Donald John Trump and the Psychiatrists.

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Old 04-22-2017, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

That's gonna leave a large bruise.
Old 04-22-2017, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

That's gonna leave a large bruise.
On Trump's ego. And his White House just put out or recently did proclaim some kind of double-speak Earth Day announcement that yes he does support the environment.
Old 04-22-2017, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think that it is quite possible that he has Asberger's Syndrome, a form of Autism of bright people that skews their ability for what the rest of us call appropriate social interchange.

I think many people have it. I know of two who have self identified on TOTV. They are both very bright but often will zero in on minor cues and miss what others are trying to say.

I think it is also possible that Barron may have a mild form of Autism as well. I mean this in no way to be critical. Autism is very, very, common and probably because it is being identified in all of it's forms more often now. I think that women having children later in life may contribute to it's rise. (This is my opinion, just mine)
Or...maybe they just don't care to talk to those so far beneath them.

You mean they're naive? Falling for peoples lies and deception because they trust?

Isn't it strange...they have all these names for "quirks"...and yet a MAN...WANTING another MAN to stick his pen!s into his PERFECTLY normal.

Homosexuality...equality of the races/sexes...all lies...all working to bring America down.

Originally Posted by Guest
JBartle is a very intelligent, caring, well educated and fair person. She has beautiful taste in her home and how she dresses and is a lovely intelligent person.

We don't agree on politics, but I would trust her with just about anything. She is a good, remarkably smart, utterly kind human being.
But is she she AWARE...?

Originally Posted by Guest
You miss the point my friend. Never in out history have we made so public a matter as sensitive as this because of the affect it would have our this nation's population and the adverse affect it will have with our enemies.

The allegations against Trump are irrational, irresponsible and ill advised. apparently Trump Derangement syndrome also causes its victims to suffer a decline in intelligence.

Personal Best Regards:
You keep forgetting who you're dealing with...women and minorities...the liberals...the democrats...they ARE women and minorities...with a sprinkling of epsilon males. They are NOT leaders...they are NOT inventors. They are destroying a once mighty nation and culture.
Old 04-22-2017, 04:50 PM
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Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia

Oprah Winfrey and the real ladies from Hidden Figures and many many others.
Old 04-22-2017, 04:56 PM
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The Villages Florida

I remember Howard Dean got rather weird during his Presidential Campaign and that was the end of it. Howard Dean presidential campaign, 2004 - Wikipedia While Donald John Trump was unhinged through most of his but could clean himself up a bit for the debates. Still mainly lost because of Russian hackers and the James Comey Anthony Weiner e-mail investigation.
Old 04-22-2017, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia

Oprah Winfrey and the real ladies from Hidden Figures and many many others.
Oprah...talks...that is all she does...she made $ billions by talking. She never MADE anything. Broadcasting talking isn't a great accomplishment. Intel, Microsoft, Northrop, Xerox, they MADE something new, they CREATED something new. Women and minorities just DON'T do that like white men do. Of course there are a and there...but NOTHING like the numbers you find within populations of white men. Women didn't make western civilization..white men did!
Old 04-22-2017, 05:12 PM
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There are conservatives and liberals in every field. Although most doctors tend to be conservative, most psychiatrists tend to be liberal. Anyone that works at Yale or any of our institutes of higher learning is likely to be liberal. So I would consider a Yale psychiatrist is probably an extreme lefty.

I wonder how long these ridiculous assertions are going to continue. Probably as long as the birther crap and the truther nonsense and the calls for the president's tax returns. All of these things are simply distractions made to prevent people from looking at real issues and real solutions.
Old 04-22-2017, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Have you moved here yet from Jacksonville?

Just retire?
Live here in the villages now after reading this site for a long time.

Had a friend on the original Jacksonville Jaguars, never lived there.

Soon after my 1st few political posts received two not so nice private messages. So not sure about revealing too much more personal information here.
Old 04-22-2017, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There are conservatives and liberals in every field. Although most doctors tend to be conservative, most psychiatrists tend to be liberal. Anyone that works at Yale or any of our institutes of higher learning is likely to be liberal. So I would consider a Yale psychiatrist is probably an extreme lefty.

