Convention reporting highlights there is no "free" press!!!

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Old 07-20-2016, 08:49 AM
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Default Convention reporting highlights there is no "free" press!!!

Anybody who watched Malanie Trumps speech Monday night was impressed and all aglow including all the lettered network reporters and commentators.

Then one of Clintons loyalist reprters, paid to analyze and dig dirt, discovers two lines alleged to be "lifted" from Michelle Obama's speech. After that the sensational story on any network by any reporter was all about plagerizing the speech.

A total and complete distraction designed specifically to take away as much spotlight from MTrump's spectacular speech.

The Clinton anti femisism mechanisn and feminasty patrol at work at it's best.

Last night the lettered network team were making fun out of the days theme of "work" by poking and minimalizing the messages by dwelling on the counting of how many times that night was the word work incorporated. And not reporting the facts or accomplishments of the day/evening.

The media and the Clinton dirt and dirty machine know the American public is fickle, lazy and far too many stupid. They know the weak kneed, party loyalists will be at the head of the line to amplify what ever it is they have been told to say.

The media avoids any shadows or opportunities that contain ANY negative reflection of Clinton or the dem party.

So is there a free press any more?
NO!!! Gone.

So for many of us that is a sad situation for America but not a show stopper because contrary to what the Clinton dirt machine and media think....we are able to reach our own conclusions and it is no myatery the bias and actual mis-informing by the media and the Clintonesque followers.

Unlike the dem lemmings most of us do have a choice. Most of us can still think for ourselves.

It would take a drunk or doped fool to compare Clinton, MObama and MTrump and conclude anything other than the only real female was Trump. The only real American was Trump. The only non-politician is Trump.

MObama are nothing more than political leeches sucking the life out of America for their personal gain. activist; WH phony puppet.
Clinton....felon and killer of Americans; piano shaped liar..
MTrump a real bonafide, natyralized American that does not need the trappings of politics........she and her husband do not need to cheat the American people to become rich and famous.

I have strayed from the subject. Hard not to do so when the ire and anger takes over.

There is no free press in America......anymore.
Old 07-20-2016, 09:24 AM
Posts: n/a

No, the news media today tends to MAKE their news and model it according to their liberal ideology. They do not wish to report the news.

Considering her background, I found the speech to be fairly nice, and I could tell that she did not wish to be up there in the spotlight, making a speech. It was tough for some liberal to come up with one line on the speech that sounded like someone else's, but they did. They worked hard at finding something, anything they could to disparage the woman. They don't want class in the White House, they prefer reality TV and scandals.

They attempted to claim Donald jr's speech was plagiarized until they found out who wrote it for him. That shut them down real fast. IDIOTS!!
Old 07-20-2016, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Speaking of the press, the highlight for me last night was watching the young people standing behind the commentators on CNN holding signs that said -

CNN - Clinton News Network
Don't Believe The Liberal Press

Loved it! Can't believe they weren't promptly removed.
Old 07-20-2016, 12:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Speaking of the press, the highlight for me last night was watching the young people standing behind the commentators on CNN holding signs that said -

CNN - Clinton News Network
Don't Believe The Liberal Press

Loved it! Can't believe they weren't promptly removed.
Old 07-20-2016, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anybody who watched Malanie Trumps speech Monday night was impressed and all aglow including all the lettered network reporters and commentators.

Then one of Clintons loyalist reprters, paid to analyze and dig dirt, discovers two lines alleged to be "lifted" from Michelle Obama's speech. After that the sensational story on any network by any reporter was all about plagerizing the speech.

A total and complete distraction designed specifically to take away as much spotlight from MTrump's spectacular speech.

The Clinton anti femisism mechanisn and feminasty patrol at work at it's best.

Last night the lettered network team were making fun out of the days theme of "work" by poking and minimalizing the messages by dwelling on the counting of how many times that night was the word work incorporated. And not reporting the facts or accomplishments of the day/evening.

The media and the Clinton dirt and dirty machine know the American public is fickle, lazy and far too many stupid. They know the weak kneed, party loyalists will be at the head of the line to amplify what ever it is they have been told to say.

The media avoids any shadows or opportunities that contain ANY negative reflection of Clinton or the dem party.

So is there a free press any more?
NO!!! Gone.

So for many of us that is a sad situation for America but not a show stopper because contrary to what the Clinton dirt machine and media think....we are able to reach our own conclusions and it is no myatery the bias and actual mis-informing by the media and the Clintonesque followers.

Unlike the dem lemmings most of us do have a choice. Most of us can still think for ourselves.

It would take a drunk or doped fool to compare Clinton, MObama and MTrump and conclude anything other than the only real female was Trump. The only real American was Trump. The only non-politician is Trump.

