their benefit.

Minority and special interests that when all gets said and done are still the minority.....but treat by the media and politicians as though they were representative of the American people in general.

They are not.
Old 08-18-2017, 10:57 AM
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Default Another hate group member

Originally Posted by Guest're right...we should all endorse turning earth into "planet of the apes". If that doesn't work out...we can try putting dogs in charge.

Black people...Negroids...are up to 5% genetically DIFFERENT from EVERY other race. That is 1/20th of a difference. That's more of a difference than a chimpanzee. We can use some PIG parts in "humans" but we can't cross between black and the other races in many cases.

"What animal has the most similar DNA to humans?
Apes, Monkeys, And Humans. Humans are most closely related to the great apes of the family Hominidae. This family includes orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos. Of the great apes, humans share 98.8 percent of their DNA with bonobos and chimpanzees."

"Neanderthal-derived DNA accounts for an estimated 1–4% of the Eurasian genome, but it is significantly absent or uncommon in the genome of most groups in Sub-Saharan Africa."

EVERY race is as different from blacks as we are to Neanderthals. As different as we are to Chimpanzees.

Go see for yourself...the organ donation centers clamor for minorities to donate organs for their own people who aren't compatible. Even the Red Cross wants minorities to donate so their own can use the blood. Donated blood is often broken down into its component parts where it is recombined to be compatible with the recipient.

"On average, patients from the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities will wait a year longer for a kidney transplant than a white patient, due to the lack of suitable organs. Blood and tissue types need to match for a successful transplant and organs from people from the same ethnic background are more likely to be a close match."

Organ donation and ethnicity | Organ Donation - English

"Although organ transplants can occur between races, matches are more difficult to achieve for blacks. Transplant recipients must have similar genes in their immune systems to those of the donor. Otherwise, the body will reject the organ.

"The genetic makeup is so broad-based in African-Americans," said Dr. Marquetta Faulkner, chief of nephrology at Meharry Medical College. "African-Americans have a big mix of Caucasian, African — it just depends on your genetic makeup.""

Blacks face tougher time finding kidney for transplant
Which of the Florida hate groups do you belong?
Mapping Florida's hate: Tampa Bay home to hate groups like KKK | Tampa Bay Times
Old 08-18-2017, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The statues were not intended to flag racism.
They were and still are a representation of or legacy/history.

The notion that the flags and statues are racially motivated is a product of those who are in fact racially motivated. Those who would exploit racism to their benefit.

Minority and special interests that when all gets said and done are still the minority.....but treat by the media and politicians as though they were representative of the American people in general.

They are not.
NO...they are NOT a minority...not any more. Whites are 49% of the population and it drops every year.

WHY do you think this is happening? MANY of our cities ARE a minority majority, a big majority. They are electing people THEY want elected...minorities...and THOSE are the ones fighting to have these "reminders" of white history removed. The "losers" are breeding out the "winners" and taking over.

"Out of the cities that had a peak population of 500,000 or more before 1990, the cities now classified as majority–minority include Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Washington D.C., Chicago, Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, St. Louis, Buffalo, New York City, Tampa, Cincinnati, Cleveland, ..."

"The following is a list of United States cities, towns, and unincorporated areas (Census Designated Places) in which a majority (over 50%) of the population is African American or Black."

There must be 1,000 of them...look at the list:

List of U.S. communities with African-American majority populations - Wikipedia

"America" is lost...
Old 08-18-2017, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Prove me wrong boyer...prove me wrong.
Old 08-19-2017, 07:22 AM
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I am not being racist with this comment, but I just want you to think openly. I am not defending slavery, it was wrong.

If not for the slave owners, how many Blacks would be in the US today? They came from tribes and would never have been able to get here on their own.
Old 08-19-2017, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am not being racist with this comment, but I just want you to think openly. I am not defending slavery, it was wrong.

If not for the slave owners, how many Blacks would be in the US today? They came from tribes and would never have been able to get here on their own.
None would be here.

