Balanced Budget

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Old 05-01-2017, 05:58 PM
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Default Balanced Budget

Both dems and reps got everything they wanted and moved along an outrageous spending bill for the next 6 month. Let me see, republican house, senate, and White House. We'll do it next time.
Old 05-01-2017, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Both dems and reps got everything they wanted and moved along an outrageous spending bill for the next 6 month. Let me see, republican house, senate, and White House. We'll do it next time.
sounds so............political!
Old 05-01-2017, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: Balanced budget

Originally Posted by Guest
Both dems and reps got everything they wanted and moved along an outrageous spending bill for the next 6 month. Let me see, republican house, senate, and White House. We'll do it next time.
I don't think we really want to know the truth. If, we did, who would we ask-the government??????

Fact-I'm not sure but from what I've read were we to make a concerted effort we could pay off our currently acknowledged debt of TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in FORTY-FIVE YEARS.

Chance of the US staying on a repayment plan for 45 years is ZERO. I use the term acknowledged debt because that 20 trillion dollar number is using very creative accounting to understate the real debt.

Do we really want to pay this debt? Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifice to do it. The historical answer is a clear and loud no way.

Where would you cut. For most of us we would cut people other than ourselves. Cut medicare? Actually they have, we just went on medicare and due to having saved, we get to pay twice the minimum and we have no inflation protection. Cut, social security? They are talking about it.
They spent the money they stole from me to pay for promises while they spent my money to buy votes from people who retired before me.

Would you cut the military? We currently spend more on our miltary then the entire rest of the world does. When, is it enough? We just launched another aircraft carrier our fleet of aircraft carriers is over 26. I seem to think it is 27 or 28. France has 4. Like the Bismark in WWII they are simply too big and TOO EXPENSIVE for any enemy not to attack and destroy it. Each aircraft carrier is several thousand troops, several hundred airplanes, ammunition, fuel for the planes etc etc etc. Bottom paint for a boat is like $40 a qt. How many quarts does it take to paint an aircraft carrier? If, we have to ask, AND WE DO OR WE SHOULD, perhaps we should not be building them.

We currently have fiat currency. Nixon removed all gold or silver backing for the US dollar.

Our dollar is now based on the,"full faith and credit of the United States. For any of you thinking I am crazy, reactionary or????????? Whether you are a republican a democrat or?????????? Do you still have the same faith in the credit of the United States that you used to have????.

This too is not new. We all know about rampant inflation in Germany before WWII. It was caused by them printing worthless money to pay WWI debts in a time of world depression. I have a pile of these Deutschmarks that belonged to my grandparents. Even the German government will not honor them. Germany unofficially went bankrupt. ASIDE: not mine but if you want some of this worthless currency you will find it on ebay at like thirty- five cents per million.

History, may one day recall today as to how the US went bankrupt paying for TOO MANY WARS, aid to the poor and aid to SENIORS.

Just as today, it was not just Germany printing worthless money. I have a perhaps more interesting printed money from Spain. What it says is we apologize for the poor quality of this money. After this financial trouble is over we will replace it with better quality money.

HISTORY-says, perhaps like GREECE, we will not address this until it explodes.
Old 05-01-2017, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't think we really want to know the truth. If, we did, who would we ask-the government??????

Fact-I'm not sure but from what I've read were we to make a concerted effort we could pay off our currently acknowledged debt of TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in FORTY-FIVE YEARS.

Chance of the US staying on a repayment plan for 45 years is ZERO. I use the term acknowledged debt because that 20 trillion dollar number is using very creative accounting to understate the real debt.

Do we really want to pay this debt? Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifice to do it. The historical answer is a clear and loud no way.

Where would you cut. For most of us we would cut people other than ourselves. Cut medicare? Actually they have, we just went on medicare and due to having saved, we get to pay twice the minimum and we have no inflation protection. Cut, social security? They are talking about it.
They spent the money they stole from me to pay for promises while they spent my money to buy votes from people who retired before me.

Would you cut the military? We currently spend more on our miltary then the entire rest of the world does. When, is it enough? We just launched another aircraft carrier our fleet of aircraft carriers is over 26. I seem to think it is 27 or 28. France has 4. Like the Bismark in WWII they are simply too big and TOO EXPENSIVE for any enemy not to attack and destroy it. Each aircraft carrier is several thousand troops, several hundred airplanes, ammunition, fuel for the planes etc etc etc. Bottom paint for a boat is like $40 a qt. How many quarts does it take to paint an aircraft carrier? If, we have to ask, AND WE DO OR WE SHOULD, perhaps we should not be building them.

We currently have fiat currency. Nixon removed all gold or silver backing for the US dollar.

Our dollar is now based on the,"full faith and credit of the United States. For any of you thinking I am crazy, reactionary or????????? Whether you are a republican a democrat or?????????? Do you still have the same faith in the credit of the United States that you used to have????.

