Conservative Way_ A Sharing

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Old 04-22-2017, 01:46 PM
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Default Conservative Way_ A Sharing

Joe Angione was quick to write when Obama won the presidency that the people had spoken, he was OUR president and that we needed to give him our full support for the benefit of this nation.

Joe has expressed well what many people in this nation believe is of great concern being created by a small segment of this nation.

4/22/17 New opinions in America’s battle against political corruption

Joe Angione is a former columnist for The Villages Daily Sun, and can be reached by email by clicking HERE

Treasonous Deep State pushes America’s “Doomsday Clock” forward

While we’re focused on the growing possibility of war with North Korea and Russia--and how that may bring us to the end of the world--we might forget about the “doomsday clock” that’s ticking off the final minutes to America’s second civil war.
We’ve got a lot to be worried about. But the most serious of these dangers could be how quickly our second civil war “doomsday clock” is moving ahead. Should it reach its destructive midnight, there may be no stopping the entire free world from being plunged into war and oblivion.
At the heart of what’s driving our doomsday clock forward is the activity of the “deep state” an evil shadow government led by frustrated liberals maddened because they’ve lost control of the nation. They are people like Barack Obama, George Soros and Hillary Clinton joined by Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, and House Democrat leader, Nancy Pelosi.
All of them are hopelessly infected with “Trump derangement syndrome,” a virulent disease of the mind and soul that compels people to resist Donald Trump’s presidency to such a degree that nothing gets done by the federal government to serve and protect the American people.
Those infected with this syndrome can’t see, or refuse to see, that their unanimous defiance of Trump’s plans for things like immigration control, health care reform, tax reduction, job growth, economic progress and rebuilding our national defense becomes a huge advantage to enemy nations that want to destroy us. And as such, the chaos they’ve brought to Washington is taking on the look and smell of treason. Some observers like Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Michael Goodwin, even assert that “Trump derangement syndrome is no temporarily insane reaction, but rather a calculated plan to wreck the presidency, whatever the cost to the country.”
When Barack Obama’s vast, well-funded “Organizing for Action” and George Soros’ “Open Society” foundations--that are dedicated to community agitation and civil unrest--sponsor unruly demonstrations wherever Republicans hold town-hall meetings…when they incite violent protests on college campuses…when they stir up angry public gatherings that demand Donald Trump’s impeachment … they hack away at the vital civic processes that bind our nation together.
When they promote class and racial hatred that shatter America’s cohesiveness, its unified vision and purpose, we become a “house divided against itself”…one that cannot stand… and will surely succumb either to the mindless rabble that resides within or to the dictators and terrorists who gather outside our gates.
For these reasons, the hands of America’s “doomsday clock” have advanced to 20 minutes passed the eleventh hour. At this speed Americans might be taking up arms against each other by year’s end. How tragic…how dreadful an ending for the “land of the free, and the home of the brave.” God please help us in our terrifying hour of need.

Personal Best Regards:

nation, people, war, sharing, conservative

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