Conservatives Are Individual Thinkers

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Old 02-13-2017, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guests:

Despite all the caterwauling by progressives they cannot escape the many truths.

Donald Trump won the election. Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Donald Trump is intent on keeping in the spirit of his campaign promises despite heavy resistance from the left, resistance that has been in the planning stages since Hillary lost the election.

Donald Trump has assembled a wide array of cabinet positions , etc which the left is peddling as "disarray" and its no surprise since progressive operate in a collective and the instrument of their demise.

Trump has not only chosen very capable people but he has directed them to speak out. Trump has let it be known that he does not see disagreement as the problem but as a method for the soundest and surest solutions.

In our democracy we have learned that the competition
of ideas is our strength.

Progressives have lock stepped to the beat of the collective for so long, be it big intrusive government, unions, and especially focused on a single ideology it caused their failure. Its political inbreeding and it caused them to lose their creativity, curiosity, innovativeness and vitality.

Personal Best Regards:
I consider myself a conservative on most issues and I am a card carrying Republican. That said I do have problems with Trump. It is my opinion he has signs of a narcissistic personality disorder. His inability to accept any criticism and his constant "tweets" are signs of a truly self-centered person.

In short, a good CEO who made a lot of money by "Working the system" does not make a President. The one excellent choice he has made is Vice President Pence. Thank God we have him as a back up. In addition, the President of the United States is not a CEO who can bully everyone in his company to always get it done his way-----we have a series of checks and balances in this country. BTY Trump is really quite progressive on a lot of issues as we will see as time passes.

Eisenhower perhaps said it best. ''I despise people who go to the gutter on either the left or right and hurl rocks at those in the center".

Very Best Regards
Old 02-13-2017, 09:38 AM
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Better to title it:

Conservatives are INDEPENDENT thinkers.

The left are dependent on just about every facet of life. So, they also get their talking points handed to them so that they can argue their failed ideology, socialism and sometimes anarchy. Today's left are just an American version of ISIS. Destructive and non-producing. Take from others that have because they believe that the wealthy OWE them. Simply, terrorist infants.
Old 02-13-2017, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

You were close to getting it right EXCEPT you error by using the wrong preposition. Your sentence should have read:

Conservative only thing FOR themselves.

Again my initial post spoke to the problems associated with progressives and their collectives leaders lead them like sheep to the slaughter. Progressive policies ironically have been counterproductive (ie regressive) in that they sow the seeds of wider division, they are certainly not uplifting, and they fuel the moral decline of this nation.

Now get ready for this shocking statement because it is going to blow your progressive mind: Donald Trump won the election because the mainstream population disagreed with the direction this nation was going and demanded course corrections.

the real reason progressive rally against Trump is because they knew he had the intestinal fortitude to push ahead with policies that will effect this course corrections.

Progressive pundits actually believed that an establishment, and easily beatable, candidate like Jeb Bush would win the nomination but were fooled.

Then they all believed and laughed that Trump would never prevail but he did.

The result is progressives did not have a Plan B because the believed Hillary would prevail. Why? Because they believed by dragged out that tired slogan "the first", "the first"woman president, except the first black president didn't pan out too well

Personal Best Regards:
For someone who time and again made spelling and grammatical errors, you shouldn't be throwing stones.
Old 02-13-2017, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I consider myself a conservative on most issues and I am a card carrying Republican. That said I do have problems with Trump. It is my opinion he has signs of a narcissistic personality disorder. His inability to accept any criticism and his constant "tweets" are signs of a truly self-centered person.

In short, a good CEO who made a lot of money by "Working the system" does not make a President. The one excellent choice he has made is Vice President Pence. Thank God we have him as a back up. In addition, the President of the United States is not a CEO who can bully everyone in his company to always get it done his way-----we have a series of checks and balances in this country. BTY Trump is really quite progressive on a lot of issues as we will see as time passes.

Eisenhower perhaps said it best. ''I despise people who go to the gutter on either the left or right and hurl rocks at those in the center".

Very Best Regards
''I despise people who go to the gutter on either the left or right and hurl rocks at those in the center".

You should practice what you preach.
Old 02-13-2017, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I consider myself a conservative on most issues and I am a card carrying Republican. That said I do have problems with Trump. It is my opinion he has signs of a narcissistic personality disorder. His inability to accept any criticism and his constant "tweets" are signs of a truly self-centered person.

In short, a good CEO who made a lot of money by "Working the system" does not make a President. The one excellent choice he has made is Vice President Pence. Thank God we have him as a back up. In addition, the President of the United States is not a CEO who can bully everyone in his company to always get it done his way-----we have a series of checks and balances in this country. BTY Trump is really quite progressive on a lot of issues as we will see as time passes.

Eisenhower perhaps said it best. ''I despise people who go to the gutter on either the left or right and hurl rocks at those in the center".

Very Best Regards
Dear Guest:

Allow me to address your last comment first. I agree and make every attempt to simply point counterpoint. However, there are a few trolls on this forum and after several good faith efforts to make peace and attempts to ignore them I had to act.

As to Trump. My party affiliation is also of no consequences I will not follow the party line if I disagree and I have disagreed with some of Trump's approaches.