MObama are nothing more than political leeches sucking the life out of America for their personal gain. activist; WH phony puppet.
Clinton....felon and killer of Americans; piano shaped liar..
MTrump a real bonafide, natyralized American that does not need the trappings of politics........she and her husband do not need to cheat the American people to become rich and famous.

I have strayed from the subject. Hard not to do so when the ire and anger takes over.

There is no free press in America......anymore.
I would be ashamed to post a reply like this with all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but you do represent the repub mentality.
Old 07-20-2016, 01:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Anybody who watched Malanie Trumps speech Monday night was impressed and all aglow including all the lettered network reporters and commentators.

Then one of Clintons loyalist reprters, paid to analyze and dig dirt, discovers two lines alleged to be "lifted" from Michelle Obama's speech. After that the sensational story on any network by any reporter was all about plagerizing the speech.

A total and complete distraction designed specifically to take away as much spotlight from MTrump's spectacular speech.

The Clinton anti femisism mechanisn and feminasty patrol at work at it's best.

Last night the lettered network team were making fun out of the days theme of "work" by poking and minimalizing the messages by dwelling on the counting of how many times that night was the word work incorporated. And not reporting the facts or accomplishments of the day/evening.

The media and the Clinton dirt and dirty machine know the American public is fickle, lazy and far too many stupid. They know the weak kneed, party loyalists will be at the head of the line to amplify what ever it is they have been told to say.

The media avoids any shadows or opportunities that contain ANY negative reflection of Clinton or the dem party.

So is there a free press any more?
NO!!! Gone.

So for many of us that is a sad situation for America but not a show stopper because contrary to what the Clinton dirt machine and media think....we are able to reach our own conclusions and it is no myatery the bias and actual mis-informing by the media and the Clintonesque followers.

Unlike the dem lemmings most of us do have a choice. Most of us can still think for ourselves.

It would take a drunk or doped fool to compare Clinton, MObama and MTrump and conclude anything other than the only real female was Trump. The only real American was Trump. The only non-politician is Trump.

MObama are nothing more than political leeches sucking the life out of America for their personal gain. activist; WH phony puppet.
Clinton....felon and killer of Americans; piano shaped liar..
MTrump a real bonafide, natyralized American that does not need the trappings of politics........she and her husband do not need to cheat the American people to become rich and famous.

I have strayed from the subject. Hard not to do so when the ire and anger takes over.

There is no free press in America......anymore.
"the only real female was Trump."

I can atest to that, I saw her in GQ. LOL
Old 07-20-2016, 01:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would be ashamed to post a reply like this with all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but you do represent the repub mentality.
English was this posters 5th language and should be commended!
Old 07-20-2016, 01:46 PM
Posts: n/a

DirecTv Ch 347 runs the Convention no commercials just as it is in the Hall. Focusing on the stage, only cutting away to the people at times showing their signs. And the Code Pink demonstrator. Much better, heard and saw all speeches and the Roll Call, (My favorite where all the States try to make comments, funny, about their states).

CSPAN also runs it as is.

I will look to commentary after the Convention adjourns each night.
Old 07-20-2016, 01:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would be ashamed to post a reply like this with all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but you do represent the repub mentality.
Are you a retired English teacher? Did not seem that bad. Was readable.
Old 07-20-2016, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you a retired English teacher? Did not seem that bad. Was readable.
NO, just able to use spell check.
Old 07-20-2016, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would be ashamed to post a reply like this with all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but you do represent the repub mentality.
What a pathetic response when you know for a fact the greatest number of Hillary backers are low IQ voters!
Old 07-20-2016, 06:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I would be ashamed to post a reply like this with all the misspelling and grammatical errors, but you do represent the repub mentality.
No you just prove how easy it is to bait those who spend more time on such things than content.

Feedback requires no use of cognitave skills. Jst run the mouth befor the brain is engaiged!!

And some of us tale pleasure in supplying mispelled words to put some excitement in the lives of those who spend weigh to much time sorting fly $hit from the pepper.

Old 07-20-2016, 06:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No you just prove how easy it is to bait those who spend more time on such things than content.

Feedback requires no use of cognitave skills. Jst run the mouth befor the brain is engaiged!!

And some of us tale pleasure in supplying mispelled words to put some excitement in the lives of those who spend weigh to much time sorting fly $hit from the pepper.

Go back and read the email and feel free to comment on the subject matter, now that we have been distracted by the grammar BS!
Old 07-20-2016, 06:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No you just prove how easy it is to bait those who spend more time on such things than content.

Feedback requires no use of cognitave skills. Jst run the mouth befor the brain is engaiged!!

And some of us tale pleasure in supplying mispelled words to put some excitement in the lives of those who spend weigh to much time sorting fly $hit from the pepper.

Typical illiterate rep response.
Old 07-21-2016, 07:00 AM
Posts: n/a

Yet here is a big difference between one who starts the attack and one who just defends against it.

speech, work, free, press, reporting

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