Cowardly Cop Resigns

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Old 06-10-2015, 06:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Yeah, I would have to agree on the forcible restraining of the teen girl. However, it is inappropriate for a police officer to take the girl down like he did and then kneel on her. He is probably around 180 pounds versus her 100.

Anyhow, the police chief of the town said publically that this one officer did not act appropriately. The officer's attorney read an apology from the officer. I would say that the case is closed. However, a civil suit probably will ensue.
Old 06-10-2015, 07:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Any one who works as a cop today has to be crazy .... ie you can do 1,000 things correctly and if you, in the heat of a crisis, make a misstep it's game over. Plus the liberals and media will jump on you faster then a French revolutionary.

Best to leave the people to take care of themselves ... given that human nature per Progressive dogma is blissful, we all know that peace and light will be the outcome if we could simply disband all police departments.

Old 06-10-2015, 08:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Cop never beat this girl. He tried to restrain her after she refused to obey his order to leave. Policing is a local and state issue, not federal so Obama, stay out of this. Stop undermining the police and law and order. This cop was under emotional strain having just dealt with two suicide calls prior to this incident this was absolutely not a racial incident but a cop pushed to his limit. I feel sorry for the cop who tried to do his job but in the meantime turned in his badge realizing its just not worth it
Old 06-10-2015, 09:21 PM
Posts: n/a

AND he has received death threats from the assinine ungrateful public!
Old 06-10-2015, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How did you react with your own children? Were your discipline techniques the same as your parents? If you have grandchildren, how do your children differ in how they discipline them?

Definitely, I am not saying you are all wrong in your reply but times do change. Our grandparents thought beating the children with a leather strap was normal. I hope you would not approve of that punishment.
We were disciplined as kids as were our kids and we all turned out well and learned to respect authority. The problem today is the parents want to be friends with their kids, instead of parents. Takes more work to parent, discipline, etc. Easier to give your kids phones, puters, games etc and have more time for you. Break down of family killing our society
Old 06-11-2015, 04:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
AND he has received death threats from the assinine ungrateful public!
I know you don't really mean the "ungrateful public", when in reality it is very limited to only one or two radicals doing their cowardly thing.
Old 06-11-2015, 07:49 AM
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I always get a kick out of IDIOTS that think they know what its like to be a street cop. First off If he was a coward he never would have gotten out of his patrol car until more help arrived. Instead he CHOSE do to his job and tried to restore some civility to an unruly crowd and help a White women who was being assaulted by at least 3 black teens. (watch the hole clip before u shot your mouth off) Secondly I strongly agree as stated above people need to "cut out this race crap". The girl in question was yelling "CALL MY MOMMY" obviously a spoiled brat. Instead of resisting if she and others would have complied with the polices order to sit down or leave the area, officers would have been able to calmly ascertain who committed what crimes and why. Also as previously and correctly stated, "The problem today is the kids have absolutely No respect for authority!" I also would add adults as well. It's time we stop looking for excuses to fault police. If and when a cop does wrong he deserves to be disciplined and when justified arrested. However as we saw in Fergeson, Baltimore and NYC when the facts come out the officers that were blasted in the media were found to have acted appropriately!
Old 06-11-2015, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I don't see this as a cowardly cop what so ever. This is a cop who most likely has had it and I don't blame him one bit. First of all , the cop was called into another possible riot situation. Everyone was yelling, screaming, etc. The cop was trying to get control of the situation before it got completely out of hand. Now when a cop tells you to leave, you leave. If a cop tells you to sit on ground, you sit on ground. The problem today is the kids have absolutely No respect for authority! (And of course that goes back to No parenting, etc). Instead of the President speaking to the black communities about following a police officers orders, he pals around with Sharpton to provoke more violence. The cop most likely got a bit nervous when two guys came up beside him and he pulled out his weapon. Yes he may have over reacted however how can you police today with what is going on. I feel bad for the cop but I do not blame him one bit. We have become a lawless society under this administration and that is who is to blame. Why be a cop today or join the military with limited rules of engagement. Look what happened when cops were told to stand down in Baltimore. This country is spiraling downhill so fast under liberalism. No rules, no parents this is what you get. God bless that cop for trying to do his job
Please explain to all of us who don't see things as clearly as you, how a cop in a very non-urban community was "called into another riot"? What previous riot was he in? How does a pushing fight between a white woman who told black people to go back to section 8 housing and a black teen who took umbrage at that racism constitute a riot? And much more importantly, how is it that this particular cop felt the need to behave in a manner which the approximately 10 other officers on the same scene did not? Either the 10 officers who were calm and interacting with the party goers were incompetent or this one cop was wrong. Completely different behaviors in the exact same "riot". Somebody wasn't doing their job and per your post God is not going to be blessing those other cops as they failed to do it per your vision of those black kids needing less encouragement from Obama and Sharpton and you forgot a few others to not respect cops. Damn liberals thinking black people should be treated the same by cops as white ones. My grandpappy knew how to treat black people before FDR and LBJ destroyed this country.
Old 06-11-2015, 08:55 AM
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I heard that the police officer had just come from a suicide call and was stressed due to that - and I think that would stress anyone.