However Trump is abiding by his promises and he is moving froward despite the heavy resistance he is getting from his opponent and the lies being promulgated via the media.

Any policy decision takes time to take hold.

All the progressives are doing is making noise. Give the guy a chance. His tactics are new and their intentional and they are going to pay off. progressive are laughing but Trump is about as dumb as a fox and he is going to have the last laugh.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-13-2017, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Better to title it:

Conservatives are INDEPENDENT thinkers.

The left are dependent on just about every facet of life. So, they also get their talking points handed to them so that they can argue their failed ideology, socialism and sometimes anarchy. Today's left are just an American version of ISIS. Destructive and non-producing. Take from others that have because they believe that the wealthy OWE them. Simply, terrorist infants.
BECAUSE...the LEFT is women and minorities...who CAN'T as a group, be independent. They ALWAYS need help.
Old 02-14-2017, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For someone who time and again made spelling and grammatical errors, you shouldn't be throwing stones.
My keyboarding skills are terrible. My fingers just are not as nimble as they use to be. Its my fault for growing old.
I apologize

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-14-2017, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Better to title it:

Conservatives are INDEPENDENT thinkers.

The left are dependent on just about every facet of life. So, they also get their talking points handed to them so that they can argue their failed ideology, socialism and sometimes anarchy. Today's left are just an American version of ISIS. Destructive and non-producing. Take from others that have because they believe that the wealthy OWE them. Simply, terrorist infants.
Dear "Guest"

Perhaps your wording is better. My intent was to point out that conservatives think for themselves, as individuals and not as a collective.

Your analysis above is spot on and that is why progressives have had such an adverse reaction to Trump. Conservative deplore big government
Thanks for the assist.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-14-2017, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear "Guest"

Perhaps your wording is better. My intent was to point out that conservatives think for themselves, as individuals and not as a collective.

Your analysis above is spot on and that is why progressives have had such an adverse reaction to Trump. Conservative deplore big government
Thanks for the assist.

Personal Best Regards:
Conservatives are MOSTLY white people and white men specifically.

Can't you see the relationship?

Women/minorities...liberal and needy.

White men...conservative and independent.

THIS is how the REAL world breaks down.

THIS is why the white villages and ALL the other "white" gated communities are ALWAYS better than the poor, dirty, violent, hellholes that the minorities occupy. ALWAYS...every time. There is not...on this entire planet with 9 billion people...ONE 99% black place of any significant size...that we would want to make our home.

When blacks gather in large's INEVITABLE that it will morph into your typical MLK Blvd. Every time. There are NO exceptions. There is not one MLK Blvd that you would want to make your address. Or better...your granddaughter's address. The acid test is...would you want your granddaughter to live there?
Old 02-14-2017, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My keyboarding skills are terrible. My fingers just are not as nimble as they use to be. Its my fault for growing old.
I apologize

Personal Best Regards:
If you know that, why do you find it necessary to judge and criticize others ?
Old 02-14-2017, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My keyboarding skills are terrible. My fingers just are not as nimble as they use to be. Its my fault for growing old.
I apologize

Personal Best Regards:
That's not the point.
Old 02-14-2017, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you know that, why do you find it necessary to judge and criticize others ?
I don't criticize others I assess their comments not them.
Find one post in Political Talk where I mentioned the poster's name. AlwaysIi begin with Dear Poster /Guest..never the person's username. My comments speak to their allegations/comments not directly to the poster. I don't judge others I judge the logic of their comments. and notice that I take the time to respond to their comments and do not avoid debate with factless accusations or name calling. Because I am not a hater I always end with

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-14-2017, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't criticize others I assess their comments not them.
Find one post in Political Talk where I mentioned the poster's name. AlwaysIi begin with Dear Poster /Guest..never the person's username. My comments speak to their allegations/comments not directly to the poster. I don't judge others I judge the logic of their comments. and notice that I take the time to respond to their comments and do not avoid debate with factless accusations or name calling. Because I am not a hater I always end with

Personal Best Regards:
The only time you even post is on threads where there is an opportunity to defame a group, whether Democrats, progressives, blacks or some other group of people.

You simply shout about issues but never post...only with an opening to go after the aforementioned groups.
Old 02-15-2017, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The only time you even post is on threads where there is an opportunity to defame a group, whether Democrats, progressives, blacks or some other group of people.

You simply shout about issues but never post...only with an opening to go after the aforementioned groups.
Dear Poster:

do you hear yourself. Please go back and read what you just said to me.

Again I make it a practice to "save face" and there are times when some troll on here makes ridiculous and untrue accusations and you just want to let them have it but i don't. and because i don't these trolls view it as a weakness. but from my side of the picture i simply can't take that low road because it leads to perdition and beside their opinon carries no value and hence no weight

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-15-2017, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The only time you even post is on threads where there is an opportunity to defame a group, whether Democrats, progressives, blacks or some other group of people.

You simply shout about issues but never post...only with an opening to go after the aforementioned groups.

Awww, cry me a river. Why don't you look in the mirror and STFU?

left, thinkers, individual, conservatives

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