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Old 03-06-2016, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The Trumpster has taken a slight downtick to 19.6 percent chance of being the next President while Hillary Clinton is at 63.9 percent!

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
Contagious, delerium induced BS!
Old 03-06-2016, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Contagious, delerium induced BS!
Would you care to place a bet of an ice cold Yeungling that Hillary will beat Trump in the general election?
Old 03-06-2016, 10:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Would you care to place a bet of an ice cold Yeungling that Hillary will beat Trump in the general election?
Why bet when it is not even known whether either or neither will be in the race.

I don't see any reason for confidence the either one will survive; so sometime in July should be a more clear picture of who is running. (remember 2008)
Old 03-06-2016, 10:54 AM
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Let them have Hillary. She can be president of the food quality protest in the federal penitentiary.
Old 03-06-2016, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Let them have Hillary. She can be president of the food quality protest in the federal penitentiary.
She already has the wardrobe!
Old 03-06-2016, 01:13 PM
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I didn't realize you can serve as President while sitting in a Federal prison after having been convicted of numerous felonies. Gotta hand it to Clinton and her voters.
Old 03-06-2016, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I didn't realize you can serve as President while sitting in a Federal prison after having been convicted of numerous felonies. Gotta hand it to Clinton and her voters.
Actually, I don't know if there is any restrictions on a president residing in a prison or not. I do know that other politicians have held political positions while in prison. Knowing the left, they would probably still support her and fight to allow her to manage the country from prison.
Old 03-07-2016, 09:09 PM
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Hillary is now at 64.7 percent chance of being the next President, Trump at 18.9 percent chance, and Cruz at 3.4 percent chance. Rubles has dropped into the 2 percent range.

Time is NOW for the Dumbpublicans to throw in the towel and admit defeat!

:1 rotfl:
Old 03-08-2016, 12:20 AM
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How old was Ragen when he started his second term?
Old 03-08-2016, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
How old was Ragen when he started his second term?
Reagan in his grave was a better president than Obama. Reagan's wife was a better president than Obama.
Old 03-08-2016, 06:07 AM
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It looks like early voting in Florida indicates that Rubio has an early lead. I have been waiting to cast my early vote until I could get an indication on which candidate could possibly beat Trump. I had intended to vote for Rubio until I saw his dismal showing in the Super Tuesday primary. Then, I figured that Cruz would be the best candidate to beat Trump and still have a chance of winning the general. If Rubio has the best chance of winning Florida from Trump, then I guess I will still vote for Rubio, even though it is virtually impossible for him to win the nomination. But, why waste a vote on Cruz, if Trump is going to win Florida if Rubio doesn't? So, I plan to vote for Rubio if this trend continues with him in the lead for Florida. I don't think that Trump is the best we can do, and even Cruz is better. I realize that Rubio doesn't have a chance in the long haul, but if Trump loses a few states, then maybe Cruz can get the nomination, even if it turns out that we end up with a contested convention. If Trump doesn't get the nomination and decides to be a dixk about it, then it will just backfire on him. He will become the villain and be ostracized in America. With an ego like his, that would be unacceptable, so he would probably back off. So, as it stands right now Rubio will likely get my primary vote. What happens in the general is entirely different. I will support whichever candidate gets the nomination for the Republican party.
Old 03-08-2016, 07:20 AM
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And the Democrats will support whoever gets the Democratic nod. As of 3/2/16, the average of latest polls show either Hillary or Sanders easily beating Trump in the general election.
Old 03-08-2016, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
And the Democrats will support whoever gets the Democratic nod. As of 3/2/16, the average of latest polls show either Hillary or Sanders easily beating Trump in the general election.
Polls are as definite as the shape of a passing cloud!!
Old 03-08-2016, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It looks like early voting in Florida indicates that Rubio has an early lead. I have been waiting to cast my early vote until I could get an indication on which candidate could possibly beat Trump. I had intended to vote for Rubio until I saw his dismal showing in the Super Tuesday primary. Then, I figured that Cruz would be the best candidate to beat Trump and still have a chance of winning the general. If Rubio has the best chance of winning Florida from Trump, then I guess I will still vote for Rubio, even though it is virtually impossible for him to win the nomination. But, why waste a vote on Cruz, if Trump is going to win Florida if Rubio doesn't? So, I plan to vote for Rubio if this trend continues with him in the lead for Florida. I don't think that Trump is the best we can do, and even Cruz is better. I realize that Rubio doesn't have a chance in the long haul, but if Trump loses a few states, then maybe Cruz can get the nomination, even if it turns out that we end up with a contested convention. If Trump doesn't get the nomination and decides to be a dixk about it, then it will just backfire on him. He will become the villain and be ostracized in America. With an ego like his, that would be unacceptable, so he would probably back off. So, as it stands right now Rubio will likely get my primary vote. What happens in the general is entirely different. I will support whichever candidate gets the nomination for the Republican party.
You will support whatever Republican candidate gets the nomination? Pal, you are the kind of idiot that should not be vote.

You would support Trump even though he stated several times that he would kill the families of terrorists? How about televising Trump personally beheading the mother and the 6 month old child of the San Bernadino killers? You in favor of that?
Old 03-08-2016, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You will support whatever Republican candidate gets the nomination? Pal, you are the kind of idiot that should not be vote.

You would support Trump even though he stated several times that he would kill the families of terrorists? How about televising Trump personally beheading the mother and the 6 month old child of the San Bernadino killers? You in favor of that?
Can you provide where we can go to see/hear Trumps comments as you have outlined in your post?

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