Did Trump REALLY request gold carriage ride with queen????

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Old 04-15-2017, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump is about the most ignoble world leader I can think of. Why would the British Royalty want anything to do with him?
They don't. He has insulted the Queen twice, her husband and charged the country to be complicit with soying on him.

They have class enough though to treat him humanly, as did thevGerman leader who he was insulting to in person.
Old 04-15-2017, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
She and Rubicon simply waltz in this forum, pronounce lies as fact and waltz right out.

Very regal.

It gets old..they can't see it, but they are not even close to as smart as they think they are.

When you're right...you're right.
Old 04-15-2017, 08:13 PM
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Geeze Rockface is mumbling to himself...

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Old 04-15-2017, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"Tried to fact check"?
We appointed you as the official fact checker on this forum, and now you are acting like the liberal you are, using "discounting" phrasing and words to justify posting absolute CRAP!
I am almost as disapointed in you as I was in Obamma's efforts to improve racial differences...it has to suck knowing your a failure POS just like Obamma??

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You can't "improve" the racial differences...they are the differences between us that we CAN'T change. Quotas don't make them "better"...lowering the standards doesn't make them "better". The differences are genetic and can't be "changed".

Originally Posted by Guest
Trump is about the most ignoble world leader I can think of. Why would the British Royalty want anything to do with him?
Because he's the President of the US?

I know he works for her and her friends...but to keep up appearances...she must work with him...at least in public.
Old 04-16-2017, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rubicon spreads falsehoods.

Rubicon, almost daily, criticizes millions of Americans with no facts or back up.

Rubicon plagerize other people's thoughts.

Rubicon, and it appears you also, lectures...he does not discuss.

Rubicon not only spreads falsehoods, he flat out lies on here.

Rubicon may be the biggest hypocrite I ever saw on this forum.

Rubicon, purposely avoids issue discussions, but routinely gives sermons to us nothing's about sticking to issues.

Rubicon, in just about every post, speaks DOWN to all the readers, and as a results is routinely insulting.

I could go on, but you don't care at all.

And appreciate that I can beat you at anything. You seem to feel superior to me and thus I will accept that.
He IS superior to you. And you just proved it in your comment.

Please withhold your crying from the forum. It's very unbecoming.

request, visit, ride, queen, carriage

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