Do You Approve of George Soros Efforts to Influence America ?

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Old 11-14-2016, 03:22 PM
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Default Do You Approve of George Soros Efforts to Influence America ?

Mr. Soros is NOT a US citizen yet he believes that his wealth entitles him to intervene in our " Body Politic " and he will use any and all means to do so including funding civil activism in our streets .

From : Politico 11/14/16

" George Soros and his fellow liberal mega-donors are currently readying the post-Hillary Clinton Democratic party to oppose President-Elect Donald Trump.

According to Politico, Soros and other key members of the so-called “Democracy Alliance” met in Washington, DC at the Mandarin Oriental hotel on Sunday for the first day of the group’s three-day investment conference.

The Democracy Alliance has funneled upwards of $500 million toward liberal activist groups and candidates since Soros co-founded the group in 2005.

DA requires all members — which in 2016 includes more than 100 “finance titans” — to donate at least $200,000 a year to approved activist groups."
Old 11-14-2016, 08:19 PM
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It is totally outrageous!
Old 11-14-2016, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It is totally outrageous!
So true yet the Main -stream / Drive-by Media refuse to take an honest effort to fully analyze this situation and make the American Voters fully informed .

Reason being of course Mr. Soros and his kind support the ultimate agenda of our Far Left Media .

Now the good news . The Major Daily Papers such as the NY Times , LA Times , Washington Post , Chicago Trib and others less worthy such as The NY Daily News are each continuing to hemorrhage Red Ink unabated .

Lost in the furry of the election was the fact that many of these pubs posted record losses for the 3rd Quarter . Major cuts will be made at each most likely beginning right after the new year .
Many early career and even long time so called " Journalists " will soon be packing up their desks and suddenly having to figure out how they are going to meet their personal financial obligations .
Feel not sorry for them . They brought this all upon themselves with their years of arrogant heavily slanted smug reporting and their clear antipathy toward the common men and women of this country .
Personally for me reading the stories of these major upcoming cuts will be like being a 7 year old on Christmas Morning .
Finally the pendulum has swung back .
Old 11-15-2016, 07:00 AM
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[Q[B]UOTE=Guest]Mr. Soros is NOT a US citizen yet he believes that his wealth entitles him to intervene in our " Body Politic " and he will use any and all means to do so including funding civil activism in our streets .

From : Politico 11/14/16

" George Soros and his fellow liberal mega-donors are currently readying the post-Hillary Clinton Democratic party to oppose President-Elect Donald Trump.

According to Politico, Soros and other key members of the so-called “Democracy Alliance” met in Washington, DC at the Mandarin Oriental hotel on Sunday for the first day of the group’s three-day investment conference.

The Democracy Alliance has funneled upwards of $500 million toward liberal activist groups and candidates since Soros co-founded the group in 2005.

DA requires all members — which in 2016 includes more than 100 “finance titans” — to donate at least $200,000 a year to approved activist groups."[/QUOTE

What is most interesting is the fact that both Nancy Pelosi and Keith Ellison attended the Democracy Alliance. Ellison as you may recall is top pick for chair of the DNC

Like some, I have been writing and warning about George Soros for sometime now.

He is utilizing his Move On. org presently to fund the rioting regarding the upset of our presidential election. He also is behind the Black Lives Matter movement. He is a globalist that is creating chaos as one of his weapons to divide and hence conquer America for his internationalist desires. He had Hillary Clinton bought and paid for and along with other international elites domestic and foreign Democratic and Republican who were blind sided by Trump's successful bid. Clearly the elites (aristocracy) of the world believe they should control and they deserve the world's many blessings over commoners

Personal Best Regards:
Old 11-15-2016, 07:12 AM
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With G.Soros funding the leftwingers, he basically owns the Democrat party. Interesting how politicians have no pride or dignity when it comes to being bought.
Old 11-15-2016, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
With G.Soros funding the leftwingers, he basically owns the Democrat party. Interesting how politicians have no pride or dignity when it comes to being bought.
On BOTH sides...the Rs are guilty too. It's why I couldn't bring myself to vote for either. rather an unknown than a KNOWN liar/thief!
Old 11-15-2016, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
On BOTH sides...the Rs are guilty too. It's why I couldn't bring myself to vote for either. rather an unknown than a KNOWN liar/thief!
Go away! You are a loser that does not vote, and therefore deserves no say in these matters.
Old 11-15-2016, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
With G.Soros funding the left-wingers, he basically owns the Democrat party. Interesting how politicians have no pride or dignity when it comes to being bought.
Not the Party of FDR or HST even JFK far removed from the glory days of the once " in tune " Democrat Party .

