Does Trump have mental issues???

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Old 02-06-2017, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockface View Post
A. I have no issue with alcohol..enjoy

B. No, sorry, you are a punk. You troll this board, I suppose to make you feel manly, and that is your choice. You are what you are.

This forum is a perfect example of what Trump has done.

Good civil people, frustrated and understandably so, but he took advantage. He has parlayed your frustration and turned it to hate. He is not making America great aga. He is making people like you view this world, this country in a distorted manner; playing one against the other;creating more and more mean spirited people.

He is creating punks who want to chant, who want to feel that hate for others to fill that frustration they feel...who simply cannot see how one american is being played against another, how, one person against another, label them and attack.

Disagree with Obama...certainly you have that right, I sure did, BUT NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR. Can't you see how "punkish" that is ?
You are what you are...unhappy and desperate for acceptance.

This forum is this forum. No blame to Trump. Sandy wants it his way, Don wants it his way, and you want it your way.

Not sure larbud was ever good and civilized. (unt is full of hate...and certainly sees things in a distorted view.

I could care less about Obamma's skin color. He was a piece of $hit that separated people by race, sexual orientation, age and any other designation imaginable. He apologized for being American. He was a smug punk...

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Old 02-06-2017, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am going to be as respectful to you as your immaturity will allow.....

As a long time Republican and conservative American voter and veteran. I could never nor have I even considered defending or voting for Clinto, and I oppose 99% of all Obama policy.

Now I could give a rats behind if you believe me or not, but you can take your racist, white supremicist king jang and shove it.

When you grow up someday, and find out people are judged on what the do...what they are...not their skin color.

You, my hateful little person are not even in the ballpark to be the man Obama is. I detest his policies, but...well, hell being better than you is so easy, but keep your hateful stuff to yourself or share it with any other scum drinking buddies that share your view of yourself as me, you don't rate fly crap
Hey we are all entitled to an opinion even if it does not match others...we are entitled.

Personal attacks do not make a point more valid....quite the contrary!
Old 02-07-2017, 12:16 AM
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Default Trump fixes problem with tweets.....

Originally Posted by Guest
Well, lets see....

"Speaking to the U.S. Central Command on Monday, President Trump went off his prepared remarks to make a truly stunning claim: The media was intentionally covering up reports of terrorist attacks."

President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks - The Washington Post

Sadly, many of the brainwashed, and they ARE brainwashed believe this insane tripe.

This is not "draining the swamp".....this is not changing Washington...this is totally an invention of this administration....Bannon and Trump are not new this "conspiracy around every corner? thing...they did it well before they beat the birther thing into the ground . AND 100% OF THE TIME THEY WERE WRONG.

Is this insane behavior ? This is what ALL of those who served as Trump biographers said about him....he creates a false universe and is happy in it even thought it is not reality

You folks who support this complete denegration of our country have talked about what Obama did to our countries reputation. You say he made us look weak.l.this administration is not making us look weak for sure......the entire world thinks that this is nuts
Kuwait denies it imposed travel ban praised by Trump
| Reuters

Trump Shared False Travel Ban Story On His Facebook Page - The Daily Beast
Old 02-07-2017, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am going to be as respectful to you as your immaturity will allow.....

As a long time Republican and conservative American voter and veteran. I could never nor have I even considered defending or voting for Clinto, and I oppose 99% of all Obama policy.

Now I could give a rats behind if you believe me or not, but you can take your racist, white supremicist king jang and shove it.

When you grow up someday, and find out people are judged on what the do...what they are...not their skin color.

You, my hateful little person are not even in the ballpark to be the man Obama is. I detest his policies, but...well, hell being better than you is so easy, but keep your hateful stuff to yourself or share it with any other scum drinking buddies that share your view of yourself as me, you don't rate fly crap
PLEASE...I DO judge them by what they do! I'm ALWAYS asking you to judge them by what they do!

They DESTROY everything they touch, and everywhere they go.

They destroy the schools they go to...the neighborhoods they live in...the towns and cities they become the majority in...EVERYTHING they are involved in...winds up ruined. Name me ONE that hasn't.

Skin color is ONE of HUNDREDS of differences...physical, physiological, and mental. They're NOT us and the skin color is a VERY minor part. It's what INSIDE that is different.

