Immigration and extreme vetting

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Old 03-01-2017, 09:58 AM
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Default Immigration and extreme vetting

The new immigration EO is due shortly. My understanding is that this EO is simply to buy time for US agencies to review the vetting procedures for immigrants coming to the United States. Below are links that might explain the new EO a bit and also an in depth write up on what is exactly our vetting procedures right now.

News from The Associated Press

Inside the U.S. vetting system Trump wants to replace - CBS News

My objection to the ban is not the same as many. I respect totally those that are opposed simply because it flies in the face of what this country is all about and that is immigrants (ALL come from immigrant roots) but also understand what Trump is looking for in insuring our safety.

My concern is that this is simply a cover of some seems, and if your read the vetting procedures in place now (the second link supplied) it is not easy to come into this country.

I also, as I think every american does also, believe in having strong borders. If you notice during the campaign, both primary and general, every candidate on both sides were for making our borders stronger.

Last night and prior to the address, Trump alluded to the "gang of eight" proposal (which he mocked during the primary) and earlier mentioned entertaining allowing path to legal status for illegals.

"Trump did say that "real and positive immigration reform is possible," but only mentioned conditioning legal immigration on job skills rather than family ties. It's a popular idea, a version of which was included as part of the 2013 "Gang of Eight" bill that passed the Senate and died in the House."

CAN we in fact find common ground on immigration as was begun in the house prior to the primary season ?

What should be part of any comprehensive immigration reform "

Is a path to legalization something we can accomplish ?
Old 03-01-2017, 10:14 AM
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Vett them? How? They have no papers.
Old 03-01-2017, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Vet them? How? They have no papers.
Are you really that simple minded ?

Please read the links I supplied

Who Is an Undocumented Immigrant? |
Old 03-01-2017, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you really that simple minded ?

Please read the links I supplied

Who Is an Undocumented Immigrant? |
My question stands...HOW do you vett people who show up at the gate as "refugees" with nothing but the clothes on their back?


They don't have passports. Don't have a birth certificate. No drivers license. They say they "came from some isolated village in the middle of nowhere".

HOW do you vett them? HOW?
Old 03-01-2017, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
My question stands...HOW do you vett people who show up at the gate as "refugees" with nothing but the clothes on their back?


They don't have passports. Don't have a birth certificate. No drivers license. They say they "came from some isolated village in the middle of nowhere".

HOW do you vett them? HOW?
You read the links I provided that explains how vetting is done ???
Old 03-01-2017, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You read the links I provided that explains how vetting is done ??? doesn' quote the parts where it explains HOW they vett people with no identification. What process they use. HOW they ENSURE that the person standing in front of them IS who they say they are. HOW they determine if they are a danger or not.

I want to know HOW they vett people with no identification.
Old 03-01-2017, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest doesn' quote the parts where it explains HOW they vett people with no identification. What process they use. HOW they ENSURE that the person standing in front of them IS who they say they are. HOW they determine if they are a danger or not.

I want to know HOW they vett people with no identification.
"Refugees must first apply for refugee status and resettlement with the U.N. High Commission on Refugees, which collects initial documentation and biographic information, which is then transferred to a State Department-funded Resettlement Support Center. Afterwards, the center conducts an in-depth interview with the applicant, enters the documentation into a State Department system, and then cross-references and verifies data, and sends the information needed for a background check to other U.S. agencies."
Old 03-01-2017, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest doesn' quote the parts where it explains HOW they vett people with no identification. What process they use. HOW they ENSURE that the person standing in front of them IS who they say they are. HOW they determine if they are a danger or not.

I want to know HOW they vett people with no identification.
You need to do a lot more reading and get better informed
Old 03-01-2017, 11:22 AM
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I also wonder since the EO is based on a review of the vetting procedures, WHEN WE MIGHT EXPECT A REPORT ON THIS REVIEW ?

Anyone know ???

Actually the more I read, I am not sure how much stricter we can be.

i think a report on this vetting from the WH and then a statement on next steps might help the administration actually, and calm the nerves.
Old 03-01-2017, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
"Refugees must first apply for refugee status and resettlement with the U.N. High Commission on Refugees, which collects initial documentation and biographic information, which is then transferred to a State Department-funded Resettlement Support Center. Afterwards, the center conducts an in-depth interview with the applicant, enters the documentation into a State Department system, and then cross-references and verifies data, and sends the information needed for a background check to other U.S. agencies."
So they don't do any actual checking...forged, if any documents and a sob story are good enough.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to vett people from a 3rd world country. It's "people tracking" infrastructure isn't there.
Old 03-01-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So they don't do any actual checking...forged, if any documents and a sob story are good enough.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to vett people from a 3rd world country. It's "people tracking" infrastructure isn't there.
This escaped your reading ?...

