Earliest Modern Man Found in N. Africa. 100,000 Years Earlier Than Previosly Found -

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Old 06-07-2017, 01:40 PM
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Default Earliest Modern Man Found in N. Africa. 100,000 Years Earlier Than Previosly Found -

Don't worry about the link, I'm copying the article for you. WSJ

Scientists Find Oldest Known Specimens of the Human Species
Remains found in Morocco date from about 300,000 years ago, about 100,000 older than any other fossils of Homo sapiens

The bones of ancient hunters unearthed in Morocco are the oldest known specimens of the human species, potentially pushing back the clock on the origin of modern Homo sapiens, scientists announced Wednesday.

Found among stone tools and the ashes of ancient campfires, the remains date from about 300,000 years ago, a time when the Sahara was green and several early human species roamed the world, the scientists said. That makes them about 100,000 years older than any other fossils of Homo sapiens—the species to which all people today belong.

“These dates were a big wow,” said anthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Leipzig, Germany. He led an international team of scientists who reported the discovery Wednesday in Nature. “This material represents the very roots of our species—the very oldest Homo sapiens found in Africa or anywhere.”

Until now, most researchers believed that modern humankind emerged gradually from a population centered in East Africa around 200,000 years ago. Previous discoveries of early Homo sapiens fossils have been concentrated at sites in Ethiopia.

The fossil discovery at Jebel Irhoud near Marrakesh in North Africa, however, suggests that early humans had already spread across most of Africa by then.

“What’s really neat about this discovery is that you now have evidence of modern Homo sapiens across Africa, about as far from sites in East Africa as you can get,” said anthropologist Bernard Wood at George Washington University’s Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology, who wasn’t involved in the find.

As early experiments in the human form, these ancestors had quite modern-looking facial features, but relatively primitive skulls, suggesting that the cognitive capacities of modern brains had yet to take shape, the scientists said.

Their faces were likely so contemporary in appearance that they might pass unnoticed on a crowded city sidewalk, although they might need to wear a hat to disguise their skull’s elongated shape, Dr. Hublin said.

Such combinations of traits, though, blur the differences that distinguish one human ancestor and another, making it hard for scholars to classify species accurately. In fact, several early human species, such as Neanderthals, were so closely related to Homo sapiens that they could all interbreed, modern genetic evidence shows.

But several independent experts said they agreed that the fossils most likely belonged to Homo sapiens.

“It has a modern face and a primitive brain case,” said John Fleagle, an expert on primate evolution at Stony Brook School of Medicine, who wasn’t part of the research group. “You would expect it to have a few primitive characteristics even if it is on the main line of our lineage. It shows what is probably an earlier stage of our species.”

The scientists found bones of three adults, a teenager and a child mixed in with sharpened flint tools and the butchered bones of gazelles and zebra, suggesting that a hunting party had camped there. Fires had scorched the tools and that proved key to determining the age of the find.

The researchers tested the tools using a technique called thermoluminescence dating, which reveals how much time has elapsed since an object has been heated. By that measure, they calculated that the tools were 315,000 years old, plus or minus 34,000 years.

They also dated tooth enamel from a fossil jaw using electron spin resonance, which can measure the residual radiation that has built up since a material formed. That yielded an age of 286,000 years, plus or minus 32,000 years, the scientists said.

“It leads us to conclude that 300,000 years old is the best age for these fossils,” said Daniel Richter at the Max Planck Institute, who conducted the dating studies.

:Oops: time to rethink certain incorrect theories by a certain poster.




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Old 06-07-2017, 01:42 PM
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Default Earliest Modern Man Found in N. Africa. 100,000 Years Earlier Than Previosly Found -

Scientists Find Oldest Known Specimens of the Human Species! From the WSJ - Write to Robert Lee Hotz at sciencejournal@wsj.com

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Old 06-07-2017, 01:48 PM
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Link to the original article in Nature:
Oldest Homo sapiens fossil claim rewrites our species' history : Nature News & Comment

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Old 06-07-2017, 01:50 PM
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Default Earliest Modern Man Found in N. Africa. 100,000 Years Earlier Than Previosly Found -

Discovery shows Homo Sapiens did not just originate in East Africa, but in other African locations. "Remains from Morocco dated to 315,000 years ago push back our species' origins by 100,000 years — and suggest we didn't evolve only in East Africa."

Someone needs to recheck their 3%. h:dear:

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Old 06-07-2017, 03:58 PM
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I once worked for an office manager who would place a $0.50 piece behind selected doors throughout the office. If he noted the $0.50 was gone he knew the janitor had cleaned behind the door. If not the janitor never bothered looking.

Finding fossils is like that, and in fact like love... looking in all the wrong places. This is the oldest guy found so far..give it time scientist are going to find humans have been around for a lot longer than any of us would have imagined.

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Old 06-07-2017, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
I once worked for an office manager who would place a $0.50 piece behind selected doors throughout the office. If he noted the $0.50 was gone he knew the janitor had cleaned behind the door. If not the janitor never bothered looking.