He has apologized for his behavior. No one injured. Case should be closed.
Old 06-11-2015, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Please explain to all of us who don't see things as clearly as you, how a cop in a very non-urban community was "called into another riot"? What previous riot was he in? How does a pushing fight between a white woman who told black people to go back to section 8 housing and a black teen who took umbrage at that racism constitute a riot? And much more importantly, how is it that this particular cop felt the need to behave in a manner which the approximately 10 other officers on the same scene did not? Either the 10 officers who were calm and interacting with the party goers were incompetent or this one cop was wrong. Completely different behaviors in the exact same "riot". Somebody wasn't doing their job and per your post God is not going to be blessing those other cops as they failed to do it per your vision of those black kids needing less encouragement from Obama and Sharpton and you forgot a few others to not respect cops. Damn liberals thinking black people should be treated the same by cops as white ones. My grandpappy knew how to treat black people before FDR and LBJ destroyed this country.
Your post started out reasonably well, but rolled over and then you gave us an inadvertent look into the liberal mind ... slightly off balance, insufferably arrogant and misplaced sarcasm that reflects on the sender vs the intended target.
Old 06-11-2015, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I always get a kick out of IDIOTS that think they know what its like to be a street cop. First off If he was a coward he never would have gotten out of his patrol car until more help arrived. Instead he CHOSE do to his job and tried to restore some civility to an unruly crowd and help a White women who was being assaulted by at least 3 black teens. (watch the hole clip before u shot your mouth off) Secondly I strongly agree as stated above people need to "cut out this race crap". The girl in question was yelling "CALL MY MOMMY" obviously a spoiled brat. Instead of resisting if she and others would have complied with the polices order to sit down or leave the area, officers would have been able to calmly ascertain who committed what crimes and why. Also as previously and correctly stated, "The problem today is the kids have absolutely No respect for authority!" I also would add adults as well. It's time we stop looking for excuses to fault police. If and when a cop does wrong he deserves to be disciplined and when justified arrested. However as we saw in Fergeson, Baltimore and NYC when the facts come out the officers that were blasted in the media were found to have acted appropriately!
Thanks for your contribution of reality and experience ... something the leftwing armchair quarterbacks on this board completely lack
Old 06-11-2015, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Thanks for your contribution of reality and experience ... something the leftwing armchair quarterbacks on this board completely lack
Glad you phrased it as you did, because it is "on this board" that needs to be said.
Old 06-11-2015, 12:11 PM
Posts: n/a

It has been referenced but the hot heads on this thread won't even stay quiet long enough to hear another point of view. And ironically it is exactly why we are having these clashes around the country because people won't listen.

Prior to this incident Casebolt, the cop, was called to assist a man who was attempting suicide the man succeeded in shooting himself in the head. Casebolt was then called to a second suicide attempt with a young girl who wanted to jump off a roof. The police had a successful attempt and saved her life. Casebolt was then called to what was described as a riot.