"...verifies data and sends the information needed for a background check to other US agencies"
Old 03-01-2017, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The new immigration EO is due shortly. My understanding is that this EO is simply to buy time for US agencies to review the vetting procedures for immigrants coming to the United States. Below are links that might explain the new EO a bit and also an in depth write up on what is exactly our vetting procedures right now.

News from The Associated Press

Inside the U.S. vetting system Trump wants to replace - CBS News

My objection to the ban is not the same as many. I respect totally those that are opposed simply because it flies in the face of what this country is all about and that is immigrants (ALL come from immigrant roots) but also understand what Trump is looking for in insuring our safety.

My concern is that this is simply a cover of some seems, and if your read the vetting procedures in place now (the second link supplied) it is not easy to come into this country.

I also, as I think every american does also, believe in having strong borders. If you notice during the campaign, both primary and general, every candidate on both sides were for making our borders stronger.

Last night and prior to the address, Trump alluded to the "gang of eight" proposal (which he mocked during the primary) and earlier mentioned entertaining allowing path to legal status for illegals.

"Trump did say that "real and positive immigration reform is possible," but only mentioned conditioning legal immigration on job skills rather than family ties. It's a popular idea, a version of which was included as part of the 2013 "Gang of Eight" bill that passed the Senate and died in the House."

CAN we in fact find common ground on immigration as was begun in the house prior to the primary season ?

What should be part of any comprehensive immigration reform "

Is a path to legalization something we can accomplish ?
The issue of immigration is simply not one dimensional. As an example illegals sneaking over the border vis a vis refugee's seeking asylum in the US vis a vis H1B visa, etc.

Secondly, the nature and the character of immigrant. why did they immigrate here? Do they desire to assimilate or not? Are they desirous of becoming American citizens.

Third what are the health implications? Education implications (ie are they or can they be self supporting).....................................

following a war there is always a refugee problem and somehow it all gets sorted out.

Trump is correct in temporarily halting immigration until we can get a fix on the nature of our problems and how they affect our budget, taxes American workers and our population in general........

Personal Best Regards:
Old 03-01-2017, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This escaped your reading ?...

"...verifies data and sends the information needed for a background check to other US agencies"
How? Do they send a caseworker out there into the war zone to verify the information? No...they don't.

This whole "vetting" farce is a crock. There is NO WAY to PROPERLY vett these people.

Originally Posted by Guest
The issue of immigration is simply not one dimensional. As an example illegals sneaking over the border vis a vis refugee's seeking asylum in the US vis a vis H1B visa, etc.

Secondly, the nature and the character of immigrant. why did they immigrate here? Do they desire to assimilate or not? Are they desirous of becoming American citizens.

Third what are the health implications? Education implications (ie are they or can they be self supporting).....................................

following a war there is always a refugee problem and somehow it all gets sorted out.

Trump is correct in temporarily halting immigration until we can get a fix on the nature of our problems and how they affect our budget, taxes American workers and our population in general........

Personal Best Regards:
Our modern immigrants fail ALL THREE.

Following the wars in the past...the men were killed and the women divied up among the troops. Should we go back to the past?

Immigration should be halted period...we're full up...we don't need any more...especially 3rd worlders.
Old 03-01-2017, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The issue of immigration is simply not one dimensional. As an example illegals sneaking over the border vis a vis refugee's seeking asylum in the US vis a vis H1B visa, etc.

Secondly, the nature and the character of immigrant. why did they immigrate here? Do they desire to assimilate or not? Are they desirous of becoming American citizens.

Third what are the health implications? Education implications (ie are they or can they be self supporting).....................................

following a war there is always a refugee problem and somehow it all gets sorted out.

Trump is correct in temporarily halting immigration until we can get a fix on the nature of our problems and how they affect our budget, taxes American workers and our population in general........

Personal Best Regards:
Again the question I am askjng is what else should be added to vetting that we are not already doing ?

i, in my OP, stressed I was not objecting in principle to the ban at all and simply wondered how long do we review vetting and what do we expect from this review and who is doing it ?

