DO THIS and no Democrat will ever again be elected to the Senate.

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Old 12-28-2017, 12:29 AM
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Default DO THIS and no Democrat will ever be elected to the Senate.


Do this and no Democrat will ever again be elected to the Senate.

Subject: Repeal of the 17th Amendment, i.e. returning election of Senators to the State Legislature instead of popular election.

What's bad about 'popular' is all you have to do is get the 'rabble vote' of the state's biggest cities and that's it, esp. the coastal states like NY and CA . You may have seen elsewhere on the board and attached below.

In the posting below, yours truly is in "shriek mode", for various "marketing" reasons.

In a more relaxed setting, such as being in the presence of veterans and discussing military service, I though I'd advance an aspect of Repealing the 17th that has bearing on the military, namely, the Senate's authority to declare war under the Constitution.

Backing up for a moment, my 'sales pitch' for Repealing the 17th has 3 benefits for American values (i.e. Type 1 laws: good; Type 2 laws: bad):
1) no state legislature is going to send an aggressive big-government liberal to Washington to turn around and start imposing hellish Federal impositions on the States (taxes, regs, social engineering and environmental laws).

2) no state-legislature Senate is going to send corrupters of American values to the Supreme Court (e.g. Ginsburg)

3) Pertinent to military matters: a state legislature-elected Senate will be much more concerned about:
a) having its war-making authority respected

b) being Very deliberate in decisions about declaring war

(PS: now a "romper room", the Senate used to be called 'the deliberative body' (as opposed to the House)).

Since WWII, war-making decisions have degraded to basically nothing; in this sense we are no longer a Republic but have turned into an Empire, and the Emperor makes war decisions, very contrary to the Founders' intent.

So, with that as a setting, what would "the list" of American wars look like if they had to have been Declared by a state legislature-elected Senate? I submit that that list would be shorter, and those wars would be shorter as well. We can discuss that or leave to the imagination as preferred.

I would ask, however, to look to the future and what can be given to future generations, i.e. returning to future generations what the Founders gave us in the first place, namely a huge barrier to American involvement in war.


Repeal of the 17th Amendment.

No matter how corrupt they may be, no State Legislature is going to send a Femo-Fascist (like Hillary Clinton) to Washington, who then turns around and tries to impose mountains of Federal crap on the States, e.g. gun control, Obamacare, environmentalism, touchy-feely laws, taxes-taxes-taxes, etc.

The minute they become Beltway-too-big-for-their-britches, they get yanked out of office by the State Legislature.

The Founding Fathers understood this simple mechanism and check on the Federal Govt. They also hated democracy, for the disgusting reasons we can see in Femo-Fascism.

We can start to turn back the Femo-Fascist tide of sewage by Repealing the 17th Amendment.

If not sure why Femo-Fascism is the tide of sewage referred to above, please see Type 2 Laws discussed at

The structure of politics

Old 12-28-2017, 12:44 AM
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Old 12-28-2017, 01:50 PM
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Could this have been titled, "Do this and no Republican will be reelected to the Senate?
Old 12-28-2017, 04:21 PM
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It took Democrats and other progressives more than a century to create a strong, stable middle class in this country through labor unions, progressive taxation, tough regulation of business, a commitment to civil rights, legal rights, and human rights, and a comprehensive safety net.

It has taken Republicans less than half a century to destroy all those things, doubling down in recent years, using their massive dark money power to destroy public unions and labor rights, shred regulations, eliminate the progressive tax code in favor of an endless cornucopia of goodies for the super-rich as they transfer public money into private pockets, and now, finally---the little creep Paul Ryan's most cherished dream----a frontal assault on the safety net, including Social Security and Medicare.

Republican voters need to understand what they're voting for--that "Golden Past" when America was "great." There was no significant middle class in America before the reforms of the early 20th century. There was just a handful of rich people, and a whole wretched, scared, powerless lot of poor folks working their tails off for lousy wages and begging for crumbs. There was a lot of starvation, bank failures, and wretched, miserable, unrelieved poverty.

That's where the dark money Republicans plan to take us again---and will take us, if Americans don't stand up and fight back.
Old 12-28-2017, 05:31 PM
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A forced balanced budget requirement would fix everything wrong with politics. Obamacare, the so called tax/jobs bill just passed, big increase in military spending, earned income credit, etc would all be looked at carefully. Now as long as our grandchildrens credit card is backing everything no one cares. IMHO
Old 12-28-2017, 06:20 PM
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While there is merit to your proposal, I don't think that will happen as the average American wouldn't really understand what you are trying to accomplish.
What they do understand is term limits and that would, in my opinion, be an easier sell.

My proposal would be to increase Representative terms to 4 years with a 2 term limit and limit Senators to 2 terms.

It takes 34 states to call an article V constitutional convention. The last attempt was in 1983 when 32 states were on board for a balanced budget ammendment.
Old 12-28-2017, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It took Democrats and other progressives more than a century to create a strong, stable middle class in this country through labor unions, progressive taxation, tough regulation of business, a commitment to civil rights, legal rights, and human rights, and a comprehensive safety net.

It has taken Republicans less than half a century to destroy all those things, doubling down in recent years, using their massive dark money power to destroy public unions and labor rights, shred regulations, eliminate the progressive tax code in favor of an endless cornucopia of goodies for the super-rich as they transfer public money into private pockets, and now, finally---the little creep Paul Ryan's most cherished dream----a frontal assault on the safety net, including Social Security and Medicare.