I wonder how long these ridiculous assertions are going to continue. Probably as long as the birther crap and the truther nonsense and the calls for the president's tax returns. All of these things are simply distractions made to prevent people from looking at real issues and real solutions.
Psychiatry has some common standards in diagnosis and the like. Treatments and other things vary somewhat but I would not think that the political party of any given psychiatrist looking at Trump's behavior and statements and the like would vary all that much. Unless they are hack psychiatrists or are influenced by bribes or some other personal reason.
Old 04-22-2017, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
Psychiatry has some common standards in diagnosis and the like. Treatments and other things vary somewhat but I would not think that the political party of any given psychiatrist looking at Trump's behavior and statements and the like would vary all that much. Unless they are hack psychiatrists or are influenced by bribes or some other personal reason.
Is it true you have been dropped by several shrinks, they say there is nothing preventing you from working.
Old 04-22-2017, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
There are conservatives and liberals in every field. Although most doctors tend to be conservative, most psychiatrists tend to be liberal. Anyone that works at Yale or any of our institutes of higher learning is likely to be liberal. So I would consider a Yale psychiatrist is probably an extreme lefty.

I wonder how long these ridiculous assertions are going to continue. Probably as long as the birther crap and the truther nonsense and the calls for the president's tax returns. All of these things are simply distractions made to prevent people from looking at real issues and real solutions.
Because the entire field is political. Taking homosexuality out of the DSM...PROVES...just how political they are. They can't be trusted to be anything.

Of course they're don't know what's REALLY happening. The plotting the government does. The lies. Real agendas. The REAL and ONLY issue we SHOULD be talking about is the "Mexicanization" of America. We're being overrun, bred out, replaced...We were 90% of the population in out hey days...we're 49% now and #25...we'll be 20-25% in 30 years or less and "Mexico II" will be down around #75.

Our future in certain, we are losing more white people than are being born. Hispanics ARE the majority of the population below age 7.

Originally Posted by Guest
Psychiatry has some common standards in diagnosis and the like. Treatments and other things vary somewhat but I would not think that the political party of any given psychiatrist looking at Trump's behavior and statements and the like would vary all that much. Unless they are hack psychiatrists or are influenced by bribes or some other personal reason.
Political "standards". Insisting the sexes are equal, the races are equal, there is NO such thing as's all political.
Old 04-22-2017, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Because the entire field is political. Taking homosexuality out of the DSM...PROVES...just how political they are. They can't be trusted to be anything.

Of course they're don't know what's REALLY happening. The plotting the government does. The lies. Real agendas. The REAL and ONLY issue we SHOULD be talking about is the "Mexicanization" of America. We're being overrun, bred out, replaced...We were 90% of the population in out hey days...we're 49% now and #25...we'll be 20-25% in 30 years or less and "Mexico II" will be down around #75.

Our future in certain, we are losing more white people than are being born. Hispanics ARE the majority of the population below age 7.

Political "standards". Insisting the sexes are equal, the races are equal, there is NO such thing as's all political.
Of course there are some cultural, political, economic and other factors in psychiatric diagnoses and the like.

But these do not differ that much unless you are looking at people in different religions in different regions with quite different ways of life.

Donald John Trump's behavior might be rather normal for say an actor in a reality program, a used car sales person or maybe within a bunch of con men. Could even been somewhat the standard with some CEOs. He is none of those things now, however, he is POTUS and should be called out for his lies, narcissism, sociopathy and many other things.
Old 04-22-2017, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Of course there are some cultural, political, economic and other factors in psychiatric diagnoses and the like.

But these do not differ that much unless you are looking at people in different religions in different regions with quite different ways of life.

Donald John Trump's behavior might be rather normal for say an actor in a reality program, a used car sales person or maybe within a bunch of con men. Could even been somewhat the standard with some CEOs. He is none of those things now, however, he is POTUS and should be called out for his lies, narcissism, sociopathy and many other things.
Oh Tal...a babe in the woods...

IF...IF...IF psychology wasn't wouldn't change with the religion or the culture. Do trajectory calculations change from Catholic to Muslim? Does a Muslim cell divide differently than a Jewish cell? It's NOT a "science"'s a political tool. Look how many people are on psychotropic drugs...what half the population now?

It IS normal for a sociopath or psychopath...code words for ALPHA MALE. The "president" is the ultimate "King of the Hill" think he's a "nice guy"? Really? He truly is the "Don"...of the mafia they call the US Government.
Old 04-22-2017, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack9696 View Post
Live here in the villages now after reading this site for a long time.

Had a friend on the original Jacksonville Jaguars, never lived there.

Soon after my 1st few political posts received two not so nice private messages. So not sure about revealing too much more personal information here.
GG does a lot of fishing in her sweet grandmotherly way. She's a note taker and keeps a file. Don't worry about the pm's; they're desperate but harmless.

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Old 04-22-2017, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
GG does a lot of fishing in her sweet grandmotherly way. She's a note taker and keeps a file. Don't worry about the pm's; they're desperate but harmless.

..."her sweet grandmotherly way."

I'm sure you're correct about her massive, obsessive, nosy database though.

times, psychiatrists, trump, john, donald

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