You obviously are posting to defend Trump (what is new)...i am simply asking for a discussion on the vetting and the need for comprehensive immigration reform ?

I also asked...can we give a path to now the President seems open to.

All the stuff you feel should be discussed WAS BEING DISCUSSED as mentioned with comprehensive reform, but you and Trump blew that out of the water and loudly.

Your constant defense of Trump is admirable I suppose but the election is is now time to govern, and words do not accomplish that.

Why not discuss the issues in specific ?

I ask a lot of questions and you defend Trump and you wonder why i question you and your stated "desire" to talk issues.

i did not criticize Trump in the OP and the responses need not be a defense of him.
Old 03-01-2017, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The issue of immigration is simply not one dimensional. As an example illegals sneaking over the border vis a vis refugee's seeking asylum in the US vis a vis H1B visa, etc.

Secondly, the nature and the character of immigrant. why did they immigrate here? Do they desire to assimilate or not? Are they desirous of becoming American citizens.

Third what are the health implications? Education implications (ie are they or can they be self supporting).....................................

following a war there is always a refugee problem and somehow it all gets sorted out.

Trump is correct in temporarily halting immigration until we can get a fix on the nature of our problems and how they affect our budget, taxes American workers and our population in general........

Personal Best Regards:
I agree completely. Even the problem of illegals being here is not simple. Some of these people came here legally and simply forgot to renew their visas. If they are self supporting, productive members of our society that haven't committed any crimes, I can see no reason why they should be allowed to renew their visas and pay a late fee much like you do if you forget to renew your drivers license.

Other illegals were brought here as children and were not responsible for themselves. Again, if they are self supporting productive members of society who have not committed a crime I see no reason not to give them a path to become legal.

However anyone who knowingly entered this country illegally must be deported. Those that are dealing in drugs and human trafficking must go first without question. Those who have committed other crimes needs to be arrested, tried and if found guilty sent to prison. Once their prison sentence is up they must go and be banned from ever coming back here. If they are found in this country after that they should be imprisoned for life with no chance of parole. Those who came here illegally to work and have not committed any other crimes, I'm sorry, but they must go home and get in line like every one else. If they are found to have re-entered the country illegally after being deported, they should be imprisoned for life with no chance of parole. That is the only way that we can stop them from coming back. They have to know that the penalty is so severe to make it not the chance of returning. There have been far too many cases to illegal immigrants, who have been deported multiple times, committing crimes. Come once and commit no other crimes, get sent home. Do it again and spend the rest of your life behind bars.

Those with anchor babies must be deported and they can take their babies with them or put them up for adoption. They can apply for legal status once they have left.The babies will be welcomed back as US citizens when they are of age.

But one of the things that we must deal with is having the Supreme Court define the 14th amendment for what it was meant to be. It's purpose was not to allow foreigners to enter our country illegally, have babies and those babies become citizens. Birthright citizenship must end. We are one of the only countries left in the world that still allow this. and it's not because the writers of the 14th amendment wanted this to happen. It's because the amendment has ben wrongly interpreted. We either need to repeal the amendment, write another amendment amending the 14th amendment or have the USSJC rule on the correct interpretation of the amendment. I think that the first two of these will be extremely difficult but once Judge Gorsuch is approved, the third option should be pretty simple. If not we'll have to wait until President Trump can replace Justice Ginsberg.

As far as legal immigration goes, the process must be streamlined without sacrificing our safety. It is too difficult for good people, who can be of benefit to us, to come to this country. I know from personal experience. It is a long and costly process and it doesn't have to be.

We can still continue to take refugees, but only if they can be properly vetted. I don't know how that process works but we have to know with 100% certainty that they are not coming here to do us harm. Although I am sympathetic to the plight of many of these people, we cannot be fools and just take everyone in the world who claims to be a victim of oppression or war. We especially need to be very careful with refugees from areas that harbor our enemies. When ISIS and al-Queda say that they will use our refugee program to get their fighters into our country, we must take that very seriously. Unfortunately some of those oppressed people are not going to be taken care of. But that it not our fault. It is the fault of terrorist groups that are trying to take over those countries and want to destroy our country. Of course we should always help out, but not to the extent that we endanger or own citizens. We need to set a limit on the number of refugees that we take in and we need to make sure that we only take in those who we are absolutely 100% are not going to pose a danger to our citizens or our country.

Both legal and illegal immigration are very complex problems, but as President Trump said last night, we have no problems that cannot be solved.

vetting, extreme, immigration

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