Republican voters need to understand what they're voting for--that "Golden Past" when America was "great." There was no significant middle class in America before the reforms of the early 20th century. There was just a handful of rich people, and a whole wretched, scared, powerless lot of poor folks working their tails off for lousy wages and begging for crumbs. There was a lot of starvation, bank failures, and wretched, miserable, unrelieved poverty.

That's where the dark money Republicans plan to take us again---and will take us, if Americans don't stand up and fight back.
I think we might be missing something. I think there might be some members of this forum who remember when the republican party freed the slaves and that's why they are so attached to the republicans.
Old 12-29-2017, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Could this have been titled, "Do this and no Republican will be reelected to the Senate?
Answer: absolutely not.

Explained: Repealing the 17th will prevent Democrats from being elected Senators because STATES -- like people -- don't like having Type 2 laws imposed on them (EPA laws, civil rights laws, gun laws, land use laws...).

( for more on Type 2 laws, see The Structure Of Politics: Type 1 vs. Type 2 laws

Democrats are basically Type 2 manipulators and snake-oil salesmen. State Legislatures WILL NOT send those kind of people to the Senate.

Make sense?
Old 12-29-2017, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Answer: absolutely not.

Explained: Repealing the 17th will prevent Democrats from being elected Senators because STATES -- like people -- don't like having Type 2 laws imposed on them (EPA laws, civil rights laws, gun laws, land use laws...).

( for more on Type 2 laws, see The Structure Of Politics: Type 1 vs. Type 2 laws

Democrats are basically Type 2 manipulators and snake-oil salesmen. State Legislatures WILL NOT send those kind of people to the Senate.

Make sense?
White men don't like "type 2" laws...but women and minorities LOVE them...they DEPEND on them...they are now the clear will NEVER be repealed.

You have as much chance as I do removing 100 million Hispanics who are invading us.
Old 12-29-2017, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
While there is merit to your proposal, I don't think that will happen as the average American wouldn't really understand what you are trying to accomplish.
What they do understand is term limits and that would, in my opinion, be an easier sell.

My proposal would be to increase Representative terms to 4 years with a 2 term limit and limit Senators to 2 terms.

It takes 34 states to call an article V constitutional convention. The last attempt was in 1983 when 32 states were on board for a balanced budget ammendment.
Your reply does make some sense but there are to many people and states benefiting from deficiet spending to even consider a constitutional convention so that will take courageous leadership in Congress and that won’t happen without term limits. Unfortunately term limits are extremely doubtful because of money in politics created by deficiet spending. I really think things will have to completely tank before anything changes and by then China will hold all the cards. IMHO
Old 12-29-2017, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your reply does make some sense but there are to many people and states benefiting from deficiet spending to even consider a constitutional convention so that will take courageous leadership in Congress and that won’t happen without term limits. Unfortunately term limits are extremely doubtful because of money in politics created by deficiet spending. I really think things will have to completely tank before anything changes and by then China will hold all the cards. IMHO
Nothing changes until the Ds and Rs stop running things. The parties are completely corrupt...BOTH sides.

There you go're getting it...Over $20 trillion has been stolen and given to the wealthy who PUT the politicians in place who rob us and give it to them.

China won't hold anything but paper IOUs. China is being used like everyone else in the world is being used. China NEEDS from without and as long as that condition exists...we own China. Just like we own Japan. Japan is another big Asian sucker...taking our paper IOUs...because they had no choice after the war.

It's all a paper Ponzi anyway. They create "money" out of thin air...almost at will...their ONLY constraint is keep their Ponzi going they have to keep the money inflation at a reasonable rate...that's where all their schemes come reserve currency..."managing" interest rates. Banking is literally free money...but you can't print too much...too fast.
Old 12-29-2017, 10:14 PM
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Hilarious that the Alabama idiot got beat by a Democrat. And Alabama is about the Reddest state you can find!

As for term limits - do you honestly think any Congressman is going to vote to cut their job? Get real!
Old 12-29-2017, 10:48 PM
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If a constitutional convention is held, then no congressman has any say or vote in any proposed amendment.

I have no expectation that term limits would ever happen, it is merely an exercise in how the country might be improved.
Old 12-29-2017, 11:31 PM
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What have Democrats done for hard working Americans ?

• The Democratic Party has a long and cherished history of trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people.
• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
Old 12-30-2017, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hilarious that the Alabama idiot got beat by a Democrat. And Alabama is about the Reddest state you can find!

As for term limits - do you honestly think any Congressman is going to vote to cut their job? Get real!
Alabama has a LOT of minorities...a LOT of minorities. Accurate numbers are impossible to find...Hispanics are hidden, grouped in with whites. I'd bet Alabama is close to being 50:50 as it is 27% black. Changing demographics...only 25% of the population is white men. THAT is why Moore lost. There will be a changing of the guard. The R party is toast...America is toast. UNLESS we deport about 100 million illegal Hispanics...who put down white when filling out forms.

It doesn't matter WHO gets long as they have a D or R after their name...the stealing, the corruption will go on. They don't care who it long as they're bought off and work for the system. We could limit them to a year, 6 months, a week, a day...and they'd STILL ALL be crooks...because THAT is the ONLY way to get on the ballot. Your "choice" when you vote is...the "conservative crook"..the R...or the "liberal crook"...the D. The point being BOTH are crooks...they just have different employers.

Why do you think there are instances where someone runs unopposed? It's nearly impossible to get on the ballot when you're not affiliated with the D or R party. They just submit a name...independents have to jump through all kinds of hoops...nearly impossible hoops.

state, senate, laws, 17th, american

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