Finding fossils is like that, and in fact like love... looking in all the wrong places. This is the oldest guy found so far..give it time scientist are going to find humans have been around for a lot longer than any of us would have imagined.

Personal Best Regards:

I used to do the same thing with cigarette butts. If I found one in a stairway of one of my hospitals, I'd date it with a pen - day & month. Then I'd leave it to see how long it took to disappear. If it took more than 2 days I had a serious discussion with the Housekeeping director.

Speaking of butts, I wonder what Mr. Bigot is doing now that he has been shown to be the racist we all knew he was.

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Old 06-07-2017, 04:37 PM
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There is so much that we don't know about our past. I feel we have been fed a certain story about human origins and we are told to just accept that. One mystery that I cannot figure out is why the Great Pyramids are NOT mentioned anywhere in the Bible. They were located about 260 miles from Jerusalem. The Bible mentions Egypt over 700 times.
Old 06-07-2017, 04:45 PM
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Impossible. The earth is only 7,000 years old. The Bible tells me so. Chuckle, chuckle.
Old 06-07-2017, 06:32 PM
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The new ancient skull....Interesting and informational and absolutely riviting...but.

Fast forward 300,000 years and this group of folks right now are the ones that we must live with, deal with and make sense of...and them with us.

I feel sure different races and ethnicities differ from each other in major and minor ways; some are more prone to certain diseases, some are taller, blonder, darker complected, shorter, some are great at mathematics and some can outrun us all. Some individuals because of an accident before or after birth may not be able to keep up with most of the rest of us.

But these are the folks who are here now and this is the reality of our life and the hand we are dealt.

Most of us live our lives with a laissez-faire attitude. Some try hard to be our brothers keeper, some feel superior and some feel inferior to the others on this earth. I think that we should do no harm to others if that is possible but we must protect our family and our children first. We must stay sober and off drugs and be able to work to provide food, shelter and education for our children. It isn't someone else's job unless we are disabled. We should sacrifice and save to keep enough money that we will not be a burden on our children and society.

I am hurt and angered by the person on this forum who keeps harping on being so superior to women and other races. That may be true. Who awards a prize? Most people seek the approval of society on some level unless their mental health is damaged. We strive to excel at life in some way and enjoy having our efforts recognized.

I would like to meet Don Baldwin. Just to see for myself what he looks like and sounds like. He isn't lacking in intelligence which makes his attitude even more disappointing. I doubt he has had serious cancer or a terrible accident. Just a series of failed relationships.

I don't drink liquor. Just some musings over my coffee before I watch Midsomer Murders.
Tell me what you think he looks like, how old you think he is and whether he is truthful about his origins.
Old 06-07-2017, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
The new ancient skull....Interesting and informational and absolutely riviting...but.

Fast forward 300,000 years and this group of folks right now are the ones that we must live with, deal with and make sense of...and them with us.

I feel sure different races and ethnicities differ from each other in major and minor ways; some are more prone to certain diseases, some are taller, blonder, darker complected, shorter, some are great at mathematics and some can outrun us all. Some individuals because of an accident before or after birth may not be able to keep up with most of the rest of us.

But these are the folks who are here now and this is the reality of our life and the hand we are dealt.

Most of us live our lives with a laissez-faire attitude. Some try hard to be our brothers keeper, some feel superior and some feel inferior to the others on this earth. I think that we should do no harm to others if that is possible but we must protect our family and our children first. We must stay sober and off drugs and be able to work to provide food, shelter and education for our children. It isn't someone else's job unless we are disabled. We should sacrifice and save to keep enough money that we will not be a burden on our children and society.

I am hurt and angered by the person on this forum who keeps harping on being so superior to women and other races. That may be true. Who awards a prize? Most people seek the approval of society on some level unless their mental health is damaged. We strive to excel at life in some way and enjoy having our efforts recognized.

I would like to meet Don Baldwin. Just to see for myself what he looks like and sounds like. He isn't lacking in intelligence which makes his attitude even more disappointing. I doubt he has had serious cancer or a terrible accident. Just a series of failed relationships.

I don't drink liquor. Just some musings over my coffee before I watch Midsomer Murders.
Tell me what you think he looks like, how old you think he is and whether he is truthful about his origins.

I believe Mr. Baldwin is a member of a racist white supremacist group. His comments/opinions are very similar to those found on this website: Scientific Proof that Blacks are Inferior to Whites in Every Way - Stormfront
I confronted him awhile ago and he never responded. Whatever, he is, whether his posts are his opinion or just to create furor, I have no interest in meeting him. He is a seriously ill individual for whom I have no respect.

On the other hand GG, I have immense respect for your knowledge, and ability to carefully manage the language of your posts.

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Old 06-07-2017, 07:10 PM
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Old 06-07-2017, 08:16 PM
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Do I REALLY need to reply to this?

These are proto-humans...same "species" as us...just like the blacks and Neanderthals were considered the same species in this story...yes...we CAN mate.

The "first humans" DID come from Africa...that is where the great apes are found. We are part of the great ape family. From Africa "humans" spread out to become the most successful species. The MOST successful being whites who gave the world western civilization which remains on top and unmatched throughout all history. "Whites" are the pinnacle of mankind.