What's EASY is being "better" than pretty much ANY minority or woman.

Originally Posted by Guest
Haven't had even one drink since the day after I got back from Nam. Met real men there not punks like you white supremicts
Trying to save your country makes us "punks"? Weren't YOU "trying to save the country too"?

This is a REAL threat. Joe Biden ADMITTED that white people are now 49% of the population. That number falls EVERY year. There ARE 100 million Hispanics, they WILL be the majority within 30 years.

FIGHT to SAVE your country.

Originally Posted by Guest
Argument or debate implies two adults..not meaningless jabber from men who simply throw out hate speak, and have no idea of what they speak.

Be glad to debat but not based on hate. My America was not based on sure ain't perfect, but you people are destroying it.
I "throw out facts"...NOTHING but facts. Let's hear your retort if you have something to say about anything I say.

Yes...FACTS can be "hateful" when you're screwing up.

LIBERALS are the ones DESTROYING the country. They're actively encouraging minorities to become the majority. And we ALL know what a majority of minorities does...destroys...EVERY time.

Name ONE minority majority place that is successful...just one. It's NOT their skin's what's INSIDE that colored skin.

Originally Posted by Guest
A. I have no issue with alcohol..enjoy

B. No, sorry, you are a punk. You troll this board, I suppose to make you feel manly, and that is your choice. You are what you are.

This forum is a perfect example of what Trump has done.

Good civil people, frustrated and understandably so, but he took advantage. He has parlayed your frustration and turned it to hate. He is not making America great aga. He is making people like you view this world, this country in a distorted manner; playing one against the other;creating more and more mean spirited people.

He is creating punks who want to chant, who want to feel that hate for others to fill that frustration they feel...who simply cannot see how one american is being played against another, how, one person against another, label them and attack.

Disagree with Obama...certainly you have that right, I sure did, BUT NOT BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR. Can't you see how "punkish" that is ?
Who is "distorted" in their views? Have YOU been down to MLK Blvd lately? Have you SEEN how "they", the black skinned people, live? How they ACT? You REALLY need to before you continue with your bullsh!t rhetoric.

Skin color is's the rest of the package INSIDE that colored skin that is NO GOOD. Not "human" and INCAPABLE of living in a modern society.

Old 02-07-2017, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are what you are...unhappy and desperate for acceptance.

This forum is this forum. No blame to Trump. Sandy wants it his way, Don wants it his way, and you want it your way.

Not sure larbud was ever good and civilized. (unt is full of hate...and certainly sees things in a distorted view.

I could care less about Obamma's skin color. He was a piece of $hit that separated people by race, sexual orientation, age and any other designation imaginable. He apologized for being American. He was a smug punk...

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A perfect example of a demented trumpster. Do you realize what your saying about Obama is exactly a perfect image of trump. Maybe you should think abou the content of your posts before you embarrass yourself.
Old 02-07-2017, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A perfect example of a demented trumpster. Do you realize what your saying about Obama is exactly a perfect image of trump. Maybe you should think abou the content of your posts before you embarrass yourself.
And maybe EVERYONE here should have listened to me when I kept saying that NEITHER the D or R candidate was a good choice.
Old 02-07-2017, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And you seem to be from the mentally challenged group...

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Post a response with some originality, or are you uncapable of doing that?
Old 02-07-2017, 08:26 AM
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Why is it when one criticizes a non white persons performance they are automatically, by some few, categorized as racist?

Because it is they who are in waiting with their racist magnifying glass and yard stick. The key for them is if one does not agree with or accept what they think the non white is doing right......even if they are wrong or incompetent.

Welcome to the measuring of the day by the supporters and advocators of minority and special interest promotions.
Old 02-07-2017, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are what you are...unhappy and desperate for acceptance.

This forum is this forum. No blame to Trump. Sandy wants it his way, Don wants it his way, and you want it your way.

Not sure larbud was ever good and civilized. (unt is full of hate...and certainly sees things in a distorted view.

I could care less about Obamma's skin color. He was a piece of $hit that separated people by race, sexual orientation, age and any other designation imaginable. He apologized for being American. He was a smug punk...

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This is funny...the adjectives used to describe the last administration defy imagination and leave nothing to that imagination when discussing his race.