This too is not new. We all know about rampant inflation in Germany before WWII. It was caused by them printing worthless money to pay WWI debts in a time of world depression. I have a pile of these Deutschmarks that belonged to my grandparents. Even the German government will not honor them. Germany unofficially went bankrupt. ASIDE: not mine but if you want some of this worthless currency you will find it on ebay at like thirty- five cents per million.

History, may one day recall today as to how the US went bankrupt paying for TOO MANY WARS, aid to the poor and aid to SENIORS.

Just as today, it was not just Germany printing worthless money. I have a perhaps more interesting printed money from Spain. What it says is we apologize for the poor quality of this money. After this financial trouble is over we will replace it with better quality money.

HISTORY-says, perhaps like GREECE, we will not address this until it explodes.
While I have given you a hard time, you make some excellent points.

I really thought (pre primaries) that we had a good chance at a Republican WH, and perhaps some sense to our spending....

But alas...not to be...

But in general, a great post.

Also, looking for details on the military spending that thevWH was bragging about today. WHEREbare theynspending that money ? Hopefully for cyber.
Old 05-01-2017, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't think we really want to know the truth. If, we did, who would we ask-the government??????

Fact-I'm not sure but from what I've read were we to make a concerted effort we could pay off our currently acknowledged debt of TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in FORTY-FIVE YEARS.

Chance of the US staying on a repayment plan for 45 years is ZERO. I use the term acknowledged debt because that 20 trillion dollar number is using very creative accounting to understate the real debt.

Do we really want to pay this debt? Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifice to do it. The historical answer is a clear and loud no way.

Where would you cut. For most of us we would cut people other than ourselves. Cut medicare? Actually they have, we just went on medicare and due to having saved, we get to pay twice the minimum and we have no inflation protection. Cut, social security? They are talking about it.
They spent the money they stole from me to pay for promises while they spent my money to buy votes from people who retired before me.

Would you cut the military? We currently spend more on our miltary then the entire rest of the world does. When, is it enough? We just launched another aircraft carrier our fleet of aircraft carriers is over 26. I seem to think it is 27 or 28. France has 4. Like the Bismark in WWII they are simply too big and TOO EXPENSIVE for any enemy not to attack and destroy it. Each aircraft carrier is several thousand troops, several hundred airplanes, ammunition, fuel for the planes etc etc etc. Bottom paint for a boat is like $40 a qt. How many quarts does it take to paint an aircraft carrier? If, we have to ask, AND WE DO OR WE SHOULD, perhaps we should not be building them.

We currently have fiat currency. Nixon removed all gold or silver backing for the US dollar.

Our dollar is now based on the,"full faith and credit of the United States. For any of you thinking I am crazy, reactionary or????????? Whether you are a republican a democrat or?????????? Do you still have the same faith in the credit of the United States that you used to have????.

This too is not new. We all know about rampant inflation in Germany before WWII. It was caused by them printing worthless money to pay WWI debts in a time of world depression. I have a pile of these Deutschmarks that belonged to my grandparents. Even the German government will not honor them. Germany unofficially went bankrupt. ASIDE: not mine but if you want some of this worthless currency you will find it on ebay at like thirty- five cents per million.

History, may one day recall today as to how the US went bankrupt paying for TOO MANY WARS, aid to the poor and aid to SENIORS.

Just as today, it was not just Germany printing worthless money. I have a perhaps more interesting printed money from Spain. What it says is we apologize for the poor quality of this money. After this financial trouble is over we will replace it with better quality money.

HISTORY-says, perhaps like GREECE, we will not address this until it explodes.
We obviously don't what to know the truth...we live in denial...delusion. We'd march on DC and hang them all if we all knew the truth.

That's a joke...we borrow over a $ trillion a year...we'd have to cut almost $2 trillion from the think that's happening? They'll ride it until it crashes and with the Fed lending and buying back $ trillions to inflate/deflate bubbles to keep the economy going...they can keep it going a long time.

Yes...the unfunded liabilities, what the government has signed up to in the $ hundreds of trillions.

Exactly...they'll kick the can as long as they can...and with so many so invested in the monetary'll go for a while.

Welfare is what I would cut...we spend a $ trillion a year feeding and housing almost 100 million total losers. The inner city animals. EVERYONE knows how they act...EVERYONE knows how violent they are...NOBODY will walk down MLK Blvd at night...but NOBODY will admit the problem or do anything about them.

Our military is what gives us our standard of living. It allows petrodollars, the dollar as world reserve currency. Our military pays us back in spades. Like political contributions for corporations.

Yes we do...there is NOTHING backing the's 1s and 0s on a computer or pieces of paper worth a penny. Tomorrow you could wake up and a "dollar" is "worth" a penny. Because they said so.

Now it's being caused by them printing worthless money to prop up the failing economy that is failing because demographics have shifted.

White history will be written out...forgotten...just as we did when we invaded and forgot about the natives history. The Hispanic majority IS coming and it WILL change America in Mexico II..."we" will be forgotten.