Now fully dominated and controlled by the interests and objectives of the extreme Left and nothing more than a coalition comprised of the extreme interests
of very small Groups such as The LGBTQ [ less than 3% of the population ] to the most extreme environmentalists . And of course there is the Open Borders and Free College Crowd .

By the way it has been demonstrated time and time again in well controlled Market Research studies that unless a person has a financial stake in " the game " then the " product " has little value to them ----- IE Free College ----- no skin in the game then no imputed value in the mind of the recipient .

Traditional College Scholarships being the exception especially if they are partial and not " Full " .
Old 11-15-2016, 10:48 AM
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In a land of law and order, Soros would be doing hard prison time.

18 U.S. Code SS 2101 - Riots | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Old 11-15-2016, 10:54 AM
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Default Should not be but it is

Originally Posted by Guest
Mr. Soros is NOT a US citizen yet he believes that his wealth entitles him to intervene in our " Body Politic " and he will use any and all means to do so including funding civil activism in our streets .

From : Politico 11/14/16

" George Soros and his fellow liberal mega-donors are currently readying the post-Hillary Clinton Democratic party to oppose President-Elect Donald Trump.

According to Politico, Soros and other key members of the so-called “Democracy Alliance” met in Washington, DC at the Mandarin Oriental hotel on Sunday for the first day of the group’s three-day investment conference.

The Democracy Alliance has funneled upwards of $500 million toward liberal activist groups and candidates since Soros co-founded the group in 2005.

DA requires all members — which in 2016 includes more than 100 “finance titans” — to donate at least $200,000 a year to approved activist groups."
With MONEY you can BUY power that regular people cannot. There are sooooo many examples.
Donations to the Clinton Foundation, Do you really think HILLY AND BILLY would even notice your donation. TRUMP woke us up to the REALWORLD when in the debates he told us that he had donated to the CLINTONS to buy their ear should he need it for his business. BUFFET-we heard his speach that he pays a lower tax rate then his secretary. WHAT a reality spin. He did not mention that his secretary is very well paid and it is surely not a five day a week 9-5 job. You would actually need to READ to discover that not only did Buffet give this speech to help get Obama APPOINTED to the presidency but having already given as much as Buffet could to Obama, buffet threw a fund raiser for Obama in Chicago to shake down his business associates. THE FACTS-Buffet bought PRIME SHARES in Bank of America. First of all PRIME SHARES did not exist in the quantity BUFFET bought so they created them for him. Buffet would pay the top tax rate on dividends on BONDS-roughly 56% but on dividends on PRIME SHARES Buffet would pay a maximum of 15%. As further PAYBACK, railroads owned by Buffet-Berkshire Hathaway haul OIL. Obama three times vetoed the KEYSTONE PIPELINE a safer and far cheaper way to move OIL. Heck, if you called OBAMA just wondering if he was going to buy GM, give away CHRYSLER to the bankrupt FIAT, guaranty the bankrupt Puerto Rican Bonds-OBAMA WOULD NOT EVEN BE TOLD YOU WERE ON THE PHONE. You can bet if BUFFET calls or SOROS calls THE PRESIDENT OF THE US WOULD EITHER PICK UP THE CALL OR CALL THEM BACK QUICKLY.

Your only protection is a free press-SADLY THAT IS MOSTLY OWNED BY LIBERALS. Whether you are happy or not with the election of TRUMP, IT COULD NOT BE MORE CLEAR THAT OUR,"FAIR PRESS," IS OWNED AND PAID FOR BY THE LEFT WING.
Old 11-15-2016, 01:01 PM
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Soros's real name was Schwartz-he sold out Hungarian Jews while working for Hitler-

He should have been tried @ Nuremberg

Its time for the Mosad to exact payback

soros, groups, liberal, george, members

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