The cell phone captured the moment. But Rashamon Effect explains that people witness the same event differently.

What I saw was a guy trying to do his job. what I saw were white kids who obeyed the cops instructions and didn't move. what I saw were two young black males coming at the cop and the cop reacted...and given what has transpired since Ferguson who can blame him . what i saw was a young black girl doing her best to resist this cop.

What I have read mostly on this thread are people who would have acted like those black kids who were defiant .When you get a guy like Mayor di blasio that shows such contempt for the police that he instructs his son that cops do not like black kids and will treat them unfairly we have long passed the age of civility and reason.

so those of you on this thread that think this cop acted badly well stay tuned because that old saw "watch what you wish for because you just may get it" is likely to be a reality.

This country has been turned over to the crazies. God Help Us One And All

Personal Best Regards
Old 06-11-2015, 04:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It has been referenced but the hot heads on this thread won't even stay quiet long enough to hear another point of view. And ironically it is exactly why we are having these clashes around the country because people won't listen.

Prior to this incident Casebolt, the cop, was called to assist a man who was attempting suicide the man succeeded in shooting himself in the head. Casebolt was then called to a second suicide attempt with a young girl who wanted to jump off a roof. The police had a successful attempt and saved her life. Casebolt was then called to what was described as a riot.

The cell phone captured the moment. But Rashamon Effect explains that people witness the same event differently.

What I saw was a guy trying to do his job. what I saw were white kids who obeyed the cops instructions and didn't move. what I saw were two young black males coming at the cop and the cop reacted...and given what has transpired since Ferguson who can blame him . what i saw was a young black girl doing her best to resist this cop.

What I have read mostly on this thread are people who would have acted like those black kids who were defiant .When you get a guy like Mayor di blasio that shows such contempt for the police that he instructs his son that cops do not like black kids and will treat them unfairly we have long passed the age of civility and reason.

so those of you on this thread that think this cop acted badly well stay tuned because that old saw "watch what you wish for because you just may get it" is likely to be a reality.

This country has been turned over to the crazies. God Help Us One And All

Personal Best Regards
Excellent post ... I agree with the gist of what you said
Old 06-11-2015, 04:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It has been referenced but the hot heads on this thread won't even stay quiet long enough to hear another point of view. And ironically it is exactly why we are having these clashes around the country because people won't listen.

Prior to this incident Casebolt, the cop, was called to assist a man who was attempting suicide the man succeeded in shooting himself in the head. Casebolt was then called to a second suicide attempt with a young girl who wanted to jump off a roof. The police had a successful attempt and saved her life. Casebolt was then called to what was described as a riot.

The cell phone captured the moment. But Rashamon Effect explains that people witness the same event differently.

What I saw was a guy trying to do his job. what I saw were white kids who obeyed the cops instructions and didn't move. what I saw were two young black males coming at the cop and the cop reacted...and given what has transpired since Ferguson who can blame him . what i saw was a young black girl doing her best to resist this cop.

What I have read mostly on this thread are people who would have acted like those black kids who were defiant .When you get a guy like Mayor di blasio that shows such contempt for the police that he instructs his son that cops do not like black kids and will treat them unfairly we have long passed the age of civility and reason.

so those of you on this thread that think this cop acted badly well stay tuned because that old saw "watch what you wish for because you just may get it" is likely to be a reality.

This country has been turned over to the crazies. God Help Us One And All

Personal Best Regards
Nothing more needs to be said.
The other side effect of what is underway is where, some....some....superiors will roll over and abandon controversy to remain personally out of the media and special interest target zone. All the more pressure for the underlings at all levels to be overly conservative in the performance of their matter the seriousness of the event.

cowardly, cop, girl, year, oher, officers, suit, bathing, danger, throw, key, jail, butt, police, trained, officer, drew, texas, resigned, north, resigns, teen, gun, ground, pushed

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