In fact, back in Africa, they STILL live like the cavemen they grass and mud huts, scratching in the dirt for roots and grubs. They would be starving, killed by another tribe, or enslaved by another tribe. Most blacks lived better as slaves than "in the wild" the bush...back in Africa. They're certainly better off now.

Compare the life of a typical black in America today with that of a typical black back in Africa...there's NO comparison. They live like kings...but that's not enough. They want everything we have too.
Old 08-19-2017, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The statues were not intended to flag racism.
They were and still are a representation of or legacy/history.

The notion that the flags and statues are racially motivated is a product of those who are in fact racially motivated. Those who would exploit racism to their benefit.

Minority and special interests that when all gets said and done are still the minority.....but treat by the media and politicians as though they were representative of the American people in general.

They are not.
It is more about sensitivity now in 2017 with what African American slaves went through when they were in bondage. I do not have a problem with moving these monuments to places where historians and history lovers can view them without fear of reprisals of some kind. We should not forget history but that goes for both sides. And things have changed quite a bit in the US since we have a African-American President for eight years. There is no way to go back to what things were like before 2009 even if some people want to try.
Old 08-19-2017, 08:35 AM
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If you favor keeping Confederate monuments, then I propose we create some addition monuments in America.

(1) A monument to the Native American warriors who slaughtered General Custer and the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

(2) A monument to the Viet Cong, as our destructive war with them is part of our history.

(3) A monument to King George of England, and another to British Generals Gage, Burgoyne, and Cornwallis, with whom we fought to obtain our independence.

(4) A monument to the traitor Benedict Arnold, honoring his valiant service to the British after he betrayed his country.

(5) A monument to the soldiers of Germany, Spain, Mexico, the Barbary Pirates, the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS, Osama bin Ladin, and Iraqis under Saddam Hussein and any other groups with which Americans have warred in it's history.

(6) And finally to Mother Russia, with whom we fought a decades long Cold War, but especially to thank them for their interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Yes, let's honor these groups because they are all contributors to and a part of our "history" and culture.

Ridiculous? Of course.

Our enemies are not our culture and are not to be honored. Confederate statues honor slavery, racism, rebellion, treason, and the only serious attempt in our storied history to destroy the country that we all profess to love and honor.
Old 08-19-2017, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you favor keeping Confederate monuments, then I propose we create some addition monuments in America.

(1) A monument to the Native American warriors who slaughtered General Custer and the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

(2) A monument to the Viet Cong, as our destructive war with them is part of our history.

(3) A monument to King George of England, and another to British Generals Gage, Burgoyne, and Cornwallis, with whom we fought to obtain our independence.

(4) A monument to the traitor Benedict Arnold, honoring his valiant service to the British after he betrayed his country.

(5) A monument to the soldiers of Germany, Spain, Mexico, the Barbary Pirates, the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS, Osama bin Ladin, and Iraqis under Saddam Hussein and any other groups with which Americans have warred in it's history.

(6) And finally to Mother Russia, with whom we fought a decades long Cold War, but especially to thank them for their interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Yes, let's honor these groups because they are all contributors to and a part of our "history" and culture.

Ridiculous? Of course.

Our enemies are not our culture and are not to be honored. Confederate statues honor slavery, racism, rebellion, treason, and the only serious attempt in our storied history to destroy the country that we all profess to love and honor.
Old 08-19-2017, 09:32 AM
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Ever seen drawings of what the inside of a slave ship looked like? You make it sound like it was a first class trip all the way complete with WIFI and a free glass of wine.

Life on board slave ships - International Slavery Museum, Liverpool museums
Old 08-19-2017, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It is more about sensitivity now in 2017 with what African American slaves went through when they were in bondage. I do not have a problem with moving these monuments to places where historians and history lovers can view them without fear of reprisals of some kind. We should not forget history but that goes for both sides. And things have changed quite a bit in the US since we have a African-American President for eight years. There is no way to go back to what things were like before 2009 even if some people want to try.
Really? What modern day blacks were in bondage to be "sensitive" to it? The refugees maybe...that have just come from Africa. You see...they STILL practice slavery in Africa...they STILL go into the bush and snatch "people" for slaves.