THAT, along with a current President who kept his names in the headlines for years simply talking about his race and place of birth.

Now speaking of separating people, Trump is the classic. He not only has our county separated the way he wants them, he is working on the world.

He has given more in two weeks to the terrorists around the world in a way to help their recruitment than years and years of anyone every in the WH. His words, which as President matter although he does not seem to get that, are ripping apart the country and the world. You can post on here about all those that speak ill of him, which is what he advocates. He has made NOT ONE even pretense of bringing even his own country together. He is obsessed with HIMSELF only.

Fake news...he is the expert....he uses it and then accuses others of doing it. He is the President and if he would grow up and realize the impact of his immature actions if it is not too late, might help the world.

Making up massacres, falsely accusing the media of not covering terrorist attacks may have been "cute" when he was running, but he won and still does it.

I strongly object to the Obama Presidency but this, person that occupies our WH is hell bent NOT on "draining the swamp" in anyway....NOT intent on making America Great again.....IN ANY WAY AT ALL.

He, and you speak of our reputation in the world....he has gone down the proverbial toilet in the last few weeks simply because of this person. This is what you wanted ? We are looked at by our longest time allies as being silly and immature.
Old 02-07-2017, 01:35 PM
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Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is promising his fellow R's that he will have a psch evaluation done on Trump. Too bad he didn't think about this before the election. Watch for his cabinet to start resigning. That will be the first sign the straight jacket is on the way.
Old 02-07-2017, 01:38 PM
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Old 02-07-2017, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is promising his fellow R's that he will have a psch evaluation done on Trump. Too bad he didn't think about this before the election. Watch for his cabinet to start resigning. That will be the first sign the straight jacket is on the way.
You know from history that i very seldom agree with you, and mostly am totally and completely on the other side of every issue, but he is displaying very sign that this country better be wary.

"“You know, it’s a terrifying thing. I haven’t slept a night through since Donald Trump announced for president because I believe he is so insecure, so easily provoked and not — not particularly — nearly as smart as people might imagine he is,” he said. “I do worry that with the nuclear codes, he would end civilization as we know it.”

This is a quote from co author of "The Art of the Deal"

Tony Schwartz, Co-Author of Donald Trump's 'The Art of the Deal,' Says Trump Presidency Is 'Terrifying' - ABC News

And here is one of many more to come and should scare us all....

"The target of last week's military raid in Yemen not only is still alive but has released an audio recording mocking President Donald Trump."

Target of US military Yemen raid still alive, mocks Trump in recording - Business Insider

He is actually rallying the enemies of the US and is so available to be mocked and he will strike back as he has said.
Old 02-07-2017, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is promising his fellow R's that he will have a psch evaluation done on Trump. Too bad he didn't think about this before the election. Watch for his cabinet to start resigning. That will be the first sign the straight jacket is on the way.
You wouldn't be posting like that if he was BLACK.
Old 02-07-2017, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know from history that i very seldom agree with you, and mostly am totally and completely on the other side of every issue, but he is displaying very sign that this country better be wary.

"“You know, it’s a terrifying thing. I haven’t slept a night through since Donald Trump announced for president because I believe he is so insecure, so easily provoked and not — not particularly — nearly as smart as people might imagine he is,” he said. “I do worry that with the nuclear codes, he would end civilization as we know it.”

This is a quote from co author of "The Art of the Deal"

Tony Schwartz, Co-Author of Donald Trump's 'The Art of the Deal,' Says Trump Presidency Is 'Terrifying' - ABC News

And here is one of many more to come and should scare us all....

"The target of last week's military raid in Yemen not only is still alive but has released an audio recording mocking President Donald Trump."

Target of US military Yemen raid still alive, mocks Trump in recording - Business Insider

He is actually rallying the enemies of the US and is so available to be mocked and he will strike back as he has said.
Let the bad pukes come out into the open where Trump can have them squashed like the bugs they are. It will clean up the world much faster than having to knock them off one rag head at a time.
Old 02-07-2017, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Let the bad pukes come out into the open where Trump can have them squashed like the bugs they are. It will clean up the world much faster than having to knock them off one rag head at a time.
Do you actually understand anything ? Or do you rely on someone to tell you what to say ?

I ask because nobody in their right mind would type the things you do.

close, issues, mental, trump

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