Bill the Butcher, Gangs of New York on Immigration

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Old 03-16-2017, 08:33 PM
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Default Bill the Butcher, Gangs of New York on Immigration

I couldn't have said it better myself...

Bill the Butcher on immigration - YouTube
Old 03-17-2017, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I couldn't have said it better myself...

Bill the Butcher on immigration - YouTube
Dear guest:

The story goes that when Europe was comprised of just small villages a place called Rome did something different than other villages. Rome welcomed strangers to their village and incorporated their skulls to the benefit of the community and hence Rome grew strong.

Its not immigrants per se that are the issue. It is the manner of entry and vetting of immigrants as to their ability to contribute and their desire and fealty to this nation that is at issue.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-17-2017, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

The story goes that when Europe was comprised of just small villages a place called Rome did something different than other villages. Rome welcomed strangers to their village and incorporated their skulls to the benefit of the community and hence Rome grew strong.

Its not immigrants per se that are the issue. It is the manner of entry and vetting of immigrants as to their ability to contribute and their desire and fealty to this nation that is at issue.

Personal Best Regards:
And Rome eventually fell...why? Dilution...too many "Non-Romans" who didn't care about/for Rome any more.

That is OUR problem now too...TOO MANY IMMIGRANTS who DON'T care about/for America.
Old 03-17-2017, 05:37 AM
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Oh the irony and hypocrisy.

All but the Native American's are immigrants to this country in the last 500 years... but some are too ignorant to understand that simple fact.

And you want to feel superior....even being an idiot?

Good one!

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
Old 03-17-2017, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Oh the irony and hypocrisy.

All but the Native American's are immigrants to this country in the last 500 years... but some are too ignorant to understand that simple fact.

And you want to feel superior....even being an idiot?

Good one!

Deepest Sincere Wishes:
No...the IRONY don't realize they were stone age CAVEMEN... THEY traveled here too. Nobody is indigenous. No wheel, no written language...same as the African Negroids.

WE are Rome...not them. They are the "uncivilized" Barbarians. Too many of them caused Rome to it will America.

The Africans, the Native Americans...they are the modern day Neanderthal...not quite us.

You keep pushing for keep pushing for equality...and fiddle while the country burns.

NO PLACE gets better with an influx on minorities, NO PLACE that IS a majority minorities gets better...including here. We've gone from #1 and 90% #25 and 49% white...we're on out way to #100 and 20% white within 30 years. They WILL be the absolute majority...soon. America WILL become like a Mexico II.
Old 03-17-2017, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

The story goes that when Europe was comprised of just small villages a place called Rome did something different than other villages. Rome welcomed strangers to their village and incorporated their skulls to the benefit of the community and hence Rome grew strong.

Its not immigrants per se that are the issue. It is the manner of entry and vetting of immigrants as to their ability to contribute and their desire and fealty to this nation that is at issue.

Personal Best Regards:
I really would like to hear what you want to add to the vetting orocess that already exists. I keep hearing how we need to vet stronger, yet never hear HOW.

How the Refugee Vetting Process Works | The Heritage Foundation

Refugees are already vigorously vetted. I know because I vetted them. - The Washington Post

"With the uproar over President Trump's new travel ban and the GOP plan to repeal-and-replace Obamacare, scant attention is being paid to the opening President Donald Trump seems to have created for immigration reform.

The Washington Post, no fan of the president, has suggested that his appeal to Congress last month for a bipartisan solution to the long-standing problem could be a groundbreaking development – positioning Trump as "the one man" capable of making immigration reform happen.

That may be true: But first the president must distance himself from the many fictions he's been peddling about immigrants."

"President Trump similarly misrepresents the terrorist threat posed by immigrants in order to justify slowing immigration while imposing "extreme vetting." He claimed that "the vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country." But the people he is referencing are not immigrants!"
President Trump similarly misrepresents the terrorist threat posed by immigrants in order to justify slowing immigration while imposing "extreme vetting." He claimed that "the
vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country." But the people he is referencing are not immigrants!

AGAIN, how can we pass anything meaningful when the President is lying to the american voters. How can we have any legislation or law based on lies ?
Old 03-17-2017, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

The story goes that when Europe was comprised of just small villages a place called Rome did something different than other villages. Rome welcomed strangers to their village and incorporated their skulls to the benefit of the community and hence Rome grew strong.

Its not immigrants per se that are the issue. It is the manner of entry and vetting of immigrants as to their ability to contribute and their desire and fealty to this nation that is at issue.

Personal Best Regards:
Maybe you should address your reply to trump.

Donald Trump and Undocumented Workers at Trump Tower |

immigration, gangs, butcher, york, bill

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