The first "human" ape species in Africa began to spread a LONG time ago. As they spread they changed. Later arrivals met up with earlier arrivals who had already adapted...speciated... As is the case with caucasians. Caucasians are a later arriving human meeting a group that had left much earlier and had changed due to geography. (In plants, sometimes you back cross to get more desirable results.) This IS what happened with caucasians.

Some of the "humans" stayed behind...the Negros...and when found, just 1,000 years ago...living in Central and southern Africa...were literally cave men. Without a written language, the wheel, domesticated draft animals, no agriculture, no architecture...they lived like wild animals who could build a hut and speak a few words. THAT is what was brought to America as a slave and then set free to be our equal.

The story says...you could dress them up and put them in a crowd...with a hat on...you couldn't tell them apart from "us". You sure can tell blacks in a crowd...they stick out like a sore thumb. Because they're not us.

This article proves nothing other than humans spread out and had spread throughout Africa much earlier than first thought. It ALSO shows that pretty much anything that could walk and grunt out a few words is now considered "human". To include the blacks...the net has to be thrown WAY out there. "WE" split off from the ancestor that split off the blacks much earlier than first thought. We're even MORE different than first thought.
Old 06-07-2017, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Don Baldwin View Post
Do I REALLY need to reply to this?

These are proto-humans...same "species" as us...just like the blacks and Neanderthals were considered the same species in this story...yes...we CAN mate.

The "first humans" DID come from Africa...that is where the great apes are found. We are part of the great ape family. From Africa "humans" spread out to become the most successful species. The MOST successful being whites who gave the world western civilization which remains on top and unmatched throughout all history. "Whites" are the pinnacle of mankind.

The first "human" ape species in Africa began to spread a LONG time ago. As they spread they changed. Later arrivals met up with earlier arrivals who had already adapted...speciated... As is the case with caucasians. Caucasians are a later arriving human meeting a group that had left much earlier and had changed due to geography. (In plants, sometimes you back cross to get more desirable results.) This IS what happened with caucasians.

Some of the "humans" stayed behind...the Negros...and when found, just 1,000 years ago...living in Central and southern Africa...were literally cave men. Without a written language, the wheel, domesticated draft animals, no agriculture, no architecture...they lived like wild animals who could build a hut and speak a few words. THAT is what was brought to America as a slave and then set free to be our equal.

The story says...you could dress them up and put them in a crowd...with a hat on...you couldn't tell them apart from "us". You sure can tell blacks in a crowd...they stick out like a sore thumb. Because they're not us.

This article proves nothing other than humans spread out and had spread throughout Africa much earlier than first thought. It ALSO shows that pretty much anything that could walk and grunt out a few words is now considered "human". To include the blacks...the net has to be thrown WAY out there. "WE" split off from the ancestor that split off the blacks much earlier than first thought. We're even MORE different than first thought.

Go away Don. You cannot "prove" anything any longer. There is no science to support your racist rants. We even know the white supremacist website from which you spew your hateful crap. Just melt into the hateful background or rock from under which you crawled.

And by the way, The Villages won't support a pervert like you, so you really should think about joining another board. Perhaps one in South Africa. :Oops:you lost that battle too: Ok, here's the ticket, light a bunch of charcoal on a canoe and plan your own Viking funeral. That's the ticket.

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Old 06-08-2017, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The new ancient skull....Interesting and informational and absolutely riviting...but.

Fast forward 300,000 years and this group of folks right now are the ones that we must live with, deal with and make sense of...and them with us.

I feel sure different races and ethnicities differ from each other in major and minor ways; some are more prone to certain diseases, some are taller, blonder, darker complected, shorter, some are great at mathematics and some can outrun us all. Some individuals because of an accident before or after birth may not be able to keep up with most of the rest of us.

But these are the folks who are here now and this is the reality of our life and the hand we are dealt.

Most of us live our lives with a laissez-faire attitude. Some try hard to be our brothers keeper, some feel superior and some feel inferior to the others on this earth. I think that we should do no harm to others if that is possible but we must protect our family and our children first. We must stay sober and off drugs and be able to work to provide food, shelter and education for our children. It isn't someone else's job unless we are disabled. We should sacrifice and save to keep enough money that we will not be a burden on our children and society.

I am hurt and angered by the person on this forum who keeps harping on being so superior to women and other races. That may be true. Who awards a prize? Most people seek the approval of society on some level unless their mental health is damaged. We strive to excel at life in some way and enjoy having our efforts recognized.

I would like to meet Don Baldwin. Just to see for myself what he looks like and sounds like. He isn't lacking in intelligence which makes his attitude even more disappointing. I doubt he has had serious cancer or a terrible accident. Just a series of failed relationships.

I don't drink liquor. Just some musings over my coffee before I watch Midsomer Murders.
Tell me what you think he looks like, how old you think he is and whether he is truthful about his origins.
Nicely stated

Personal Best Regards:

years, homo, sapiens, modern, human

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