Yes...we should NOT forget that the black slaves were stone age cavemen living without written language, the wheel, draft animals...NO modern technology. They're GENETICALLY not us.

No...we can't go back to the late 1950s...when America was great...and white. Americas destiny is as a Mexico II.

Originally Posted by Guest
If you favor keeping Confederate monuments, then I propose we create some addition monuments in America.

(1) A monument to the Native American warriors who slaughtered General Custer and the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

(2) A monument to the Viet Cong, as our destructive war with them is part of our history.

(3) A monument to King George of England, and another to British Generals Gage, Burgoyne, and Cornwallis, with whom we fought to obtain our independence.

(4) A monument to the traitor Benedict Arnold, honoring his valiant service to the British after he betrayed his country.

(5) A monument to the soldiers of Germany, Spain, Mexico, the Barbary Pirates, the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS, Osama bin Ladin, and Iraqis under Saddam Hussein and any other groups with which Americans have warred in it's history.

(6) And finally to Mother Russia, with whom we fought a decades long Cold War, but especially to thank them for their interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Yes, let's honor these groups because they are all contributors to and a part of our "history" and culture.

Ridiculous? Of course.

Our enemies are not our culture and are not to be honored. Confederate statues honor slavery, racism, rebellion, treason, and the only serious attempt in our storied history to destroy the country that we all profess to love and honor.
None of those you mentioned were HALF the countries WHY use them as an example? NA Indians are STILL independent sovereign nations. Germans are't citizens, neither are the Russians. You're examples are ludicrous.

This is more like when the Ds win...ALL the conservative monuments are taken down and when the Rs win...ALL the liberal monuments are taken down. They were AMERICANS exercising their Constitutional RIGHT of secession. Lincoln broke the law by leaving the troops on Ft Sumter thereby baiting the south into acting first. The truth isn't want you think it is. The south is demonized because THEY LOST. Germany is demonized because THEY LOST.

Originally Posted by Guest
Ever seen drawings of what the inside of a slave ship looked like? You make it sound like it was a first class trip all the way complete with WIFI and a free glass of wine.

Life on board slave ships - International Slavery Museum, Liverpool museums
Have you ever seen the cages that people put their pets in for travel? Or when the owners leave the house? Or the cages chimpanzees are kept in?

What's the difference? An animal is an animal...they ALL communicate they're not happy being caged. Why should some animals be treated better/worse than others?

Speaking of drawings and's always the same few over and over. The absolute worst cases...out of millions. MOST slaves were treated well...most farmers don't abuse their "equipment". Many slaves didn't want to go when offered freedom. Many also argue that blacks were better off under slavery then free.

Look how they live in the inner cities...look how they'd be living without welfare. Almost half of them collect it. Go down to the welfare office if you don't believe me...90% blacks and Hispanics...a sprinkling of white ho's with their black kids. If it wasn't for welfare, they'd starve, they'd be homeless. They'd be even MORE dangerous and destructive than they are now.
Old 08-19-2017, 11:55 AM
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The Democratic party led by no other than Nancy Pelosi in an obvious move to win votes endorses tearing down confederate symbols nationwide. This is not surprising because the radical wing of the Democratic Party are all fascist and fascist by nature tear down vis a vis build up. Wait until the left moves to our libraries and starts the book burning bonfires .

Who will restore law and order????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-19-2017, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The Democratic party led by no other than Nancy Pelosi in an obvious move to win votes endorses tearing down confederate symbols nationwide. This is not surprising because the radical wing of the Democratic Party are all fascist and fascist by nature tear down vis a vis build up. Wait until the left moves to our libraries and starts the book burning bonfires .

Who will restore law and order????????????????

Personal Best Regards:
Why would they do that? They've already been through the list and removed and replaced anything they don't deem suitable. Reading our history wonder "where are all the white people"?

rest, story, harvey, statues, racism

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