We are being bred out...replaced by 3rd world Hispanics..."America" is doomed.
Old 05-02-2017, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't think we really want to know the truth. If, we did, who would we ask-the government??????

Fact-I'm not sure but from what I've read were we to make a concerted effort we could pay off our currently acknowledged debt of TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in FORTY-FIVE YEARS.

Chance of the US staying on a repayment plan for 45 years is ZERO. I use the term acknowledged debt because that 20 trillion dollar number is using very creative accounting to understate the real debt.

Do we really want to pay this debt? Are we willing to make the necessary sacrifice to do it. The historical answer is a clear and loud no way.

Where would you cut. For most of us we would cut people other than ourselves. Cut medicare? Actually they have, we just went on medicare and due to having saved, we get to pay twice the minimum and we have no inflation protection. Cut, social security? They are talking about it.
They spent the money they stole from me to pay for promises while they spent my money to buy votes from people who retired before me.

Would you cut the military? We currently spend more on our miltary then the entire rest of the world does. When, is it enough? We just launched another aircraft carrier our fleet of aircraft carriers is over 26. I seem to think it is 27 or 28. France has 4. Like the Bismark in WWII they are simply too big and TOO EXPENSIVE for any enemy not to attack and destroy it. Each aircraft carrier is several thousand troops, several hundred airplanes, ammunition, fuel for the planes etc etc etc. Bottom paint for a boat is like $40 a qt. How many quarts does it take to paint an aircraft carrier? If, we have to ask, AND WE DO OR WE SHOULD, perhaps we should not be building them.

We currently have fiat currency. Nixon removed all gold or silver backing for the US dollar.

Our dollar is now based on the,"full faith and credit of the United States. For any of you thinking I am crazy, reactionary or????????? Whether you are a republican a democrat or?????????? Do you still have the same faith in the credit of the United States that you used to have????.

This too is not new. We all know about rampant inflation in Germany before WWII. It was caused by them printing worthless money to pay WWI debts in a time of world depression. I have a pile of these Deutschmarks that belonged to my grandparents. Even the German government will not honor them. Germany unofficially went bankrupt. ASIDE: not mine but if you want some of this worthless currency you will find it on ebay at like thirty- five cents per million.

History, may one day recall today as to how the US went bankrupt paying for TOO MANY WARS, aid to the poor and aid to SENIORS.

Just as today, it was not just Germany printing worthless money. I have a perhaps more interesting printed money from Spain. What it says is we apologize for the poor quality of this money. After this financial trouble is over we will replace it with better quality money.

HISTORY-says, perhaps like GREECE, we will not address this until it explodes.
Thank you for a well thought out addition to my post. This is the type of thought process I have always hoped this forum would produce. But inevitably a small number of wingnuts will kill any thread that attempts to discuss issues with any real logic.
Old 05-02-2017, 08:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you for a well thought out addition to my post. This is the type of thought process I have always hoped this forum would produce. But inevitably a small number of wingnuts will kill any thread that attempts to discuss issues with any real logic.
What about MY reply to his reply? Didn't like that one? Can't handle the truth? The truth "kills" threads?
Old 05-02-2017, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What about MY reply to his reply? Didn't like that one? Can't handle the truth? The truth "kills" threads?
Understand that you are on most ignore lists and thus nobody is reading what you post.

It is pretty much the same thing anyway
Old 05-02-2017, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Understand that you are on most ignore lists and thus nobody is reading what you post.

It is pretty much the same thing anyway
They can remain ignorant if they wish...and America can continue its decline into a 3rd world Mexico II.

Hispanics ARE the majority of children being born...mathematics alone tells you that eventually...they become the majority...and in a "democracy"...the majority rules. It's certainly not the 20-25% that whites will be.

You are allowing your country and culture to be destroyed.

Go read my thread about half the murders occurring in 2% of the counties. You DO KNOW WHO LIVES THERE? Blacks and Hispanics.

They are NOT are being lied to...brainwashed...fooled...deceived.

I keep saying the same thing because it's happening and nobody is saying anything. It's like watching a toddler walk to the edge of a cliff...and nobody is making a move to grab him before he plunges. "America", white that toddler, approaching the cliff...I see him...I'm trying to get someone closer's attention. I can't save him in time alone...we ALL need to work to save him from plunging into a 3rd world Mexico II...look at the border counties...murder capitols of their states. ALREADY Mexico II.
Old 05-02-2017, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Understand that you are on most ignore lists and thus nobody is reading what you post.

It is pretty much the same thing anyway
Ignore lists are for liberal sissies that can't face reality, or any adversity. That is why they need safe zones and safe rooms. In emergencies, they panic because they have never had to cope with any obstacles.

In this case, they do not trust their own temptations to read and respond spontaneously, so they hold their hands over their eyes. No self-control.

house, republican, month, senate, time

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