Dallas killings

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Old 07-09-2016, 10:55 AM
Posts: n/a

The fact is if the two white cops had not shot and killed the two back men on consecutive days, there would not have been any demonstrations and five police officers would be alive today. I hope these two cops realize their guilt in this horrible event. The dead cops blood is on their hands.
Old 07-09-2016, 11:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The fact is if the two white cops had not shot and killed the two back men on consecutive days, there would not have been any demonstrations and five police officers would be alive today. I hope these two cops realize their guilt in this horrible event. The dead cops blood is on their hands.
I don't agree with you even though we probably are both on the left side of the equation.

I think if the sniper wanted payback or he would have went after the officers you mentioned.

The sniper and the Orlando shooter are sick and healthy people want it to look logical. They want to see a motive they can understand. The press offers motives to get readers.

Years ago the Beltway Sniper Terrorized a large area. He was a Black Muslim. If you can believe him he said he shot all those people because he really wanted his wife dead and she was next. After he shot her he would not be a suspect. It's logical on a simple level and quite sick on another.

What disturbs me is that people are getting use to this violence.

Everyone goes to what they know or think they know. Some know having a gun is better than needing a gun. Some know that a gun capable of shooting 60 times in in less than 2 minutes and can be quickly reloaded is not meant for deer hunting.

I think our leaders are asking us to be patient and to morn with the families while we all look for solutions. I don't want us to be a country where your kids can turn you in for anti-government statements at the dinner table but I also don't want to be a country where if I see the guy down the street sitting on his porch with a shotgun I'm not going to get involved.

I don't know the answer.
Old 07-09-2016, 12:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The fact is if the two white cops had not shot and killed the two back men on consecutive days, there would not have been any demonstrations and five police officers would be alive today. I hope these two cops realize their guilt in this horrible event. The dead cops blood is on their hands.
You are a pathetic loser. These cops may or may not have been racist. No one knows at this point. If those two shot and killed were white, then it would not have even been in the liberal news. The fact is that racism on the OTHER side killed those COPs in Dallas. You can thank the liberal media NOT the Cops for causing the mass killing in Dallas. You don't know if those two COPs in two different locations were or were not racists. Not all cops are racists. You can ALSO blame Obummer for the killings as he blames COPs every chance he gets, as well as blaming them all for being racists. He is the worst scumbag racist in government today. He should go on trial right along with Hillary. Oblunder is a racist and liberals accept it as normal.

But, you are still a loser for making a statement like that.
Old 07-09-2016, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You should probably teach him a lesson by example, why don't you sign your name to your posts?
Old 07-09-2016, 01:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You should probably teach him a lesson by example, why don't you sign your name to your posts?
I actually know who this pathetic loser is - both by screen name and by real name - and in "real life", yes, he is still a pathetic loser.

I will not give out his screen name or real name on THIS forum. Part of the rules we all abide to.
Old 07-10-2016, 06:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I actually know who this pathetic loser is - both by screen name and by real name - and in "real life", yes, he is still a pathetic loser.

I will not give out his screen name or real name on THIS forum. Part of the rules we all abide to.
I did not suggest you would give out his name...
I suggested you would set an example by signing your name to your posts.

In simple terms: If you are unwilling to sign your name to your posts, stop asking others to do so!

killed, killings, dallas

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