Clinton buying votes….again….no….yet!

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Old 11-04-2015, 09:35 AM
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Default Clinton buying votes….again….no….yet!

Is there any other eason she would be aiming her campaign at a subject like this with all the other hot potatoe issues in the USA?


Hillary Clinton calls for raising minimum wage to $12 an hour - MarketWatch
Old 11-04-2015, 01:07 PM
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She is the eviler half of the Clinton duo. She is political scum at it's worst.
Old 11-04-2015, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
She is the eviler half of the Clinton duo. She is political scum at it's worst.
And that is being polite about the phony, lying, unethical, dishonest she really is!
Old 11-04-2015, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And that is being polite about the phony, lying, unethical, dishonest she really is!
Old 11-04-2015, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Is there any other eason she would be aiming her campaign at a subject like this with all the other hot potatoe issues in the USA?


Hillary Clinton calls for raising minimum wage to $12 an hour - MarketWatch
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
Old 11-04-2015, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
And who said anybody owed a minimum wage person a "living" wage. Minimum wage jobs are just that...minimum surprise going in. The current view of some that all jobs are to be "living" wage jobs is totaly and completely partisan, buying the vote BS!
Old 11-04-2015, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
1. Raising the minimum wage will have little or no effect on poverty.

2. It will reduce the employment and have a harmful effect on those it is intended to help.

3. Hauling out Dan Quayle to make fun of is dripping with desperation.

"While the aim is to help workers, decades of economic research show that
minimum wages usually end up harming workers and the broader economy. Minimum wages particularly stifle job opportunities for low-skill
workers, youth, and minorities, which are the groups that policymakers are often trying to help with these policies. There is no “free lunch” when the government mandates a minimum wage. If the government requires that certain workers be paid higher wages, then businesses make adjustments to pay for the added costs, such as reducing hiring, cutting employee work hours, reducing benefits, and charging higher prices. Some policymakers may believe that companies simply absorb the costs of minimum wage increases through reduced profits, but that’s rarely the case. Instead, businesses rationally respond to such mandates by cutting employment
and making other decisions to maintain their net earnings. These behavioral responses usually offset the positive labor market results that policymakers
are hoping for."

It is simple common sense that it would work that way. Historically, it has never done any of those things that POLITICIANS preach about.
Old 11-04-2015, 07:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Yeah, the higher minimum wage is going to raise proces terribly. Add a few cents onto your beer is really going to harm you.

Dripping with desparation? No, I was just revisiting some Republican historical figure. Aren't you proud of Quayle?

As to the baloney from Cato, just pure Republican blather.
Old 11-04-2015, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yeah, the higher minimum wage is going to raise proces terribly. Add a few cents onto your beer is really going to harm you.

Dripping with desparation? No, I was just revisiting some Republican historical figure. Aren't you proud of Quayle?

As to the baloney from Cato, just pure Republican blather.
I do not agree with prices increasing and your sarcasm aimed at me is sort of stupid, isnt it. This is not about ME or is supposed to be about helping those in need. If the pennies go up for my beer, guess will go up for EVERYBODY, thus what has been solved.

You sincerely believe that raising the minimum wage will not affect jobs ? Anyone who has worked in real world, knows that those companies are not going to give up the money as a donation.....there WILL BE CUTS IN STAFF.

Do you honestly believe this is the manner in which to attack poverty since we all know, or those outside of politics know, it will not have any affect on poverty, and it WILL cost jobs

As to whether a few more pennies to me is important...IT IS NOT.....doing something for those in need is what is needed, not political talk.

Just to add, the last study done, and I do not recall the source nor the exact numbers, but asking you to think about it.....over 50% of those affected by an increase in minimum wage were NOT the people who needed it.

Instead of politicians talking to each other, insuring that companies can expand that have the better paying jobs, and press for attendance at schools to get an education, nothing will change. All the programs in the past to raise people out of poverty and need that were not based on self sufficient goals, and were only hand outs of whatever degree were abject failures.

I think Rubio hits a home run every time he speaks on this. He subscribes that the biggest problem facing this country is the breakdown in the family. I believe that totally.

I know the breakdown in the family is treated by the left, IN GENERAL, as religious preaching, politically incorrect, and many other reasons given not to address it or even acknowledge it, but THAT single component can be traced to our downfall in so many areas, INCLUDING this economic mess.
Old 11-04-2015, 08:07 PM
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By the way, I ignored the Quayle remark because YOU are a study in someone who puts party before all, and feels that mocking people who carry a registration card different from yours is evil.

When I discuss anyone in any political forum of any party, I will always refer to an issue or a stand taken by the person.

I realize that is foreign to you, and your feeling is Republican = evil and that is the end of the story and then comes a little icon..boom, I think is the wording.

By the way, Dan Quayle was opposed to raising the minimum wage also I think, as many others do that the FEDERAL minimum wage should be abolished.

It is a function of the States and NOT FEDERAL.
Old 11-04-2015, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
And, the Democrat poster child for brains, Obama, calls Navy Corpsman, "Navy Corpseman" .
Old 11-04-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
When are the liberals going to understand the minimum wage jobs are entry level to the job force. They are not meant to be a career position sustaining a living wage. Do you know anyone who started working at McDonalds still working there?
Old 11-04-2015, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
When are the liberals going to understand the minimum wage jobs are entry level to the job force. They are not meant to be a career position sustaining a living wage. Do you know anyone who started working at McDonalds still working there?
Probably never. Unfortunately, when people are either too lazy or too stupid to advance themselves, jobs such as those offered by McDonald's do become careers.
Old 11-05-2015, 06:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
How can you have Free Enterprise if the gov controls your business? Minimum wages are always starting wages, usually for jobs that teenagers (used to) take or as a second, part-time job. No one stays at starting level is they stay at a job for a few months. Let private business adjust their employee wages according to their profits and you see a flourishing economy. If the gov dictate wages levels, then you have a stagnant economy and less employment growth. Even liberal economics prove that. The gov ruins the economy when it interferes with business.
Old 11-05-2015, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Maybe to give minimum wage earners a chance at a living wage and to let them know she is on their side instead of ignoring living wages like Republicans

By the way, your Republican poster child for brains (Dan Quale) spelled "potato" the same as you.
it is crystal clear there is a definite lack of business/accounting understanding.
If a business generates only so much margin (look it up!) that is all there is to pay wages. So when the government makes a business raise wages there is only one think a business person can do. Give the increases to some and let enough go that allow paying the increase. Or how about cutting hours back so that the wages paid still match the amount left to pay wages.

The arbitray raising of expenses (wages) will sffect as many or more people negatively than the top billing raised wages.
Total and complete lack of business understanding by the politicians that are buying votes and the lemminga who support without knowing what they are doing.

subject, hot, potatoe, usa, issues, votes….again….no….yet, buying, eason, campaign, aiming, clinton

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